Unit 8 We're twins!-Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-县级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:51ab6).zip

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Unit 7 On the farm一、判断下列单词的划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“T” ,不同的写“F” 。 ( ) 1. farm meet ( ) 2. pig big ( ) 3. pear picture ( ) 4. time this ( ) 5. pear robot ( ) 6. apples ducks二、英汉互译。1.在农场上 _ 2.在树下_3.那些大苹果_ 4.这只梨_5.两头奶牛_ 6.一只橙色的包_7.那只鸡_ 8.这些鸭子_9.Whos this? _ 10 .Is it a picture? _三、选择。( )1.Its time _ drink . A. for B. to C. Is( )2. What are _ over there? A. those B. that C. these( )3. Is this _? No. Thats my sister, Tina, A. your B. you C. my( )4. _these ducks? No, _ chickens. A. Is ; its B. Is ; theyre C. Are ; theyre( )5. -What are those _ the tree? -They are apples. A. on B. in C. at( )6.- _ are they? - Theyre over there. A. What B. Where C. Who( )7.-What colour is the pen? - Its _ orange.A. an B. a C. /( )8. Those are _ red _. A. a ; apple B. / ; apple C. / ; apples( )9. -What _ that? - _ a ruler. A. are ; Theyre B. is ; Thats C. is ; Its( )10. - _ this? - _my mother. A.Whats ; Hes B. Whos ; Hes C. Whos ; Shes四、交际语匹配。( )1. This is Tim. A. Hes Tim.( )2. Wheres the chair? B. Yes, it is.( )3. What time is it? C. Yes, they are.( )4. How old are you? D. Nice to meet you.( )5. Are these books? E. Its a book.( )6. Is this a book? F. Im ten.( )7. Whats this? G. Its ten oclock.( )8. Whos this? H. Its over there.Where are they ?Theyre on the farm.在农场上在农场上What are those?What are these?Yes. Theyre apples.No. Theyre pears.Whats _ ?Its an _ .thisorangeWhats _ ?thatIts an _ .orangeWhat _ _?_ _.arethoseTheyreorangesWhat _ _?arethese _ _.TheyreorangesWhat do you find from the pictures?(聪明的你发现了什么规律了呢?)(聪明的你发现了什么规律了呢?)Tip: 询问近处单个物品时用:询问近处单个物品时用:What s this? 询问远处单个物品时用:询问远处单个物品时用:What s that? 询问近处多个物品时用:询问近处多个物品时用:What are these?询问远处多个物品时用:询问远处多个物品时用:What are those?What are these?What are those?Theyre _ .ducksTheyre _ .chickenscowpigorangechickenpearapplecowspigsorangeschickensduckspearsapples/ z / s / s / z / z / z / z /duck Learning Tip: 英语名词有单数和复数之分。大多数名词后面加上s 就变成了复数,如apple 的复数是apples。有些名词后面要加上es才变成复数,如box 的复数是boxes。在汉语中没有这种现象哦!LetsLets chantchant _, _, whats _ ? _, _, its _. _, _, what are _? _, _, theyre _. thatThisthisthisThatthatThese thesetheseThosethosethose(this/these)(that/those)Q: How manypictures does Bobby draw?Watch and answerA: Three B: Four C: Five*规则说明规则说明: 1. 四人一组,两两一队。先掷一次骰子,四人一组,两两一队。先掷一次骰子, 数字大的一队先出发。数字大的一队先出发。 2. 用下面的句子问答用下面的句子问答 Whats this/that? Its a . What are these/those? Theyre . 回答正确前行,回答错误推一格。回答正确前行,回答错误推一格。 3. 不许说中文。不许说中文。 4. 先到终点的一队胜出。先到终点的一队胜出。 Lets playQ:What are they? (它们是什么图片?)Q:What are they? chickenpencilsTinaWhat are these?Whos this?Is this you?Bobby,whats this?Is this a duck?Q:What questions does Sam ask?No, its a chicken.Theyre pencils.No, thats my sister,Tina.Is Bobby good at drawing?(Bobby擅长画画吗?)Read and underline Lets read 注意模仿语音语调哦!注意模仿语音语调哦!LetsLets actact1.1.语音语调正确。语音语调正确。 2.2.语音语调正确并配上动作、表情。语音语调正确并配上动作、表情。 3.3.语音语调优美,动作表情生动、形象。语音语调优美,动作表情生动、形象。小朋友们,你们大显身手的时间到啦,小朋友们,你们大显身手的时间到啦,快快拿出你们手中的图片,让你们的快快拿出你们手中的图片,让你们的同伴猜猜你图片中画的是什么哦?同伴猜猜你图片中画的是什么哦?Whats this/that? ItsWhat are these/those? They areIs this a /an? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt.Is that a /an? Yes,it is./ No,it isnt.Are these/those? Yes,they are. / No.they arent.ThankThank you!you!英语(三年级下册)英语(三年级下册)Unit 7 On the farmFun time & Cartoon timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 a chicken, a duck, an orange。2. 能熟练掌握日常交际用语 What are these/those? Theyre 3. 能正确理解和朗读 cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确说出动物和水果的名称,会运用本课学习的句型。教学难点:能熟练运用本课所学的日常交际用语征询及回答看见的东西。Teaching procedures 教学过程教学过程Step 1 Greeting & Warm up T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss T: We will go on learning Unit 7. Who are they?S: Theyre Mike and Liu Tao.T: Where are they?S: They are on the farm.T: Mike doesnt know the farm well. What questions does he ask?S: What are these/ those? Are these apples? Are those apples too?T: Now lets help him.T-S Free talk.Learn to say.T: There are other things on the farm. Lets go and see. Look, Heres a fruit tree. Whats this?S1: Its an orange. T: Who can ask?S2: What s that?S3: Its an orange too.T: Who can try? (呈现多个橙子)S4: What are these?(呈现远处多个橙子)S:T: You are so clever. What can you find from the pictures?SHeres a tip for you.询问近处单个物品用 Whats this?询问远处单个物品用 Whats that?询问近处多个物品用 What are these?询问远处多个物品用 What are those?Try to sayAsk and answerWhat are these/ those?They re chickens/ ducks.Try to chantthis this , , , , 呈现名词的复数形式,总结规律。 英语名词有单数和复数之分。大多数名词后面加上“s”就变成了复数,apples。有些名词后面要加上“es”才变成复数,如 box 的复数是 boxes。在汉语中没有这种现象。我们在学习英语的时候要特别注意这一点。Step 2 PresentationPlay a game and learn the new words.1. T: You all did a good job. Now lets play a game.First, lets see the rules.Step 3 Cartoon time1. T: Bobby draws some pictures. How many does he draw? Lets watch the cartoon. T: How many pictures does Bobby draw?S: Three.T: What are they?S: A chicken, pencils, Tina.T: What questions does Sam ask? Lets read and underline.S1:S2:S3:2. Lets read.3. Lets act.4. Lets show.Homework 家庭作业家庭作业1. 熟读卡通,与同桌表演。2. 熟练运用句型 What are these/those? Theyre Are these/those ?来编对话。Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:教学准备:PPT板书设计:板书设计: Unit 7 Would you like a pie?a chicken What are these/those?a duck Theyre s.an orange
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