人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1d7a).docx

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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1d7a).docx_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1d7a).docx_第2页
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人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section B 3a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1d7a).docx_第3页
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1、中考英语形容词和副词专项复习教案 Knowledge purposes: 1.Help the students memorize some description words. 2.Help the students to master the comparison of adjectives and adverbs. 3.Help the students improve the ability of using and understanding adjectives and adverbs. Language goal: Talk and write with the descript

2、ion words. Emotion aim: Get the students love and protect the animals. Teaching emphasis: The comparison and the uses of adjectives and adverbs. Teaching difficulties: The functions of adjectives and adverbs. Teaching aids : A multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools . Teaching procedur

3、es(教学程序): Presentation One :呈现(一) a. Show some animal pictures on the screen and let the students say out as many description words as they can(用尽可能多的词语描述 屏 幕上的动物图片) b. . eg : big scary ugly unfriendly dangerous enormous aggressive cute smart bea utiful friendly small spotted funny fast gentle playf

4、ul heavy endangered c. Ask the students to use the comparison of adjectives or adverbs to d. describe the pairs of pictures .(使用形容词或副词的比较等级描述 组图) : The cat is smaller than the tiger . The tiger is bigger than the cat . I think the tiger is more dangerous than the cat . I dont think the cat is as dan

5、gerous as the tiger . The horse runs fast /quickly . The horse doesnt run so fast/quickly as the cheetah . The cheetahs run the fastest of all the animals on land .猎豹是跑得最快 的陆地动物。 The swifts travel most quickly of all the animals .所有动物中,雨燕速度 最快 。 A bird is better at singing than a horse . The giraffe

6、 is the taller of the two . Its quite a tall animal .How tall the giraffe is ! c. Ask the students to sum up the forms of comparison of adjectives and adverbs(学生总结形容词和副词的比较等级构成). d .Show the forms of comparison of adjectives and adverbs ( including th e irregular forms) on the screen(屏幕上出示形容词和副词的比较等

7、级 构成). Exercise(练习) Do some exercises (Choose the best answer .) to test the ability of the st udents to use and understand the comparison of adjectives and adverbs (做些相关的中考练兵试题) . Presentation Two 呈现(二) a. Have the students watch VCD and talk about the pictures (学生们观看 VCD 并用英语说画面). b. Sum up the fu

8、nctions and some special uses on the screen(用与画面 相关的句子总结) : 1形容词的作用 : ( 1 ) 作 表 语 , 可 置 形 容 词 前 的 系 动 词 有 be , look ,seem , sound , taste, smell , feel , become 等 .The animals seem very happy . (2)作定语修饰名词 They are happy animals . ( 3 ) 作 宾 语 补 足 语 ( 常 用 于 make sb. +adjective 结 构) The music makes the

9、m happy . 2形容词的特殊用法 : (1) “the+比较级, the + 比较级 ” 表示“越. , 越” 2)比较级叠加表示“越来 越 ” The animals are getting happier and happier . They are more and more excited . (3)一些ing 或-ed 的形容词如 relaxing 和 relaxed、fascinating 和 fascinated 等,-ing 形式通常用来修饰物,-ed 形式的主语通常为人 物。 Its such an interesting party that they are ver

10、y interested at it . (4)不定代词 +形容词 , 形容词/副词+enough Oh , there s something funny here . Theriverhorsegivesthemquiteagoodlaugh.It s singing loud enough . (5)一些形容词如 alone ,afraid , ill ,asleep 只能作表语 , 而一些形容 词如 lonely , sick ,sleepy 可作表语又可作定语. Everyone is here .They arent lonely at all . (6)表示人的性质/特征的形容词

11、前如加定冠词 , 可作名词 , 表示一 类人。如 the rich , the poor , the old , the young , the sick 等。 The young are having a great time . Consolidation and extension(巩固与提高) a .Do some exercises to improve the studentsability about the uses of a djectives and adverbs(快速笔头提高练习) . b. Oral practice 口头操练 Get the students to

12、watch VCD and do an oral practice .The less fluent students are wanted to use no less than three sentences to talk about the pictures , while themore advanced students are supposed to make up a story according to the pictures . It can further improve the students ability of using and understanding a

13、djectives and adverbs (看 VCD , 练习 说的能力。程度低的学生可用不少于三句英语描述画面 ,能力强的 学生则根据画面编个故事, 进一步提高学生理解和使用形容词和副词 的能力。 ). c. Writing(写作练习) Choose one of the two compositions to write.(从提供的两篇写作练习 中任选一篇) (1)Write a similar composition to the given one .(仿写文章。 ) (2) Write a composition named “ My favorite animal .”.(以“我最喜 爱的动物”为题写一篇文章。 )


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