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1、第 1页(共 9页)Unit3 Section C Discovering Useful Structures一、单词拼写1.I am proud to be a co-founder of this important(倡议).2.Generally speaking, participants in marathons should beabove 14 years old and physically(成熟的).3.It was a(合乎逻辑的) conclusion from the childspoint of view.4.I have been out of work for s

2、everal months and have to liveon a tight(预算).5.The 76 years since the foundation of the UN has seen(巨大的) progress in human society.6.Tom,(表现) yourself! Did you forget the schoolrules?7.One loses by pride and gby modesty.8.But for the safety bI wouldnt be alive today.9.The voters are waiting for the

3、oof the election.二、选词填空cost an arm and a leg;as far as I know;as far as I amconcerned;generally speaking第 2页(共 9页)1., life is short and we must achieve somethingduring our life.2., American English is different from BritishEnglish in pronunciation and spelling.3.Im sick of paying rent in this town b

4、ecauseit.4., he will be away on business for three months.三、阅读理解Jeremy from America cannot understand why a lady he metoutside the Hyde Park in London said, “Ooh, isnt it cold?”and he thinks of this behaviour as a distinctively Englishconcern about the weather. In fact, the female was just tryingto

5、strike up a conversation with Jeremy. Not necessarily a longconversationjust an exchange of greetings. It is not alwaysquite that obvious, but all English weather conversations havea distinctive structure conducted according to unwritten butaccepted rules.The unpredictable nature of our weather ensu

6、res that thereis always something new to comment on, or perhaps mostimportantly, agree about. We have already established thatweatherspeak greetings like “Cold, isnt it?” require theresponse expressing agreement, as in “Yes, isnt it?” It wouldbe very rude to respond with “No,actually its quite mild.

7、 ”or “Its pretty hot to me.” If you deliberately break the rule,第 3页(共 9页)you will find that the atmosphere becomes rather tense andawkward. There may be an uncomfortable silence. Most likely,they will either change the subject or continue talking aboutthe weather among themselves politely, if coldl

8、y, ignoring yourfaux pasThere is, however, one situation in which English weatherspeakers are not required to observe the agreement rule at alland that is the malebonding argument, particularly the pubargument. In the special environment of the pub, constantdisagreement not just on the weather, but

9、on everything elseas wellis a means of expressing friendship.While we may spend much of our time complaining about ourweather, foreigners are not allowed to criticize it. Indeed,this brings us to the weather as family rule. In this respect,we treat the English weather like a member of our family: on

10、ecan complain about the behavior of ones own children or parents,but any blame from an outsider is unacceptable. The weather maybe one of the few things about which the English are stillunconsciously and unashamedly patriotic (爱国的)1Why did the lady comment on the weather to Jeremy?ATo build up frien

11、dship.BTo begin a casual chat.CTo send seasonal greetings.DTo express dissatisfaction.2 What does the underlined phrase“faux pas”inParagraph第 4页(共 9页)2 probably mean?AImproper response.BCareless attitude.CRude interruption.DFrequent complaint.3What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?AMale bonding in pubs.B

12、Argument about weather.CException to the agreement rule.DMaking friends by disagreement.4What is the best title for this text?APoliteness Tips for ForeignersBAccepted Rules in Social LifeCEnglish Politeness in Weather ConversationDHidden Rules of English Weather Conversation四、语法填空“USA? Britain? Whic

13、h country is1(good) to studyin?” We often hear such discussion.As China opens its door,it is a dream for many Chinese students to study abroad.Theywant to learn about the outside world.Its true that studying abroad can help students develop2(they).Their foreign language skills will3(improve) andit m

14、ay be easier to find jobs.But there are problems4should be considered.Language第 5页(共 9页)is the first.Students must spend a lot of time5(learn)another language.Students must also learn6(live) without parents careand deal with all kinds of things they didnt have to do before,like looking after themsel

15、ves.There are7(report) aboutChinese students abroad running into an ocean of difficulties8giving up in the end.When they have to take care9themselves, it is hard for students to study well.Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden to thefamily.For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abro

16、ad10(be) very high.But is it worth it?第 6页(共 9页)一、单词拼写1.initiative2.mature3.logical4.budget5.dramatic6.behave7.gains8.belt9.outcome二、选词填空1.As far as I am concerned2.Generally speaking3.costs anarm and a leg4.As far as I know三、阅读理解1.B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“In fact,the female wasjust trying to strike up aconve

17、rsation with Jeremy. Notnecessarilyalongconversation justanexchangeofgreetings(实际上这名女性只是想与 Jeremy 搭一下话。不必是长时间的对话,只是互相问候) ”因此这位女士对 Jeremy 评论天气是为了开始一个随便的聊天。2.A词义猜测题。 根据第二段最后一句 “Most likely, they willeither change the subject or continuetalkingabouttheweather among themselves politely, if coldly, ignor

18、ing your fauxpas(如果对话氛围不好的话,他们很可能会改变话题,或者继续礼貌地谈论天气。他们自然会忽略你的)。 ”因此,这说明你的回应是不合适的, 即违背了人们默认的规则。 即画线短语意为 “不当的回应” 。3.C段落大意题。根据第三段可知,在一种情况下,英国谈论天气的人不需要遵守规则, 这是发生在男人圈子里的, 尤其是在酒吧。在酒吧的特殊环境中, 天气上的不断的分歧和在其他所有方面的分歧都是表达友谊的一种手段。 即第三段主要讲的是遵守天气对话规则的例外。4.D标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是第一段中的“all English第 7页(共 9页)weather conversation

19、s have a distinctive structure conductedaccording to unwritten but accepted rules(所有关于天气的对话都是按照未成文但被人们普遍接受的规则进行的) ” 文章接下来具体地对该规则进行了解释,因此本文的最佳标题是“英国人关于天气对话的潜规则” 。四、语法填空1better考查形容词的比较级。根据语境可知,此处指“在英国和美国两个国家中,去哪一个国家学习更好一些?”所以应使用比较级。故填 better。2themselves考查反身代词。句意:的确,出国留学能帮助学生发展自己。 根据句意可知, 此处应使用反身代词。 故填

20、 themselves。3be improved考查动词的语态。句意:他们的外语水平会提高,找工作会更容易些。根据句意可知,此处主语 Their foreignlanguage skills 与 improve 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应使用被动语态。故填 be improved。4that/which考查定语从句。此处为定语从句,先行词是problems,指物,且关系词在从句中作主语。故填 that 或 which。5learning考查非谓语动词。spend time (in) doing sth“花费时间做某事”为固定搭配。故填 learning。6to live考查非谓语动词。learn to do sth“学习做某事”为固定搭配。故填 to live。7reports考查名词的单复数。根据空前的 are 可知,此处应使用名词复数。故填 reports。第 8页(共 9页)8and考查并列连词。句意:有很多报道说,中国留学生在国外陷入困境,最终放弃了。根据句意可知,设空前后句意存在并列关系。故填 and。9of考查介词。take care of“照顾”为固定搭配。故填of。10is考查动词的时态和主谓一致。本句主语 the cost ofstudying abroad 为单数形式,且句子描述的是客观事实,所以应使用一般现在时态。故填 is。第 9页(共 9页)


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