Unit 6 Healthy diet-ReadingWhat's abalanced diet -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-牛津深圳版九上(编号:b03aa).zip

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instant noodles 方便面PeasporkbeefnutbiscuitIce-creamhamburgerWhat do you think of these men?Look at the pictures and put them in the right column. healthy foodunhealthy foodsoft drinkfatsugarfried foodUnit 6 Healthy diet Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet? 1Getting readyGetting readyLook at the cartoon and answer the questions.His sister failed her cooking exam.He thinks it is unfair.Because she burnt the desk.2Pre-readingPre-readingIn pairs, talk about your eating habits. What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you prefer bread or porridge for breakfast? Do you eat a lot of meat or seafood? What kind of vegetables do you like? Do you have vegetables at every meal? Do you often eat snacks? What is your favourite snack? When do you usually have it? Doris and Samuel are having dinner in a restaurant.Samuel: I think Ill have a hamburger,somechocolatecakeandalargecola. How does that sound toyou?4Read the conversationRead the conversationRead the conversation after the recording. Doris: That sounds terrible! Ill have a chickensandwich,asalad,anappleandaglassoflemontea.Ivedecidedtostayawayfromfriedfoodandsoftdrinks.Samuel: Sincewhen?Doris: Since I had my medical examination. ThedoctorsaidthatIneededtoloseabitofweightbyavoidingfat,oilandsugar.Healsostatedthat its necessary for me to have a morebalanceddiet.Samuel: Whatsabalanceddiet?Doris:Abalanceddietmeanshavingdifferentkindsofhealthyfoodeveryday.Researchshowsthateach day you should have plenty of fruit,vegetablesandgrainproductssuchasnoodlesand bread. And, in general you should havefewerdairyproductsandeggs,andlessmeat.Samuel:ButIbelievemydietisbalanced.Doris: Really? Do you remember what you hadtoday?Samuel: Oh, the usual things. For breakfast, I hadfriedeggsandalargecupofcoffeewithalotof milk and sugar. Then I treated myself tosomeicecreamforasnack.Doris:Andforlunch?Samuel: For lunch, I had six chicken wings and acola.Doris:Idontunderstandhowthatisabalanceddiet!Samuel:Well,Ihavemanydifferentkindsoffoodeveryday.Doris: But all of these kinds of food areunhealthyforyou.Samuel: OK,youreright.Illchangemydiettomorrow.Herecomesmyhamburgerandchocolatecake!1ReviewReviewLook at the food pyramid and talk about what a balanced diet is.A balanced diet means having different kinds of healthy food every day. We should have plenty of fruit, vegetables and grain products, fewer dairy products and eggs, and less meat .Complete the table below. Samuels order for dinnerDoriss order for dinnera hamburger, some chocolatecakeandalargecolaachickensandwich,asalad,anappleandaglassoflemonteaunhealthytoo much fat, oil and sugarhealthyless oil, fat and sugar, some vegetables, fruit and breadSamuels daily dietBreakfastLunchDinnera hamburger, some chocolate cake and a large colaWhose diet do you think is healthy? Why?Doriss diet is healthy. Because she has less oil, fat and sugar, some vegetables, fruit and bread while Samuel has too much fat, oil and sugar but does not have enough vegetables or fruit.Read lines 26 to 30 again. Then answer the question below. HHomeworkHomework1. 教师给出中秋节、春节以及圣诞节三个节日背景,要求学生四人一组,为这个节日设计一份健康的晚餐菜单。如:2.完成练习册第86至87页Listening和第88页Speaking的练习。Dinner for _GrainsMeatVegetablesFruitDairy productsDrinks1 UnitUnit 6 6 HealthyHealthy dietdiet教学目标1. Students can use the words they learn last lesson . 2. Students can improve the reading ability according to skimming and scanning the text. 3. Students can think about the food safety , and build a healthy diet according the reading 教学重点Improve reading ability . 教学难点Skim and scan the text to predict the main idea ,master some reading skills . 教材分析教学关键Skim and scan 教法与学法指导self-study; Group work ask and answer.教学环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时间分配第一第一环节环节复习复习回顾回顾平移平移的基的基本性本性质,质,引入引入课题课题Step 1.Lead in . 1.Watch a video about the food.1.Play a video and list the words related to the topic.Match the food with the right chart.1.To lead in the reading.3第二第二环节环节观察观察操作、操作、探索探索归纳归纳平移平移的作的作法法Step 2. Pre -reading.2. Read the title, the introduction and the picture and predict the main idea of the story.2. Ask student to predict the main idea 2.Have a general understanding according to the title picture and background information.52第三第三环节环节课堂课堂练习练习第四第四Step 3.While reading3. Listen to the recording carefully and follow to the video. Guess the words and pronounce them correctly with the help of the teacher According to Doris words, conclude whats a balanced diet? And what is Samuels balanced diet list the reasons Conclude the passage with the help of the teacher.3. Ask students to listen to paragraphs 1-5 then fill in the form. Read each paragraph and translate it into Chinese. Encourage students to read paragraph in roles. Then ask them to work in pairs then role play ,after that ask students to show it in front of the class. Ask students to conclude what is a balanced diet and conclude the passage.3.Understandthe text by questions and improve their reading ability.20103环节环节任务任务阅读阅读Step 4. Post reading 4. Read the passage quickly and discuss the questions in groups Check the answers. Focus on the four food groups :fruit grains vegetables and protein according to the Healthy Diet Pyramid and discuss questions in pairs Make a report 4. Check the answers. Get the students to think about :What is a balance diet?Ask the students to discuss the questions Do you have a balanced diet 4. Help students build a right view of diet according to the reading.第五第五环节环节课时课时小结小结Step 5 Summary.5. Sum up what they learn .5.Help students draw a conclusion of the lesson.5.Summary .24课后课后作业作业Step 6 Homework.6.Read the text after the recordingWrite an essay on healthy diet6.assignmenthomework课堂教学流程Lead inPre -readingWhile readingPost reading Summary Homework.效果评价与反思测评练习测评练习1. 从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项( ) 1. Would you like to give your review about the book? What do you think of it? A. advantage B. decision C. comment ( ) 2. Dont worry about the cost. Ill treat you. A. pay the money for B. offer the chance to C. give the money to ( )3. He has already stated his intention to take part in the party.A. said clearly B. suggested clearly C. seen clearly ( ) 4. There is still plenty of room in my bag. You can put your books into it. A. a few of B. a large amount of C. a large number of ( ) 5. The recent research from these scientists on diet has given us some good ways to be health A. study B. information C. feeling ( ) 6. Its necessary for me to buy a new bike because this one is too old. A. useful B. needful C. careful ( ) 7. The shop assistants tried their best to make the children become their biggest customers. A. persons who have lots of money B. persons who buy something C. students who have talent ( ) 8. After learning about the main idea of the passage, do you know what the best title of it is? A. order B. name C. article ( ) 9. The family served us with a wonderful meal. We all enjoyed ourselves. A. meant B. thought C. provided ( ) 10. In order to hear the speech clearly, he seated himself in the front of the classroom. A. cut down B. put down C. sat down2. 教师给出中秋节、春节以及圣诞节三个节日背景,要求学生四人一组,为这个节日设计一份健康的晚餐菜单。如: Dinner for _ Grains Meat Vegetables Fruit Dairy products Drinks
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