(2019版)新人教版高中英语必修第三册Unit 3 词块学习课后背诵+练习含答案.docx

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1、Book3 Unit3 每日背诵每日背诵Day11.New York City is a diverse area.纽约是一个多元化的城市。2.It was fortunate that the weather was good.幸运的是天气不错。3.Fortunately, the train was on time.幸好火车按时到达。4.I go downtown to do some shopping.我去市里买些东西。5.He prefers to play comic roles.他更喜欢扮演喜剧角色。6.Then you can earn money to buy this gui

2、tar.这样你就可以赚钱买这把吉他。”Day27.Today she earns money by making and selling jewelry. 如今,她通过制作和销售珠宝赚钱。8.I admit that she is right.我承认她是对的。9.Admission to the concert costs $2.音乐会的入场券两美元一张。10. Im definitely having fun.我当然开心。11. Did it occur to you last week?上星期你就产生这想法了?12. Which of these events occurred in 19

3、94?以下哪个事件发生在 1994 年?Day313. Soon afterwards the disease slowed down.不久,疫情就开始得到了缓解。14. Afterwards, Mary asked Tom what had happened.然后,马丽问汤姆发生了什么事。15. I went to theAmerican embassy to seek help, but. 我上美国大使馆求助,但是。16. Please select your choice of payment.请您选择喜欢的支付方式。17. The new leader is a good select

4、ion.新领袖是个好人选。18. The engineer drew a diagram of the bridge.工程师绘制了一幅这座桥的示意图Day419. Try keeping a journal for one week. 尝试用一个星期时间记录日志。20. He claimed that he hadnt done it.他声称没有做这件事。21. This now claimed at least 16 lives.目前(该病毒)已造成至少 16 人死亡。22. It was built on a series of lies. 它建立在一系列谎言之上。23. “Nothing

5、 can escape, not even light”.“什么都逃不掉,光也不行。24. Before he decided to study abroad, he has to solve financial problems.在他决定出国留学前, 必须解决经济上的问题。Day525. After a storm damaged her hometown, she decided to collect money for homeless animals.在一场暴风雨摧毁了她的家乡之后,她决定为那些无家可归的动物募捐。26. What is the percentage of studen

6、ts return to China?留学生回中国的比例是多少?27. Popcorn was super cheap and super popular but it wasnt exactly fancy.爆米花非常便宜,很受欢迎,但它可不怎么上档次。28. They settled inAmerica almost 300 years ago.他们在近三百年前来到美国定居。29. Dont worry. Well both be in suits.不要担心。我们都会穿西服。30. And I think its definitely suits her.我觉得(红发)的确很适合她。Day

7、6Mark, a young person, tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourage such people, but Ialso explain that theres a big difference between “being a writer” and writing. In most casesthese people are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter.“Youve got to want to I wr

8、ite,” I say to them, “not want to be a writer.”马克马克,一个年轻人一个年轻人,告诉我他想成为一名作家告诉我他想成为一名作家。我总是鼓励这样的人我总是鼓励这样的人,但我也解释说但我也解释说,成为一个作家成为一个作家和写作这两者之间有很大的区别和写作这两者之间有很大的区别。在大多数情况下在大多数情况下,这些人都梦想着财富名誉这些人都梦想着财富名誉,而不是独自在打字机而不是独自在打字机前的漫长时光。前的漫长时光。你得想写,你得想写,” 我对他们说,我对他们说,“而不是想成为一个作家。而不是想成为一个作家。练习练习一、一、单句语法填空单句语法填空1. T

9、he beauty of the world lies in the _(diverse) of its people.2. The boy tripped over the stone in the road. _(fortunate), he wasnt hurt.3. Congratulations on your gaining _(admit) to your ideal university.4. Jack was caught playing games while working. Therefore he was _(definite) to be punished.5. 2

10、.It is(definite) more convenient to live in the city than in the countryside.6. In the cafe, customers will enjoy themselves in the _(history) environment that is created for them.7. What really troubles him is his(finance) problems.8. Only a small _(minor) of staff were in favor of the plan, so it

11、couldnt be carried out.9. More than 2,000 lives(claim) in the terrible earthquake which happened last Sunday.10. He(fold) the letter, and began to read it; then he folded it and put it back into his pocket.11. Union leaders and company bosses will meet tomorrow in an attempt to reach a(settle).12. The old artist has a large(collect) of Chinese poetry, both classical and modern.参考答案参考答案1. diversity2. Fortunately3. admission4. definitely5.definitely6. historical7. financial8. minority9.were claimed10.unfolded11.settlement12.collection


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