Unit 7 Chinese festivals-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级下册英语(编号:a016f).zip

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Period 2 mou _ _ _ _ ank _ _ in _ _ ink t ht ht ht hthirty-three songbirdsHappy birthdaysinging songssitting in the treeIt is the thirty-first of October.It is Halloween.Children usually dress up. They play “Trick or treat?” for sweets.乔装打扮乔装打扮不给糖就捣蛋不给糖就捣蛋What festival is it?It is the Spring Festival.What do people eat at this festival?What do people do at this festival?People get together with their families. They have a big dinner.Some people eat dumplings.When is the Spring Festival?It is in winter. In winter, its cold. We make snowmen and go skating.The Spring Festival is in January or February. Winter is in December, January and February. Dec.Jan.Feb.When is the Dragon Boat Festival?What do people eat at this festival?What do people do at this festival?It is in spring or summer.People have dragon boat races in some places. They eat rice dumplings.What f_st_v_l is it?It is the Dragon Boat Festival.ei a Summer is in June, July and August. Spring is in March, April and May. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June.In spring, its warm. We fly kites and go boating. In summer, its hot. We eat ice creams and go swimming.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.What f_ is it?Mid-AutumnFestivalDouble NinthFestivalWhen is the .?They are both in autumn.It is in .estivalIt is the . Autumn is in September, October and November. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October.The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November. In autumn, its cool. We have picnics and go climbing.Sept.Oct.Nov.Read and complete:Winter is in _, _ and _.The Spring F_ is in winter. It is in _ or _.Spring is in _, _ and _.Summer is in _, _ and _.The Dragon Boat F_ is in spring or summer. It is in _ or _.Autumn is in _, _ and _.The Mid-Autumn F_ is in autumn. It is in _ or _.The Double Ninth F_ is in autumn too. It is in _ or _.In 2014, the Spring Festival is in January. In 2015, the Spring Festival is in February. The Spring Festival is in January or February. There are dragon boat races in some places. People have dragon boat races inTry to sayWinter / Spring / Autumn is in , and . The Festival is in winter / spring / autumn.It is in or At this festival, people They eat Read and completeWinter is in _, _ and _.The Spring F_ is in winter. It is in _ or _.Spring is in _, _ and _.Summer is in _, _ and _.The Dragon Boat F_ is in spring or summer. It is in _ or _.Autumn is in _, _ and _.The Mid-Autumn F_ is in autumn. It is in _ or _.The Double Ninth F_ is in autumn too. It is in _ or _. 一、语言运用1、能在图片和文本的帮助下,用核心词汇说说节日的具体时间和分别有哪些活动。2、学习十二个表示月份的单词,并了解各自的缩写形式。二、语言知识与技能1、能正确朗读音标/,根据发音规则补全单词中的字母组合,并能正确跟读小诗。2、能拼读并正确抄写核心词: Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival, rice cake, dumpling, moon cake, rice dumplings 和 7 个月份单词。3、能用核心句型:The .is in.or. People usually.They eat.进行应答、介绍四个传统节日。4、能运用三个问句:Whens .? What do people do at this festival? What do people eat at this festival?进行询问。三、情感态度1、借助图片,了解万圣节的时间和主要活动。2、能感受到不同的中国传统节日中多姿多彩的活动,别具特色的食物带给人们的欢乐。四、学习策略1、积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。2、积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。本课时为单元教学的第二课时,学生在第一课时已经通过朗读单词 mouth,thin, thank, think,感知字母组合 th 在单词中的发音,且以初步了解 Culture time 中孩子们在 Halloween 节日中的活动。学生在四年级时对季节的气候特点与活动已经有了一定的了解,在第一课时课文学习的部分,学生学习了四个节日所在的季节时间与活动,本课时将延续第一课时的文本,增加节日月份与节日具体活动的学习。1、能在图片和文本的帮助下,用核心词汇说说节日的具体时间和分别有哪些活动。2、学习十二个表示月份的单词,并了解各自的缩写形式。3、能用核心句型:The .is in.or. People usually.They eat.进行应答、介绍四个传统节日。4、能运用三个问句:Whens .? What do people do at this festival? What do people eat at this festival?进行询问。【导入】Pretask1. Sound time1-1 Listen and complete1-2 Look, listen and say 从语音板块中选择了四个有 th 字母组合的单词,听音填空。看图听音,学习语音板块的词块。2. Culture time 2-1 Lets know看图与关键词句,了解文化板块内容。【讲授】Whiletask1. Revision1-1 Lets review利用板书的词块与图片,复习四个节日的名称。同时用书后练习的图片完成匹配任务,也是对第一课时回作的检测。2. More about Chinese festivals2-1 Lets talk2-2 Lets learn2-3 Lets read在 Mike 想进一步了解传统节日习俗的语境中,将主文本分成三段来讨论学习,穿插四季的天气与活动讨论、核心词句的问答及十二个月份的学习。并渗透月份缩写形式的教学。【活动】Posttask1. Summary1-1 Look and say利用四季小图与月份饼图回顾本课所学重点词句,并以外环与内环的方式再次呈现月份的全拼与缩写形式。2. The passage2-1 Read together2-2 Try to say回顾主体文本,让学生在读一读、说一说的任务中巩固本课所学。【作业】Homework1. Read the whole passage fluently.2. Finish the exercise “Read and complete” on the task paper.
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