北京版六年级上册UNIT TWO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR NECK -Lesson 8-Now I can read Now I can write-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:20b8a).zip

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Animal World Animal World Which animal do you like best? Why? There are a lot of animals in the world.But I like pandas best. Because pands are Pandas live in the mountains of China.They are very cute and funny.They have two colours: white and black.The pandas face and stomach are white.The eyes、ears、nose、arms and legs are all black.They can climb trees and they like eating bamboos. I like pandas,What about you? My favorite animal pandas They live in . They have . They are . They can. They like to eat . . Habitats Looks Actions Foods Which one do your like best? Why? Where do they live? What can they do/eat? What do they look like? They have. / It has. They are / It is+adj. My Favorite Animal Animals are friends of humans beings.Most of them are lovely!But I like giraffes best. The giraffe lives in rain forest.It is very tall and it has many brown spots.It has very long neck.so it can eat leaves in high trees.The giraffe is very gentle and lovely.It is friendly to people.But sometimes, I think they are very scary,because its so huge. When I go to the zoo,I always look at them.They make me happy.I like giraffes. 1 2 3 Step1:Intruduction Step2:Middle Step3:Ending Which one do your like best? Where do they live? What can they do/eat? . What do they look like? work in group / describe animals They have. / It has. They are / It is+adj. 1.Use a capital letter at the beginning of thesentences. eg.There are four seasons in a year. 2.Use finger spaces. eg.I_can_go_swimming_with_my_friends. 3.Use ending punctuation. eg.I like spring. (. ? ! ) Whats your favorite animal? How do you think about the animal? Where do they live? What do they look like? What do they like to do/eat? Step1: Step2: Step3 : Whats your favorite animal? How do you think about the animal? Where do they live? What do they look like? What do they like to do/eat? Step1: Step2: Step3 : They have. / It has. They are / It is+adj. My Favorite Animal There so many animals in the world.But I like elephants best. Elephants live in plains.They are have two big ears,a long nose and four strong legs.but they walk very Slowly.Elephants lik to eat banans. I like elephants . My Favorite Animal There so many animals in the world.But I like elephants best. Elephants live in plains.They are have two big ears,a long nose and four strong legs.but they walk very Slowly.Elephants lik to eat banans. I like elephants . My Favorite Animal There so many animals in the world.But I like elephants best. Elephants live in plains.They are have two big ears,a long nose and four strong legs.but they walk very Slowly.Elephants lik to eat banans. I like elephants . are slowlylike But We should: protect animals! Protect natural resources! Protect our envorment! Homework: Think about how to protect our enviroment,lets share next class! 课课题题 Animals-Animals- WritingWriting 教学目标教学目标 1.To train the students writing ability.the students can describe their favourite animal. 2.The students can use basic language structures to write. 3.Encourage students would like to describe in English. 教学重点教学重点 To master the way of writing. 教学难点教学难点 1.have students to describe their favourite animal in English. 2.Students can use correct language structures to write. 教学方法教学方法 Make a survey, communication , writing. 教具学具教具学具 Forms about survey ,word web,big screen 教学过程教学过程 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 I I WarmingWarming upup(5mins) 1. a.Sing a song.(Sunny Day) 【设计意图】利用视听教学手段,营造轻松愉悦的英语学 习氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在歌曲的选择上符合 本节课的内容,为课堂的引入做好的准备。 b.Warming up and free talk. 【设计意图】通过 Free talk 和孩子自由聊天给学生提供语 言交际的机会,也为后续的语言输出做好铺垫。 2.Lead-in. IIII PresentationPresentation(25mins) 1.Pre-writing Before students can begin writing. They need to think about what they are going to write. a.Watch a video about animals and think about questions. Q1:What kinds of animals can you see? Which one a.A1:Im happy.Because. A2:Im excited. Because. . b.Oral show: My favourite animal is .Because. do you like best?/Why? 孩子通过描述自己喜欢的动物,给学生提供语言交际的机会,也为后续的语言输出 做也为后面的写作内容打好基础。 b.Guessing game:What is my favorite animal? 孩子通过提问的形式对老师喜欢的动物进行猜测,发散孩 子的思维,也给孩子提供的语言锻炼的机会。 C.Show model writing to children,have children read together and answer the questions. Q1:Which one do you like best? Q2:Where do they live? Q3:What can they do? Q4:What can they eat? 【设计意图】利用老师模板作文,通过问题的抛出,让孩 子在阅读后,提取关键的信息,找出描述动物的几个方面。 如,动物栖息地,外貌特点,动物活动,食物等。为后面 的口语展示做好铺垫。 b.Answer the questions and talk about the animals. c.Oral show time. 【设计意图】通过师生问答,生生谈论,个人展示的方法 对喜欢的的动物进行口语展示。使学生在运用语言,培养 学生能力的过程中,帮助他们树立自信,获得成就感,促 使学生能够长久保持对英语学习的兴趣。 2. While-writing a.Show two model writings to children,have students talk about the writing list. 【设计意图】给出两篇范文,让孩子在读范文中体会写作 的特点及写作步骤,并让孩子自己总结和大家分享。通过 这样的方式培养孩子独立阅读以及总结运用的能力。 b.Talk about the writing checklist. c.Show some useful sentences about animals to S1:Is _ your favorite animal? S2 . a.Writing list: Step1:title Step2:beginning Step3:middle Step4:end b.Writing Checklist: 1.Use a capital letter at the beginning of the sentences. 2.Use finger spaces. 3.Use ending punctuation. write. 【设计意图】通过老师展示以及孩子分享的方式,给孩子 一些美句,帮助孩子运用到自己的写作中,通过读、分享 来给孩子积累一些写作的美句,为提高写作质量打好基础。 3.Writing a.Use three steps to write. b.Group work:Exchange the classwork with their partner and check with each other. c.Use the big screen to check with all of the children. d.Check again. 【设计意图】通过自己写,同桌修改,老师修改,自己再 修改的方法来培养学生的写作能力,并在修改前一些修改 符号的加入,更加规范了孩子的写作,也为孩子今后的写 作能力打好了基础。更进一步提高了孩子的写作能力。 IIIIII ProductionProduction(8mins) a.Volunteers will read their rough draft and make corrections. b.Help students to use the editing symbols to mark up their work. c.Have students switch paper with partner,read each others drafts,and offer suggestions for improvement. d.Have 3-4 volunteers read and put the classwork on the board. 【设计意图】通过小组展示,培养学生能力的过程中,帮 助他们树立自信,获得成就感,促使学生能够长久保持对 英语学习的兴趣。 IVIV ConsolidationConsolidation (2mins) 1. Publish:Have students share or display their work 2.Watch a video about animals,have children talk Have children use these steps to write. Have children use the editing mark to check with each other. Do a poster with their group work. about how to protect them. VIVI HomeworkHomework 1. Finish their work and post it on a classroom Web site. 2. Think about how to protect animals and environment. 【设计意图】将课堂内容延伸至课后,在写一写、画一画 的拓展探究中继续培养学生写作能力,增强学生的英语学 习兴趣。并通过思考、资料查阅来进一步达到情感的生成。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Writing My Favorite Animal Step 1 Animals Step 2 Step 3 Feeling Thinking HabitatsLooksActionsFoods Swampscolorsclimbgrass MountainsAppearancesflymeat OceanFeaturesjumpfruit . 设设 计计 自自 评评 在基础教育阶段,英语课程的任务之一,是使学生掌握一定 的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用 能力。而英语写作是一种书面表达和传递信息的交际能力。 本节课是通过“Animal World”带孩子进入动物世界。整个设 计由易至难,步步递进。注重根据学生的基础去挖掘孩子原有的教 育资源,并激发孩子的写作灵感,从多方面对自己喜欢的动物进行 描述。并通过多种活动训练孩子的思维。发展语言技能,从而提高 孩子的综合语言运用能力。 现将本课教学总结如下: 1.根据课型特点,设计课堂活动。 由于本节课是一节写作课,因此,我把侧重点放在关注孩子写作 上,遵循“先说,后写”的特点,在 Pre-writing 环节,设计了大 量说的环节,通过看视频说,老师提问说,生生练习说,自我展示 说等让孩子先有话可说,为写打好基础。在写的环节,从读范文讨 论写作方法、写作步骤,让孩子在自己的思考中对写作有一个大体 的框架,降低写作的难度。在写中通过老师、学生相互分享自己的 美句,为写作的质量打好了基础。通过自己写,同桌修改,老师修 改,自己再修改的方法来培养学生的写作能力,并在修改前一些修 改符号的加入,更加规范了孩子的写作,也为孩子今后的写作能力 打好了基础。更进一步提高了孩子的写作能力。最后通过小组展示, 培养学生能力的过程中,帮助他们树立自信,获得成就感,促使学 生能够长久保持对英语学习的兴趣。作业设计方面也是将课堂内容 延伸至课后,在写一写、画一画的拓展探究中继续培养学生写作能 力,增强学生的英语学习兴趣。 2.设计的活动有层次性、有思维的过程,注重学生能力的提升。 活动设计遵循由易到难的原则,使学生循序渐进地接受。学生在 完成任务时,既不会感到有太大的压力,又会觉得完成它具有一定 的挑战性,所以,他们乐于完成任务。 3.课堂设计突出学生的主体性。 整个设计突出了以学生为主体,通过学生看、学生说、学生总结、 学生分享、学生写作的方式,老师只是一个牵线着,真正做到了以 学生为主体的英语课堂。 4.多元评价制 采用多元评价机制,调动全体学生的英语学习积极性。采用帮助 动物回家的形式,调动学生的积极性。同时,采用学生自我评价, 同桌互评,教师评价等多种评价方式,让每位学生都能参与其中, 学生真正成为课堂的主角,成为课堂活动的主题,最大程度地调动 学生的主动性,增加他们的参与度,变“要我学”为“我要学。 5.多媒体的运用 通过投屏软件的使用,让孩子在写作的时候在大屏上可以看到自 己和伙伴的作品,可以提高孩子参与课堂的积极性,并及时发现问 题改正。 经过课堂感受及课后反思,我发现仍有以下两点需要改进: 1.时间上处理的不够好,修改环节浪费的时间过长,导致最后情感 环节太过仓促。 2.不断提高自己的基本功。以及课堂应变能力。严格要求自己,任 何事情做到精益求精。
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