Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0088).doc

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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0088).doc_第1页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0088).doc_第2页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0088).doc_第3页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0088).doc_第4页
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Unit 1 Our school subjects-Story time-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级下册英语(配套课件编号:a0088).doc_第5页
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1、Unit1 Our school subjects 第一课时一、 教学内容:Story time二、 教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What subjects do you have/like?I have/like . Welcome back to Nice to see you. Nice to see you,too.3. 能流利地朗读课文并正确理解文意,能与同学合作表演课文。4. 引导学生感受各门学科不同的魅力,全面发展。三、教学重、难点教学重点:1.能在日常情境中用句型 What subjects do you have/like? I have/like .谈论

2、学校里有的科目和自己喜欢的科目。2. 能流利地朗读课文并与同学合作表演课文。教学难点:能用学科类的相关单词及句子谈论关于学科的话题。四、教学准备:板书,白板,词卡五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT:Welcome back to school,class.Nice to see you.Ss:Nice to see you,too.2Lets sing-I like scienceT:First,lets sing a song. (播放歌曲,学生跟唱)T:The song is about subject.What subjects can you hear

3、in the song?Ss:English,Chinese,Art(将学生说到的学科图片单词贴在黑板上)T:Yes,They are the subjects.Today well learn Unit 1 Our schoolsubjects.(出示课题, 贴在黑板上) (出示subject的单词卡片, 教读u,u,u,/ /,/ /,/ /。e,e,e,/ e /,/ e /,/ e /,把 subject 的单词卡片贴在黑板上)T:What subjects do you have?(将句型贴在黑板上)Ss:We have English,Chinese,Artand(教师引导学生回答

4、)Step 2 Presentation1. 创设情境T:Class,there is a notice for you,some of you will be the exchangestudents this term.Do you want to go to the Hillside school?Lets watch avideo from Hillside School.(播放 Hillside School 交换生宣传片)T:Do you want to go to the Hillside School?Ss:Yes.T:But only the winners can go t

5、o the Hillside School,so please workhard,OK?(宣布今天的胜利组才有机会成为交换生,师生一起看黑板上小组竞赛的图示)Ss:OK.T:Oh,there is an email from Hillside school.Lets read it.Oh,its atimetable of the Hillside School. (教学 timetable,出示单词卡片)(白板展示 Hillside School 的课程表)T:They have many subjects.What subjects do they have?S1:They haveT:D

6、o you like Chinese?Ss:Yes, I do./No,I dont.T:What subjects do you like?S1:I likeIts2.story timeT:Look, the boy is Mike.He is an exchange student.This term,he comes toour school.And theyre Mikes friends,Liu Tao,Yang Ling and WangBin.What are they talking about?Lets watch the cartoon carefully.(播放视频)(

7、1)watch and tickT:What subjetcs does Mike like?T:What subjetcs does Wang Bing like?T:What about Yang Ling?Why?ChineseMathsEnglishMusicPEMikeWang BingYang Ling(2).listen and repeat(1 遍)跟录音朗读,并且强调语音语调T: Now lets listen and repeat, please pay attention to your pronunciation.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。(3).Role playa.小

8、组&小组T:Now, Im Miss Li,group 1 youre Wang Bing,group 2-YangLing,group 3-Mike,group 4- Liu Tao.b.个人&个人T:.Who want to be Miss Li? Wang Bing?Yang Ling?Mike?.c.Lets actT: Now,five in a group.please show your beautiful voice to your partners .Lets go!(3 分钟练习)T:Please stop reading.Its show time now

9、.(2 组学生展示)Step 3 Practice& Consolidation1.TaskT:You all did a good job.Now there is a task for you.Lets go.(出示任务)T:If you get the chance to go to the Hillside School,please introduce ourtraditional culture to your new classmates.(如果你成为了交换生,请你向你的新同学介绍一下我们的传统文化课 堂 吧 ! ) Now,I will be the exchange

10、student,who want to be theMary,Tom and Lily?(教师及挑选的 3 位学生示范)Exchange sdutent:We have some new subjects at my school.Mary:Really?What is it?Exchange sdutent:Chinese chess class.Tom:What can you do at that class?Exchange sdutent:We can play chess with my friend.Its fun.Lily:It sounds great.Exchange sd

11、utent:Of couse.Would you like to try it?Mary&Tom&Lily:Great.T:Now 4 in a group.plese make a dialogue like this.5 minutes for you.(5分钟练习)T:OK.Now which group want to show to us?(请 3-4 组展示)2.Enjoy a proverb(播放音乐,教师读诗)T:Lets enjoy a proverbOf Studies-Francis BaconHistories make men wise;读史使人明智p

12、oets witty;读诗使人聪慧The mathematics subtle;学习数学使人精密T:So class, I hope you study happily and study hard. Now lets see whichgroup is the winner, Big hands for them.Step 4 HomeworkRecite Story time分层作业一级作业:make your own dream timetable二级作业:make a report for your own dream timetableBb designUnit 1 Our school subjectscomputerWhat subjects do you have?We haveWhat subjects do you like?I likesubjectsEnglishChineseArtMusicMathSciencePE


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