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1、Unit 1 Reading and Thinking 导学案导学案词汇词汇初探初探根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词1. _(行进)50 km every day2. letters of_(祝贺)3. the daily_(范同)of temperature4. the_(起源)of life on earth5. a leading_(人物)in the community6. bring great_(高兴)to millions of people7. express my deep_(感激之情)8. at_(收获)time9. depend on_(农业)10. the potato

2、_(作物)11. _(聚集)around the car12. feel_(感激的)to be alive13. a_(显著的)_(特色)of city life14. _(装饰)the wedding car with flowers15. some_(典型的)symptoms16. _(反映)a change in peoples(信仰)17. a strong_(宗教信仰)阅读精研阅读精研. 文本整体理解:理清文章架构. 文本细节理解:探寻语篇细节信息1. What do all the festivals have in common?A. They all originated fr

3、om religions.B. They are all connected with famous figures.C. They all show the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love or peace.D. They a11 have similar customs.2. When was the Egyptian harvest season?A.Autumn.B. Summer.C. Winter. D. Spring.3. Whats the function of the examples in Paragraph 27A. To

4、show the harvest festival is the most important in Egypt and China.B. To show it is celebrated in almost a11 cultures.C. To show the ways people celebrate it have changed.D. To show all the people are grateful for the supply of crops.4. Why have Chinese people in many big cities stopped lighting fir

5、ecrackers?A. To protect the environment.B. To save money.C. To avoid injuries.D. To get rid of old customs.5. What is the writers attitude towards the fact that festivals are becoming more and morecommercial?A. Supportive.B. Objective.C. Doubtful. D. Negative. 文本素养提升:阅读技能综合运用1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。(1)

6、Another example is Halloween, which slowly非限制性定语从句became an exciting festival for children, in spite of its religious origins.状语译文:另外一个例子是万圣节, _。(2)Although some believe festivals should not be commercialised,让步状语从句others believe the increase in spending宾语从句is good for the economy and public happine

7、ss.译文:_, 但是一些人认为_。2. 根据课文完成短文Festivalsaround theworldnotonly have (1)_wide range of origins butalso have different customs. However, the spirit of(2)_ (share)joy, gratitude, loveor peace is common in them. Of all the(3)_(tradition)festivals, the harvest festivalcan be found in almost every culture.

8、It(4)_(hold)after all the crops have beengathered in.With the (5) _ (develop) of modern society, some traditions may fade away thoughthey once played a(6)_(significance)role in festivals. At the same time, some maybe established.Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with businesses (7) _

9、(take)advantage of the celebrations, though some people are against it. Anyhow,festivals are important because they reflect peoples wishes and(8)_(belief)and we can relax during them.3. 阅读主题活动(1)Which festival is your favorite?Why?_(2)Can you give some advice about how to spend a meaningful festival

10、?_阅读微技巧速览每一段, 寻找每段的主题句1. 关注每一段的第一句以及带有 but,however 等转折词的句子。2. 关注作者对节日的概括性语言。例如:Festivals are celebrated all around the world.Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture.Festivals are becoming more and more commercial.Festivals are an important part of

11、society.要点精研要点精研1. congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺; (因某事)为自己感到自豪*Youve passed your driving test?Congratulations!你驾驶测验合格了?祝贺!*Congratulations on your winning the prize!祝贺你获奖!*I would also like to congratulate him on his re-election as Secretary-General of the UnitedNations.我还要祝贺他连任联合国秘书长。*You can congratula

12、te yourself on having done a good job. 你的工作做得很出色, 你应该为自己感到自豪。及时演练语法填空(1)_(congratulate)on your marriage!(2)I congratulated myself _my good fortune.(3)The authors are to be congratulated on_(produce)such a greatwork.2. range n. 一系列;范围、界限 vi. 包括; (在一定范围内)变化*Its difficult to find a house in our price r

13、ange.很难找到在我们(提供)的价格范围内的房子。*An artist can create a wide range of pleasant sounds using the Chinese guzheng.一个艺术家可以用中国古筝创造出各种各样的悦耳的声音。*Congratulations on your climbing the high mountain range.祝贺你登上了那座很高的山脉。词汇复现*His interests ranged from chess to fishing.他的业余爱好从下国际象棋到钓鱼, 范围很广。及时演练 用含有 range 的词块填空(1)The

14、 students from _ backgrounds are on good terms with each other now.(2)The kids behave well _ their parents.(3)Joan hoped that the others were _ her mothers voice.(4)The show had a massive audience, _ children _ grandparents.3. figure n. 人物;数字;身材 vt. 认为;认定*Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the ric

15、e field.在水稻领域袁隆平是领军人物。*I figured that the two players had a lot in common.我认为这两名运动员有许多共同点。词汇复现*Actually he didnt figure out what the teacher said in class.事实上, 他不知道老师在课堂上说了什么。*In order to keep her figure, she always takes exercise and has a healthy diet.为了保持身材, 她总是锻炼身体并且健康饮食。及时演练(1)用含有 figure 的词块填空S

16、he goes jogging around the park every morning in an effort to_.I have _the cOSt of food and drink for our holiday.Have you _how much the trip will cost?(2)在括号内写出下面句中黑体词的汉语意思By 1998, this figure had risen to 14 million. ()Lang Ping is one of the most popular figures in volleyball.()Shes always had a

17、good figure though she is in her 60s.()The student figured that he would figure out the difficult math problem.()4. gather vi. 聚集;集合 vt. 聚集;搜集;收割*(2019北京高考)Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather agroup of the most talented individuals.大多数人认为打造一个优秀团队的最好方法就是把最有才华的一群人聚在一起。*

18、We will gather at the school gate at 8 am to enjoy a wide range of flowers in the garden.我们将在上午 8 点在校门口集合去欣赏花园里各种各样的花。词汇复现*Give me a moment to gather my notes together.给我些时间整理一下笔记。*The harvest has been safely gathered in.庄稼已妥善收获完毕。【熟词生义】*I gathered from the way she replied that she wasnt very enthus

19、iastic.(理解, 得出结论)从她的回答来看, 她并不十分热心。及时演练(1)语法填空The whole family gathered _the piano, listening to Mark playing it.We gathered _apples and sold them online.(2)All the information _up to now.到目前为止, 所有信息都被收集起来了。5. grateful adj. 感激的;表示感谢的*(2019天津高考)Erin had gone beyond what almost anyone would have done.

20、finding myhouse on a bitterly cold night, and for that 1 was extremely grateful.Erin 所做的已经超出了几乎任何人都会做的事情, 在一个寒冷的夜晚找到我的家(还给我钱包), 为此我深表感激。*I would be very grateful if you could help me gather some advice about how to learnEnglish.如果你能帮助我收集一些关于怎样学英语的建议我将非常感激。词汇复现*Im so grateful to you for all that youv

21、e done.因为你所做的一切我对你非常感激。*She should be grateful that he was making things easier for her.她应该感激他使她的事情变得更容易了。及时演练(1)_(我很感谢)they didnt ask me the personal question.(2)因为他们的帮助我对所有老师都非常感激。泽:_(3)1 would appreciate it if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.I _ you could send the compl

22、eted form back as soon as possible.6. take advantage of 利用;欺骗;占的便宜*(2019北京高考)The students benefitting most from college are those who are totallyengaged in academic life, taking full advantage of the colleges chances and resources.从大学获益最多的学生是那些充分利用大学的机会和资源完全参与学习生活的人。*I am grateful that they can take

23、 advantage of the opportunity to help me.我感激他们能利用这个机会来帮助我。词汇复现*You have the advantage over me in experience.在经验方面, 你胜过我。*My skill in such matters might be t0 my advantage.我在这种事情上的技能可能会对我有所帮助。及时演练(1)I_(利用)the good weather to paint the walls.(2)It would be_(对你有帮助) to attend this meeting.(3)The cities

24、on the east coast_ those on the west coast.东海岸的城市比西海岸的城市有优势。(4)I dont want him to think were him when we turn to him for help.当我们向他求助时, 我不想让他认为我们在占他的便宜。7. reflect vt. 显示;反映;反射*The drop in consumer spending reflects concern about the economy.消费者消费的下降显示了对经济的担心。*The moon shines with reflected light.月球是

25、靠反射阳光而发亮的。*The change has been reflected in the dictionary. In the sixth edition of the Modern ChineseDictionary, the new term “cellphone” was added.这一变化已反映在词典中。 现代汉语词典第六版增加了“手机”一词。*You should take advantage of this chance to reflect on your work.你应该利用这次机会反思你的工作。词汇复现及时演练(1)语法填空His face was reflected

26、 _the mirror.He had time to reflect _his successes and failures.(2)Our newspaper aims to _the local community.我们的报纸旨在反映当地社区的看法。(3)At first I disagreed, but_, I realized she was right.起初我不同意, 但是经过深思. 我意识到她是正确的。8. have sth. in common(兴趣、想法等方面)相同;有相同的特征*We have mucha lot in common.我们有很多相同之处。*I have not

27、hing in common with Jane.我和简毫无共同之处。*In common with many others, she often reflects her behavior.和许多人一样, 她经常反思她的所作所为。词汇复现及时演练(1)The two games_.这两项比赛有很多共同点。经典谚语正直者, 顺道而行, 顺理而言, 公平无私。汉. 韩婴Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgement.(2)I found I_these people.我发现我和这些人没有相同之处。(3)_a lot of

28、other countries, were mainly developing economy.和许多其他国家一样. 我们主要在发展经济。9. However, no matter how different they may Seem, all over the world, the spirit ofsharingjoy, gratitude, love, or peace is common in all festivals.然而, 无论它们看起来多么不同, 在全世界, 分享快乐、感恩、爱或者和平的精神存在于所有的节日中。【句式解构】(1)该句为复合句, no matter how 相当

29、于 however, 引导让步状语从句。(2)“no matter+特殊疑问词”引导让步状语从句时, 相当于“特殊疑问词+-ever”。*HoweverNo matter how much we work out, howeverno matter how well we eat, wecant be in top physical shape unless we get plenty of sleep.无论我们锻炼多少, 无论我们吃得多好. 如果没有充足的睡眠, 我们就不会有健康的身体。*No matter whoWhoever can answer one of my questions,

30、 heshe shall receive a prize.无论谁能回答我的一个问题, 他她就能获奖。【名师点津】引导让步状语从句的词或词组whatever, whoever, whichever 不仅可以引导让步状语从句还可以引导名词性从句. 但 nomatter whatwhowhich 只能引导让步状语从句。 例如: As many as ten courses are provided,and you are free to choose whichever suits you best. 提供的课程多达 10 种, 你可以自由选择最适合你的。及时演练(1)The elderly rid

31、e bicycles_(无论他们去哪里).(2)I think I make sense of this thing, _(无论它似乎是多么不可能).(3)_(不管发生什么), they have choice in the matter.(4)We often serve hot food to_.不管谁进入餐馆, 我们经常端上热乎乎的食物。10. Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it mucheasier for the publicto spend more on gifts for their loved

32、 ones.网上的购物网站和社交媒体应用软件使得公众为他们所爱的人花更多钱买礼物变得更容易。【句式解构】(1)该句是简单句, 其中 it 作形式宾语, 动词不定式作真正的宾语。(2)it 作形式宾语时, 常用于以下结构中:makefindthinkconsider+it+adj. n. +动词不定式/动词-ing 形式从句;likehatedepend on+it 十从句;take it for granted+that从句动词不定式。*George made it clear what he wanted.乔治说得很明白他想要什么。*I think it convenient to come

33、 at two.我认为两点钟来较为方便。*Even now I find it hard to believe her story.即便是现在我还发现相信她的描述很难。*I like it when you smile.我喜欢你笑的时候。及时演练及时演练(1)语法填空The non-stop communication made_easier for British people and Americansto understand each other.I find it difficult_(talk)to you.(2)He _ the workersliving conditions.

34、世纪金榜导学号他认为改善工人的居住状况是他的责任。(3)The teacher has_.老师已经明确表示每个人都要遵守学校制度。一语闻天下1. Du Fuguo, one of the figures who touched all Chinese people in 2019, almost lost his lifein order to protect other soldiers.杜富国, 2019 年感动中国人物之一, 为了保护其他战士差一点牺牲了自己的生命。2. Many people offered congratulations to Chinese Women Volley

35、ball Team after it wonchampion at 2019 FIVB Volleyball Womens World Cup.中国女排在 2019 年国际排联女排世界杯夺冠后, 许多人向她们表示祝贺。3. We are faced with a series of food safety problems. ranging from the industrial dye ofsteamed bun to the notorious milk powder.我们面临着一系列的食品安全问题。从染色馒头到臭名昭著的奶粉。4. The information gathered fro

36、m the websites contributes to the development of destinationimage and travel decisions.从网站上搜集的信息有助于目的地形象以及旅游决定的发展。5. Nezha is the leading role of the latest feature. which was officially released in cinemas inChina on July 26.哪吒是最新一部电影的主角, 这部电影已于 7 月 26 日在中国影院正式上映。参考答案参考答案词汇初探词汇初探1. march 2.congratu

37、lation 3. range4.origin 5. figure 6. joy 7. gratitude8.harvest 9. agriculture 10. crop11. gather 12. grateful 13. significant? feature 14. decorate 15. typical 16. reflect ; belief17. faith阅读精研阅读精研.1. range 2. gratitude 3. gathered 4. fade 5. advantage. 1 5. CDBAB. 1. (1)它逐渐变成了令孩子激动的节日,尽管它起源于宗教(2)虽然

38、一些人认为节日不应该商业化;消费增长有益于经济和公众的幸福2.(l)a (2)sharing (3)traditional (4)is held (5) development ( 6) significant(7) taking (8) beliefs3. (l) The Spring Festival. Because I can stay with my family,relax myself and enjoy somedelicious food.(2)First, I think we should do something for our family members or fr

39、iends during thefestival. For example, we can help them do housework. Besides,we can travel with them, whichcan not only improve relationship but also enrich our life.要点精研要点精研1.(1)Congratulations (2)on(3)producing2.(l)a wide range of (2) within range of(3)beyond/out of range of(4)ranging from;to3.(1

40、)keep her figure figured in figured out (2)数字人物 身材认为理解, 弄明白4.(1)round/around in(2)has been gathered5.(1)I was grateful that (2)I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.(3)would be grateful if6.( 1 ) took advantage of ( 2 ) to your advantage (3)have the advantage over(4)taking advan

41、tage of7. (1)inon/upon (2)reflect the view of (3)on reflection8.(l)have much/a lot in common(2)had nothing in common with(3)In common with9.(l)no matter where they go(2)no matter how unlikely it seems(3)No matter what / Whatever happens(4)whoever comes in the restaurant10.( 1) it to talk ( 2 ) considered/ thought it his duty to improve (3) madeit clear that everyone should obey school rules


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