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1、四级作文评分原则、标准及例文 一、作文评分原则一、作文评分原则 1 CET-4 作文题采用总体评分方法(Global Scoring)。阅卷人 员就总的印象给出奖励分(Reward Scores),而不按语言点的错误数 目扣分。 2从内容和语言对作文进行综合评判。 内容和语言是个统一体。 作文应表达作文题目所规定的内容,而内容通过语言来表达。要考虑 作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,还要考虑是否用英语清楚地表达 思想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。 二、评分标准二、评分标准 1.1. 本题满分为本题满分为 1515 分。分。 2.2. 阅卷标准通常分为五等:阅卷标准通常分为五等:

2、2 2 分、分、5 5 分、分、8 8 分、分、1111 分和分和 1414 分。分。 3.3. 阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数 (如(如 8 8 分)相似,即定为该分数(即分)相似,即定为该分数(即 8 8 分分) ;若认为稍优或稍劣于该;若认为稍优或稍劣于该 分数分数,则可加一分则可加一分(即即 9 9 分分)或减一分或减一分(即即 7 7 分分) ,但不得加减半分但不得加减半分。 4.4. 评分标准:评分标准: 2 2 分分条理不清条理不清,思路紊乱思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有

3、 错误,且多数为严重错误。错误,且多数为严重错误。 5 5 分分基本切题基本切题。表达思想不清楚表达思想不清楚,连贯性差连贯性差。有较多的严重有较多的严重 语言错误。语言错误。 8 8 分分基本切题基本切题。 有些地方表达思想不够清楚有些地方表达思想不够清楚, 文字勉强连贯文字勉强连贯; 语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。 1111 分分切题切题。表达思想清楚表达思想清楚,文字连贯文字连贯,但有少量语言错误但有少量语言错误。 14 分切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本 上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 注:白卷,作文与题目毫不相关,或只有几个孤

4、立的词而无法表 达思想,则给 0 分。 5.5. 字数不够字数不够 120120 个,应酌情扣分,具体标准:个,应酌情扣分,具体标准: 累计字数在 110119 之间,扣 1 分; 累计字数在 100109 之间,扣 2 分; 累计字数在 9099 之间,扣 3 分; 累计字数在 8089 之间,扣 4 分; 累计字数在 7079 之间,扣 7 分; 累计字数69,扣 9 分。 注: 如题目给出主题句, 祈使句, 结束句, 均不得计入所写字数; 只写一段者:04 分;只写两段者:09 分(指规定三段的作 文) 。 三、四级真题作文评分范文与错误范例三、四级真题作文评分范文与错误范例 Direc

5、tions:Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled ShouldShould thethe UniversityUniversity CampusCampus BeBe OpenOpen toto Tourists?Tourists? You should write at Least 120 words following the outline given below: 1 名校校园正成为旅游新热点 2 校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同 3 我认为 实例实例

6、 1:141:14 分分 ShouldShould thethe UniversityUniversity CampusCampus BeBe OpenOpen toto Tourists?Tourists? In recent years, there is an ever-rising fever that many famousuniversitycampuseshavebecomepopulartourist attractions, especially such renowned universities as Tsing Hua University and Peking Uni

7、versity. Many tourists prefer travelingaroundtheuniversitycampus,consequently, thousands of people throng into campuses every year. With respect to the present situation, our prime concern is: Should the university campus be open to tourist as scenic spots? Different people hold different opinions.

8、Some people believe that we can benefit a lot from campus tour. The opening ofcampuswillstimulatethetouristindustry,sothe university can make money from the campus tourism. Young tourists can also take a close look at the university which they are longing for and may have a better understanding of t

9、his university. Others argue that the university campus shouldnt be open to tourists since the easier access to campus will lead to some accidents or safety problems which will interfere in students life and ruin the academic atmosphere of the university. In my point of view, I dont think that the u

10、niversity campus should be open to tourists since after all it is a place mainly for education. In order to create a tranquil and safe atmosphereforuniversityteachersandstudents,the university campus should be closed to tourist. 评语评语: 这篇作文归为第一档, 因为其符合 “切题。 表达思想清楚, 文字通顺, 连贯性较好。 基本上无语言错误, 仅有个别小错” 的标准。

11、 这篇范文紧扣提纲给出的要点进行写作。首先,在第一段当中,先简 单描述了名校校园正成为旅游新热点的这一社会现象, 然后引出对这 一现象的思考,第二、三段则针对人们持有的两种截然不同的观点进 行了阐述,并简单明了地分析了两种观点产生的原因。最后阐述自己 对这一问题的看法。 除了最后一段中 “the university campus should be closed to tourist” 这句中 “tourist” 应该改为复数 “tourists” 之外,总体上来看,其表达用词方面上几乎没有什么错误,而且相当 不错了。 实例实例 2 2:1111 分分 ShouldShould thethe

12、 UniversityUniversity CampusCampus BeBe OpenOpen toto Tourists?Tourists? Nowadays, while tourism developing at a great speed, university campuses are coming into peoples sight. More and more tourists pour into famous universities due to their beautiful scenery and academic atmosphere. People hold di

13、fferent point of views about whether school campuses should be open to tourists. Some people think it should be. “Because universities are the property of everyone, and its good for us to walk around and enjoy the atmosphere of learning,” they may say. However, others hold a negative view about this

14、 phenomenon. They feel that tourists will disturb the daily life of he students and too many travelers somehow leads to disorder. In my view, I think tourists may come into the university campus on condition that the number of them is controlled. It s true that university is our own fortune, and at

15、the same time we should think more for the students who need peace for study. 评语:评语:这篇作文归为第二档, 内容切题,但与上一篇相比,不 免有些逊色,主要是语言表达上有些欠缺,有些表达不够清楚,用词 也不如上一篇那样精妙。 文章第一段写了许多旅游者涌进大学校园这 一现象,但在阐述的时候不够具体,如果能像上一篇那样举一两个例 子会更好。第二段中开始抓住两种观点进行比较性地阐述,但语言表 达上显得比较平淡、生硬,如: “Some people think it should be” , 表达不够准确、通顺,可改成“s

16、ome people hold positive attitude towards it” “universities are the property of everyone, and it s good for us to walk around and enjoy the atmosphere of learning” 可改为“since universities also belong to public property, they can freely go sightseeing and appreciate the atmosphere of learning there”会更

17、好。在最后一段作者陈述自己的观点时,语言 罗嗦、重复,并且表达欠妥帖,如: 1) “In my view, I think tourists may come into.”中, “In my view”和 “I think”重复了,可把“I think”去掉。 2) “we should think more for the students who need peace for study”这句中表达不够恰当,可改为“we should try to create a peaceful atmosphere of learning for the students” 。 虽然这些错误并不影响

18、读者的理解,文章的字数也符合要求,但 是只符合 11 分档的标准“切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少 量语言错误” 。如果上述问题得到纠正,得分肯定会提高一个档次。 实例实例 3 3:8 8 分分 ShouldShould thethe UniversityUniversity CampusCampus BeBe OpenOpen toto Tourists?Tourists? Nowadays, most of the universities are open to the public. And the famous universities are gradually becomin

19、g the new tourism attractions. So a question arise. Should the university campus be open to tourists? People have different opinions. Some people think that the university campus symblize the literature of the country. The visit to university campuses can give the tourists a general idea of the lite

20、rature of the country. But other people think that if the university campus are open to tourists, the peace envirnment for the university students to study will be ruined. University campus is the holy place for studying, So they shouldnt be open to tourists. I think both ideas have its own reasons

21、and the best answer to the question is that the university campus can be open to tourists on Saturday and Sunday or limit the amount of the tourists. In this way, not only the tourists can visit the famous university campuses but also won t the peace environment of the campuses be destroyed. 评语评语: 这

22、篇作文归为第三档, 因为它较前两篇相比, 还要差一些。 尽管文章基本切题,文字勉强连贯,但有些地方表达思想不够清楚, 有几处明显的错误,如“symblize” “envirnment”等,这就影响到 意思的表达,妨碍读者对文章内容的理解,更影响作者观点的表达; 再者,语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。如: 1) “So a question arise.”中存在主谓不一致的问题,应该 改为“So a question arises” 。 2) “But other people think that if the university campus are open to tourists

23、,”中也存在相同的问题,可改为“But other people think that if the university campuses are open to tourists,” 。 3) 最后一句中“not only the tourists can visit the famous university campuses but also wont the peace environment of the campuses be destroyed.”存在严重的语法错误,首先应采用部 分倒装,但应该是前面一个分句倒装,而不是后一个,正确的句子是 “ not only can the

24、 tourists visit the famous university campuses but also the peace environment of the campuses won t be destroyed” 。 还有一些该小写的地方却大写了,因此,这篇文章只能放在 8 分 档。 实例实例 4 4:5 5 分分 ShouldShould thethe UniversityUniversity CampusCampus BeBe OpenOpen toto Tourists?Tourists? Nowadays university campus become more bea

25、utiful and have a lot of scenery. I think its a good idea for the university campus being open to tourists. At first, there is plnty of hard and soft facilities in campus. Tourists may casually make use of it, wherever they in school library, school halls or school resturants. They can fully take ad

26、vantage of this chance to learn about campus life. Second, if an university campus be open to tourists, it will become popular and have a high reputation. But the key is that many people who at first have no idea of your campus through this visit will know and learn of how is your school. At last, s

27、chools always have many empty playgrounds for sporting. I think when it isnt available to students. Schools may be open to tourists by taking profits. In shorts, I think it s will be a good try for the university campus being open to tourists, but is should have a reasonable time-tabal for tourists.

28、 Or it will disturb the normal study of students. 评语评语:这篇作文被定为第四档。首先,它写得不太切题,根据提 纲的要求, 文章第二部分应该阐述人们对于这一现象所持有的不同观 点,而本文在第一段就急不可耐地抛出了自己的观点,然后其余的部 分都在解释自己之所以报这种观点的原因, 这就使文章偏离了题目的 要求,缺少了对比分析两种观点的关键环节。而且,文章表达思想不 清楚,连贯性差。如多处的拼写错误,如“plnty” “resturants” “time-tabal”等,以及多处较严重语言错误, 不能表达作者的意 图,如“there is plnty

29、 of hard and soft facilities in campus” , “but the key is that many people who at first have no idea of your campus through this visit will know and learn of how is your school” ,和“At last, schools always have many empty playgrounds for sporting”等。 实例实例 5 5:2 2 分分 In recently, the university campus

30、have been becoming to the new view place which more person are interested in. The famous university in the world take millions of travelers every year and make a lot valou. People have a lot of opinions for this. Some of them don t alow it and some others opinions are opposite. In my opinion, I agre

31、e with the second view for some reasons. First, It is a economic time in the world. The university should follow the step of the sociation. Second, it can develop universitys applicantace of education. third, It get more chances to the people who work or study in the university. They could get a lot of new thing from the trevalers. At last, student can tough sociation earliy. It can help they adapt to sociation. Above all is mine. 评语评语:这篇作文归为第五档。全文都是文不成句,东拼西凑,没 有一个像样的句子,语言错误太多,以至于大部分的句子让人无法理 解。因此只达到 2 分档的标准:条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎 或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。


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