Module 9-Unit 1 Why do you like Australia -ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版四年级下册(一起)英语(编号:72c41).zip

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Task(本课任务本课任务):Talk about reasons with “why” and “because”. 用用 why 和和 because 询问和回答原因。询问和回答原因。Here is a map of Australia.AustraliaListen and think:Does Amy like Australia? Read and find “why, because”.Why do you love kangaroos and koalas? Because they are very, very cute. Why do you like Australia? Because I love Australian animals.They are _. They live in _. They like _ food. AustralianAustraliaAustralianAustralia Australian Read and choose. What animals do you like?I like _.Why do you like_?Because_.Tips: clever, cute, beautiful, lovely, friendly, loyal(忠诚的忠诚的)Ask and answer in pairs. Why do you like Australia?Because I love Australian animals.Why do you love kangaroos and koalas?Because they are very, very cute. Say a chant.Hello! Hi! They speak English. What language do they speak? languageWe speak Chinese. What language do we speak? 你好!你好! 你好!你好! Hello! Hi! They speak English. We speak Chinese. 你好!你好! 你好!你好! Which one is different? Why ?Because_. A. the US B. China C. AustraliaWhich one is different? Why ?Because_. A. pipa B. erhu C. violinWhich one is different? Why ?Because_. A. kangaroo B. koala C. pandaListen and repeat.Read by yourself.A: Look! Here is a map of I really like . One day, I will go there.B: What language ?A: They speak .B: Why do you like ?A: Because I love . I love . And I love . B: Why do you ?A: Because . B: Ah. Sam and Tom are very cute, too.Amy and Lingling are talking about _. Amy really wants to go there. People speak _ there. Amy likes Australia because she loves Australian animals- _ and _. They are very, very _.AustraliaEnglishkangarooskoalascuteFill in the blanks.2017.06 JuneSun MonTueWedThuFriSat123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930提示:提示:zoo, park, library, Discovery land (发现王国发现王国), Sun Asia Ocean Park(圣亚海洋世界圣亚海洋世界), play games, see animals, read books,see beautiful scenery(风景风景) A: Where do you want to go on Childrens Day?B: I want to go to A: Why do you want to go there?B: Because A: B: A: Have a nice day! 选择正确答案。选择正确答案。( )1. We will go to _ on Childrens Day. A. Dalian Xinghai Park B. Dalian Discovery land C. Dalian Natural Museum( )2. “specimen” means _. A. 标本标本 B. 植被植被 C. 丛林丛林CAOn Childrens Day, I will go to Dalian Natural Museum with my son. Why will we go there? Because there are lots of specimens in the museum. My son loves them very much. We will have a good time. Summary:What have we learned today?Homework: 1. Listen, read and recite the text. 听,读,背诵课文。听,读,背诵课文。 2. Talk with your friends “Which country do you like? Why?” 谈谈你喜欢的国家和喜欢的原因。谈谈你喜欢的国家和喜欢的原因。 “一师一优课,一课一名师一师一优课,一课一名师”活动教学设计活动教学设计学学 科:科:英语课课 题:题:一起八册 Module 9 Unit 1 Why do you like Australia?教学目标:教学目标:1.知识与技能:能够听、说、认读单词 because, language, Australian, kangaroo. 学习用 Why ? Because问答原因。2.过程与方法:在问题的引导下理解课文内容,在图片和句干提示下表演课文。小组合作使用目标语句创编 chant,激发学习兴趣。创设真实语境合作交流,使用 Why ? Because 进行问答,能说明原因。3.情感态度价值观:了解中西方文化差异,了解更多国外人文常识,激发热爱动物,热爱大自然的情感。教学重点:教学重点:Words:because, language, Australian, kangaroo Drills: Why? Because教学难点:教学难点:学生能在真实语境下使用 Why ? Because进行问答,能说明原因。教学准备:教学准备: 学生用书,电子书,单词卡片,多媒体课件,奖励用卡片教学过程:教学过程:. Warm up and lead in 1. Greeting.2. Tree talk. T: (出示水果图片) Do you like fruit? What fruit do you like? 学生回答。 3. Lead in. T: Does this sheep like fruit? Lets have a look. 看完回答 Yes. T: Why does he like fruit? 学生回答: Because its healthy.学习生词 because, s 发音/z/ 。T: 再次播放电子书活动一,学生跟读。. PresentationT: Today well learn M9U1. Well talk about reasons with “why” and “because”. If you did a good job, you can get these beautiful cards about Australia. Try your best, OK? . Text learning1. T: (出示世界地图) Look, children. Heres a map of the world. Which countries do you know? (学生说,教师在世界地图上找出来)T: Lets enjoy a video. Try to know which country it is. 播放澳大利亚的视频,欣赏。T: Do you know which country is it? Yes, its Australia. Look, heres a map of Australia. (出示澳大利亚的地图) 2. T: What do you know about Australia?What do you want to know about Australia?学生自由回答。3. T: Amy and Lingling are talking about Australia. Listen and think, does Amy like Australia? 播放光盘,学生观看思考。回答。Yes, she does.4. T: Why does Amy like Australia? Please open your book, read the text and underline the sentences with “why” and “because”.5. 汇报。 Why do you like Australia? Because I love Australian animals. Why do you love kangaroos and koalas? Because they are very, very cute.6. 学习生词 Australian, 并与 Australia 比较。Look here, Australia, Australian. Do you know the difference?学生回答拼写,发音和意思上的不同。选词填空。They are _. They live in _.They like _ food. 7. 学习生词 kangaroo,并与同桌谈论自己喜欢的动物及原因。T: Amy loves Australian animals. What animals? Yes, kangaroos and koalas. They are very cute. T: Do you like animals? What animal do you like? (与一学生对话示范)S: I like T: Why do you like ?S: Because 学生 2 人一组练习,汇报。8. T: Read these four sentences together. (齐读板书四句话) What can you find? (学生回答)T:用 why 问一般用 because 回答。9. T: Lets say a chant. 把课文四句话配上节奏,小组合作编成 chant,以不同形式展示Why do you like Australia? Because I love Australian animals. Why do you love kangaroos and koalas?Because they are very, very cute.10. T: I have a question. What language do they speak? S: They speak English. 学习生词 language. T: What language do we speak?S: We speak Chinese.11. T: We speak Chinese. They speak English. Its different. (出示国旗图) Look at these flags. Which one is different? And why? 学生自由回答:I choose A / A is different because_.再出示乐器图和动物图,学生思考哪个不同,并说明原因。12. Listen and repeat. 听音跟读课文,模仿语音语调。 . Practice 1. Read the dialogue by yourself. 自己练习读课文2. Act the dialogue. 表演对话。给图片,句干提示,分层。3. Fill in the blanks. 根据课文填空. Amy and Lingling are talking about _. Amy really wants to go there. People speak _ there. Amy likes Australia because she loves Australian animals- _ and _. They are very, very _. Task completion 1. T: 出示日历。 Childrens Day is coming. Are you happy?Where do you want to go on Childrens Day? Why do you want to go there? 问一学生问答示范。 2. T: Lets make a survey. Ask your friend about his Childrens Day plan. 给出提示句干和短语。A: Where do you want to go on Childrens Day?B: I want to go to A: Why do you want to go there?B: Because A: B: A: Have a nice day! 提示:zoo, park, library, Discovery land (发现王国), Sun Asia Ocean Park(圣亚海洋世界), play games, see animals, read books,see beautiful scenery(风景) 3. 汇报展示。4. T: Do you want to know my Childrens Day plan? Let me show you.On Childrens Day, I will go to Dalian Natural Museum with my son. Why will we go there? Because there are lots of specimens in the museum. My son loves them very much. We will have a good time. 出示选择题,小组讨论正确答案,用手势展示并说明原因。( )1. We will go to _ on Childrens Day. A. Dalian Xinghai Park B. Dalian Discovery land C. Dalian Natural Museum ( )2. “specimen”means _. A. 标本 B. 植被 C. 丛林VI. Summary and homework 1. T: Time is up. I am very happy, because I have a lesson with you. You are so clever. I love you all. Are you happy? Why? 2. Summary. 3. Homework 1) Listen, read and recite the text. 听,读,背诵课文。2) Talk with your friends “Which country do you like? Why?” 谈谈你喜欢的国家和喜欢的原因。板 书: Module 9 Unit 1 Why do you like Australia? Because I love Australian animals. Why do you love Kangaroos and Koalas? Because they are very, very cute.
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