Unit 7 Work for Peace-Lesson 37 Don’t Fight!-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-冀教版九年级全一册英语(编号:43dcc).zip

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Lesson 37 Dont fight. service 服务 repair 修理 message 信息 check 检查separate分离,分开 bounce (球)弹起gentleman 绅士, 君子behave 表现repair 修理message 信息service 服务check 检查separate 使分开,分离bounce (球)弹起gentlemen 绅士behave 表现New words Listen to the text.Read the lesson and answer the questions.1.Did Steven come to the basketball game?2.How did Danny try to reach Steven? 3.Why did Danny get to an gry with Steven? 4. When there is a dispute, how do you deal with it?No, he didt. Danny sent an e-mail; called Steven; sent a text message. Because Steven threw the balland it hit Dannys head. .1.After a basketball game, Danny, Jenny and Brain are talking happily.happy (adj) -happily (adv) We are _(happy )children.He works _(happy)with his friends.happyhappilyLearning points2.Its fun to win.be fun to do sthhave fun doing sth It is fun_(play)football after school.We have great fun _(swim) in summer. to playswimming3. Is there anything wrong with him?形容词修饰不定代词要置于其后。 I have _to tell you.A. Important something B. Something important C. Important anything D. Anything important (3.Why didnt you tell me the game time was changed?(1)Why dont you do sth? = Why not do sth.?why dont you _(work) hard ?Why not _(try) it?workfly(2)一般过去时的被动语态was/were+p.pHe broke the window this morning.The window was broken by him this morning.She often looks after the children.The children are often looked after by him.exercises1.Boys and girls, I have got_to tell you. Please listen to me carefully. A .something important B .important something C .anything important D .nothing important 2.Danzeng laughed _(happy)when he received the birthday presents from his friends. happily3.We had a lot of fun _last weekend.A .to skate B.skating C.skate D.to skating4.We are reading new something in todays A B C newspaper now. ( ) _ D5.She broke the blue glass.(改为被动语态) something newA The blue glass was broken by her.6.It is fun_(play)football after school.7.Why dont you ask him for some money?(改为同义句)_ _ask him for some money?to playWhy notIf you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow忍一时风平浪静 退一步海阔天空Lesson37Lesson37 DontDont fight!fight! TitleLesson37 Dont fight! KnowledgeKnowledge 1. To learn the new words e.g. message, service, repair, chick 2. To learn about text.AbilityAbility 1. To learn about important content.TeachingTeaching aimsaimsEmotionEmotion To realize the necessity of dealing with the disputes and the ways of settlements.ProjectProject ContentContent AimsAims Step1:Step1: Lead-inLead-in andand warmwarm upupGreetings T: How do you feel today? Why? -Ss :I feel BecauseMotivate the Ss. Step2:Step2: teachingteaching learn to new words Learn the new words in the passage.Lets listen: Listen and answer Read and answer the questions.Read the passage again, complete the information sheet about Danny and Stevens dispute. Learn about some new words and expressions.Get to know more about the content and key information about the lesson. Students can understand better through reading, and listening.TeachingTeaching proceduresproceduresStep3:Step3: PracticePracticeReadRead thethe lessonlesson andand answeranswer thethe questions.questions.1.Did1.Did StevenSteven comecome toto thethe basketballbasketball game?game? 2.How2.How diddid DannyDanny trytry toto reachreach Steven?Steven? 3.Why3.Why diddid DannyDanny getget toto anan grygry withwith Steven?Steven? 4.4. WhenWhen therethere isis a a dispute,dispute, howhow dodo youyou dealdeal withwith itit Deal with the exercises and test the students mastery about the knowledge and make students understand the text better.Students can get more information with extensive reading.Writing Criteriacan help students to know how to write a good e-mail.StepStep 4:4: ProgressProgressLeainingLeaining pointspoints Happy_happilyHappy_happilyHaveHave funfun doingdoing sthsthBeBe funfun toto dodo sthsthMake students learn to important point.Home-Home-workwork1. Let students to learn new words and difficult point in classBoardBoard DesignDesign LessonLesson 3737 DontDont fight!fight! NewNew words:words: messageservicecheckRepair importantimportant pointpointhappyhappy happilyhappilyhHavehHave funfun doingdoing sthsthbebe funfun toto dodo sthsth
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