Unit 8 English Week-Reading Engishfun for life -教案、教学设计-部级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(配套课件编号:30331).doc

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Unit 8 English Week-Reading Engishfun for life -教案、教学设计-部级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(配套课件编号:30331).doc_第1页
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Unit 8 English Week-Reading Engishfun for life -教案、教学设计-部级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(配套课件编号:30331).doc_第2页
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1、1学生分析学生分析1.阅读理解:初二学生经过初中近一年半的英语学习,词汇量有所积累,对于课文理解基本没有问题。但部分同学对课文归纳的能力有待提高。2. 学习兴趣:初二的学生喜欢探究有挑战的英语问题,喜欢新鲜事物,喜欢交互性活动。教材分析教材分析1.文本特点:本节课阅读的是一篇关于 Rosie Bridge 学校举办的“英语周”的新闻报道,结构清晰,内容完整,旨在通过阅读,让学生初步知晓新闻报道的文本特征、结构句型;了解有关“英语周”的主要活动、评价和相关建议;从中理解“英语周”的举办意义。2. 难度分析:引导学生依据主要活动探讨学生如何从中享受英语,讨论如何完善英语周的建议。依据文本内容,总结

2、句型结构,适当拓展,仿写一篇与主题相关的新闻稿。教学目标教学目标1. 语言知识语言知识:1) 话题词汇:能认识理解与话题相关的词汇 book fair, treasure hunt, play,competition, put on, whenever.2) 关键词汇:能在表达中运用:adviseto;givea chance to;be worthdoing, in my opinion, above all.3)相关句型:能在表达中运用:There was./Some.Others./If., d better.2. 语言技能语言技能:1) 能够感知新闻标题特点、结构逻辑和语言句式。2)能

3、够了解“英语周”活动、学生评价以及英语学习建议。3)能够推理学生如何从英语周中享受英语。4)能够从参与者的角度仿写一篇与话题相关的新闻稿3学习策略学习策略:1)在课内合作学习活动中能够用英语与他人交流;2)通过段落排序、预测信息、确认假设来感知文本的结构逻辑和语言表达。4. 情感态度情感态度:激发学生参加“英语周”的愿望,让学生在阅读活动中体会英语学习带来的快乐,提高英语学习的乐趣。5. 文化意识文化意识:了解“英语周”活动以及它举办内在意义。教学策略教学策略任务型教学法、合作教学法,jigsaw reading,jigsaw writing教具教具卡纸、信封、任务单、一体机、黑板等Board

4、 PlanTasksTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesAimsLead-in(2 min)Make a self-introduction with twotruths and one lie, let students guess thelie. Create a situation and lead in theGuess the false informationabout the teacher and learn aboutTo warm students up for thetopic and arouse students2topic.t

5、he topic.interest.Beforereading(3min)Let students brainstorm the activities inEnglish week and choose one studentto organize the title on the blackboard.Brainstorm the activities. Onestudent organizes the title on theblackboard.To broaden Ss mind aboutEnglish Week andunderstand how to write atitle f

6、or a newspaper report .Skimmingforstructure(5min)Lead students to skim the passagefragments, put them in the logicalorder, and summarize the main idea.Work in groups and put thefragments in order and use oneword to summarize the main ideaof each part:Introduction;Activities;Comments;SuggestionsTo le

7、t students make clearthe text structure, the mainidea and find out the logic ofthe text structure.Scanningforcontent&expressions(12min)1. Lead students to read the giveninformation fragments:1) to summarize the information theintroduction part includes.2) to pick out the key sentence patternsin

8、the news report.3) to predict the missing information.2.Lead students to complete themissing parts by jigsaw reading andlearn some expressions, like: put on,advise. to, ect.1. Read the given information onthe fragments and answer thequestions the teacher gives.2. Work in groups to completethe missin

9、g parts together andlearn about some expressions.1.To let students knowabout the functions of theintroduction in a newsreport and master somesentence patterns to write anews report. Arouse theirinterest for further reading.2.To enable Ss to learnabout English Week quicklyby jigsaw reading andprepare

10、 for the later writingby learning someexpressions.Discussion(3min)Guide students to work in groups anddiscuss how to enjoy English inEnglish Week and think about how toimprove English Week .Discuss how students couldenjoy English in English WeekTo let Ss find out themeaning and benefits of theEnglis

11、h Week and preparefor writing.Writing(12min)Introduce students the writing tasks.Guide students to write in groups offour.Make clear the writing tasks.Write in groups. Each studentwrites one part of a news report.To enable students to applywhat theyve learned towrite a news report.Presentation&Assessment(3min)Encourage students to present theirwriting and give assessments.Present and evaluate the writing.To test Students learningeffect and conclude the class.


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