Unit 5 How old are you -Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:500cd).doc

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Unit 5 How old are you -Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:500cd).doc_第1页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:500cd).doc_第2页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:500cd).doc_第3页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:500cd).doc_第4页
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Unit 5 How old are you -Story time-教案、教学设计-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(配套课件编号:500cd).doc_第5页
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1、教学目标教学目标TeachingTeaching AimsAims1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten。2.能理解,朗读并说出日常交际用语 How lovely!How old are you?Im./Here you are。能在情景中综合运用所学的日常交际用语进行会话。3.能根据年龄段表达自己喜欢的玩具。教学重点教学重点TeachingTeaching KeyKey PointsPoints1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten。2.能听懂、会说、会

2、读句子:How old are you ?及其回答 Im 教学难点教学难点TeachingTeaching DifficultDifficult PointsPoints1.能正确朗读日常交际用语“How lovely!” ,发音准确。2.能在情景中综合运用所学的日常交际用语进行会话。教具准备教具准备TeachingTeaching AidAidsPPT、卡片、玩具等。课前课前自主自主预习预习IndependentIndependent PreviewPreview BeforeBefore ClassClass1. 通过课前预习,了解课文大意。2. 勾画出生词,试着了解其发音和意思。3. 听

3、磁带,试着跟读课文。教教学学过过程程TeachingTeaching ProceduresProcedures修改或反思修改或反思AdjustmentAdjustmentoror ReflectionReflectionStep1 Warming up1. Free talk.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too .T:Today I bring some interesting things here. Look!S:How nic

4、e/Its nice.T:Yes,its nice,and its very lovely!Look at this doll!S:How nice/How lovely!T:Yes,how lovely!(教学 how lovely)T:Boys and girls,do you like toys?S:Yes.T:I like toys too.Look at these toys,how lovely! I like toy pandas very much, and I haveMany toy pandas.How many toy pandas do I have? Let me

5、count!T: One, two, three, four, five.(作数数状)T:Yes,I have ten toy pandas.Boys and girls, Can you count from 1 to ten,lets count,OK?Ss: One, two, three, four, five .ten.T 拿着数字卡片: You can read the numbers after me.(做手势)读一个拼读一个数字(1-3 除外,教学 1-10 数字) 学生跟读单词。T: Good, show your hands,Lets count from 1 to 10.

6、Can you count from 10 to 1?Ss: Ten, nine, eight, seven .one.T:You are so good. OK. Now lets play a game.2. Play a game: Magic eyes.Tip:看到图片、单词、词组大声读出来,看到炸弹大声说“bomb” 。T: Good,you are so wonderful! One boy,Whos he? Lets go and have a look!Step2 Presentation and learn the story1. Look and ask some ques

7、tions.T:This lovely boy is my son,do you want to know him?You can ask him somequestions.Ss 自由发挥(他叫什么名字?/ / 他几岁了?)如问到 name: Lovely boy/ girl, look, whats his name?Ss: Jack.如问到 age: Wonderful boy/ girl, listen, how old is he?录音: Im ten .(如果学生问不出,就自己说 I have a new question, listen, how old are you(对着屏幕

8、问) , Jack?引出 Im ten.)T: So Jack is Ss: Ten.Ss read “ Im ten.”T: Jack is ten. What about you ? How old are you ?S: Im ten.T: Oh, I see.Teach : How old are you ?Ss 开火车齐读T: Today well learn a new lesson Unit 5 How old are you?Ss 读题T: How old are you ?Ss: Im nine.T: Hello, XX.S: Hello, Miss .T: How old

9、are you ?S: Im nine/ ten. How old are you ?T: Shh. Its a secret. You can ask your partner” How old are you?”S1: How old are you ?S2: Im nine/ ten.T: OK, now you can work in pairs like this .Ss work in pairs.T:OK, now do you have any questions about Jack?(引导问出爱好)T:Yes,Jack likes toys.you all like toy

10、s too,but where are the toys?2.Lead into the tory.Ss: 玩具店.T: Yes, we can see some toys in the toy shop. But there are different kinds of toys in thetoy museum. Do you know toy museum?T: There are a lot of toys in the toy museum. So today lets go to the toy museum, OK?Ss: OK.Teach: toy museum(分音节借用自然

11、拼读法规律和看嘴型来帮助学生认读单词)Teach:Welcome to toy museum(突出 welcome 中 o 的发音)T: Look at the picture. Who are in the toy museum?S: Mike,Helen ,father and Tim. (黑板贴人物)3. Watch and answerT: Mike,Helen,and Tim are all in the toy museum. But different toys are for differentages. How old are they? Lets watch the car

12、toon and think about this question.S watch the cartoon.T:Who can tell me how old they are?S:Mike is nine/Helen is eight/Tim is two.(教师将年龄卡片贴在对应人物后)T:Ok,boys and girls,can you read them well.Lets imitate!S:Read after the tape.T:You are so great!Boys and girls , there are many toys in the toy museum,

13、do you knowwhich toy is for Mike, which is for Helen, which is for Tim ? Now listen to the story andthen discuss in pairs.then I will ask some students to put the right answers on theblackboard.小组活动: 读 story,再与小组内的同学讨论一下, 并且说一说孩子们得到什么玩具。用这个句型来说一说。并将玩具图片贴到黑板上的合适位置。 is This is for (教师示范,引导学生一起说)学生上台将三

14、个玩具分别贴到相应的人物旁。T:ok,Mike is nine. This robot is for Mike.can you say like this?S: Helen is eight. This toy dog is for Helen.S: Tim is two. This toy dog is for Tim.T: Boys and girls , you know the dog is for Helen, the robot is for Mike, the panda is forTim.They all have toys.Now,I have some toys here

15、,do you want to get them?S:Yes.T:Would you like this one?Ok,This is for you./Here you are.S:Thank you.T:When we give something to some body ,we can say:this is for you or here you are.Andyou can say:Thank you/thanks.Now,lets imitate.you should pay attention to theprouunciation and intonation.Ss read

16、 after the tape.Step 3 Consolidation.Practice the story以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。T:Boys and girls,Its our rending time. Please read in groups. Which group can read forus?(几组表演读)Read after one.(跟一个学生读)Read in roles.(分角色读)Read together.(齐读)Step 4 Show time.好消息:学校的图书馆开放啦!里面有各种类型的儿童读物,请同学们快去选择一本适合自己的图书吧!四人一

17、组进行表演活动,其中一人扮演图书管理员,其他同学扮演来借书的同学。Useful sentences 1:How old are you?Im.This is for you.Here you are.Thank you.Useful sentences 2:How old are you?Im.This is for you.Here you are.Thank you.Would you like.?Yes, please.No, Thank you.What about.Work in groups .Then ask several pairs to act .Attention:小朋友

18、们之间可以互相用“How old are you?”来询问年龄,但千万不要这样问年级比你大的人,尤其是 20 岁以上的人,问年龄是对他们不礼貌的。作业设计作业设计HomeworkHomework1. Recite the number1-10.背诵数字 110。2.Act the story with your partners.和同伴们表演对话。3.Talk about the ages with your family and friends, and give them gifts.和你的家人及朋友一起谈论年龄,并赠送礼物。板书设计板书设计BlackboardBlackboard WritingWritingUnit 5 How old are you?nine.eighttwoToyToyMuseumMuseum


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