Unit 7 On the farm-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版三年级下册英语(编号:90747).zip

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我很高兴见到你。Hello,Im Miss Qian.Who can say “hello”to me?谁能向Miss Qian 问好呢?Enjoy a songfarm农场What does he do?他是做什么的?Hes a farmer.他是一个农民。farmOn the执教:丹徒实验学校 钱靖WWe elclco omeme to my farm. to my farm.欢迎来我的农场。animals paradise(动物乐园)fruit garden(水果公园) Whats on the farm?(在农场有什么呢?) 你可以说中文哦。 猪 (复数) pigasAnimals paradise(动物乐园) Gift timeGift time(奖励时间)(奖励时间)奖励规则: 请不停地询问Miss Qian:These,these,What are these?我将把礼物送给问的最好的人,拿到礼物请立刻回答:Theyre.s.Animals paradise(动物乐园)Animals paradise(动物乐园)cow牛a(复数)sAnimals paradise(动物乐园)work in pairs(两人小组,互问互答。)A: What are these? B: Theyre s.A: What are those?B: Theyre s.Animals paradise(动物乐园)Fruit garden(水果公园)apple苹果ans(复数)apples?apples?Are these apples?Fruit garden(水果公园)RiddleTheyre green. Theyre yellow. Theyre sweet. Theyre sour(酸的).Fruit garden(水果公园)鸭梨as(复数)pearFruit garden(水果公园)Apples, apples, are these apples? Yes, yes. They are apples.Apples, apples, are those apples? No, no. They are pears.Fruit garden(水果公园) Grandpas farm(爷爷的农场)Welcome to my farm.Mike对LiuTao爷爷的农场中的动物和水果很感兴趣,一起回答他的问题(question),帮助他了解农场吧!1. Whats on the farm ?cowsduckspigs( ) ( ) ( ) applespears( ) ( ) ( ) orangesTask1:Watch and tick(看动画,勾一勾)1. Whats on the farm ?cowsduckspigs( ) ( ) ( ) applespears( ) ( ) ( ) orangesTask1:Watch and stick(看动画,勾一勾)Mike问了哪些问题?(在文中用直尺划出。)4. Are those apples too(也)?3. Are these apples?1. What are these?2. What are those?Task2:Read and underline(认真阅读文本,在文中划一划。)B: Theyre pigs .A: Theyre cows .D: Yes. Theyre apples .C: No. Theyre pears .Q:What are these ?Q:What are those ?Q:Are these apples ?Q:Are those apples too ?Task3:Listen and order(读一读,排序): Grandpa和Liu Tao是怎样回答Mike的四个问题的呢? 仔细听录音,根据所给图片选择合适的答句。Grandpa, this is Mike.Nice to meet you,Mike.Welcome to my farm.Nice to meet you.What are these?Theyre pigs.What are those?Theyre cows.Are these apples?Yes.Theyre apples.Are those apples too?No.Theyre pears.Learning tips:1.注意语音语调和语气。2.看清楚箭头的含义: 表示阅读时用升调 表示阅读时用降调 表示阅读时要连读Happy reading (快乐读书) 1 询问离自己近的一些物品是什么,你应该说: 2 询问离自己远的一些物品是什么,你应该说:3 询问近处这些是不是苹果,你应该说 : 4 询问远处那些是不是梨子,你应该说: What are these ?What are those ?Are these apples?Are those pears?Summary要模仿课文中的语音、语调和语气,体会心情并增加动作哦! Happy acting(快乐表演)三人一组(Mike, Liu Tao and Grandpa)分角色朗读或表演课文,看哪组读得最棒! Homework:Introduce your farm(介绍你的农场)Requirements:1.四人一组,一人当农民,其余三人来参观你的happy farm,可以使用以下句型: A : Welcome to my farm!B: How beautiful!What are these?A : Theyre s.B: What are those?A : Theyre s.C: Are these s? A : Yes./ No. Theyre s.D: Are those s? A : Yes./ No. Theyre s.Homework1.Copy the new words. (抄写新单词。)2.Read story time after the tape. (跟录音朗读课文。)3.Go on drawing the happy farm and introduce the farm to your parents. (继续画开心农场并向父母介绍农场。)译林版译林版英语英语 (三年级下册)(三年级下册) UnitUnit 7 7 OnOn thethe farmfarm (第一课时)(第一课时) TeachingTeaching planplan教学内容教学内容Story time教学目标教学目标1、知识目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说 pig,cow。2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写 apple,pear。3. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 Welcome to.What are these/those? Theyre. Are these/those.? Yes./No. Theyre.2、能力目标:1. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。2. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语询问确认远近处的物品。三、情感目标:1. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学习自信心。2. 激发学生热爱大自然的情感。3. 培养学生相互合作的意识。教学重点教学重点1. 能听懂、会读、会说 pig,cow。2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写 apple,pear。3. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 Welcome to.What are these/those? Theyre. Are these/those.? Yes./No. Theyre.s.教学难点教学难点1.单词由单数向复数的转变。2.单词 welcome 中-come /km/的发音。3.Theyre. 的发音。4.these 与 those 的区分。教学过程教学过程Step 1 : Greeting & Warm up1.GreetingT : Hello,boys and girls. Im your new English teacher, Miss Qian. Who can say hello to me?S1 :Hello,Im XXX.S2 :Hello, Im XXX.T : Nice to meet you.S2 : Nice to meet you.(两三个学生后)T: Nice to meet you. S:Nice to meet you.2.Sing a songT : Oh, boys and girls, you are so nice. Now lets enjoy a song,you can clap your hands with me.Ss : Ss enjoy the song “Old McDonald has a farm”Step 2 : Presentation1. 揭示课题揭示课题T : Look! Whos he?S : Hes McDonald.T : And hes a farmer. He has a very big farm.teach : farm ar /:/ /:/ car farm /m/ /m/ farmT : Old MacDonald is a farmer and he works on the farm.T : Today we will learn “Unit 7 On the farm ”. T : Listen! What does he say?S : Welcome to my farm. teach : Welcome to my farm. /e/ /e/ wel / / come welcomeT : Boys and girls, whats on the farm?You can say in Chinese.S : I can see some s.T: So the farm is the animals paradise and the fruit garden.T : Do you want to go to Ali Babas farm?Ss : Yes!T : Lets say : Go to the farm. Go. Go. Go.2. Animals paradise(1)T: Now lets come to the animals paradise. T: Listen!Whats this?S : Its a pig. teach : pigs, pigs,theyre pigs.(2)T : look, what are these? (出示被草遮住的猪)teach:these 发音集体教 T:Theyre .引导生说 pigs.Theyre pigs. teach : these, these, what are these? Gift time: 操练 What are these?(3)T : Lets keep going.Look! What are those?Teach:those 的发音teach : those, those. What are those?T : We need a telescope. Please hold your telescopes and say“What are those”together. T : Theyre cows. teach : cows, cows,theyre cows.(4)Ask and answerT : Very good! Now look at the farm.Is it nice? Please work in pairs. Try to ask and answer.S1 : What are these/those?S2 : Theyre. 3. Fruit garden(1)T : They keep going. This time they go to the fruit garden. Look! What are these? You can use“Are these .s”to guess. teach : Are these s?S1 : Are these apples? S2,3.Ss : Yes! Theyre apples.teach : an apple, apples Can you read like this? apples? apples? are these apples? (语调的操练)(2)T : Go on. Look! Another tree.T:What are those on the tree? Heres a riddle,listen!You can use“Are those s?”to guess.teach : Are those s?S1 S2 S3 : Are those pears?S : Yes! Theyre pears. teach: a pear, pears(3)Lets chant : Read after me Boys-Girls Read it together with the musicT : Guys, Im a little hungry. Do you want to have a rest under the tree? What are those?S1 : Are those s?Ss : Yes./No. Theyre.s.(最后引出一本书)Step 3 : Story Time 1.T :Today our friends LiuTao and Mike come to a nice farm too.T: Who is he? S:Hes LiuTaos grandpa.T: Yes, this is his farm. Guess what will he say?S: Welcome to my farmT: Listen,can you act LiuTaos grandpa?2.过渡语:Mike 对 LiuTao 爷爷的农场中的动物和水果很感兴趣,一起回答他的问题(question) ,帮助他了解农场吧!(1)Task1:Watch and tick(看动画,勾一勾)(看动画,勾一勾)T:Whats on the farm ?Lets watch and tickS : Pigs, cows, apples, pears.(2)Task2:Read and underline(认真阅读文本,在文中划一划。(认真阅读文本,在文中划一划。 ) Mike 问了哪些问题?(在文中用直尺划出。在文中用直尺划出。 )(3)Task3:Listen and order(读一读,排序)(读一读,排序): Grandpa 和 Liu Tao 是怎样回答 Mike 的四个问题的呢?仔细听录音,根据所给图片选择合适的答句。仔细听录音,根据所给图片选择合适的答句。4. Happy readingTips:1.pay attention to the pronounciation and intonation 注意语音语调和语气。2.know clearly about the arrows 看清楚箭头的含义:表示阅读时用升调 表示阅读时用降调 表示阅读时要连读 Read after the tape Read story time together5. Happy acting1.三人一组(Mike, Liu Tao and Grandpa)分角色朗读或表演课文,看哪组读得最棒!(根据板书表演课文)5.Design your farm(设计你的农场)(设计你的农场)T:Now lets try to design your farm.Requirements:T: 1.work in four, and make your happy farm.2.one act the farmer and others come to visit the farm.Step 4:Summary1.T : Today we visit grandpas farm.On the farm, what are these?What are those?They are pigs and apples.They are cows and pears.And we can use these sentences to ask and answer about the farm.Step 5:HomeworkT:Are you happy today?Ss : Yes!T : Im glad to hear that. Heres your homework.1.Copy the new words. (抄写新单词。)2.Read Story time after the tape. (跟录音朗读课文。)3.Go on drawing the happy farm and introduce the farm to your parents. (继续画开心农场并向父母介绍农场。)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:自制单词卡片,句型条,球,草帽,农场栅栏和树,学生的农场体验作业板书设计: Unit 7 On the farm What are these/those?Theyre s.Are these/those s?Yes./No.Theyre s.
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