Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!-Lesson 43 Have a Good Summer!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-(编号:a1073).zip

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take their final examsUnit 8Summer Holiday Is Coming!七年级英语七年级英语下下 新课标新课标 冀教冀教 Lesson 43 Have a Good Summer!Our summer holiday is coming soon. What are you going to do for the summer?play basketball / tennis / volleyball / footballWhat is Danny going to do for the summer?DearDiary,Iamsoexcitedtoday.Wewroteourfinal_andschoolis_.Thedayaftertomorrow,Iwillgotomyuncleshouse.Illstaythereforone_.DebbyandIwillplaybasketball,_,volleyballand_.Wewillswimandplayinthe_.Itsgoingtobeagreatsummer.Imlookingforwardtoitsomuch.examsovermonthtennisfootballsun1)Read the lesson and complete Dannys diary.Pair work: Read and act out the dialogue.final/fanl/ adj.最后的;最终的最后的;最终的1 1考向考向final的副词形式为的副词形式为finally最后,终于,最后,终于,相当于相当于at last/in the end。eg:Finally,hefinishedthework.最后,他完成了那项工作。eg:Isthisyourfinaldecision?这是你最后的决定吗? exam/zm/ n.考试;检查,考试;检查,也可写成:也可写成:examination2 2考向考向take an exam参加考试参加考试pass an exam通过考试通过考试fail an exam未通过考试未通过考试eg:Wewilltakethreeexamstomorrow.明天我们将参加三场考试。tennis /tens/ n. 网球网球3 3eg:Danny will play basketball, tennis, volleyball and football during the holidays.I m going to stay with his family for one month.We will do so many things.4 4be going towill动词原形动词原形表示表示“ 将要,计划,打算做将要,计划,打算做”eg: I am going to travel to Tibet with my friends this summer.He will take guitar lessons during the summer holidays.3)Rewrite the sentences using “will” or “be going to”1.Shehasanewtoycar.SheisgoingtohaveanewtoycartomorrowShewillhaveanewtoycartomorrow2.Janesingsafolksongattheschoolparty._Jane is going to sing a folk song at the school party.Jane will sing a folk song at the school party.3.SometimesIwalktoschool._4.Theylistentotheradioeverymorning._I am going to walk to school.I will walk to school.They are going to listen to the radio tomorrow morning.They will listen to the radio tomorrow morning. 2)What will the boy and his family do for the summer?Listen to the passage and tick the correct pictures.Hooray! Summer is here! I love summer weather. There are so many fun things to do outside. My family and I dont like to stay at home and watch TV. We like to be active and enjoy the nice weather. We are lucky. We live near a beautiful lake. We will go bike riding around the lake. And I will play football with my friends every day. My father likes playing basketball. He will play basketball with his friends. My mother enjoys running. She will go for a run every morning. Every day will be fun.A: Where will you go ? / Where are you going?B:A: What will you do ? / What are you going to do?B:4)Work in groups. Interview 3 students about their summer holiday plans .namesWherewillyougo?Whatwillyoudo?Have a happy and meaningful summer vacation!Make a plan for your summer holiday and talk about it with your partner.UNIT 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!Lesson 43 Have a good summer!教学目标知识与技能:1.掌握单词:final, exam, tennis,短语:take an exam, be over, play basketball/tennis/volleyball2.掌握和运用谈论暑期计划的句型:Jenny and Danny took their final exams today.They are excited for the summer!How did you do on the English exam, Danny?Im sure you did well.What are you going to do for the summer?Do you have any plans?Yes,I have big plans.Im going to stay with his family for one month.That will be so fun.We will go swimming and play in the sun every day!We will eat ice cream and enjoy the hot weather.We will play basketball, tennis, volleyball and football.Have a good summer!3.能使用一般将来时。4.能使用本课的词汇及句式用英语描述暑期的活动计划。过程与方法:采用 TBL 教学模式In this topic I will use five-step Teaching Method and Task-based Learning. I design some tasks to help students learn.I think if I want to improve the ss oral English.I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work ,group work to let the ss.take an active part in all kinds of activities. Learning by doing,learning by using. Let the ss. be the masters of the class teaching and student-centered teaching method is well known.情感态度与价值观:1. Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study.2. Through the activities to let the students have a organized ,meaningful and happy summer holiday.Let them know some more activities during the summer .教学内容1.学会运用谈论暑期计划的词或短语:final, exam, tennis, take an exam, play basketball/tennis/volleyball。2.学会使用谈论暑期计划的句型:Jenny and Danny took their final exams today.They are excited for the summer!How did you do on the English exam, Danny?Im sure you did well.What are you going to do for the summer?Do you have any plans?Yes,I have big plans.Im going to stay with his family for one month.That will be so fun.We will go swimming and play in the sun every day!We will eat ice cream and enjoy the hot weather.We will play basketball, tennis, volleyball and football.Have a good summer!3.能使用一般将来时。4.能使用本课的词汇及句式用英语描述暑期的活动计划。教学重难点1.正确使用本单元的词和短语,分辨、会用 final, exam, tennis, take an exam, play basketball/tennis/volleyball。2.听力策略的渗透,听懂有关用英语描述暑期的活动计划。3.能使用一般将来时。教学思路本课时的教学内容是冀教版七年级英语下册第八单元的第一课时,重点在于引导学生理解语境,从表示暑期计划的词开始,自然地导入谈论期末考试和暑期计划的话题。以了解如何用英语描述暑期计划作为任务引起学生的听说兴趣,训练学生的听力和口语表达能力。利用动作、手势和图片学习英语单词,同时在对话中反复运用新学的单词和短语。因此,教师可以将知识目标定为掌握本课时新出现的词和短语,描述暑期活动计划的句型以及人们在暑假进行的活动。情感目标定为通过话题的学习,培养学生的学习习惯和兴趣,使学生能够用英语描述暑假的活动计划,并能听懂关于在暑假进行的活动的对话,了解一些更多的暑假活动,让同学们过一个有意义的暑假。教学准备设计教学 PPT,多媒体,相应的插图, flash 动画。教学过程Step1.Lead inLeading in 【情景 1】Class work :Teacher will show some pictures about the students activities .Ask the students to talk about what they are doing now.T:Hello,boys and girls.We will take our final exam soon. Are you happy? Are you excited?Ss: Yes. T: Yes .We are so excited for the summer.Summer holiday is coming,we will have a good summer. We will have a great summer holiday.T:How do you feel when you take an exam?S1:I feel nervous.T:What will you do for the summer holiday?S2:I will learn to swim.T:Do you have any plans for the summer holiday?S3:Yes,I do.I will read some good books. T: What will you do for the summer? . T: Well. Do you know what Danny is going to do during summer holiday? Lets go and listen to their plans for summer holiday. 设计意图展示一些关于暑假活动的图片,一起谈论他们对于暑假的感觉以及所进行的活动。运用实物或图片帮助学生学习生词和句型,直观、感性、形象。能使同学们了解更多的关于暑假的活动,同学们能从交谈中了解彼此的暑假计划,让暑假过得更有意义。同时自然导入新课。Step2.Presentation1.Lead the students to learn new words with pictures.The new words are final, exam, tennis, take an exam, and play basketball/tennis/volleyball.Ask the students to make sentences with the new words.Teacher can ask them questions according to the situations.T:When will you have the final exam? S6:Next week.T:Now read after me “final”.S:Final.T:Do you like to play tennis?S7:Yes,I do.T:Now read after me“tennis”.S:Tennis.2. Listening. Task 1 : listen , watch and answer What will Danny do for the summer? 设计意图让同学们对大意的掌握,学生们可以整体把握对话主题。3.Reading1)Task 2: ( group work) Read the dialogue and complete Dannys diary. Read the lesson and complete Dannys diary.Dear Diary,I am so excited today. We wrote our final _ and school is _. The day after tomorrow, I will go to my uncles house. Ill stay there for one _. Debby and I will play basketball, _, volleyball and _. We will swim and play in the _. Its going to be a great summer. Im looking forward to it so much.【Keys】exams, over, month, tennis, football, sun设计意图让同学们对大意的掌握的同时强化重点单词,检测学生对词汇的掌握程度。2)Task 3: (pair work) Read and act out the dialogue .Ask the students to read the dialogue in roles.Students read the passage aloud.Focus on the stressed words, pronunciation and intonation.Ask some students to act the dialogue out in front of the class. 设计意图模仿对话,编出自己的对话,培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力; 朗读巩固,训练学生的语音、语调;再根据课文内容增加学生对课文的理解程度。3) Task 4: ( class work) Read for the knowledge.The following language points should be explained.设计意图 让同学们用语言点造句,掌握重点单词和短语的用法。Step 3 Practice 1)Enjoy a video . 2)Do more practice.Come to lets do it 3设计意图: 通过观看动画之后做练习,让学生放松的同时复习 will 和 be going to 的用法,强化巩固一般将来时态。3)Make conversations. Ask and answer : Where will you go ? / Where are you going ?What will you do? / What are you going to do?4)Do some litening practice.Letsdo it 2. 设计意图: Exercise 2 是听力训练 ,加强学生听力的训练的同时为之后的Exercise 4 的说和写打基础。5)( Group work) Interview 3 students about their plans for summer holiday, and talk about them ,then write them down. Lets do it 4设计意图以学评教、强化落实。检测本课的重点单词、短语和句型,加强学生的口语练习的写的能力,让学生们得到充分的说和写的训练。Step 5、Summary .Class closing:Homework 1. Make a plan for your summer holiday.2. Practice the dialogue in this lesson.3. Preview Lesson 44. 设计意图口头练习和单词记忆相结合,复习、归纳,注重语言知识的操练与积累,练习今天学过的内容。板书设计 Lesson 43 Have a Good Summer!final, exam, tennis, ,play basketball/tennis/volleyball,take an exam, They are excited for the summer!Im sure you did well.Jenny and Danny took their final exams today.Do you have any plans?How did you do on the English exam, Danny?Yes,I have big plans.What are you going to do for the summer?That will be so fun.Im going to stay with his family for one month.We will eat ice cream and enjoy the hot weather.Have a good summer!We will go swimming and play in the sun every day!We will play basketball, tennis, volleyball and football. 暑假生活如何合理安排?一、调适身心,做到生活有规律。暑假期间,休闲、娱乐是少不了的,但一定要有节制,否则,非但不会起到休息的效果,而且也不利于身心健康。我们应该合理安排各种活动,正确处理休闲、娱乐与学习之间的关系。看看电视也未尝不可,因为看电视也能长知识;玩玩游戏也是假期中的常见项目,但是玩游戏不上瘾才是明智之选。 二、读书拓展,做到学业有目标。学习是学生的天职,假期一定要安排适当的时间用于查漏补缺。我们可以利用假期,做一些我们平时想做而不能做的事情。可以利用假期,集中精力把暑假生活自己平时学习上的薄弱环节和积攒的问题,彻底处理一下;也可以把自己平时顾不上阅读的书籍细细品读品读,给自己好好补一补营养,充一充电;还可以把自己的爱好与特长拾起来,再提高提高,进一步拓宽自己发展的空间。 三、敬老扶幼,做到成长有足迹。平时与父母亲朋相处的时间比较少,关注自己、关注学业的时候比较多。放假了,闲暇多了,可以帮助家长做些家务,陪父母散散步,走走亲戚,辅导弟弟妹妹。在享受浓郁亲情的同时,也奉献出自己的点滴力气,尽自己的一份责任,用自己的行动给父母、给家人以真情回报。 四、多参加社会实践和社会义务劳动.对于提高自己的素质和能力都有很好的帮助,最好写出工作报告或者感想,找出自己还需改进的地方和失败的地方,在思考教训和学习中进步。 五、由于平时在校园以学业为主,暑假可做好锻炼身体的计划,坚持以往,比如长跑,游泳等等,以强健体魄迎接新的学期。
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