人教版九年级Unit 10 You are suppoed to shake hands.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级公开课-(编号:900cf).zip

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welcome to my class 初次见面礼仪初次见面礼仪 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 They are _ 初次见面礼仪初次见面礼仪 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 其他礼仪其他礼仪 customs Unit 10 -French customs PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: 字体下载: Learning Aims 一、知识与技能目标一、知识与技能目标 通过文本解读,学生能够理解中、法两国人民在饮食、语 言等方面的差异并且了解法国的餐桌礼仪。 二、能力与策略目标二、能力与策略目标 学生能够掌握、运用“ be supposed to . ”句型;学生能 够运用批注、导图、表格、分层图解读文本并进行批判性 阅读;学生能够对不同国家或地区的风俗习惯表达自己的 观点,培养学生的批判性阅读的思维习惯。 三、情感态度与价值观三、情感态度与价值观 当我们面对困难和挑战时,我们要勇于尝试找到解决之道。 法国习俗法国习俗 1法国是一个浪漫主义的国家。 2法国人爱好社交,善于交际,诙谐幽默天性浪漫。 3法国人十分重视服饰搭配,强调着装协调得体。 4法国人十分讲究饮食。在西餐之中,法国菜可以说是最 讲究的。法国人爱吃面食,面包的种类很多;他们大都爱 吃奶酪;在肉食方面,他们爱吃牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、法国 人特别善饮,他们几乎餐餐必喝,而且讲究在餐桌上要以 不同品种的酒水搭配不同的菜肴;除酒水之外,法国人平 时还爱喝生水和咖啡。 5法国人用餐时,两手允许放在餐桌上,但却不许将两肘 支在桌子上,在放下刀叉时,他们习惯于将其一半放在碟 子上,一半放在餐桌上。 6法国人特别喜爱以送花或者巧克力作为登门拜访的礼物。 . China France Lin Yue Fast reading What is Lin Yues biggest challenge in France? The biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. 1. What challenges(挑战挑战) are mentioned in the first paragraph? Read Para.1 and answer the questions. 2. How is LinYues host family? 3. What does the host family do to help Lin Yue? Food and French. Her host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make her feel at home Read Para.1 and answer the questions. 3. What does the host family do to help Lin Yue? The grandmother knows that she misses Chinese food a lot. She actually learned how to make Chinese food.The granddaughter is really kind. She always talks to her in French to help her practice. How is Lin Yues French now? She is very comfortable speaking French now. 2. How many examples of table manners are mentioned in paragraph 2? Read Para.2 and answer the question. Read Para.2 and make notes about French table manners in the chart. How to behave at dinner table in Fance? Be supposed to Be not supposed to put your bread on your plateput your bread on the table cut up your fruit and eat it with a fork eat anything with your hands except bread say “That was delicious.” if you dont want any more food say you are full put your elbows on the table plate delicious ( 句型结构句型结构 ) food French learned talks to comfortable table manners elbows not any more food bread anything except bread table fork hands full table Make a summary problems and challenges delicious ( 句型结构句型结构 ) Lin Yues challenges in France food French learned talks to comfortable solved solved table manners plate elbows not any more food bread anything except bread table fork hands full table get used to solved Does Lin Yue have more challenges in France? Group work You are invited to go abroad as an exchange student, What are you supposed to do? 现在你有机会选择去其他国家,或中国的其他地区做交换生,当然你也会遇到很多困 难或挑战,你将会面对什么样的挑战,请你勇于挑战,找到解决的途径。 Yes or No? People are supposed to kiss when they see each other. Are people supposed to kiss when they see each other? 面面对对困困难难与与挑挑战战,最最 好好的的办办法法是是找找到到解解决决途途径径 ,勇敢挑战自我。,勇敢挑战自我。 Homework write down your problems or challenges and solutions. send them to me by QQ e-mail. Thank you! welcome to my class 初次见面礼仪初次见面礼仪 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 They are _ 初次见面礼仪初次见面礼仪 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪 其他礼仪其他礼仪 customs Unit 10 -French customs No.8 Middle School 陈琛陈琛 PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT背景图片: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: 字体下载: Learning Aims 一、知识与技能目标一、知识与技能目标 通过文本解读,学生能够理解中、法两国人民在饮食、语 言等方面的差异并且了解法国的餐桌礼仪。 二、能力与策略目标二、能力与策略目标 学生能够掌握、运用“ be supposed to . ”句型;学生能 够运用批注、导图、表格、分层图解读文本并进行批判性 阅读;学生能够对不同国家或地区的风俗习惯表达自己的 观点,培养学生的批判性阅读的思维习惯。 三、情感态度与价值观三、情感态度与价值观 当我们面对困难和挑战时,我们要勇于尝试找到解决之道 。 法国习俗法国习俗 1法国是一个浪漫主义的国家。 2法国人爱好社交,善于交际,诙谐幽默天性浪漫。 3法国人十分重视服饰搭配,强调着装协调得体。 4法国人十分讲究饮食。在西餐之中,法国菜可以说是最 讲究的。法国人爱吃面食,面包的种类很多;他们大都爱 吃奶酪;在肉食方面,他们爱吃牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉、法国 人特别善饮,他们几乎餐餐必喝,而且讲究在餐桌上要以 不同品种的酒水搭配不同的菜肴;除酒水之外,法国人平 时还爱喝生水和咖啡。 5法国人用餐时,两手允许放在餐桌上,但却不许将两肘 支在桌子上,在放下刀叉时,他们习惯于将其一半放在碟 子上,一半放在餐桌上。 6法国人特别喜爱以送花或者巧克力作为登门拜访的礼物 。 . China France Lin Yue Fast reading What is Lin Yues biggest challenge in France? The biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. 1. What challenges(挑战挑战) are mentioned in the first paragraph? Read Para.1 and answer the questions. 2. How is LinYues host family? 3. What does the host family do to help Lin Yue? Food and French. Her host family is really nice. They go out of their way to make her feel at home Read Para.1 and answer the questions. 3. What does the host family do to help Lin Yue? The grandmother knows that she misses Chinese food a lot. She actually learned how to make Chinese food.The granddaughter is really kind. She always talks to her in French to help her practice. How is Lin Yues French now? She is very comfortable speaking French now. 2. How many examples of table manners are mentioned in paragraph 2? Read Para.2 and answer the question. Read Para.2 and make notes about French table manners in the chart. How to behave at dinner table in Fance? Be supposed to Be not supposed to put your bread on your plateput your bread on the table cut up your fruit and eat it with a fork eat anything with your hands except bread say “That was delicious.” if you dont want any more food say you are full put your elbows on the table plate delicious ( 句型结构句型结构 ) food French learned talks to comfortable table manners elbows not any more food bread anything except bread table fork hands full table Make a summary problems and challenges delicious ( 句型结构句型结构 ) Lin Yues challenges in France food French learned talks to comfortable solved solved table manners plate elbows not any more food bread anything except bread table fork hands full table get used to solved Does Lin Yue have more challenges in France? Group work You are invited to go abroad as an exchange student, What are you supposed to do? 现在你有机会选择去其他国家,或中国的其他地区做交换生,当然你也会遇到很多困 难或挑战,你将会面对什么样的挑战,请你勇于挑战,找到解决的途径。 Yes or No? People are supposed to kiss when they see each other. Are people supposed to kiss when they see each other? 面面对对困困难难与与挑挑战战,最最 好好的的办办法法是是找找到到解解决决途途径径 ,勇敢挑战自我。,勇敢挑战自我。 Homework write down your problems or challenges and solutions. send them to me by QQ e-mail. Thank you! 1 课课 题题 Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.(第(第 3 课时)课时)教学批注教学批注 一、教学三维目标一、教学三维目标 1. 知识与技能: 教学目标: 一、知识与技能目标 通过文本解读,学生能够理解中、法两国人民在饮食、语言等方面 的差异并且了解法国的餐桌礼仪。 二、能力与策略目标 学生能够掌握、运用“ be supposed to . ”句型;学生能够运 用批注、导图、表格、分层图解读文本并进行批判性阅读;学生能 够对不同国家或地区的风俗习惯表达自己的观点,培养学生的批判 性阅读的思维习惯。 三、情感态度与价值观 当我们面对困难和挑战时,我们要勇于尝试找到解决之道 2.过程与方法: Teaching Methods Autonomous and cooperative approach. Communicative approach. Groupwork. 3.情感态度与价值观: Lead students to talk about customs and what they are supposed to do How to face the challenge? 二、教学重点、难点二、教学重点、难点 Learn to talk about customs and what you are supposed to do Master the use of relative clauses Improve students integrated skill 三、教学准备三、教学准备 Teaching Aids A projector. A tape recorder. 教教 学学 设设 计计 四、教学课时四、教学课时 4 课时 2 五、教学过程五、教学过程 3 Step I Greet the class as usual. Step II Show the picture on the screen and let students describe the pictures by themselves Ask students to guess what we will learn in this class. Show study aims to students Step III Section B 1b T: ,Do you know anything about France? Ss: Yeah. Eiffel Tower,France perfume. T: Well,do you know anything about France customs? Divide the class into two parts,boys and girls.Have a competition, lets see which one has more ideas. Ss: Students have various answers. T: Now my sister Lin Yue is on her exchange program in France.However, she is facing challenges or problems. Can you guess what are they? Ss: Students have various answers. T:Great! Different people have different ideas. And what do you think the most important things ? Now, please open your books and turn to page78,lets learn what is Lin Yues biggest challenge in France? 1.Fast reading Reading Strategy(阅读策略)(阅读策略): Usually the topic sentences appear(出现)(出现)at the beginning or the end of the passage. The topic sentences can often tell us what the passage is about. Finding topic sentences is very important for our reading 4 2.Careful Reading 细读细读 Read each para and answer the question. 3.Post reading Read the passage again。Then fill in the blanks to make a mind map. Make a summary by yourself and show in the front of the class. Step IV Group work You are invited to go abroad as an exchange student, What are you supposed to do? 现在你有机会选择去其他国家,或中国的其他地区做交换生,当然你也会遇到很多困难现在你有机会选择去其他国家,或中国的其他地区做交换生,当然你也会遇到很多困难 或挑战,你将会面对什么样的挑战,请你勇于挑战,找到解决的途径或挑战,你将会面对什么样的挑战,请你勇于挑战,找到解决的途径 Step V Homework 教学反思教学反思 本课时的教学设计是通过图片导入,学生运用所学知识自主描述图片内容,了解不 同国家初次见面礼仪,中国餐桌礼仪,感知习俗(customs)的内涵所在,随后引入本节 阅读课内容-French Customs,以头脑风暴的形式将学生脑海中关于法国习俗的知识一一 呈现,接着通过准备好的关于法国习俗的中文知识,学生进行讨论和解读,加深学生 对法国习俗的理解和感受。随后通过略读、 精读等阅读步骤,阅读后通过完成回答问 题、完成表格,自我总结等任务,检测学生对文本的解读情况。最后,以学生有机会 去不同国家或地区作交换生,面对很多困难和如何解决进行小组合作活动,学生们积 极讨论,并上台展示,课堂气氛活跃。通过多种方式阅读文章,以解决难题,给学生 创设了很多说的机会。使学生明白遇到难题不应该回避而是采取积极的态度面对,方 法总比困难多。各个环节层层递进,环环相扣,并通过思维导图让学生加深对文章的 理解,并为最后的小组活动做了很好的铺垫。通过口头表达,让学生意识到各种不同 风俗文化的融合,学会解决生活中遇到的难题,更应该懂得应从身边做起学会弘扬中 国的传统文化。
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