北京版二年级上册UNIT FIVE I HAVE LONG ARMS-Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:000b1).zip

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北京版小学英语二年级上 Unit five I have long arms Lesson 17 Lets sing ! BOMB GAMEBOMB GAME a monkey an elephant a panda a cat a rabbit a bird a giraffe a tiger a fox a kangaroo a bear a zebra a dog a lion GuoGuoGuoGuoguoguoguoguo is drawing. is drawing. is drawing. is drawing. Kate Guoguo Where are they? What is Guoguo doing? A. Guoguo is drawing an elephant. B. Guoguo is drawing a rabbit. C. Guoguo is drawing a dog. 1. 1. 1. 1. What What What What is is is is GuoguoGuoguoGuoguoGuoguo drawing? drawing? drawing? drawing? Task 1:Listen and tick() A.smallB.big A.redB.black A.whiteB.yellow ears eyes hair 2. 2. 2. 2. It hasIt hasIt hasIt has Task 1:Listen and tick() Reading tips: Listen Point Repeat loudly and dramatically (有感情地) P42P42 Read the story yourself.(自读) role-playrole-play OrOr(或者 ) a.Two students in a group. Picture 1Picture 2 b. Choose one picture to practice. c. Have a show Show Time Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Its an elephant. Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Its a panda. Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Its a fox. Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Its a zebra. Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Its a kangaroo. Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Its a monkey. Whats thisWhats thisWhats thisWhats this Play a game onetwo three fourfivesix seven eight nine Task 2: Make a riddle(编谜语) 1. Four students in a group. 3. Describe(描述) it in your group. 4. Read for us and lets guess. Its It has . Whats this? Answer(谜谜底): Its . big/small/tall long/short thin/fat black/white yellow/red/brown ears arms eyes neck 2. Choose an animal. Homework 1.Listen and read the story. 2.Play a guessing game with your friends. It has long nose and big ears. Whats this? Its an elephant. Its black and white. Its fat. Whats this? Its a panda. It has short arms and a bag. It can jump. Whats this? Its a kangaroo. Its thin. It has long tail(尾巴 ). It likes bananas. Whats this? Its a monkey. It has long neck. It is tall. Whats this? Its a giraffe. Its black and white. It looks like a horse. Whats this? Its a zebra. It has red eyes and big ears. Whats this? Its a rabbit. 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准提出:教师应合理安排教学内容和步骤,组织多种形式的 课堂互动,鼓励学生通过观察、模仿、体验、探究、展示等方式学习和运用 英语,尽可能多地为他们创造语言实践机会,引导他们学会自主学习和主动 学习。各种语言知识的呈现和学习都应从语言使用的角度出发,为提升学生 “用英语做事情”的能力服务。促进孩子语言能力、学习能力和思维品质等 核心素养的培养。 教学背景分析(教材分析;学情分析)教学背景分析(教材分析;学情分析) 教材分析:教材分析: I have long arms.是北京版小学英语二年级上册第五单元。本单元的话题 是谈论动物及动物的外貌。本单元的学习和教育价值是关注动物或者物品的 外貌特征,并主动表达自己身体部位的特征,形成主动和他人交流的习惯。 本课是第一课时主要内容呈现的是 Guoguo 和 Kate 在家中做画动物、猜动物 的游戏。学习重点是初步理解 big,red,white,eyes,ears,hair 等词对动物 身体部位的描述,并根据外貌特点猜出动物。 学情分析:学情分析: 本节课的教学对象是我校二年级学生,他们思维活跃,善于模仿,喜欢 做游戏,展示等活动。本册第四单元中学生已学习了一些动物的名称,对这 些动物的外貌也有所了解。比如 an elephant, a panda, a rabbit, a zebra, a monkey, a kangaroo, a fox. 在平时课前的热身活动中通过歌曲 head,shoulders,knees and toes 对身体部位单词也能够认读和理解。 教学目标教学目标 1. 能够正确地理解并朗读对话。 2. 能够认读和理解 big,red,white,eyes,ears,hair,描述的动物 rabbit,elephant,panda,zebra,fox,monkey,kangaroo 等的身体部位并猜 出动物的名称。 3. 能够听懂和认读 Whats this?并用 Its a/an猜出动物的名称。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能够正确地理解并朗读对话。 2. 能够认读和理解 big,red,white,eyes,ears,hair,描述的动物 rabbit,elephant,panda,zebra,fox,monkey,kangaroo 等的身体部位并猜 出动物的名称。 3. 能够听懂和认读 Whats this?并用 Its a/an猜出动物的名称。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 能够认读和理解 big,red,white,eyes,ears,hair 描述的动物 rabbit,elephant,panda,zebra,fox,monkey,kangaroo 等的身体部位并猜 出动物的名称。 2. 能够认读和理解 Whats this?并用 Its a/an猜出动物的名称。 教学过程(含设计意图、板书设计)教学过程(含设计意图、板书设计) Step one: Warming up (3) 1.sing a song 师生共唱歌曲 Head,shoulders,knee and toes 并做动作。 【设计意图】通过歌曲激发学生学习英语的兴趣,并激活身体部位词汇,为 新课做好铺垫。 2. Bomb game 【设计意图】通过 Bomb game 复习所学过得动物名称,为后面猜动物做好铺 垫。 Step two: presentation (35) 一、Listen and say (20) (一) Learn the story (10) 1. 出示主题图并提问 T: Look at this picture. Who is she? (She is Guoguo.) Who is she? (She is Kate.) Where are they? (They are in Guoguos house. / They are at Guoguos home.) What is Guoguo doing? (She is drawing.) 2. 理解对话 (1) 播放完整课文录音 1 遍。教师提问 What is Guoguo drawing?学生思考问题, 完成 Task1。 (2) 播放完整课文录音 1 遍。教师提问 The rabbit has small or big ears? red or black eyes? White or yellow hair?学生思考问题,完成 Task2。 (3). Check the answer Guoguo said it has big ears. It has red eyes and white hair.教师边说边贴 big ears, red eyes 并贴句子 Whats athis? 学生回答:Its a rabbit. 【设计意图】学生初通过带着问题听故事,理解故事并找到答案。 (二)Read the story (10) 1. Listen and repeat. 播放故事,学生打开书跟读 2 遍。 2. Read the story by yourself.(学生哪个单词不会读,可以问老师) 3. Role-play a. Two students in a group. b. Choose a picture.(P1 or P2) c. Have a show. 【设计意图】通过跟读模仿,自读练习,再到角色扮演,使学生巩固所学内 容,加深对对话的理解。 二、Lets act(15) 1. the guessing game 出示动物图片,有一部分被遮住,教师用简单的语言描述动物的特点并提问 Whats this?学生根据教师的描述用 Its a / an 回答。 2. practice 学生从数字 one-nine 选择一个数字,读谜语并猜测。回答正确得到奖励。 【设计意图】通过选择数字,读谜语,猜动物这个游戏,激发学生学习英语 兴趣的同时,使学生进一步熟悉动物外貌特征的描述和名称以及句子 Whats this? Its a / an 的认读 Step three Homework (2) 1. Listen and read the story. 2. Play a guessing game with your friends. Step four 板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 I have long arms Lesson 17 It has big ears. red eyes. white hair. Whats this? Its a rabbit.
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