Module 4 Fun time-Unit 7 School clubs-ReadingThe Clubs Fair -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-牛津深圳版(编号:74a12).zip

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1Unit 7 School Clubs 学案1.教学目标教学目标语言知识:1) 认识单词 launch, photography, solar 等;认读和理解单词 fair, amazing, attend, disappear, power, surprised, teach 以及短语 learn about, remote control 等。2)通过阅读,了解 Rosie Bridge School 丰富的社团活动3)归纳描述社团活动的方法。语言技能 : 1)通过阅读标题和图片,预测主阅读篇章的话题和大致内容。2)通过略读课文首段获取文章的主要内容、找读文中的实词即名词、动词和形容词等阅读策略理解课文。情感态度: 通过了解学校各类社团活动,培养参与学校社团的积极性和对校园生活的热爱。2. 教学重点教学重点1) 通过阅读标题和图片,预测主阅读篇章的话题和大致内容。2) 通过略读、找读等阅读策略进一步理解课文。3.教学难点教学难点1)运用阅读策略进行阅读。2)能够介绍社团及其开展的活动。Students Sheet1. Getting ready (watch the flash between Lo and Hi)2. Brain-storming and prediction :1) Match the pictures with the clubs on page 862) Before you read : look at the picture and the title of the article on page 87 with the questions below.What is the article about: family life or school life?_How many clubs can you find in the article?_3. Read the first paragraph and find out the key information.Characters:(who)Event:(what did)School:(where)Time:(when)Whats the story talking about? ( )2A.two new students at Rosie Bridge School.B.Linda and Leo, two new students, attended the clubs fair at Rosie Bridge School last month. 4. Scan the passage (from line 3 to the end) and underline some key words. Then you write these words in the blanks. Club 1_Club 2_ActivitiesIf you attend this club, youcanlearnhowto_1_andyoucan _2_ them into thesky.ActivitiesIf you attend this club, itteachesyouto_5_ and you can_6_a remote control to_7_ it all around playground.Their feelingThey were _3_ toseetherocket_4_into the sky. (see sth. do.)Their feeling It is _8_ to use thepower from the Sun. After thefair, they felt _9_.5. Deep-understandingWhy did the girl say “Our club is better. ” ? ( )A. Because she wanted to show something new to her.B. Because she wanted Linda and Leo to join their club. 6. Extensive reading (拓展阅读)B Hello, I am Li Lei. we have the English Club on Friday afternoons in the library of our school. Not only a few students but also two teachers take part in it. Some of us read English books and newspapers. Some of us practise spoken English. The teachers also teach us some English songs, such as You Raise Me Up and My Heart Will Go On. Since I take part in the English Corner, I can do better in my spoken English. And I find it not so difficult to learn English as before. Im able to speak English in front of the class and my teacher often says the more I speak, the better I can be. To tell you the truth, I used to be very afraid when I stood and talked to others in English. However, now I am very happy to speak and write English. Also, I try to help other classmates with their English. 1) Whats the passage talking about? A .the Club Fair at school B. the English Corner C. the English Club at school D. how to learn English well 32) What may the English Club be? A. A place to drink at. B. A place to eat at. C. A place to play at. D. A place to learn at. 3)Was Li Lei afraid to speak English before others? A. Yes B. No. C. Maybe D. We dont know. 7. Introduce a club to others8. Work in groups to design your own club.Our _ clubThinking and discussion The names of clubs:Activities: Feelings (adj.):Our _ ClubWhere and when? attend it ?What to teach ?What to do ?What special things to show?Whats the feeling?Join the clubs, enjoy yourself, and you will find your life is getting more interesting and colorful !Interest is the best teacher.兴趣是最好的老师兴趣是最好的老师Our school have many interest classes on Wednesday afternoon.TalkingTalking aboutabout clubsclubsWarm-upWarm-up GettingGetting readyreadyWhat club did Hi attend?What could he do in the club?tend1 1WhatWhat dodo youyou knowknow aboutabout ? Read this poster. Welcome all new students to The Clubs Fair fe at Rosie Bridge School!There are some of the clubs you can join.2 2Photography Club Robot Club Rocket Club Solar Power Club ftgrfrkt slpa launchlnt 12345678910Robot ClubSolar Power ClubSpeak out the names of the clubs of the following pictures .TheThe _The _TheThe _TheThe _2 2BrainstormBrainstorminging andand predictionpredictionRocket ClubPhotography Club抢答开始BeforeBefore youyou readread3 3Look at the picture and the title of the article on page 87. Then answer the questions below. 1. What is the article about: family life or school life? 2. How many clubs can you find in the article?3. What did they do?Its about school life.I can find two clubs.计时开始4812162024283236404448525660SkimmingSkimming ( (略读略读) )Read the first paragraph and circle the answers to the questions.Characters:( )Event:( )School:( )Time:( )3 3whowhat didwherewhen Linda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair. Whats the story talking about?A. two new students at Rosie Bridge School.B. Linda and Leo, two new students, attended the clubs fair at Rosie Bridge School last month. Clubs _Club_ ClubActivitiesTheir feeling ScanningScanning ( (扫读扫读) )Scan the passage (from line 3 to the end) and underline some key words.( V. )(adj.)4 4( N. )The Rocket The Solar Power Linda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended the Clubs Fair. First, Linda and Leo learnt about the Rocket Club.“Our club will teach you how to build rockets. Then you can launch them into the sky,” a boy said. “Watch!” He took a rocket and launched it. The rocket disappeared into the sky. Linda and Leo were very surprised. “Will it go all the way into space?” Linda asked. “Of course it wont,” a girl from another club shouted. “Our club is better. Come and join the Solar Power Club.” “What do you do?” asked Leo. “We make wonderful machines. They only use solar power. Look!” She took a toy car from the table and then used a remote control to drive it all around the playground. “It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda. “Thats amazing!”Linda and Leo learnt about many clubs. After the fair, they felt very excited.“I want to join all the clubs,” said Linda. “Me too!” said Leo. Club 1_Club 2_ActivitiesIn this club, you can learn how to _ and you can _ them into the sky. ActivitiesThis club teaches you to _ _ and you can _ a remote control to _ it all around playground. Their feelingThey were _ to see the rocket _ into the sky. (see sth. do.)Their feeling It is _ to use the power from the Sun. After the fair, they felt _. ScanningScanning ( (扫读扫读) )Scan the passage (from line 3 to the end) and fill these words in the blanks.5 5build rocketslaunch make wonderful machinesdrivesurpriseddisappearamazingexcitedThe Rocket ClubThe Solar Power ClubuseB B Hello, I am Li Lei. we have the English Club on Friday afternoons in the library of our school. Not only a few students but also two teachers take part in it. Some of us read English books and newspapers. Some of us practise spoken English. The teachers also teach us some English songs, such as You Raise Me Up and My Heart Will Go On. Since I take part in the English Corner, I can do better in my spoken English. And I find it not so difficult to learn English as before. Im able to speak English in front of the class and my teacher often says the more I speak, the better I can be. To tell you the truth, I used to be very afraid when I stood and talked to others in English. However, now I am very happy to speak and write English. Also, I try to help other classmates with their English. 1. Whats the passage talking about? A .the Club Fair at school B. the English Corner C. the English Club at school D. how to learn English well2. What may the English Club be? A. A place to drink at. B. A place to eat at. C. A place to play at. D. A place to learn at. 3. Was Li Lei afraid to speak English before others? A. Yes B. No. C. Maybe D. We dont know.6ExtensiveExtensive ReadingReadingClubActivities (V.)Feelings adj.HowHow toto introduceintroduce a a clubclubWelcome to the _If you attend this club, you can learn how to ./it will teach you how to It is + adj. + to do Youre adj. + to do7If you attend _ club, you can learn how to build , launch)(surprised; see sth. disappear) ( use sth . to, it is amazing to use feel exited ) Our _ club8Lets design a club!GroupGroup -work-work计时开始4812162024283236404448525660Show your creative club on the paper in front of the class. Introduce the important things about your club. The class will later decide which school club is the “most popular club”.Our _ ClubWhere and when to attend it ?What to teach ?What to do ?What to show?Whats the feeling?awardaward CeremonyCeremonyBestSchool ClubSelf-assessmentSelf-assessment ( (自我评价自我评价) ) I learn about some new words , phrases( 短语) and sentences patterns(句型) about Clubs Fair. (Yes/No/Just so so) I can read an article about the Clubs Fair . (Yes/No/Just so so) I know how to introduce a club in English. (Yes/No/Just so so)H HHomework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 完成英语(七年级 上册)B第110页 Vocabulary和第117页Reading A的练习。3. 写一篇介绍 “My Favourite Club ” 短文,要求使用今天所学的方法及句型.Thanks for your listening!1教学内容分析该课文主题是“校园俱乐部展览会”,文中主要介绍了 2 个社团及其开展的活动。学情分析1、 学生在小学就已经有上英语阅读课,但学生容易停留在单词及句子的理解上, 没有注重篇章的篇章结构及采用有效阅读技能阅读文章。2、 通过两个多月的学习,学生初步具备了一些阅读策略,本节课中继续巩固运用具体的阅读技能。3、 我校学生已经报名参加了学校的社团活动,对该话题感兴趣。引导学生用英文介绍他们曾参加过的俱乐部.语言知识1、 认识单词 launch, photography, solar 等;认读和理解单词 amazing, attend, disappear, fair, power, rock, surprised, teach 以及短语 learn about, remote control 等。2、 通过阅读,了解 Rosie Bridge School 丰富的社团活动。3、 归纳描述社团活动的方法。 语言技能1、通过阅读标题和图片,预测阅读篇章的话题和大致内容。2、通过略读课文首段获取文章的主要内容、找读文中的实词即名词、动词和形容词等阅读策略理解课文。教学目标情感态度通过了解学校各类社团活动,培养参与学校社团的积极性和对校园生活的热爱。教学重点1、 通过阅读标题和图片,预测主阅读篇章的话题和大致内容。2、通过略读、找读等阅读策略进一步理解课文。教学难点1、 运用阅读策略进行阅读。2、 能够介绍社团及其开展的活动。教学过程2ProceduresTeachers Activities Students activitiesThe Aim1.Lead-inand getting ready1) Show some pictures of interest classes at our school.2) Present the flash about Hi and Lo.1)Enjoy these pictures. 2) Watch the flash and learn about the topic of their dialogue.To get students into the topic of the article.To arise the students interest about clubs.2.Brain-storming and prediction 1)Show the poster of the Clubs Fair at Rosie Bridge School.2)Get students to read and understand the new words photography, rocket, solar power3)Show a picture with the title and two questions about the article .1)Match the names of the clubs with the pictures and speak out the names quickly.2)Understand the words and read these words following the teacher . 3.Predict the content of the article.To learn about new words according to the pictures.To predict the content of the article.4.Skimming 1)Get the students to skim the first paragraph and circle the answers in the text to the questions.1)Skim the first paragraph and circle the answers in the text.2)Answer the questions loudly.To get Ss to grasp the main idea of the article.32)Get the Ss to speak them out loudly. 5.Scanning 3)Get the Ss to scan the passage (from line 3 to the end) and underline some key words in the article.4)Get them to Fill the answers in the blanks.5)Sum up useful sentence patterns3)Scan the rest part of the passage (from line 3 to the end) and underline some key words in the article.4)Fill the answers in the table.5)Discuss their answers with their group members. To get Ss to scan the article and focus on the verbs and adjectives in it.6.Extensive ReadingGet Ss to read a passage about another club in 3 minutesSs read the passage in 3 minutes and find the answers to the questions quickly.To get Ss practice the skill of skimming and scanning.To show an example on how to introduce a club.7.Introducing a club 1) Get Ss to sum up the way of introducing a club.2) Get Ss to use the sentences patterns to describe the Rocket Club and the Solar Club. Ss know how to introduce a club and have a try to introduce the rocket club and solar power club with the map of structureTo get the Ss to know how to introduce a club .8.Group-work of 1) Get Ss to work Ss work in group to To get Ss to show their 4designing a clubin groups to design their own club with a mind-map.2) Introduce their clubs to the their clubs and introduce it to the others. own clubs.9.Self-assessmentGet Ss to sum up what we have learned in the classSs sum up what they have learned in the class.To emphasize the reading skills of skimming and scanning. 10. Homework1) Read the article with the tape. 2) Finish the exercise on Book B.3) Introduce My Favourite Club in written English.The design of the blackboard:Clubs (N.) What to do (V.) Feelings (Adj.)The Photography Club take photos happyThe Solar Power Club make machines with solar power surprisedThe Rocket Club build the rockets amazing/excitedSentence patterns :You can learn how to ./ This club teaches you to .You can use sth. to do .教学反思:教学反思:这节全区公开课课是 7A 课本中第七单元整体课时设计中的第一课阅读课,该课文主题5是“校园俱乐部展览会” ,文中主要介绍了 2 个社团及其开展的活动。本堂课主要训练了学生阅读的微技能,如通过阅读标题和图片,预测主阅读篇章的话题和大致内容,通过略读、找读等阅读策略进一步理解课文,在找读过程中明确提示学生要查找与问题有关的实词即名词、动词和形容词。学生顺利地完成阅读任务后,能理解了课文内容,同时也为后面的“知识产出”部分作好了充分铺垫。整堂课借助教学一体机向学生展示本节课的活动任务, 课前导入采用了音频并播放了 flash,激发了学生的学习兴趣,阅读过程中学生参与度比较高,中下层的学生都能投入到课堂学生小组活动中,课堂气氛活跃;学生通过本节课的学习,加强了他们参与学校社团的积极性,他们对校园生活更加的热爱。 本堂课的最后是学生介绍自己设计的社团活动,他们思维活跃表现非常积极,但由于前面的内容量大,还有 2 个小组同学未能展示,只能留到下一堂课展示了。
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