Unit 8 Our dreams-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级下册英语(编号:d0c48).zip

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六下六下 Unit 8 Our dreams 第一课时随堂练习第一课时随堂练习 班级_ 姓名_I.Watch and tick. 12345 67 89II.Read and match. a dentisthelp children care about their teethan astronautplay in the World Cupa football playerfly a spaceship to the Moonfly a spaceship to the MoonIII. Fill in the blanks.Miss Li is writing about her students dreams. Complete her notes.My students dreamsMike wants to be _. He wants to take care of childrens teeth.Su Hai wants to be _.Yang Ling likes playing the piano. She wants to be _.Nancy is good at writing. She wants to write stories for _.Liu Tao likes sport. He wants to be _ and play in the World Cup.Wang Bing has a big dream. He wants to be _ and fly to _.(Story time)I want to be a creamdream梦想梦想Do you want to be a in the future?What do you want to be in the future?,futurepicture将来,未来将来,未来 Talk & learn(Story time) Look & sayMiss Li and her students are talking about their dreams.Watch & tick What do they want to be?135682479Watch & tick What do they want to be?Watch & tick What do they want to be?135682479a dancera football playera pianista dentistan astronauta writerWatch & tick Look & guessWhat do the boys want to be?Maybe wants to be Look & sayWhat doeswant to be?Liu Tao wants to be a football player.Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut.Mike wants to be a dentist.wants to beRead & matchan astronauthelp children care about their teetha football playera dentistplay in the World Cupfly a spaceship to the Mooncare aboutcareful关心,在乎关心,在乎Mike: I want to be a dentist. Many children dont care about their teeth. I want to help them. What doeswant to do?Read & matchan astronauthelp children care about their teetha football playera dentistplay in the World Cupfly a spaceship to the Moonspaceshipspace ship宇宙飞船宇宙飞船太空太空船船Wang Bing: I want to be an astronaut. I want to fly a spaceship to the Moon. What doeswant to do?Read & matchan astronauthelp children care about their teetha football playera dentistplay in the World Cupfly a spaceship to the Moon What doeswant to do?World Cup世界杯世界杯Liu Tao: I want to be a football player. I want to play in the World Cup some day. Reading time2. 处连读处连读 1. 处重读处重读Reading skills:Miss Li is asking the students about their dreams.Miss Li : What do you want to be in the future, boys? Reading timeReading skills:1. 处重读处重读2. 处连读处连读 Mike: I want to be a dentist. Many children dont care about their teeth. I want to help them.Wang Bing: I want to be an astronaut. I want to fly a spaceship to the Moon. Liu Tao: I want to be a football player. I want to play in the World Cup some day. Miss Li: Thank you, boys. Your dreams are great!a dentisthelp children care about their teethan astronautfly a spaceship to the Moona football playerplay in the World CupWhat do you think of the boys dreams?你认为男生的梦想怎么样?你认为男生的梦想怎么样?brave(勇敢的)(勇敢的)and active(活跃的)(活跃的) Look & say Read & fill Miss Li: What do you want to be in the future, girls? Su Hai: I want to be a dancer. Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful. Nancy: I want to be a writer. I want to write stories for children.Yang Ling: I want to be a pianist. Music makes people happy.大声地朗读第二幅图的内容并划出关 键句! Read & filla dancerDancing makes people healthy and beautiful.a writerwrite stories for children Read & filla dancerDancing makes people healthy and beautiful.a writerwrite stories for childrena pianistMusic makes people happy. Read & fillReading skills:1. 处重读处重读2. 处连读处连读 Miss Li: What do you want to be in the future, girls? Su Hai: I want to be a dancer. Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful. Nancy: I want to be a writer. I want to write stories for children.Yang Ling: I want to be a pianist. Music makes people happy. Reading time Read & retella dancera writera pianistDancing makes people healthy and beautiful.write stories for childrenMusic makes people happy.What do you think of the girls dreams?你认为女生的梦想怎么样?你认为女生的梦想怎么样?gentle(文雅的)(文雅的)and artistic(艺术的)(艺术的) Listen & read实现,成真实现,成真Whats your dream, Miss Li?What do you think of Miss Lis dream?你认为李老师的梦想怎么样?你认为李老师的梦想怎么样?proud(自豪的)(自豪的)and hopeful(充满希望的(充满希望的) Reading timeReading skills:1. 处重读处重读2. 处连读处连读 Mike: Whats your dream, Miss Li?Miss Li: I want to see your dreams come true.试着读出不同人物的感情色彩吧! Reading time Read & retell只需要选择男生只需要选择男生或者女生的梦想或者女生的梦想读一读哦!读一读哦! the boys dreamsthe girls dreamsThink & writeMiss Li is writing about her students dreams. Complete her notes.My students dreamsMike wants to be _. He wants to take care of childrens teeth.Su Hai wants to be _.Yang Ling likes playing the piano. She wants to be _.Nancy is good at writing. She wants to write stories for _.Liu Tao likes sport. He wants to be _ and play in the World Cup.Wang Bing has a big dream. He wants to be _ and fly to _.a dentista dancera pianistchildrena football playeran astronautthe Moontake care of爱护,照顾 Think & sayWhose dream do you like best?I like s dream best.Why?Because Share with youAlways be a person full of dreams!做一个有梦想的人!做一个有梦想的人!Always try to make dreams come true!坚持不懈地实现梦想!坚持不懈地实现梦想! Homework1. Read Story time fluently(流利地)(流利地).2. Share(分享)(分享)your dreams with others.3. Preview(预习)(预习)Grammar time.dance (动词)跳舞(动词)跳舞dancer(名词)舞蹈家(名词)舞蹈家Watch & tickA dancer can dance well.play (动词)玩(动词)玩player(名词)运动员(名词)运动员a football player 足球运动员足球运动员Watch & tickA football player can play football well.a football playera basketball playerWatch & tickA basketball player can play basketball well.piano (名词)钢琴(名词)钢琴(名词)钢琴演奏家(名词)钢琴演奏家pianistAustraliaWatch & tickA pianist can play the piano well.astronaut宇航员宇航员Which Chinese astronauts do you know?你知道哪些中国宇航员呢?你知道哪些中国宇航员呢?Watch & tickan 杨利伟杨利伟中国中国进进入太空第入太空第一人一人 刘洋刘洋中国首位飞天女宇航员中国首位飞天女宇航员 翟志刚翟志刚中国太空漫步第中国太空漫步第一人一人Watch & tick译林版英语六年级下册备课 备课人:课 题Unit 8 Our dreams课 时Period 1 (Story time)教学目标1.语言知识目标(1) 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 dream, future, take care of. (2) 能听懂、会说、会读单词 care about, astronaut, spaceship, football player, World Cup, dancer, pianist, come true.(3) 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 What do you want to be in the future? I want to be (4) 对于“连读”这个朗读技巧有一个基本的了解和认识。2.语言技能目标能正确运用句型 What do you want to be in the future? I want to be 谈论梦想。3. 情感目标引导学生树立正确的人生价值观,心怀梦想,做一个充满梦想的人。教学重难点教学重点:(1) 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 dream, future, take care of. (2) 能正确运用句型 What do you want to be in the future? I want to be 谈论梦想。教学难点:(1) astronaut, pianist, spaceship 等词的读音和拼写。(2) 能正确运用句型 What do you want to be in the future? I want to be 谈论梦想。教学准备PPT,人物头像教学过程设计修改补充 Step1 Warm upEnjoy & singEnjoy a song: and try to sing the song.设计意图设计意图:让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中,感知今天所要学习的有关职业的内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,同时为 free talk 的内容 What does your father/mother do?做铺垫。Step2 Free talk 1. Talk & learnT: Whats the song about? What other jobs do you know? 评价性语言: doctorA doctor helps sick people. He must be very busy. nurseA nurse helps sick people, too. She sometimes has to work at weekends. farmerA farmer grows vegetables and plants flowers. We cant live without farmers.译林版英语六年级下册备课 备课人: cookA cook cooks nice food. I like this job. Do you like cooking? driverA driver drives cars and buses. teacherA teacher teaches a lot of students, just like me. Do you want to be a teacher, too? If you want to be a teacher, you should study hard now. policemanA policeman catches thieves and protects our city. It is a cool job. workerDifferent workers do different jobs. Some workers build houses. Some workers sweep the streets and some workers make new products.(板书贴八个职业类人物图片) 设计意图设计意图:free talk 复习了之前学过的八个职业类单词,为 talk & learn环节做好铺垫,同时与上面的歌曲相呼应。在学生说到每个职业时,教师都给予适当的不同的评价,为下面 want to do 打好基础。 2. T: We have so many different kinds of jobs. Among these jobs, whats your favourite job? S: My favourite job is a T: Do you want to be a in the future? S: Yes, I do./No, I dont. Teach: future (picture)将来,未来 T: What do you want to be in the future? (板书: What do you want to be in the future?) S: I want to be a T: So I can say this is one of your dreams. Teach: dream (cream)梦想设计意图设计意图:在教授新单词,通过已学单词引出新单词的学习,旧知带新知,降低学生学习难度。 3. 揭题Step3 Presentation 1. Look and guessT: Look, Miss Li and her students are talking about their dreams too.(板书头像)T: What do you want to know about their dreams?S: T: You have so many questions about their dreams. First, lets watch the cartoon and tick the answer. What do they want to be?译林版英语六年级下册备课 备课人:设计意图设计意图:不是直接灌输,而是通过教师一步步的引导和帮助猜测学生们正在做的事情,体现了以学生为主体的教学理念。2. Watch and tick What do they want to be? 设计意图设计意图:对 Story time 处理的第一步是通过播放卡通,从整体上感知整个故事,找出文中提到的六个关于职业的新单词并进行教学。Watch and tick 这种形式难度低,对于第一课时整体感知故事这个环节来说,难易程度是恰当的。 3. T: Now, lets learn these new jobs. writer (write)作家 dancer (dance)舞蹈家 T: When I was young, I liked dancing very much and I wanted to be a dancer, because I thought dancers were very beautiful. T: Most of the boys like this job very much.football player (play)足球运动员Beckhama football playerYao Minga basketball player pianist (piano, Australia)钢琴演奏家T: Pianists are very cool when they are playing the piano. Can you play the piano?S: No.T: I cant play, either. I think it is difficult to play the piano. If you want to play well, you should practice it every day.设计意图设计意图:情感教育并不都是到最后才呈现的,有时可以体现在教学过程中,比如这里在讲到弹钢琴时,就可以渗透“做事要坚持”的情感教育。 T: This job is very popular in the foreign countries.dentist 牙医 astronaut 宇航员 T: Which Chinese astronauts do you know?译林版英语六年级下册备课 备课人:Yang LiweiHes the first Chinese astronaut that gets into space.Zhai ZhigangHes the first Chinese astronaut that walks into space.Liu YangShes the first female astronaut of China to go into space.(板书贴六个职业类人物图片)设计意图设计意图:在教授新单词时,通过名词加 er 或 r 变成动词,以旧带新,音标等方式降低学生朗读的难度并适当对每个职业给予评价。 4. T: The students want to be a writer, a dancer, a football player, a pianist, a dentist and an astronaut. 教 an astronaut 的连读 设计意图设计意图:虽然“连读”这个语言点是 Sound time 的内容,但是作为本单元的一个重难点,既然在大课文中涉及到了,就应该进行适当的教学,让学生先有一个初步的概念,为之后的教学打下基础。 5. Look and guess T: Look at this picture. It is about the boys dreams. What do the boys want to be? Can you guess? S: wants to be 设计意图设计意图:通过猜测的方式不仅可以操练 want to be 这个句型,还可以激发学生学习兴趣,带着疑问去听录音,更加有效。 6. Look and say(直接出示图片) T: Are you right? Lets have a look. S: Mike wants to be a dentist. Wang Bing wants to be an astronaut. Liu Tao wants to be a football player. 7. Read and match T: I want to know“Why does Mike want to be a dentist?”What do you want to know? S: Why does. want to be? T: Can you match? S: Teach: care about (careful)关心,在乎 spaceship (space, ship)宇宙飞船 World Cup 世界杯 (板书:Mike a dentist help children care about their teeth Wang Bing an astronaut fly a spaceship to the Moon Liu Tao a football player play in the World Cup) 设计意图设计意图:对于男生的梦想,教师采取了给出主要信息,让学生连线的方式来降低学生的学习难度,符合学情。 8. Read after the tape 9. Retell 10. T:What do you think of the boys dreams? S: T: Brave and active译林版英语六年级下册备课 备课人: 11. Read and fill T: The boys dreams are great! How about the girls? Read Picture 2 by yourselves loudly. (板书:Su Hai a dancer Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful.) Nancy a writer write stories for children Yang Ling a pianist Music makes people happy.) 设计意图设计意图:从连线到完成表格,体现了由辅到放的过程,注重提高学生自主学习的能力。 12. Read after the tape 13. Retell 14. T:What do you think of the girls dreams? S: T: gentle and artistic 15. Listen and read T: Miss Li asks the students about their dreams and the students also ask Miss Li about her dream. If you are the students, how will you ask? S: What do you want to be in the future, Miss Li? T: You can also ask Whats your dream, Miss Li? Look at Picture 3. How does Miss Li answer? S: I want to see your dreams come true. Teach: come true 实现,成真 (板书:Miss Li see your dreams come true) T: What do you think of Miss Lis dream? S: T: proud and hopeful. Miss Li is a good teacher. This time, try to read it proudly and hopefully. 设计意图设计意图:在教学过程中渗透朗读的语气和情感指导。Step4 Consolidation 1. Read together. Tips:试着读出不同人物的感情色彩吧! 2. Read and retellT: This time, choose the boys dreams or the girls dreams to read. Retell the boys or the girls dreams.3. Think and writeMiss Li is writing about her students dreams. Complete her notes. My students dreamsMike wants to be _. He wants to take care of childrens teeth.Su Hai wants to be _.Yang Ling likes playing the piano. She wants to be _.Nancy is good at writing. She wants to write stories for _.Liu Tao likes sport. He wants to be _ and play in the World Cup.译林版英语六年级下册备课 备课人:Wang Bing has a big dream. He wants to be _ and fly to _.Teach: take care of 爱护,照顾 4. Think and sayT: Whose dream do you like best?S: I like s dream best.T: Why?S: Because 6. T: Always be a person full of dreams!Always try to make dreams come true!设计意图设计意图:情感目标在本单元中非常重要,教育学生要有自己的目标,要做一个充满梦想的人!这与第三课时要付诸行动才能使梦想成真相呼应。家作家作布置布置1. Read Story time fluently(流利地).2. Share(分享)your dreams with others.3. Preview(预习)Grammar time.板书板书设计设计Unit 8 Our dreams Dreams ReasonsMike 头像 a dentist help children care about their teeth Wang Bing 头像 an astronaut fly a spaceship to the Moon Liu Tao 头像 a football player play in the World Cup Su Hai 头像 a dancer Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful. Nancy 头像 a writer write stories for children Yang Ling 头像 a pianist Music makes people happy. Miss Li 头像 see your dreams come true译林版英语六年级下册备课 备课人:教学教学反思反思_
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