Unit 6 Ancient stories-Reading The Trojan horse -ppt课件-(含教案+课后反思+微课)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版八上(编号:70097).zip

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      • 八年级英语上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories Reading 1-The Trojan Horse 素材:特洛伊木马片段.mp4
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Its about a war.DoDo youyou knowknow “The“The TrojanTrojan War”War” ? ?Thebattlefield(nowTurkey)Trojans V.S. GreeksDoDo youyou knowknow whichwhich sideside won?won? In the war, a wooden horse helped the Greeks win the war.Can you imagine that?Review1.How long has the war lasted for?2.How long did it take the Greeks to capture the city of Troy at last?A. For nine years. B. For ten years. C. For one night.What happened?Ten years VS One night ?A. For nine years. B. For ten years. C. For one night.Game 1: Whosaidthesentencesbelow?Thentrytoactoutthesesentencesemotionally! A: The Trojan captain. B: The Greek captain. C: One of the Trojan soldiers. D: One of the Greek soldiers. 1. A huge wooden horse! Pull it into our city! 2. I can have a good sleep tonight. The Greeks will never get back. 3. Listen! Its so quiet. They all must be sleeping. 4. Stop talking. The Trojans may hear us. Now, climb out of the horse one by one. A: The Trojan captain. B: The Greek captain. C: One of the Trojan soldiers. D: One of the Greek soldiers. 5. Captain! Run! The Greeks are coming. 6. What happened? How can the Greeks get into the city? I cant believe it! 7. Oh! We succeeded finally in one night!Game 2: Talk about the feelings.2. The Trojans made jokes about the stupid Greeks. 3. The Trojans locked all the gates and went to sleep. 4. The Trojans saw the Greek soldiers enter the city. 5. The Trojans lost the war. 1. The Trojans celebrated, singing and dancing. 6. The Greeks won the war. Think and discuss.excited, happyproudsafe, relaxedfearful, unbelievableimpossiblestupid, regretfulexcited, happyGame 3: Allusions & meaning.Helen of TroyGreek Gift(s)Game 3: Allusions & meaning.Helen of TroyEg:ItisunfairthathistoriansalwaysattributethefallofkingdomstoHelenofTroy.Greek Gift(s)Eg:Heisalwaysbuyingexpensiveclothesforyou,ImafraidtheyareGreekgifts.Allusions & definition Helen of Troy -a beautiful girl or woman; - a beauty who ruins her country; - a terrible disaster brought by sb or sth you like best 红颜祸水红颜祸水Allusions & definition Greek Gift(s) - a gift with some sinister purposes of the enemy; - one given with intent to harm; - a gift sent in order to murder sb 阴谋害人的礼物;黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心阴谋害人的礼物;黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心Who was toblameblame? ?Thecaptain ?Paris,theprinceofTroy ?Helen,thequeenofSparta ?Menelaus,thekingofSpartaGame4:Readbeyondthetextandthinkcritically.Game5:Makeamindmaptoshowyourownstory. Mr. Xie says:Always think twice before you make a choice. 三思而后行。三思而后行。Be loyal to your family. 对家人一定要忠诚。对家人一定要忠诚。What can we learn from the story?Summary Homework:1. Tell the story to your parents and friends.2. Talk about the questions in groups.(2) If you were the Trojan captain, what should you do to win the war?(3) As the King of Greece, if the trick was seen through(识破识破),and the soldiers were found, I would stop the war. (4) As the King of Greece, if the trick was seen through(识破识破),and the soldiers were found, I would keep fighting. 3. Choose one of the topic and write down five sentences of your opinion.一、教材和学情:一、教材和学情:本课是选自上海教育出版社的沪教牛津英语,Unit 6 Ancient stories The Trojan horse 阅读课。本单元以“古代故事”为话题,以“木马记”的故事为主线。阅读文章是一则关于特洛伊战争中的“木马计”的故事,主要让学生阅读文章,了解古希腊人通过计谋赢得战争的过程,获取文章中的主要细节信息,并从中吸取该故事中学到的教训。故事简介:故事简介:特洛伊在古希腊时代发展十分繁荣,公元前 1193 年,特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯和他俊美的二儿子王子帕里斯到希腊一个城邦斯巴达去游览,在希腊斯巴达王麦尼劳斯的宫中受到了盛情的款待。但是,期间斯巴达国王因事外出,帕里斯却和麦尼劳斯美貌的妻子海伦一见钟情,坠入了爱河,于是便将她带出宫去。斯巴达国王回来,发现妻子已和别人私奔,感到十分怒火,就向他的兄弟,当时希腊联邦国的统治者 Agamemnon 寻求帮助,阿伽门农早就有攻占特洛伊城的野心,就顺势下令出动全希腊各城邦最好的将军和士兵攻打特洛伊。希腊联军的统帅阿喀琉斯和 Priam 最小的儿子,特洛伊年轻的国王赫克托耳逐渐成为在战争中成为双方各自的英雄。由于特洛伊城池牢固易守难攻,希腊军队和特洛伊勇士们对峙长达 10 年之久,最后英雄奥德修斯献上妙计,让希腊士兵全部登上战船,制造撤兵的假相,并故意在城前留下一具巨大的木马。特洛伊人高兴地把木马当作战利品抬进城去。当晚,正当特洛伊人沉湎于美酒和歌舞的时候,藏在木马腹内的 20 名希腊士兵杀出,打开城门,里应外合,特洛伊立刻被攻陷,杀掠和大火将整个城市毁灭。老国王和大多数男人被杀死,妇女和儿童被出卖为奴,海伦又被带回希腊,持续 10 年之久的战争终于结束。今天是借班上课,上课的学生是初二 3 班的学生,属于是该课的第二课时,分析与欣赏。结合初二阶段学生的年龄特点及认知发展规律,我们需要通过增强故事的趣味性、寓言性,激发学生对该课的兴趣,通过锻炼学生的高阶思维,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。二、教学目标二、教学目标1. 能力发展目标:能力发展目标:1)能够在 BYOD(学生自带设备,手机、平板、IPAD 等进入课室)翻转课堂模式下的听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语法。2)在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,在写作中正确运用连词使文章更连贯和流畅。3)通过指导学生在网络环境下的模拟交际中运用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。2、语言技能目标:、语言技能目标:1)让学生运用阅读微技能略读去了解故事的结构,概括出文章段落的主要内容;2)让学生运用阅读微技能细读去获取故事的主要细节信息。3)锻炼学生的高阶思维,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。教学过程一共设计了以下七个环节:教学过程一共设计了以下七个环节:1. 记忆输入,激发兴趣 2. 辨析理解,角色扮演 3. 分析对比,情感体验 4. 观察感知,内化应用 5. 细节研读,批判思辨 6. 合作探究,创造输出 7. 引导总结,情感提升4)通过本课的学习,培养学生在 BYOD 混合式翻转课堂模式和网络环境下的“听、说、读、写”的技能,使学生能运用所学知识解决相关情景中的一些类似问题,并能结合所给任务,综合运用新旧知识解决问题,能够就某话题自由地表达意见,能够利用网络搜集、整理信息。3、情感目标:、情感目标:1)激发并提高学生的学习兴趣,乐于接受新事物,勇于尝试体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人。2)引导学生思考特洛伊人在战争中失败的原因以及从中总结教训,如:头脑远胜蛮力;事物不能光看外表;人不可貌相。4、教法和学法:、教法和学法:1)教法:“任务型阅读”教学策略 (Task-based Language Strategy )2)学法:“小组合作探究”学习方法 (Cooperative Learning Approach)三、创新点:三、创新点:课堂采用 BYOD(学生自带设备,手机、平板、IPAD 等进入课室)混合式的教学活动,网络上许多丰富的教育资源能够为学生和老师及时获取,这有利于实现教学资源的及时共享。学生利用自带设备接入校园网络,根据自己的学习兴趣或者薄弱的地方搜索相应的英语教学内容,教师同样也可以在网上获取更多的教学资源,并将这些教学资源加以整合利用,丰富课堂活动。BYOD 引入课堂能够有效打破教材局限,自带设备可以满足与英语教材配套使用实现同步教学的要求,覆盖英语教材的每一个教学单元,与教学资源、课时安排、教学活动等精准匹配,有利于提高英语教学的效率和质量。这种集探究、讨论、写作等多种形式的教学活动为一体的教学模式,以其便捷、交互和自主的特点为学生创造了一个真实与虚拟相结合的学习情境,这有利于学生学习方式的拓展和学习视野的开阔,让学生学会自主利用自带设备从多个渠道获取所需英语资源。学生通过与同学进行相互交流,顺利开展包括口头扮演、思维导图、写作展示、分析对比、评价总结等拓展活动,对故事整体感知和把握,锻炼学生与人合作的精神,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力,体现“混合式学习”的优势,在 QQ 群、微信群及共享文件夹进行资源分享与交流,最后达到思考和总结特洛伊人在战争中失败的原因,并总结经验教训,指导生活与实践。采用 BYOD 网络化教学模式实现任何地方、任何时间、任何方式的教育模式。随着我国教育事业的不断发展,我国各阶段教学的整体质量得到有效的提升,在教学体制改革的过程中,初中英语教学对学生的高阶思维能力进行有效的培养已经成为教学的主要目的之一,而高阶思维能力在学生的学习以及生活中是非常重要的,高阶思维能力属于一种综合性能力,需要学生具备高层次认知水平。因此,在初中英语教学过程中,对学生的高阶思维能力进行有效的培养,首先需要将学生的主观能动性充分调动起来,并着力培养其创造性思维以及知识的自主更新能力。高阶思维能力是当前教学过程中对学生重点培养的一项能力,可使学生的内在潜能得到最大程度的开发,使学生的创造性思维得到有效培养,使学生的主观能动性得到充分调动和发挥,并使学生在课堂中的主体作用得以全面的体现,最终使学生的人格得到良好的塑造。随着新课程改革的不断延伸,高阶思维能力的培养已成为当前教育的主要任务之一,并且也是素质教育的本质精神。在英语课程标准中,也曾明确指出英语教学过程中,需要具备工具性和人文性两种特征。为了能够有效的培养学生的高阶思维能力,我们在课堂上需要系统的研究高阶思维能力的培养途径,以促进学生的能力和素质得到提升。Teaching procedure Step Time( min)Interaction patternTeacher activityStudent activityRationale1. Lead-in2Whole class workAsk Ss to go over what they learned last period about the ancient story the Trojan Horse. Lead in the topic.Go over what Ss learned last period about the ancient story the Trojan Horse. Talk about the topic.1. Warm up and lead in the topic. Encourage Ss creative thinking.2. Get Ss to know the basic elements of the Trojan War and how the trick worked.3. Ss can describe the war including the beginning, the process and the ending briefly.2. Analyze and act 5Group work1. Show the background knowledge of the ancient story.2. Ask Ss to finish the Ex -Who said the sentences below? Then try to act out these sentences emotionally! Analyze the characters in the story and act out the dialogues emotionally.1. Arouse the Ss interest in the topic and enrich the Ss knowledge of the background information about the ancient story.2. Analyze and act out the sentences. Set the Ss into the situation and understand the characters real emotions. 3. Compare and contrast 5Whole class work1. Ask the Ss to compare and contrast the different situations.2. Ask the Ss to talk about the feelings from the context.3. Ask the Ss to think about the actions and feelings.1. Compare and contrast the different situations.2. Talk about the actions and feelings from the context.1. Train the Ss to capture the feelings in different actions.2. Enable Ss to catch the plots and logical relation of the story. 3. Train the ability of summing up.4. Figure out the plot development of the story.4. Identify and explain 6Group work 1. Ask the Ss to identify some phrases and idioms from the context.2. Ask the Ss to explain the phrases and idioms through the plots and logical relation of the story. Then, ask them to exchange the answers with their partners.1. Identify some phrases and idioms from the context.2. Deduce the meaning of phrases according to the context. 3. Explain the phrases and idioms through the plots and logical relation of the story. 4. Exchange the answers with their partners.1. Improve Ss ability of understanding detailed information. 2. Cultivate the ability to guess the meaning of the phrases and idioms from the context.3. Arouse the Ssimagination and creative thinking.4. Improve the Ss cooperative spirit and ability. 5. Think and criticize8Group work Ask Ss to think about the whole story and talk about the question-Who was to blame. Why and how did the war happen?Can it be avoided?1. Think about the whole story and talk about the question- Who was to blame.2. Talk with other Ss and try to explain the cause, the procedure and the result of the whole war. 1. Consolidate the Ss understanding of the war. 2. Improve their ability to think and criticize the historical events.3. Ss can enjoy the story from the literary perspective.6. Create and design 8Group workAsk Ss to make a mindmap to show their own story.Create and design a mindmap to show their own story.1. Show Ss own ideas by creating and designing a mindmap. 2. Improve Ss imagination and critical thinking ability.7. Evaluate and summarize5Whole class work1. Encourage Ss to think about what they can learn from the story, both from the loser (the Trojans) and the winner (the Greeks).2. Show Ss some sayings from the story.Recall what Ss have learned in this lesson.1. Criticize the ancient war and think about what they can learn from the story.2. Check out the Ss states of grasping the lesson.3. Improve Ss ability of exploring the mental activities of both sides of the war.8. Assign some work1Whole class work Assign the following homework.Take note for Ss homework and finish them on time.1. Give a task to help Ss consolidate the story and arouse their interest to ancient Greek myths and stories.2. Read beyond the text and think critically. Blackboard designing 6. Evaluate and summarize-Self-assessmentHow well have you learned in this class? Choose A, B or C for the lesson.( ) 1. Have you learned a lot about the Trojan War?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No( ) 2. Have you taken active part in the class activities?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No ( ) 3. Have you done well in the team work?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No ( ) 4. Have you got good use of the Internet to find information about the lesson?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No ( ) 5. Have you got much fun and knowledge in the lesson?A. Yes B. Just soso C. NoSelf-assessment 自我评价自我评价https:/Reading: The Trojan horseInside the story Teaching procedures1. Analyze and act-Who said the sentences below? A: The Trojan captain. B: The Greek captain. C: One of the Trojan soldiers.D: One of the Greek soldiers. 1. A huge wooden horse! Pull it into our city!2. I can have a good sleep tonight. The Greeks will never get back.3. Listen! Its so quiet. They all must be sleeping. 4. Stop talking. The Trojans may hear us. Now, climb out of the horse one by one.5. Captain! Run! The Greeks are coming.6. What happened? How can the Greeks get into the city? I cant believe it!7. Oh! We succeeded finally in one night!https:/ks.wjx.top/jq/33119650.aspx2. Compare and contrast3. Identify and explain-Game 3: Allusions & meaning. Helen of Troy Eg: It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to Helen of Troy. Meaning:Greek Gift(s) Eg: He is always buying expensive clothes for you, Im afraid they are Greek gifts.Meaning:Resource:4. Think and criticize-Game 4: Read beyond the text and think critically. Who was to blame? ? The captain ? Paris, the prince of Troy ? Helen, the queen of Sparta ? Menelaus, the king of Sparta5. Create and design-Game 5: Make a mindmap to show your own story.6. Evaluate and summarize-Self-assessmentHow well have you learned in this class? Choose A, B or C for the lesson.( ) 1. Have you learned a lot about the Trojan War?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No( ) 2. Have you taken active part in the class activities?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No ( ) 3. Have you done well in the team work?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No ( ) 4. Have you got good use of the Internet to find information about the lesson?A. Yes B. Just soso C. No ( ) 5. Have you got much fun and knowledge in the lesson?A. Yes B. Just soso C. NoSelf-assessment 自我评价自我评价教学过程一共设计了以下七个环节:教学过程一共设计了以下七个环节:1.记忆输入,激发兴趣2.辨析理解,角色扮演3.分析对比,情感体验4.观察感知,内化应用5.细节研读,批判思辨6.合作探究,创造输出7.引导总结,情感提升课堂采用课堂采用BYOD,这是一种混合式的教学,这是一种混合式的教学活动,网络上许多丰富的教育资源能够为活动,网络上许多丰富的教育资源能够为学生和老师及时获取,这有利于实现教学学生和老师及时获取,这有利于实现教学资源的及时共享。学生利用自带设备接入资源的及时共享。学生利用自带设备接入校园网络,根据自己的学习兴趣或者薄弱校园网络,根据自己的学习兴趣或者薄弱的地方搜索相应的英语教学内容,教师同的地方搜索相应的英语教学内容,教师同样也可以在网上获取更多的教学资源,并样也可以在网上获取更多的教学资源,并将这些教学资源加以整合利用,丰富课堂将这些教学资源加以整合利用,丰富课堂活动。活动。BYOD引入课堂能够有效打破教材局限,引入课堂能够有效打破教材局限,自带设备可以满足与英语教材配套使用实自带设备可以满足与英语教材配套使用实现同步教学的要求,覆盖英语教材的每一现同步教学的要求,覆盖英语教材的每一个教学单元,与教学资源、课时安排、教个教学单元,与教学资源、课时安排、教学活动等精准匹配,有利于提高英语教学学活动等精准匹配,有利于提高英语教学的效率和质量。这种集探究、讨论、写作的效率和质量。这种集探究、讨论、写作等多种形式的教学活动为一体的教学模式等多种形式的教学活动为一体的教学模式,以其便捷、交互和自主的特点为学生创,以其便捷、交互和自主的特点为学生创造了一个真实与虚拟相结合的学习情境,造了一个真实与虚拟相结合的学习情境,这有利于学生学习方式的拓展和学习视野这有利于学生学习方式的拓展和学习视野的开阔,让学生学会自主利用自带设备从的开阔,让学生学会自主利用自带设备从多个渠道获取所需英语资源。多个渠道获取所需英语资源。学生通过与同学进行相互交流,顺利开展包括口头扮演、思维导图、写作展示、分析对比、评价总结等拓展活动,对故事整体感知和把握,锻炼学生与人合作的精神,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力,体现“混合式学习”的优势,在QQ群,微信群及共享文件夹进行资源分享与交流,最后达到思考和总结特洛伊人再战争中失败的原因,并总结经验教训,指导生活与实践。 采用采用BYOD网络化教学模网络化教学模式实现任何地方、任何时式实现任何地方、任何时间、任何方式的教育模式间、任何方式的教育模式。八年级英语上册八年级英语上册Unit 6 Ancient storiesReading The Trojan Horse 教学反思教学反思高阶思维一般指发生于相对较高的认知层次和水平上的一种认知能力或者是心智活动,在教学目标分类之中具体可表现为综合、分析、评价以及创造。高阶思维属于高阶能力的构成核心,通常指问题解决能力、创新能力、批判性思维能力以及决策力,在知识时代发展过程中,高阶思维能力是对人才素质培养提出的一种新要求,同时也是与知识时代发展相适应的一种重要能力。在现阶段初中英语教学过程中,若要保证学生能够在知识时代得到全方位的发展,必须对其高阶思维能力进行有效的培养,从而使学生具备自我调节能力和创造性思维,在学习生活中,学生通过自我调节,并采用创造性思维来对面临的学习生活问题进行解决,能够使自身达到最佳状态,通过这种方式来进行知识的学习必然是事半功倍,同时,也能够在此过程中实现自身素质和能力的提升。基于布鲁姆教育目标对认知思维进行分类可分为六大类,其分别为评价、创造、分析、应用、理解和记忆,这六大类认知思维代表着不同的思维层次。低阶段思维层次主要指学习一些事实性知识以及完成比较简单的一种能力,而高阶段思维及高阶思维,其内容已超越信息检索和简单记忆,其要求学生具备高层次的认知水平,属于一种综合能力,例如,信息素养、创造性思维、自我调节能力以及批判思维等,随着教育改革的不断进行,高阶思维能力的培养倍受重视,主要在于高阶思维能力的重要性表现地比较明显。从当前初中英语教学的现状看来,虽然英语教学有了很大的改进,但存在的问题也比较多,产生问题的主要根源在于教师在英语教学的过程中仍受传统教学思想的影响,且对新课程改革的内涵认识不足,导致初中英语教学仍处于低层次阶段。随着现代社会的不断发展、信息技术的突飞猛进和教育背景的改革深化,在信息时代背景下 BOYD 作为一种全新的教学模式被引入了教学领域。BYOD这种教学模式的发展过程迅速,自带设备教学模式进入初中英语课堂的有了一定的可行性与必然性, BYOD 未来在课堂教学领域也一定会带来变革与发展。传统初中英语课堂教学遵循的教学互动模式显然已不适应当下的信息教育要求,教学资源的局限性、教学工具的的单一性、教学互动模式的耗时性、教学方式的落后性等将制约初中英语课堂效率的提高和质量的改善。当互联网信息技术普遍深入教育教学领域的时候,我们或许应该积极顺应发展趋势,尝试将 BYOD 教育模式引入英语教学课堂中,允许学生使用手机、平板电脑等自带设备,在课堂上与教师进行更有效、更有趣的教学活动。 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版) 中提到:“英语教学的特点之一是要使学生尽可能多地从不同渠道,以不同形式接触和学习英语,亲自感受和直接体验语言及运用语言。 ”因此,BYOD 这样一种基于互联网信息而构建的学习平台将在英语教学中发挥更大作用。(一)混合式同步教学,打破教材局限自带设备基于互联网信息平台,能够为英语课堂教学提供丰富的教育活动,实现信息技术与课程的整合,激发学生学习的积极性。BYOD 是一种混合式的教学活动,网络上许多丰富的教育资源能够为学生和老师及时获取,这有利于实现教学资源的及时共享。学生利用自带设备接入校园网络,根据自己的学习兴趣或者薄弱的地方搜索相应的英语教学课程,比如说很多学生的英语口语能力不足,便可以使用 BYOD 在网上进行英语对话练习来提高自己的口语使用能力;教师同样也可以在网上获取更多的教学资源,并将这些教学资源加以整合利用,丰富课堂活动。如此看来,BYOD 引入课堂能够有效打破教材局限,自带设备可以满足与英语教材配套使用实现同步教学的要求,覆盖英语教材的每一个教学单元,与教学资源、课时安排、教学活动等精准匹配,有利于提高英语教学的效率和质量。这种集探究、讨论、写作等多种形式的教学活动为一体的教学模式,以其便捷、交互和自主的特点为学生创造了一个真实与虚拟相结合的学习情境,这有利于学生学习方式的拓展和学习视野的开阔,让学生学会自主利用自带设备从多个渠道获取所需英语资源。(二)贴近生活学习方式,构建双向互动智能手机、平板电脑等移动终端是人们日常生活中的常用设备,若在初中英语课堂上引入自带设备教育模式,则更有利于将传统的静态教学过程转变为生活化的、动态化的教学过程,为学生创造一个生活情境,学生可以使用自带设备浏览英语文本、视频或音频,将较为抽象的课堂教学与真实情境结合起来,有效激发学会的学习兴趣。其次,自带设备进入英语课堂能够有效构建一种新的互动教学模式,转变教师和学生的角色定位,学生由传统的接受者转变为学习活动主体,教师则由传统的支配者转变为学习活动的引导者,并且二者在教学活动过程中的活动是一种双向的输出与接收。新型的、良好的师生互动模式将有利于促进师生关系的转变,教师可以利用自带设备发送课堂问题、单元
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