(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 1Science and scientistsReading for writing 要点讲解ppt课件.pptx

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1、Unit 1 Science and scientistsReading for writingWork in groups. Discuss the questions.What makes a great scientist?Lead inbreak out 爆发1. Should another world war break out, what would become of human beings?万一另一次世界大战爆发,人类将会发生什么事?2. His face broke out in a rash.他的脸上突然长满了皮疹。Language point【拓展】break awa

2、y from 脱离,放弃(习惯),打破(陈套)break down 打破,坍塌,身体跨break in 插嘴,使驯服break into 破门而入,突然起来break off 折断,突然停止讲话,解除(婚约)break out 爆发(战争,火灾,疾病)break through 突围,冲破break up 拆散,分解,学校放假Language pointcome down 患病患病Language pointThe boy has come down with influenza. 男孩得了流行性感冒。He had come down with the flu. 他得了流感病倒了。Langua

3、ge point【拓展】come by 走过 come down 降下 come for 来迎接 come forward 挺身而出 come in 进来 come into 进入 come of 由产生 come off 从掉落 come on 上演 come out 出来 come out of 出自 Language pointfault n. 错误;弱点错误;弱点Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.离婚从来都不是一方的错误:双方都有责任。I support him against those who are f

4、inding fault with him.我支持他反对那些专挑他毛病的人.Language point【拓展】error: 指思想或行动背离正题轨道或没有得到正确指引而出现的偏差或错误。fault: 一般指小并且可宽容的缺点、错误。mistake: 最普通用词,泛指思想上、行为上或认识上的判断或理解方面的错误。shortcoming: 指没有达到所要求的标准、没有充分发展或没尽到职责的不足、缺点或短处。多用复数形式。Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.1 Qian changed his major becaus

5、e of a shift in personal interest.2 In Qians opinion1 art has a positive impact on a scientists development.3 When Hawking was young, almost everyone believed that the universe began with a big bang.4 Because Hawking was determined, he was able to succeed even though he was ill.ContentFTFTTHE FATHER

6、 OF CHINAS AEROSPACE Perhaps no other scientist has had a greater impact on Chinas aerospace science than Qian Xuesen. Described by the authors of the Story of Qian Xuesen as a man with “great scientific thought and scientific spirit” who was patriotic and served his homeland with effort, achievemen

7、t, and devotion, Qian was an extremely well-respected man.Born in Hangzhou in 1911, Qian attended schools in Beijing and then entered Shanghai Jiao Tong University to study Railway Mechanical Engineering. However, after the Songhu Battle broke out in 1932, Qian made the decision to switch his major

8、to aviation because he realized that China needed its own powerful air force to protect and defend the country. Qian went to the United States in 1935 to pursue his graduate studies. Over the course of the 1930s and 1940s, Qian became a pioneer in American jet and rocket technology. As a graduate as

9、sistant at the California Institute of Technology during the 1930s, Qian helped conduct important research into rocket propulsion, and in the 1940s, he and several other people founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, now one of NASAs leading space-exploration centres.After overcoming some difficultie

10、s during his final few years in the US, Qian returned to China in 1955. He received a heros welcome from his homeland and was put in charge of not only developing Chinas rocket science but also its space and missile programme. At that time, China was poor and its rocket science was undeveloped. No i

11、nstitute or university in China offered rocket science as a major, and there were no talents or experts in this field in China. Nevertheless, Qian did not let that discourage him from taking on the challenge. When asked “Can we Chinese possibly make missiles?”, his reply was a determined “Why not? W

12、e Chinese are able to make the same things that other people make.”Under Qians leadership, China developed the Dongfeng missiles, followed by the first generation of Long March rockets. In 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made satellite, Dong FangHong I, from a Long March rocket. Beca

13、use much of the technology behind the Shenzhou rockets can also be traced back to Qians research, Qian earned the name of “the father of Chinas aerospace”.Qian read a lot and was extremely knowledgeable, especially in the area of frontier science research. However, what might have made him such anou

14、tstanding and creative scientist was probably his strong interest in other things, such as music and drawing. His deep appreciation for art often gave him inspiration in his scientific research. The whole country was saddened by Qians death in 2009, and people honoured and remembered him in differen

15、t ways.2. Answer the questions below using the information from the texts.1. Why was Qian called the father of Chinas aerospace”?2. How was Hawkings own theory proven correct?Because he had the greatest impact on Chinas aerospace science.It was proven by an astronomer with telescopes.3. Study the la

16、nguage and structure.1 Underline the linking words and phrases in the passages, and describe their function. 2 What is the function of each paragraph in the passages?3 Find words that describe the personalities of the scientists. How do the stories about the scientists help illustrate these personal

17、ities?Serve as a verb.Explain how the scientist make great achievements.outstanding; creative; determined4. Write an essay about the scientific spirit.1. In groups, discuss some stories about great scientists.2. Using these stories as a basis, discuss the following questions: Apart from being clever

18、, what are the most important personal qualities a scientist must have to be successful? How do these stories illustrate the scientific spirit?3. Now work by yourself to write an essay about the scientific spirit.5. Exchange your draft with a partner. Use this checklist to help you revise the draft. Then take your draft back and revise it using your partners comments.Work in groupsDiscussBye-bye!


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