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九年级上册九年级上册 UnitUnit 4 4 ListeningListening 教学反思教学反思本节课是一节听说课。Listening A 让学生听 8 个听众打给电台的咨询电话,学会准确辨明听众的问题;Listening B 让学生听一段学校辅导员对自己工作的介绍,补全笔记,在听的基础上,要求学生用自己的语言口述学校辅导员的主要职责。在设计过程中,我主要考虑了以下几点:1.1. 实用性与针对性实用性与针对性这是初三的听力课,更侧重训练如何让学生在考试时更有效的理解听力并获取信息的能力。因此在认真研究教材的习题后,我觉得有必要对教材的习题题型加以变化,以便充分利用听力材料。具体措施如下:1)在导入课题时,考虑到学生对听力课的兴趣度不如阅读课型高,我以我自己在生活中遇到的一个小问题来引入,以咨询者的身份来请学生们给我出谋划策,从而引起学生的兴趣。再从讨论我们生活中不同的人会遇到哪些常见的问题,进入到 listening A。2)Listening A 的总共有 8 个不同类型的电话,在分析了听力素材后,我认为这 8 段对白的难度几乎是平行的,对于我班的学生而言,要听懂这 8 段对话并辨明问题也不是困难的任务,因此我认为在有限的时间内无需刻板地将 8 段对话全部听完,我节选了其中四段来听,分别是 educational problems, health problems, financial problems 和 personal problems,其中 educational problems 作为展示的例子,其余三个作为学生的听力练习。在举例展示时我强调了听前预测的重要性,同时为了增强学生 take notes 的能力,在听力时我根据他们的能力水平加大了听力的难度,要求他们须同时记下关键词,这样符合学生的程度,让学生做起来更有成就感,更有信心。3)Listening B 是一段独白难度较 listening A 来说较大,生词,难词也较多。因此出于降低听力难度和训练中考题型的目的,我把听力素材按照内容分割成了三部分来听,同时设计了 4 个选择题和 3 个听取信息的空格。在学生们做完这一部分额外设计的题后,他们不仅练习了中考的听力题型,训练了听力时的预测和记笔记的技巧,同时也对听力素材有了基本的了解,在做第二遍听力,完成课本上的 8 个信息听取题时,就更加得心应手。2 2整体性整体性认真研究教材之后,我发现 A、B 两个听力练习的内容联系性较强,可稍微加工,在听完 listening A 自然过渡到 listening B。因此,在听完Listening A 关于问题咨询的内容后,我用了 2 个问题“Who can we ask for help if we meet some problems in school?”,通过部分学生“School counsellor”的回答再提出疑问“What does a school counsellor do?”引起悬念,过渡到 Listening B,这样处理后,每个环节紧紧相扣,过程流畅,整节课的整体性非常强。3 3在各个环节中目的明确地训练听的微技能,帮助学生形成有效的听力策略在各个环节中目的明确地训练听的微技能,帮助学生形成有效的听力策略我充分利用各个环节,进行不同形式的听的训练,无处不在地渗透听力技巧的训练。听前的预测技巧指导,听中间的关键词速记和听之后的语法拼写检查。这些都是听力的几个重要技巧,都一一在这堂课上得以操练。并且在对答案时候注意对学生们作出肯定,这样会让他们觉得按照技巧去做题更加容易。4 4活动设计的几个原则活动设计的几个原则 1)新颖有趣,激起学生的兴趣,使学生对下一个环节的学习充满期待。 2)有一定的挑战性,但难度由浅入深,有梯度,让学生努力过后有成就感。3)充分利用情景,用启发式教学,鼓励学生思考。 5.5. 亮点的设计和意图亮点的设计和意图1)任务设计符合学生的程度,层层递进,能让学生有成就感,落实到位。 面对学习能力学习水平不完全一致的学生,设计的原则是通过铺垫能让他们绝大部分完成任务。因此从听前的技巧点拨到听力次数的增多,都帮助学生更顺利的完成任务,加强他们的信心。2)课堂完成任务的形式以小组活动及个人自主起立回答为主,充分调动学生积极性。在 1)的基础上,针对部分学生英语基础较为薄弱容易放弃或走神的情况,让其主动起立回答他所捕捉到信息,给予加分鼓励,让他们丝毫不可松懈,充分掌握每一个能够表现的机会。而小组活动可让学生对少数盲点在组员的帮助中得到解答,感受团体合作的乐趣。3)学校辅导员给学生咨询的情景口语输出 在充分输入的基础上,通过“假设你是学校辅导员,学生们想找你帮忙解决他们的难题”的情景设置,让学生运用所听取到的信息,根据实际常识,在角色扮演的形式中,输出一段对话,检测他们对所学内容的掌握程度,以及达到训练口语,增强信心的目的。6 6实施过程中的不足实施过程中的不足 这堂课的设计紧扣课本,包括词汇也是,这样虽然可以让学生容易理解,但是对于学生的词汇拓展方面就比较欠缺,所以今后在课程设计和实施课堂的过程中,我将更多地引入一些课本上没有但又贴近课文话题的新词汇。 Unit 4 Listening What should I do? problemsAnimal careMedicalFinancialPersonalEducationalHealthLegalHousingMany problems in our daily life,such asPeople can make a phone call to ask experts for advice on their problems. Hot lineListen and matchTask A: Look at the pictures carefully and predict the relative(相关的) words.Skill 1 : Predictionbooks, exams study, school,educationPredict the relative words of the pictures.healthy foodkeep fitput on weightlose weightbalanced dietmoneytax,salary(工资),bank,pay forfamily,friends,job,happysadSkill 2 :Note-takingWrite down the key words as you listen to each speaker, such as flat , education or tax.1.Caller A:_ _2.Caller C:_ _ Key words Line8 7job, friends, unhappytax, pay, salary 3.Caller F: _ 2education4.Caller J: _ _ _6lose weightTask B:What does do ?a school counsellor (1) Counsellors focus on two areas. The first area is personal counselling, the second is _. A. school studies counselling B. academic counselling C. family life counselling(2) Personal problems include_. A. problems in their school studies B. problems in their family life or relationships with others. C. problems in their subjects and courses 听第一段独白,回答第(1)-(2)小题。听第二段独白,回答第(3)-(4)小题(3) Academic counselling deals with _. A. Students family life B. Students subjects and courses C. Students school studies or their plans for university studies.(4)If students are interested in jobs, what will be discussed? A. students subjects B. students courses C. work experience programmes听最后一段独白,填写第(5)-(7)小题The counsellors responsibilities:1. Giving reliable information or (5) _.2. Pointing out (6)_ things to students. But students should make the final (7)_ all by themselves.adviceimportantchoice1. 预测词性及词义2.检查拼写及语法怎么做好听取信息?n.(help?advice)adj.(useful?important)n.(decision?choice?)Fill in the blanks. Two areas of focusA . Personal counselling aiming to help students work out their (1) _ _. Problems in their (2) _ _. Problems in their (3) _ with othersB. Academic counselling dealing with students (4) _ or their plans for (5) _ studies Subjects and courses; Different kinds of work (6) _ programmesThe counsellors responsibilitiesGiving reliable (7)_ or (8)_Pointing out important things to students.personalproblemsfamily liferelationships school studyuniversityexperience Counselling in secondary schoolsinformationadviceTask C:Giving adviceProblem1: Putting on weight Problem2: Being bullied Caller JS1: Good morningS2: Good morning. What can I do for you?S1: Id like you to offer me some advice.S2: Advice on what?S1: I have a problem. _. _ What would you advise me to do?S2: In my opinion, you had better_.S3: Perhaps, you can_.S4: Whats more, why not_.S1: Thanks for your help. Im very grateful.I study English hard. But I still cant get good marks.read English aloud every day.listen to teacher carefully in class.take notesS1: Good morningS2: Good morning. What can I do for you?S1: Id like you to offer me some advice.S2: Advice on what?S1: I have a problem. S2: S3: S4: S1: Thanks for your help. Group WorkHomeworkWrite a letterYour friend Tom always cant finish his homework on time. Please give him your advice.1教学内容分析:教学内容分析:本单元学习的是学生写求助信给校辅导员说明自己遇到的麻烦,以寻求辅导员的建议。本节课的授课内容设置主要是:第一,让学生学会听录音辨别他人的问题是什么;第二,通过听力了解学校辅导员的工作是什么,主要做些什么;最后,通过运用这单元前面的课所积累的以及这节课新学的词汇和句型,通过对话的方式输出,来达到训练口语和锻炼学生解决问题的能力的目的。帮助学生在解决问题中提升语言运用能力,鼓励大胆创新语言。由于任务贴近学生生活和经验,该课型内容应该是能激发学生学习兴趣的。学生学情分析:学生学情分析:本班学生中,绝大部分的学生的都具备了一定的听力水平,但相对落后的个别学生依然存在,部分中下学生也有羞于开口的现象。所以在教学过程中,始终重视夯实基础为前提,并在实施中关注差异。本节课是以听力为主,口语输出为辅,而学生对求助方面的话题与词汇有一定量的储备,但是为了让学生更自信地进行听力和口语训练,也相应设置了一些辅助,如:增加听力题目和提供口语句式。教学目标:教学目标:1.1. 认知目标:认知目标:1)通过听不同情境的陈述,让学生学会判断所描述的问题是什么。2)培养学生听力前预测和听力过程中速记笔记的能力。2 2能力发展目标:能力发展目标:1)通过听力技巧的点拨,培养学生形成正确有效的听力策略,如:听前预测,根据语境猜测听力材料,读图读题查找核心信息,细听搜寻细节信息等,从而提高他们的听力。2)培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。3.3. 情感目标:情感目标:让学生明白在日常生活中,我们也可以主动去关心帮助他人的道理。教学重难点:教学重难点:1)让学生掌握听力过程中需掌握的相关技巧。2)听懂材料,顺利完成相关的听力活动。3)通过思考和练习,学会用英语表达对他人提出帮助。二、教学流程设计二、教学流程设计教学环节教学环节/ /活动设计活动设计设计理由StepStep 1:1: WarmingWarming upup 21. Show the students some pictures and ask them a question:Q:My baby doesnt want anybody to have his hair cut, what should I do?2. Show more pictures and have the students talk about what kinds of problems they are.StepStep 2 2 Pre-listeningPre-listening1. Lead- in: Ask the students what they will do if they meet some problems in their daily life. 2. Show some pictures and have the students predict the pictures and say some relative words of the pictures.StepStep 3 3 While-writingWhile-writing TaskTask 1 1Have the students listen to the tape and match the callers with the pictures. And also write down some key words. TaskTask 2 21)Ask the students what a school counselor does. 2)Have the students predict the questions and listen, finish the multiple choice. Then check the answers.3) Have the students predict the blanks ,listen and fill in the blanks .Then check the answers. TaskTask 3 3Have the students listen again and finish the exercise of the book.StepStep 4 4 Post-listeningPost-listening理由:通过老师自身的真实提问引发学生对课堂学习的兴趣。理由:激发学生对更多问题的认识,为听力做好准备。理由:让学生学会预测图片,联想相关的词汇,做好听力的准备。理由:通过增加些关键词的任务增加听力的难度,锻炼学生听力。理由:激发学生的听前兴趣。结合中考所增编的的选择题,听取信息题,让听力任务更加具体化、多元化。同时也让听力的难度从易到难,更有梯度。注重听前预测,让学生听后感受到听前预测的作用。理由:前一遍听力过后学生更有自信完成这道听力。理由:1)给学生设置两个熟悉的场景,让学生通过老师所给的辅助句型以及自己31.Present two problems to students, have them discuss in group and give some advice to deal with the problems .2. Students presentations. StepStep 5 5 SummarySummary Always be happy to help others.StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework “Your friend Tom always cant finish his homework on time .”Have the students write a letter to give advice.所积累的词汇和句式来自信地进行对话表达,目的是学以致用。2)让每个小组都尽量开口,达到口语训练的目的。理由:要求学生根据情景写一封回信,给出建议。通过这种方式让学生能运用课本所学,结合真实情况,活学活用,达到写作训练的目的。