Unit 2 Great People-Lesson 8 A Universe of Thought-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:677e0).zip

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Welcome to ClassUnit 2 Great PeopleLesson 8A Universe of Thought教学目标 1,能准确地发音和使用单词:lifetime,solve,relativity,pioneer,nuclear, weapon,conclusion,false,等词汇。 2,能掌握的句子; During his lifetime ,Einstein thought about the universe and solved problems in many physics. Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity. After he finished school ,He went on to study physics in Switzerland. He signed his last letter before he passed away. 3,能够理解运用before, after, 引导的复合句。 4读懂名人的文章,明白文章大意。Do you know?Norman Bethune毛泽东Helen KellerAlbert EinsteinHow do you think of Wu Yishu? I think WuYishu is I think Wu Yishu is a great person too.爱迪生简介 托马斯-阿尔娃-爱迪生(18471931)美国著名的发明家,物理学家,企业家,被荣威“世界发明大王”,是人类历史上第一个利用大量生产原则和电气工程研究的实验室来进行从事发明专利而对世界产生深远影响的人。他拥有的发明专利有2000 多项,包括留声机,电影摄影机,钨丝灯泡,电话机等。爱迪生是技术历史中著名的天才之一,爱迪生的四大发明;留声机,电灯,电力系统和有声电影,丰富和改善了人类的生活。1999年,爱迪生名列千年来全球最有贡献的100位人物榜首。Read the lesson and fill in he blanks. 1879.Einstein was born in_. 1905.Einstein became a pioneer in the field of_. 1921.Einstein received_. 1933.Einstein went to _at Princeton University. 1955.Einstein_.Germanymodern physicsthe Nobel PrizeteachdiedRead the lesson again and answer the questions 1,In what field did Einstein solve many problems during his lifetime? 2,What is Einstein most famous for? 3,In what countries did Einstein teach? 4,What did he ask people to do in his last letter?Language notes1, one of the +adj./adv.的最高级形式+n.(pl.)+范围。 eg. Wang Xing is one of the tallest students in our class.(Say sentence and write the sentence then check the sentence)2,during “在-的整个期间”“在-期间的某个时候”3,be famous for = be well-known for ;“因-而著名”4,go on to do something. “接着做(另外的事)” go on doing something . “继续做(前后同一件事)” eg. 1)_ _ _ _the other exercise after you finish this one. 2)He _ _ _ until he was 91.5,After he finished school , he went on to study physics in Switzerland. He signed his last letter before he passed away. eg. The boy become famous after he won that prize. The scientists are doing the final test before they launch the rocket. Mum often tells the boy a story before he goes to bed . Cici wants to be a painter after she finishes school. 解释何为时间状语从句,所引导的主句和从句中的动作有先后,不可颠倒。6, Theory of Relativity. In the field of . the Nobel Prize. Pass away . pass away. nuclear weapon give up . think and think. 7, Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 解释何为定语从句。 eg. That woman who standing over there is my mother. That boy who playing football is my brother. Practice 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1,爱因斯坦是一个伟大的人,逝世于1995年。 Einstein, a great person ,_ _ 1995.2,高中 毕业后,他继续在大学读书。 After he graduated from high school, he _ _ to study in college.3, 兰州因牛肉面而著名。 Lanzhou _ _ _ its beef noodles.4, 袁隆平在农业领域做出了巨大的贡献。 Yuan Longping made a great contribution _ _ angricatral.5,妈妈经常在他睡觉前讲故事。 Mum often tells stories _ he goes to sleep.6,站在那边的那个女人是我的英语老师。.died inwent tois famous forin the field ofbeforeThat woman who standing over there is my English teacherEinsteins Saying1,“The important thing is not to stop question.”2,“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”3,“I think and think for months and years .Ninety-nine times ,the conclusion is false.The hundredth time I am right.”Class closingSummaryHomework design1)Read the text several times.。2)Do lets do it no.3.3) Master the language notes 20Goodbye再见Welcome to ClassUnit 2 Great PeopleLesson 8A Universe of Thought教学目标 1,能准确地发音和使用单词:lifetime,solve,relativity,pioneer,nuclear, weapon,conclusion,false,等词汇。 2,能掌握的句子; During his lifetime ,Einstein thought about the universe and solved problems in many physics. Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity. After he finished school ,He went on to study physics in Switzerland. He signed his last letter before he passed away. 3,能够理解运用before, after, 引导的复合句。 4读懂名人的文章,明白文章大意。Do you know?Norman Bethune毛泽东Helen KellerAlbert EinsteinHow do you think of Wu Yishu? I think WuYishu is I think Wu Yishu is a great person too.爱迪生简介 托马斯-阿尔娃-爱迪生(18471931)美国著名的发明家,物理学家,企业家,被荣威“世界发明大王”,是人类历史上第一个利用大量生产原则和电气工程研究的实验室来进行从事发明专利而对世界产生深远影响的人。他拥有的发明专利有2000 多项,包括留声机,电影摄影机,钨丝灯泡,电话机等。爱迪生是技术历史中著名的天才之一,爱迪生的四大发明;留声机,电灯,电力系统和有声电影,丰富和改善了人类的生活。1999年,爱迪生名列千年来全球最有贡献的100位人物榜首。Read the lesson and fill in he blanks. 1879.Einstein was born in_. 1905.Einstein became a pioneer in the field of_. 1921.Einstein received_. 1933.Einstein went to _at Princeton University. 1955.Einstein_.Germanymodern physicsthe Nobel PrizeteachdiedRead the lesson again and answer the questions 1,In what field did Einstein solve many problems during his lifetime? 2,What is Einstein most famous for? 3,In what countries did Einstein teach? 4,What did he ask people to do in his last letter?Language notes1, one of the +adj./adv.的最高级形式+n.(pl.)+范围。 eg. Wang Xing is one of the tallest students in our class.(Say sentence and write the sentence then check the sentence)2,during “在-的整个期间”“在-期间的某个时候”3,be famous for = be well-known for ;“因-而著名”4,go on to do something. “接着做(另外的事)” go on doing something . “继续做(前后同一件事)” eg. 1)_ _ _ _the other exercise after you finish this one. 2)He _ _ _ until he was 91.5,After he finished school , he went on to study physics in Switzerland. He signed his last letter before he passed away. eg. The boy become famous after he won that prize. The scientists are doing the final test before they launch the rocket. Mum often tells the boy a story before he goes to bed . Cici wants to be a painter after she finishes school. 解释何为时间状语从句,所引导的主句和从句中的动作有先后,不可颠倒。6, Theory of Relativity. In the field of . the Nobel Prize. Pass away . pass away. nuclear weapon give up . think and think. 7, Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 解释何为定语从句。 eg. That woman who standing over there is my mother. That boy who playing football is my brother. Practice 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1,爱因斯坦是一个伟大的人,逝世于1995年。 Einstein, a great person ,_ _ 1995.2,高中 毕业后,他继续在大学读书。 After he graduated from high school, he _ _ to study in college.3, 兰州因牛肉面而著名。 Lanzhou _ _ _ its beef noodles.4, 袁隆平在农业领域做出了巨大的贡献。 Yuan Longping made a great contribution _ _ angricatral.5,妈妈经常在他睡觉前讲故事。 Mum often tells stories _ he goes to sleep.6,站在那边的那个女人是我的英语老师。.died inwent tois famous forin the field ofbeforeThat woman who standing over there is my English teacherEinsteins Saying1,“The important thing is not to stop question.”2,“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”3,“I think and think for months and years .Ninety-nine times ,the conclusion is false.The hundredth time I am right.”Class closingSummaryHomework design1)Read the text several times.。2)Do lets do it no.3.3) Master the language notes 20Goodbye再见 教学设计教学设计(Teaching plan of the unit 2 lesson8)教学目标教学目标:(Teaching aims)1 能准确地发音和使用单词:lifetime. solve. Relativity pioneer .nuclear. weapon. conclusion. false. 等词汇.2能掌握的句子:1)During his lifetime .Einstein thought about the universe and solved problems in many physics.2)Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity.3)After he finished school, he went on to study physics in Switzerland.4)He signed his last letter before he passed away.等句子。3能够理解由 before. after. who 引导的复合句。4. 读懂有关名人的文章,明白文章主旨大意和掌握文章结构。教学内容(教学内容(teaching contents)1. Important words : lifetime solve theory relativity pioneer nuclear weapon conclusion false.2. Important sentences:1) During his lifetime, Einstein thought about the universe and solved many problems in physics.2) Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity.3) After he finished school, he went on to study physics in Switzerland.4) He signed his last letter before he passed away.5) 学习,理解,运用状语从句和定语从句。重点难点(重点难点(main points and difficult points)1) 重点(main points): Master the words and phrases.2) 难点(difficult points): Understand and use the sentenceswith “after/ before/ who”.教学思路(教学思路(teaching thought)本单元是以历史上有过卓越贡献的伟人为话题。本课介绍了伟大的发明家爱迪生,利用多媒体展示了历史伟人:毛泽东,海伦凯勒,白求恩,爱迪生,导出课题学习伟人爱迪生,了解爱迪生的贡献。通过武亦姝激发学生也做一个伟人。通过图片,课件学习课文,做相关的练习,纠正发音,加深对课文的理解。通过小组活动,增加了学生对学习的兴趣。通过总结爱迪生的名言警句知道怎样获得成功。教学过程:(教学过程:(teaching steps)Task. 1. Show pictures and answer the questions _Do you know who is he/she? _she /he is- (Norman Bethune/Chairman Mao /Helen Keller /Albert Einstein)Ask some students to answer the questions as a class. Task 2.Show a picture of Wu Yishu and answer the question._ How do you think of Wu Yishu ?_I think Wu Yishu is-_I think Wu Yishu is a great person ,(说一些励志的话)Task 3.Leading-in this class we will know about a great person Einstein.Show the teaching aims of this class.Know about the introduction of Einsteins. Read it loundly.Task 4.Learn the new words.1)Read the words by themselves2)Ask students to read loundly.3)Check the pronunciation of the new words.4)Teacher say Chinese students say English.5)Read the lesson and find out the new words that we learnt.Task 5.Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks.( The exercise in the ppt. )1) Understand the meaning of the questions.2) Pay attention to the time. You can do it successfully do it in groups and check the answer as a class.Task 6.Read the lesson again and answer the question(in the ppt.)1) Read the questions and understand the meaning.2) Encourage students to do it in groups.3) Ask students to answer the questions and check the answer.Task 7.Find out the language points (show them in the ppt.)Lead the students find out Try to remember and understand.Task 8.Practice.(the questions are in the ppt.)1) Read the question and find out which part is missing.2) Do them in groups 3) Ask students to answer the questions and check the answer.Task 9.1) Read the saying of Einstein.2 ) Translate them into Chinese.3 ) Read each sentence three rimes.Summary Ask students to summary.Class closing homework designRead the text several times
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