Unit 5 How old are you -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:50086).zip

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三年级下三年级下 Unit 5 练习一练习一 班级 姓名 学号 一、翻译。一、翻译。1. 几岁 2. 给你 3. 谢谢你 4. 在桌子后面 5 多可爱呀! 6. 一个好看的玩具 7. make a wish 8. What a nice rubber! 9. I want a puppet. 10. Its time for the cake! 二、二、用合适的用合适的 be 动词(动词(am, is, are)填空)填空1. I _ Sam. 2. You _ six.3. He _ over there. 4. She _ in class.5. It _ on the desk. 6. Su Yang _ my friend.7. How old _ your brother? 8. How old_ Helen?9. How old you? I three.10. that your crayon? No, it .11. Where the toy car? It in the box.12. How old Helen? She eight. 三、完成句子三、完成句子1. 你多大?我九岁。_ _ _ _? _ _.2. Tina 多大了?她八岁。_ _ _ Tina? _ _.3. 他几岁了?他七岁。_ _ _ ? _ _ years old.4. 机器人在哪里?在那边。 _ _? over there.5. 多么可爱的一只鸟啊!_ _ lovely _!6. 是吃苹果派的时候了。_ time _ the apple _.四、四、选择填空。选择填空。( )1. is Mike? Hes seven. A. What B. Where C. How old( )2. Look, a doll! A. Thank you. B. How lovely! C. Here you are. ( )3. Happy Birthday! A. Thank you. B. Happy birthday! C. Yes, please. ( ) 4. Im seven. you? Im eight years old. A. How old B. How C. How aboutdad dancing desk duck doorbiscuit bus bike boat bear red egg hen lemon elephantwitch want wolfwind wait waterdonkey clock fox peacock doll froggoat give grass grape guitar glasses Numbers数字数字onethreetwofourfivesixseveneightnineten请迅速念出飞请迅速念出飞过去的数字!过去的数字!85632641在日常生活中,你在哪里能找到数字?在日常生活中,你在哪里能找到数字?86287395 C 261T1 B AF521 How old are you? 你几岁了?你几岁了?ages 年龄年龄Im ten. 我我10岁。岁。 小朋友们,在西方女小朋友们,在西方女士的年龄是保密的,她们士的年龄是保密的,她们希望自己永远年轻,所以希望自己永远年轻,所以问女士的年龄是很不礼貌问女士的年龄是很不礼貌的哦!的哦!Im 9.Im 8.Im 2. How old are you? 你几岁了?你几岁了?Toy Museum 玩具展览馆玩具展览馆Art Museum 艺术博物馆艺术博物馆Kitty Museum kitty猫展览馆猫展览馆Car Museum 汽车展览馆汽车展览馆Toy Museum 玩具博物馆Toy Museum 玩具博物馆玩具博物馆欢迎来到玩具博物馆欢迎来到玩具博物馆Teddy bear泰迪熊泰迪熊 Doll 洋娃娃洋娃娃 UFO 飞碟飞碟Robot机器人机器人Toy car 玩具车玩具车Kongfu panda 功夫熊猫功夫熊猫 toy train 玩具火车玩具火车 toy dog 玩具狗玩具狗How lovely! 好好可爱啊可爱啊!lovefamilylovelyHow lovely!Look!Tips你能读出喜爱的语气吗?营业员要根据孩子们的年龄,给他们选择玩具。营业员要根据孩子们的年龄,给他们选择玩具。 What do they get? What do they get? What do they get?Q2: What do they get? 他们得到了什么?课文Pic3&pic5. What do they get?年龄帮助不同的年龄的孩子选择合适的玩具帮助不同的年龄的孩子选择合适的玩具帮助不同的年龄的孩子选择合适的玩具帮助不同的年龄的孩子选择合适的玩具为什么他们得到了不同的玩具呢?为什么他们得到了不同的玩具呢?Look !Im nine.Thank you !Im eight.Thank you !1. 注意要读出人物的语气哦。2.注意要指读哦。TipsRead in roles.(分分角色读角色读)Read together.(齐读齐读)Read after one.(跟一个学跟一个学生读生读)Tips:四人一小组,选择你喜欢的方式朗四人一小组,选择你喜欢的方式朗读课文。读课文。小朋友们,快来挑选自己喜欢的角色,以四人小组为一小组表演一下吧! 六一儿童节快六一儿童节快到了,你能为你到了,你能为你的兄弟姐妹挑选的兄弟姐妹挑选礼物吗礼物吗? ?Model:A:Good morning. Welcome to my shop ! Can I help you?(你想要点什么?)B:Id like a toy for my sister/brother.A:How old is she/he?B:She/ He is five.A:Would you like? What about .?B:Yes, please./ No,thanks.A:This is for you./Here you are.B:Thank you! 1.Read storytime 3 times.2.Act out this story .1牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 三(下)三(下) Unit 5 How old are you? (Story time) 第一课时第一课时【教学内容教学内容】Story time【教学目标教学目标】1. 知识目标知识目标(1)能听懂、会读、会说 lovely, nine, eight, our, five, six, seven, ten 及其他数字,记一记。(2)能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 How old are you? Im How lovely! Here you are.。2. 技能目标技能目标(1)能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。(2)能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论年龄。3. 情感目标情感目标让学生了解西方文化,知道随便询问年龄是不礼貌的。 【教学重点教学重点】(1)能在情境中感知如何谈论年龄,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:How old are you? Im . How lovely! Here you are.(2)能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述、表演课文。【教学难点教学难点】用学过的数词来谈论年龄。【教学疑点教学疑点】【教学准备教学准备】挂图,卡片,PPT【教学过程教学过程】Step 1 Warm up 1.Sound time2. Song time CountT:Is it interesting? This song is about “Numbers”.(领读 2 遍)3.Count the numbers a. T:OK , lets count the numbers from 1 to 10.All right ?点击 PPT,放大 1-10,跟录音读 1 遍, 跟老师升降调读两遍。b. 跟老师做动作说数字。 T: Do you like this game ? Me, too. 24.Game: Smart eyes . T: So, lets play another game :Smart eyes . 规则:If you see the number , please say it quickly.T:Good job! Where can we find these numbers in our daily life.出示:电话号码,车牌,房间号 叫如何读,T 示范,S 读T: Well done! You numbers can mean different things. It can mean telephon number,car numbers, and it can also mean ages.Step 2. Presentation and practice1.由 Numbers 引出 ages, 教句型 How old are you? (1) T: If we want to know someones age, you can ask: How old are you ? 跟读 2 遍。 One by one 问答操练, 了解更多关于年龄的文化。(2) 介绍人物 Mike, Helen, Tim 人机对话,分别问出他们的年龄。2. 介绍玩具博物馆 (1)Toy MuseumT: Got it? Today , they will go to an interesting place. Where are they gong ?They will go to Toy Museum . (2)了解其他的博物馆 T:What other museums do you know?介绍汽车展览馆,袜子展览馆。Its the Toy Museum. Follow me : Toy Museum(读 2 遍)(1(T 点击出现 Bear: Welcome to Toy Museum.(2(T 领读:Welcome 2 遍, (贴板书)(3(Listen again. What did bear say? Follow it 2 times.T: Who can be the bear? 3.介绍玩具。What can you see in the Toy Museum?S:I can see T:Yes, there are many things in it.(1)边听音乐边介绍玩具,教学玩具类单词。3T: Look, there are many toys. (生词领读)。(2)教学 How lovely!T: Oh, so many toys. How are they ?Are they nice?S: (引导学生用已学句型形容这些玩具。 )T: Yes, they are nice. And they are lovely. (课件:出现 love , family 引出 lovely , 领读) T: You also can say: How lovely! (教学,语气)4. Story time(1)人物介绍a. T: We know they are very lovely .Do you want to buy ?T: What can you see ?S: I can see T: Boys and girls . Listen (脚步声) Someones coming . Who?S: Mike, Helen, Tim, father T: Yes, the Greens coming. They look so happy, what do they say ?(录音): Look ! How lovely!T: Do they like the toys ? Can you read like this ?(T 示范)S: 模仿(2)Watch and match T: You like it, too .Now the shop assistant is coming, too. She wants to choose the toy for them. Lets watch the cartoon and then tell me : What do they get?回答并完成连线: What does Mike get? He gets a robot.a :(处理图 P2-3) :How do you know? 跟读 1 遍b :How about Helen? And Tim? (处理图 P4-5) T:If you want to give something to sb, you can use these sentences.请学生读:This is for you. / Here you are .And remember to say: Thank you .T: Why do they have different toys?4S: 性别,年龄T:Right. Look , here ages means: 年龄.They are for ages2-5.They are for ages 6-10. Different toys are for different ages.Remember, they can help you to choose the toys 5. Reading time. a. T: Now, its reading time.Listen carefully. (跟录音读)b. T: Not bad. Now, read after me .c. Choose your favourite way to read the text.Acting time.T: Wonderful! Lets act it , OK?a. (软件:角色扮演)T-S 示范7.根据板书提醒,引导复述。T: From the story , we know something. Can you say it ?Mike is 9 . The is for Mike .Helen is 8 . The is for Helen.Tim is 2 . The is for Tim.6. Experience area(巩固)T: They have different toys. And Childrens Day is coming, Can you choose the right toy for your brother or sister?(1)(介绍物品)T: Look, this is the toy store, there are so many toys .3+ : What does it mean? It means the toy is for children older than 3. Now , I have some toys here ,Im the shop assistant .Who wants to buy some toys.(2)T 示范对话 Act it.评价:What does he get? Step 4 Homework1. Read story time 3 times.2. Do a survey.5【板书设计板书设计】Unit 5 How old are you?A: How old are you?B: Im . 人物图片 年龄 礼物A: This is for you./Here you are.B: Thank you. /How lovely!
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