1、1ModuleModule 1 11 1 wayway ofof lifelifeU Unitnit3 3 LanguageLanguage inin useuse教学设计教学设计一一 教学设计教学设计教学内容:外研版新标准英语初二年级上册 Module 11 Unit3 Language in use.教学目标(知识、技能、策略、情感、文化)教学目标(知识、技能、策略、情感、文化)1.掌握词汇 immediately, accept, fish and chips, afternoon tea, chocolate, dictionary, chess set,stand in line,
2、take away 以及句型 should, need, must, had better, can do.2.学会运用带情态动词来表述生活方式3.热爱和中美朋友做英语交际,体会国家习俗,领会国家文化前提下学习语言。4.能够清晰的用带情态动词的语句来给外国友人提建议表达规则。5.能够用英语对中英文化差异进行总结表达教具准备教具准备主要包括点读笔、网络下载视频和 ppt 教学课件。教学过程教学过程与方法与方法核心环节核心环节 1 导入导入 Lead in1.头脑风暴标题,播放文化差异视频,导入生活方式话题,激活背景知识。T: The topic for this week is way of l
3、ife. What ways of life can you think about?lets enjoy a video.S: traffic, eating, teaching.T: Do you understand the video? What does the video talk about?English people eat up all the food, why does he do so?S: Englishmen believe that if you clear the plate, the host will be happy and it is polite t
4、o do so. ButT: What is Chinese opinion? They think that if they give the guests enough food, it will show theyare generous.Is this a cultural difference?when we go to a foreign country, is it important to know about the cultural differences.2设计意图设计意图 通过欣赏一段有趣的视频来导入本课话题,使学习在轻松愉快地氛围中开始展开。有效激发学生的学习动机,同
5、时激活学生已有的背景知识及话题相关的语言基础。为接下来的文化差异的导入做好铺垫,为新知识的传授打下基础。核心环节核心环节 2Experience(语言体验)(语言体验)1.引入情景,问答练习,补充表格。T: Next week, Wang hui is going to take a trip in England, but he doesn t know the rules of Englishlife. Can you give any advice to him ?T: When he arrives in England, he will meet people, but how ca
6、n he greet them?Firstly, when he meet them for the first time, what must he say?S:He must say Mr or Mrs when he meets them for the first time.T: When he knows them well what can he say?T: How can WH call people?T: After calling people, do you know what topic they can talk about in England?What topic
7、 mustn t they talk about? Can he say how old are you? Can he ask how much money doyou make?设计意图设计意图在这一环节中,教师通过表格复习建立本模块 U2 关于问候别人的旧知,并扩充跨文化知识,操练学生口语。2.小组对话T:Now make a dialogue with your partner? Suppose you are Wanghui, and ask your neighbour foradvice. Make a dialogue to talk about rules of greeti
8、ng.设计意图设计意图 该环节为学生语言的学习提供了一个真实的练习情境,使学生在真实应用中体会到所学知识的用法,使重点知识朗朗上口,为接下来难度更大的学习任务打好基础,为培养综合语言的运用能力提供支持。33. 引入下一个关于饮食的情景,巩固 U2 英国饮食文化知识。T: After greeting each other, they will go to the restaurant to have some food and drink? He needsto know about English diet habit.Do you know whats the traditional fo
9、od in England? How about in China? How can he buy/eat it?S: fish and chips.T: What do Englishmen usually have in the afternoon?S:afternoon tea.T: What is afternoon tea?What is the drink? What can he drink during the afternoon tea? What is food? What can he eatin the afternoon?4. 小组对话 Work in pairs.T
10、:Now make a dialogue with your partner. Suppose you are Wanghui, and ask your neighbour foradvice about eating habits.S: Work in pairs设计意图设计意图 该环节为学生语言的学习提供了一个关于饮食的练习情境,使学生复习用情态动词讨论英国的饮食文化。5. 问答练习,引入下一个关于交通的情景,巩固 U2 英国交通规则知识。T:After having the meals, they are going home. There are two choices. If he
11、 drives the car, whatrules on the road do you know?On which side of the road must he drive? What about china?T: The second choice is by bus. Do you know the rules at the bus stop? What mustn t he do? Whatneed he do? Why should he do so?S:Its polite to stand in line to wait for.6. Work in pairs.4T: T
12、alk about the traffic rules in England. You can design your own beginning of the dialogue.设计意图设计意图 该环节为学生语言的学习提供了一个关于选择交通规则的练习情境,使学生复习用情态动词讨论英国的公交车和驾驶规则,充分体现了跨文化交际教学。7. 总结英国的生活习俗T:Just now weve talked about English ways of life in many points. Do you remember them?About wanghuis trip to England, can
13、 you give him advice on English ways of life?Give your presentation a beginning and ending.S:discuss by themselves.T: If we go to England, is it necessary for us to keep in mind these rules?设计意图设计意图在这一环节中,通过听巩固所学情态动词,培养学生在总结英国习俗的表达过程中加深强化情态动词的练习,达到归纳和复习的目的。8. 设定情景引入中国习俗的讨论T: Tony is also having a tr
14、ip to China during the SF, and he knows it is the most important festival inChina, but he doesnt know the traditions of the festival, could you tell him more? What must ormustnt he do?What traditional food need he eat during the festival? During the festival, maybe Chinese friendsgive him present fo
15、r the new year, how should he accept it?How about the traffic rules in China?Could you give advice to Tony on Chinese traditions?设计意图设计意图在这一环节中,通过引入 Tony 去中国旅行的情景来展开对中国习俗和各种生活方式的复习和讨论, 使得复习 U1 中国习俗的背景知识和运用情态动词说明规则融会贯通, 再次巩固复习了情态动词的用法。5核心环节核心环节 3Express (情景表达情景表达)1.讨论中英文化差异T:Is it the same in England
16、? How about in England? Whats the traditional festival in England?How do Englishmen accept gifts?They are different in many points, right?Are there many cultural differences between China and England? Now discuss it with your.S:have a discussion of cultural difference between China and England.设计意图设
17、计意图在这一环节中,通过听巩固所学情态动词,培养学生感受中外文化差异,在对比中复习语法知识。3.通过歌谣 chant 总结情态动词用法T: Every country has its rules, when we talk about rules, what kinds of words should we use? Thesekinds of words are called modal words!When we give rules, you must follow the rules. There isa chant for you to know the importanceof f
18、ollowing the rules. Lets sing it together. Everybody stand up, ready?6设计意图设计意图借助视频歌谣来让知识的传授更加简单直观,简单易懂的 chant, 随着伴奏,使学生更加愉快地突破本课重难点-情态动词的掌握,激发学生表达的兴趣。同时对所学重点词汇短语进行复习巩固,为下面的长对话理解做铺垫。核心环节核心环节 4 Evaluate (展示成果)(展示成果)1.创设情境, 学生根据所复习的中外文化习俗来情景表演。【设计意图】【设计意图】: 这个环节是让学生对本课所学内容进行综合运用的过程,也是检验教师教学目标是否达成的一个途径。
19、学生通过本课学习, 从用情态动词谈论英国的习俗, 中国的习俗,中英习俗差异,由浅入深, 一步一个台阶的掌握了讨论社会规则, 生活方式的常用表达方法。最后, 小组成果展示, 一是为了学以致用, 小组竞赛的课堂组织形式可以大大提高不同层次学生参与学习的热情, 也有效培养了学生的合作学习能力. 更加高效的实现了本课的教学目标。二也是为了体现本课话题的跨文化语用性, 让学生懂得在文化了解中自然习得语言。2.作业布置A: do the exercises of M11U3B: write the culture difference between China and the west7【设计意图】对【
20、设计意图】对课堂所学进行复习巩固的同时,感受总结跨文化交际差异。真正实现语言的实践综合运用。二二、课后反思、课后反思本节课是一节复习课,授课对象为初二的学生,学到第十一模块已经初步具备一定的口语交流表述能力,有了一些常用语的词汇储备,能表达与自己生活贴近的话题并参与讨论,已经学习过 M11U1,U2 已经对中外文化差异做到积极有效的概述和讨论。步入初中的初二年级学生,活泼好动,好奇心强,乐于表达,但思维模式还处于形象思维主导阶段。 因此笔者设计了大量的音形义相结合的教学活动,以视频动画导入新课,营造了轻松愉快地学习氛围。本堂课以给去中国和英国旅行的两位同学建议为主线,通过复习中国习俗,英国生活各方面习俗,最后总结中英文化差异,把情态动词的应用练习融入到本模块对生活方式的讨论和给别人建议的教学任务中去。复习旧知,又融入跨文化交际教学,教学任务由浅入深,由简单到复杂,使学生一步步在教师的引领下,愉快高效的完成了学习任务,教学效果显著。