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1、新牛津译林英语新牛津译林英语 20212022 学年高一上期中复习题学年高一上期中复习题 基础练第一天基础练第一天 根据所给汉语句子,在空格里填上合适的单词,使整个句子句意完整,语法正确 (使用本学期所学内容)。 76. 你今天的所作所为对你的明天有影响。 Itsyou do today that willto your life tomorrow. 77.由于你的行动,你的梦想会实现,并有希望过上幸福的生活。 your action, your dream will come true and hopefully, you will live a happy life. 78.最后,你们会发

2、现自己逐渐全面成长。 In time you will find yourself growing into. 79. 他们吵架了,关系现在濒临崩溃。 They quarreled with each other and their relationship. 80. 总将你和其他人做比较是没有意义的。 comparing you with others all the time. 基础练第二天基础练第二天 单词拼写 66. The move reflects changing(态度) among management. 67.1 smile(自信) at the cameras. 68. T

3、here was increasing(焦虑) over the result of the talks. 69. School need(志愿者) to help children . 70. He(道歉) to the people who had been affected. 71. This decision is likely to be(质疑) by the oil companies. 72. She has always felt(误解) by her parents. 73.A(平衡) diet contains lots of fruit and green vegetab

4、les. 74. They(寻找) long and hard but found no answer. 75. He fell(笨拙) and broke his ankle. 76. Smoking is rfor many cases of lung cancer (肺癌). 77.I recognized her iI saw her. 78.Aman is known by the che keeps. 79. Settle the question by a, not by fight. 80. Our plans need to be fenough to meet the ne

5、eds of everyone. 81.As far as I am c, the problem is over and done with. 82. His careless driving cto yesterdays traffic accident. 83.I slept badly and had difficulty cmy mind. 84. Handle the most important tasks first so youll feel a sense of a. 85. The post arrives rat eight every morning. 完成句子 86

6、.那些试图模仿他们最喜爱的明星形象的青少年正在打一场无望取胜的仗,到头来,他们只会觉得自己更糟。 Teens who try to copy the looks of their favorite stars are fighting a, and they will onlyworse about themselves. 87.在一个以瘦为美的社会中,不时有青少年采取极端方式快速瘦身。 In a societybeing thin is often seen as being beautiful, teenagers sometimesextreme methods toquickly. 8

7、8.她后来在上午的体育课上昏厥,随即被紧急送往医院。 She then_in her morning PE lesson andhospital. 89.不论是去上学、做作业、还是周末出去玩儿,我们两几乎形影不离。 were walking to school, doing homeworkjust hanging out at the weekend, were hardly each others. 90.通常,亲密的友情能帮助我们踏平时而坎坷却又注定要经过的道路。 More often than not. close friendships will help the sometimes

8、-rocky road that weall travel. 91.友谊有双重优势幸福有了更大的意义,而麻烦在分担之后减半。 Friendship has a doublehappinessa greater meaning and a trouble becomes a trouble. 基础练第三天基础练第三天 根据所给中文或首字母拼写单词 66. The most important thing is to find what really interests you, your(强项,优势) and areas that need improvement. 67. Besides th

9、e financial burden,(潜在的) health risks of plastic surgery also need to be considered. 68. A sudden rise in oil prices could lead to a(崩溃、破裂) of economy(经济). 69. You should understand you are both(个体) who probably have different views on how to live life. 70. What I want now is two(志愿者) to come down t

10、o the front. 71. When you have filled in the questionnaire (问卷), copy it and send the(原稿) to your employers. 72. The company is taking steps to improve(效率) and reduce costs. 73. He responded(积极地) and accepted the fee of $1,000 I had offered. 74. If its a legal (法律的) matter, you need to seek padvice.

11、 75. The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of s. 76. The poor woman was ehappy to be reunited with her two sons who had been lost for two days. 77. He has made great ain scientific research since he graduated from university. 根据所给中文完成句子 78. He encouraged us to(积极参加) protecting rivers, lak

12、es, seas and oceans. 79. Their products are(质量很高) and are sold all over the country. 80. Most young people(对有强烈的欲望) independence of their parents. 81. I want to(表现出我对的关心) his condition, so I asked him to see a doctor. 82.(没有意义) comparing you with others all the time. Everyone is unique. 83.(无论发生什么事)

13、, we always knew we still had the Bank to depend upon. 84. Once the boy(紧急送往医院), he was operated on by the best doctor at once. 85. It can allow them to feel music through their skin,(而不是) hear it. 用适当的关系词填空 86. He gets into a situationit is hard to tell what is right or wrong. 87. We have entered i

14、nto an agedreams have the best chance of coming true. 88. The exact yearAngela and her family spent together in China was 2008. 89. Happiness and success often come to someoneis good at recognizing their own strengths. 90. Please go through the text and underline the wordsmeanings you dont know. 91.

15、 The designer and his worksyou have admired really live up to our standards. 92. In the caf, customers will feel comfortable in the pleasant environmentis created for them. 93. Marx told us the waywe could learn a foreign language well. 94. The conference,was reported in the newspaper, turned out to

16、 be a great success. 95. They are watching so good a filmwe have watched. 96. Last night I had a dream inI became a Nobel Prize winner. 97. Last week, only two people climbed to the top of the mountain, neither ofcame from Europe. 基础练第四天基础练第四天 根据首字母或中文提示,写出下列各句中的单词,并将单词的完整形式写在答题卡相应题号的横线上。 66. Senior

17、 high school will help you learn and grow, yet you alone are rfor realizing your great potential. 67. As soon as I realized my mistake, I ato my teacher immediately. 68. When you con one task, you can get it faster and better. 69. Though my grandpa is 75 years old, he is still eand takes exercise ev

18、ery day. 70.The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of s. 71.No way! my mum responded to my request(否定地). 72. To our surprise, there was a (n)(尴尬的) silence after his speech. 73. After the accident, the police carried out a(彻底的) investigation. 74. As we know, noise pollution and light pollut

19、ion in big cities have(导致) to sleep problems. 75. His(论点) is that human beings shouldnt test medicine on animals. 短语填空 make the most ofget overon the rocksstick toin full measurethink.through live up toend uptake inat a lossmake a difference tobring out 76. Students should work hard tothe expectatio

20、ns of parents. 77. With true friends,we feel free to share our joy and sadness. 78. Mary and her husband have lived separately for about 6 months and their marriage is. 79. Informed of the unexpected news, the little girl was completely. 80.Lucy promised to keep the deed as a secret and sheit since

21、then. 81.Afterall the advantages,Jim accepted the offer at last. 82.Judging from their expressions, the childrenwhat they were taught. 83. The headmaster is totally devoted andthe best in his pupils. 84.Devote more to your study, and your efforts wontin vain at last. 85.The limited time shouldto mak

22、e advances. 基础练第五天基础练第五天 单词拼写 1. Put simply, pis your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard enough. 2. As a senior high school student, you must make eto improve your communication and problem-solving skills. 3. This Sunday, we will invite some outstanding and pwriters to give talk

23、s on short story writing. 4. John Brown was msick and should have been put in a hospital for treatment. 5. In order to pass the examination, you should stick to con your study. 6. He(寻求) help from his friends, but nobody would give his a hand. 7. Our plan need to be more(灵活变通) and imaginative to cat

24、er for the needs of everyone. 8. It is(承认,意识到) that they should take the problem seriously. 9. The government has declared a state of(紧急状态) following the earthquake. 10. She has(确定地) decided that she want to continue working with women in poverty. 基础练第六天基础练第六天 根据句子内容和首字母提示写出所缺单词,使句子意思完整、语法正确,每空一词。 7

25、1. Recent ain technology have made our future more secured. 72. Our plans need to be fenough to meet the needs of everyone. 73. The dentist repeatedly sthe importance of brushing teeth when I left the clinic. 74.Iyour mothers advice was the most stupid thing you had done. 75. His school work sbecaus

26、e he was continually worried about his mother. 76. Ed Sheeran, one of the leading fin the British music industry, has won Best British Artist at the BBC Music Awards. 77. My friend offered to pay my plane fare, which was very gof him. 78. My grandfather vto serve in the army in the First World War.

27、79. Can you keep me c? Ive felt so lonely without anyone to talk to. 80. The carmaker said the new model had outstanding pon mountain roads. 81. It took a long time for the British economy to rfrom the effects of the war. 82.At the office, eworkers are those who can perfectly complete their duties i

28、n a timely manner. 83. Instead of actively working hard to create some chances, these people wait pfor the arrival of success. 84. The water is so clear that you can see your rin it. 85. That boy rme of you. Youtwo look just like each other. 86. Chinese students have bfrom English teaching methods t

29、hat help to develop character and creativity. 87. If the problem continues, try ca software expert. 88. It is a tdecision for the government to make as they have to balance our freedom against the security of the nation. 89.Although we are just ordinary students, it is still necessary for us to take

30、 full advantage of our pto rise to challenges. 90.Hes at an age when kids start asking aquestions like “Where do babies come from?” 根据句子内容和括号内提示写出所缺词组,使句子意思完整、语法正确,每空一词。 91. The boy(振奋起来) at once when I promised to help him. 92. The ancient words certainly(呈现) a new meaning after everything welearne

31、d. 93. Six months after the wedding, their marriage was(濒临崩溃). 94. I think I just need a weekend when I can calm down and(放开) myworries for a while. 95. The green area in the High-Tech Park(占比) over 40 percent of the total area. 96. My best friend is the one who(使表现出) the best in me. 97. He is bless

32、ed with a talent.Perhaps he should(坚持) writing. 98. The accident was not my fault. The other driver was totally(有错,应承担责任). 99. The product was developed(来回应) customer demand. 100.Will it(有影响) if I add the salt before or after I heat up the soup? 根据括号内的提示完成以下句子翻译。 101.同样重要的是好的学习习惯、有用的技能以及积极的态度。(equal

33、) 102.不管怎样,你都不能脱离我的视线。(case) 103.因为成绩与你的父母争吵是没有意义的。(point) 104.保持健康的关键是规律、平衡的饮食。(balance) 105.Amy 遇到了困难,去向老师求助。(seek) 基础练第七天基础练第七天 用所给词的适当形式填空 71. Students in Grade One really did a good job in the test. But for the vast majority of them, theres lots of room for (improve). 72. He gave a(detail) acco

34、unt of what happened on the unforgettable night. 73.As an exchange student, I couldnt make great(contribution) in class discussion because I had difficulty expressing myself in English. 74. He asked some questions(concern) the future of the company. 75. Unless you are a problem solver, you are unlik

35、ely(offer) the job. 76. The policy, meant to be(benefit) to the farmers in full measure, turned out to be a great success. 77. Follow the instructions, and you can learn how to use this tool(efficient). 78. Thanks to the(responsibility) doctor, the old man was gradually recovering from the operation

36、. 79.All theories (理论)(origin) from practice and in turn serve practice. 80. Though we didnt draw money out of Mamas BankAccount, we were(confidence) that we had the bank to depend on. 翻译句子 71. 然而,对你们之中那些有积极思维的人来说,机遇在于每次挑战。(for, lie in) 72. 作为一个高中生,我将会利用学校资源来实现自己的潜能。(as, make use of /take advantage

37、of) 73. 虽然我和父母对很多问题看法不一致,但我们相处很好。(see eye to eye withon) 74. 从她的解释判断,她已经意识到自己有错想道歉了。(judge from/by, realize) 75. 依我看,成功的关键是不断努力。(the key to ) 基础练第八天基础练第八天 单词拼写 66. The path before you leads to a world full of challenges. However, for those of you with a positive mine, o lies in each challenge. 67. T

38、hese days, the modern tools that keep us connected are eating away at the meaning of friendship. We may be able to make many friends online, but these friendships can be quite s. 68. Men need to understand that when a woman is(感到有压力的), she wants to talk, and all he needs to do is listen, not offer s

39、olutions. 69. Tom quickly made plans to return home with the girls and I kept him(陪伴) the next day as he packed a few bags. 70. These two problems(涉及) the trust and support of people in the government. 基础练答案:基础练答案: 答案 1: 76. what;make a differenceAs a result ofa well-rounded individual 77. is on the

40、 rocksThere is no point/sense in 答案 2: 66. attitudes67. confidently68. anxiety69.volunteers 70. apologized71. challenged72, misunderstood 73. balanced 74. sought75. awkwardly76. responsible 77.immediately 78. company(察其友如知其人)79. argument80,flexible81. concerned 82. contributed 83, concentrating 84.

41、achievement 85. regularly 七、完成句子 86.1osing battle; end up feeling 87. where; turn to; slim down 88. passed out; was rushed to 89. Whether or; out of sight 90. smooth out; are meant to 91. advantage; takes on; shared; halved 答案 3 单词拼写: 66. strength(s)/advantage(s) 67. potential68. breakdown 69. indiv

42、iduals 70. volunteers 71. original 72. efficiency73. positively74. professional75. schedule76. extremely 77. achievements/advances 完成句子: 78. take an active part in79. of high/ good quality80. have a strong desire for 81. show my concern for82. There is no point/sense in83. Whatever happened 84. was

43、rushed to hospital85. rather than 关系词填空: 86. where87. when88. that/which89. who90. whose91. that92. that/ which93. that94. as95. as96. which97. whom 答案 4: 第五部分 词汇检测 66.responsible67.apologized68.concentrate69.energetic70.schedule 71.negatively72.awkward73.thorough74.contributed/led75.argument 第六部分 短

44、语填空 76.live up to77.in full measure78.on the rocks79.at a loss80.has stuck to 81.thinking through82.have taken in/took in83.brings out84.end up 85.be made the most of 答案 5: 第四部分 单词拼写 1,potential2,efforts3,positive4,mentally5,concentrating6,sought7,flexible 8,recognized 9,emergency 10,definitely 答案 6

45、 二、首字母填空 advancesfairstressedIgnoringsuspendedfiguresgenerousvolunteered companyperformancerecoverefficientpatientlyreflectionreminds benefitedconsultingtoughpotentialsawkward 三、词组填空 cheered uptook onon the rockslet go ofaccount forbring out insist on/ stick toin the wrongin response tomake a differ

46、ence 四、翻译句子 What is equally important is good learning habits, useful skills, and positiveattitudes. In any case, you cant be out of my sight. There is no point in arguing with your parents over yourgrades. The key to keeping healthy is regular and balanced diet. Amy meet with difficulties and sough

47、t help from teachers. 答案 7: 第三节 用所给词的适当形式填空 71. improvement 72. detailed73. contribution 74. concerning 75. to be offered 76 beneficial 77. efficiently 78. responsible79. originate80. confident 第四节 根据要求翻译句子 81. However, for those of you with a positive mind, opportunity lies in each challenge. 82. A

48、s a senior high school student, I will make use/take advantage of school resources to realize my potential. 83. Although I dont see eye to eye with my parents on many things, we get on/along well/I get on /along well with each other. 84. Judging from her explanation, she has realized that she is in the wrong and wants to apologize. 85. From my point of view/In my opinion/As far as I am concerned, the key to success is to make continuous efforts/a continuous effort. 答案 8: 第三节 单词拼写 66. opportunity67. shallow68. stressed69. company70. concern


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