Unit 3 Is this your pencil -Fun time&Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:d2bb0).zip

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Is this your pencil ?I can talk about things for school.(能够谈论pen,pencil,school bag)I can use “my” and “your” correctly.(能准确地使用my和your)I know the sound of the letter “r”.(我知道能字母“r”的发音。)Art Lesson(美术课)What things do they have?美术课上他们准备了哪些文具?Brain Storm I can talk about things for school.(能够谈论pen,pencil,school bag)同桌互相检测拼背单词,全部拼出来得 ,拼出4个得 ,少于4个得 。Guess!Guess! 猜一猜Is that a?Guess!Guess!a rubbera ballpena pencilcaseA:Is that a?B:Yes, it is./No, it isnt.和你的同桌猜一猜,说一说。Whose are they?How can you ask?你想知道它们是谁的,会怎么问呢?Bobby/Sam, is that your?扮演Bobby 和Sam,同桌猜一猜,说一说。This is my ball pen.This is my pencil case.This is my ball pen.This is my rubber.Talk in pairs!10秒不间断地向你的同桌介绍自己的文具!。This is my .Talk in pairs!10秒不间断地向你的同桌介绍自己的文具!。This is my . I can talk about things for school.(pen,pencil,school bag)I can use “my” and “your”.我会运用my和your。同桌互评,在刚才的对话过程中,如果能熟练正确运用,得 。如果有一些错误,得 。需要同学提示才能说出来的得 。Lunch Time(午餐时刻)Where is your lunch box?午餐盒哪儿?Whats in it?Would Bobby like it?Why?Bobby为什么不想要呢?A. Bobby doesnt like cakes.B. The cake looks like a mouse.(看起来像老鼠)Listen, read and imitate请注意模仿语气和语音语调!Read and act.加上动作读一读。Read and act.加上动作读一读。Read and act in roles三人一组,表演故事。注意你的语音语调。别忘了你的动作哦!To be continued未完待续Wheres your ?Its.Wheres your lunchbox?Itsoverthere.Is that ?No,.Is that your lunchbox?No,itisnt.Is this your ?No,.Is this your lunchbox?No,itisnt.Whats?Look,.Whatsinit?Look,thisismylunchbox.Ah!.Ha!Ha!.Ah!Jack-in-the-box.Ha!Ha!Ajoke(玩笑).Wheres your lunchbox?Itsoverthere.Lets readIs that ?No,.Is that your lunchbox?No,itisnt.Is this your ?No,.Is this your lunchbox?No,itisnt.Whats?Look,.Whatsinit?Look,thisismylunchbox.Ah!.Ha!Ha!.Ah!Jack-in-the-box.Ha!Ha!Ajoke.Todays homework(Sam&Bobby的作业)A.Look and write.B.Look, read and choose.C.Find and say.Look and writeschool bagpencilrulerNorubberYesTips:Write correctly and clearly. See page 58.在写英文时,我们要写得正确、工整、清楚。Look,read and choose 一个诚实的孩子Dont cry(哭). Let me help (帮助)you.Its in the river(河)._golden axe(金斧子)No, it isnt.silver axe银斧子_How about this one?Oh, _.You are an honest boy.They are all for you._BADCgolden axe(金斧子)iron axe(铁斧子)A.Is this your axe?B. Where is my axe?C. This is my axe.D.No, it isnt.Is this your pencil ?I can talk about things for school.(能够谈论pen,pencil,school bag)I can use “my” and “your” correctly.(能准确地使用my和your)I know the sound of the letter “r”.(我知道能字母“r”的发音。)寻找字母“r”发/r/的单词!A red robot has a ruler and a rubber.在刚才的故事中看到的这些词,你能读出来吗?cryriverironFind and say圈出下列字母r是发/r/这个音的单词?are run friend yourriver afternoon cry for Find and say和同桌交换批改。 I can talk about things for school.(pen,pencil,school bag)I can use “my” and “your”.我会运用my和your。I know the sound of the letter “r”.我知道字母“r”的发发音。同桌互评,刚才的单词全部选正确的得 选对3个得 。3个以下得 。 I can talk about things for school.(能够谈论pen,pencil,school bag)I can use “my” and “your”.(我会运用my和your。)I know the sound of the letter “r”.(我知道字母“r”的发音。)Homework1.将续编的故事演一演。2.读一读“诚实的孩子”的故事。3.思考:什么时候用大写字母?英文标点和中文标点有什么不同。Goodbye!Thank youLets play!Mybookisbig.Yourbookissmall(小).Think and say语言加油站ax 斧子 cry 哭 honest诚实的Where is my?/Its here.Is this your?/What colour?Here you are. /Thank you.Hello,Bobby.Is thisyour?Itsonthefloor.Justbeside the door.Hello,Sam.Is thisyour?Itsonthedesk.Justbesidethebag.和你的同桌编一编儿歌!Lets play!两人一组,一人手中拿着物品的描述,另一人拿着若干图片,通过问“Isthismy?”“Isthisyour?”和来判断出属于自己的物品和对方的物品。猜对请大声说出“BINGO”Lets play!Mypencilisred.Yourpencilisblue.Lets play!两人一组,一人手中拿着物品的描述,另一人拿着若干图片,通过问“Isthismy?”“Isthisyour?”和来判断出属于自己的物品和对方的物品。猜对请大声说出“BINGO”I can use “my” and “your”.我会运用my和your。I know the sound of the letter “r”.我知道字母“r”的发发音。I can talk about things for school.(pen,pencil,school bag)I can talk about things for school.(pen,pencil,school bag)I can use “my” and “your”.(你能准确地使用my和your吗)I can say and use “Is this/that?”(用手边的东西,和同桌说一说吧)和你的同桌考一考,评一评Can you say something about them?你能说说任何有关他们的信息吗?Aboylost(丢失)hisaxe(斧子).TheTaoistimmortalwantstoknowifheishonest.(仙人想知道他是否诚实).Oldman:WGoodafternoon,boy.Whyareyoucrying(哭)?Boy:_Oldman:Oh,_Letmehelpyou.Boy:Itsintheriver(河).Oldman:Look,_Boy:No,itisnt.Oldman:Howaboutthisone?Boy:_Oldman:Whatcolourisyouraxe?Boy:Itsaniron(铁的)axe.Oldman:Isthisyouraxe?Boy:_Thankyousomuch.Oldman:Youareanhonest(诚实的)boy.Thegolden(金的)axeandthesilver(银的)oneareallforyou.A. where is your axe?B. I cant find my axe.C. No, it isnt.D. is this your axe?E.Yes, it is. BADCELook,read and choose 金斧子的故事Lets act!和你的同桌演一演这个续编的小故事吧!省略号处可以加上自己的语言哦越丰富越好!Unit3 Is this your pencil课前分配好课前分配好 Bobby 和和 Sam,讲清楚得星要求。,讲清楚得星要求。三人小组分好。三人小组分好。Hello, boys and gilrs.Look at our learning aims. This is the last lesson of this Unit. We will check you if you can talk about things for school and use “my” and “your” correctly. Wether your know the sound of the letter”r”. Are you ready for this lesson?Step1: Free talk & Warm-upT: OK. Class begins. Good morning,class. Im your new English teacher. Im Sally. I wan to be your friends. Whats your name?S:I am.T:Nice to meet you ./This is That is./T:See we are friends now. And today I bring two friends here,too. They are your old friends. Guess who they are? (背面朝学生)(背面朝学生)Tty to ask me”Is that ?”S:Is that Bobby/ Sam.T: Thats right. T:Do you like them?S:Yes.T:So at this lesson. You can be them. Lets see who can do better in class.The first lesson is an Art lesson.They are drawing some pictures. What things do they have?You can talk in pairs first.S:pencil, ruler,rubber,pencicase,crayon, water- colour brush,ballpenT:You know the words. Can you spell them? Who can spell pen? How about schoolbag?S:T:OK. This time spell the words in pairs to check each other. For example I want to check you.If you can spell all of them, you will get 3stars. 2stars for four words. 1 star for less than four. T:Who has got 3 stars? Excellent. Let me check all of you. pencil, pencil case, ru_ _ _, ru_ _ _ _ T: They have many stationeries.Some of them are very interesting. Do you know what they are? Lets guess. Is that a ?(先展示一个猴子头先展示一个猴子头)S:Is that a monkey/pencilcase?T:No, it isnt/Yes, it is.T: OK, look, here are some more. Guess what they are. You can ask-” Is that a?”and answer” Yes, it is/No, it isnt. I think.“(板书:板书:Is that your?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.)OK, now guess in pairs.T: You all have some ideas. Do you want to know the answer? let me show you the answers.T:Can you read it?T:Which Sam and Bobby can come here and say it?”Wow ,how nice!”T:They are their things. Now its your turn to introduce your things.(板书:板书:This is my.)Non-stop talking in 10 seconds.Its our ticking time. Just now, if you talked very well, you could get 3stars. Not bad, 2stars. If you needed your partners help, 1star.Step2: Cartoon learningT:After the Art lesson.They are going to have lunch .Look, Sam would like to have lunch. But Bobby says”where is your lunch box?”T: Where?Lets watch the cartoon.S:T:Whats in it? S:Some cakes.T: Would Bobby like a cake? S:No . T:Why?S:The cake is like a mouse. T:Bobby is a mouse.Right? I think you like this story.Lets listen and imitate. T:You read very well.Now lets read with some actions.T:Great! This time read and act in three.T:Boys and girls, do you like this story?S:Yes.T:Its not end of the story. Look(展示手绘的另外几幅图展示手绘的另外几幅图) Step3: Checkout timeT: Bobby and Sam are very happy at the lunch time. Now its time for their homework.A. Look and write. B. Look, read and choose. C. Find and say.Before writing, lets focus on the tips. What does that mean? Youre your books ,turn to page 58. Read it. Understand? For example, Look at picture one. This is my _. schoolbag Thats my pencilNow write down your answer about picture 2 and3. S:学生完成书上的练习学生完成书上的练习T: Its a story about the golden axe. The boy is crying. He cant find his axe. The golden one? The silver one? The iron one? Look ,read and choose.T:Now we can talk , we can use. Do you know the sound of the letter r?Let me check you. First , can you read it? We know in some words, the letter r is pronounced as In that story, We have more words like this. Can you try to read them?Can you circle the right words?Step4: Ticking timeT:Look, you got so many stars today.(评价黑板上的星评价黑板上的星)T:You are all very good. Byebye. silver axe银斧子_How about this one?A.Is this your axe?B. Where is my axe?C. This is my axe.D.No, it isnt.An honest boy 一个诚实的孩子一个诚实的孩子 Read and choose 读一读选一选_Dont cry(哭). Let me help (帮助)you.Its in the river(河).Oh, _.iron axe铁斧子You are an honest boy. These are all for you.(这些都给你了。)No, it isnt.golden axe金斧子_圈出下列字母圈出下列字母 r 是发是发/r/这个音的词。这个音的词。are run friend your river afternoon cry for
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