Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习+素材)-广东版(开心英语)四年级下册英语.zip

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  • Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时(课件+教案+练习+素材)
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    • Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时习题 .doc--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时教案.doc--点击预览
    • Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时课件.pptx--点击预览
    • vocabulary.mp3
    • warm-up.swf


Unit 2 Our New Home 第一课时第一课时 习题习题一、选择正确的字母补全单词。一、选择正确的字母补全单词。 ( ) 1. k_tchen A. a B. e C. i 21 教育网 ( ) 2.r_ _m A. ee B. aa C. oo 21cnjycom ( ) 3.b_droo_ A. e,m B. a,m C. e,n www.21-cn-( ) 4.k_d A. a B. i C. e ( ) 5.gard_ _ A.en B. an C. in 21cnjy2、英汉互译。英汉互译。1. 好看的 _2. 一间卧室 _3. _ new4. _ everyone5. 一个浴室 _ 3、选择题。选择题。 ( )1、你想告诉同学:你们家没有一个花园,可以说: A. There isnt a garden. B. There isnt a dining room. C. Theres a kitchen.( )2. 朋友想询问你家是否有个客厅,他会说: A. A living room there is? B. Is there a living room? C. There is a living room? ( ) 3. Lisa 想知道你家有几个卧室,她会问: A. Is there a bedrooms in your home? B. How many bedrooms are there in your home? C. Whats in your home? ( ) 4. 当你想说家里没有动物园时,你可以说: A. There isnt zoo. B. There is a zoo. C. There isnt a zoo. 【来源:21世纪教育网】( ) 5. 你想夸奖别人家很好,你可以说: A. Its a nice home. B. Its a bad home. C. Its a terrible home. 四、完成句子,一空一词。四、完成句子,一空一词。1. There is _ living room. 2.How _ kids are there? _ are 3.There _(be) a tiger in my home. 4. There _(be) a bedroom for everyone. 5. This one is old, I want a _ one. 五、连词成句。五、连词成句。2. is/a/there/not/kitchen (.)_3. is/ There/ a/garden/ too(,)(.) _4. many/ how/ are/ kitchens/ there (?) _5. in/ a/there/ your/ is/home/dining room (?)_Unit 1 My school 第一课时第一课时 答案答案一、【解析】该题考查词汇的识记【答案】CCABA二、【解析】本题考查词汇的识记。【答案】1. nice 2. a bedroom 3.新的 4.每个人 5. a bathroom三、【解析】本题考查单词句意的理解。【答案】ABBCA四、 【解析】1.考查冠词的使用。2.联系上下文知道是问数目,考查固定搭配。3.根据句意可知为否定,考查系动词。4.考查单复数和系动词搭配的掌握。5.根据句意可知,与 old 对照。【答案】1. a 2. many, There 3. isnt 4. is 5. new21 世纪教育网版权所有五、【解析】本题考查单词和句型的记忆掌握。【答案】1. Do you have a living room? 2. There is not a kitchen. 3. There is a garden, too. 4. How many kitchens are there? 5. Is there a dining room in your home? 广东开心版英语四年级下册广东开心版英语四年级下册 Unit 2 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计课题 Our New Home单元Unit 2学科英语年级四年级学习目标知识与技能目标:掌握新词:a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a garden过程与方法目标:能够在日常情境下使用单词描述家里的房间有哪些。情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。重点掌握有关家里房间的单词和词组,并了解它们的功能。难点能够在日常情境下使用单词进行有关家里房间的介绍。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Lets watch:warm-up.swf Talk with students about home: Whats in your home? Do you know what they are?在老师的引导下观看视频并进行交流 在之前学习的基础上开展教学,趣味引入。讲授新课1.Vocabulary(1)Please listen and repeat the new words . a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a garden(2)Demonstrate how to write in English.(3)Make sentences: There is ./There isnt . / Is there .? Team game: Who knows more. 2.Story time.(1) Read the story.(2) Listen carefully and try to repeat the conversations.(3)Listen again and find out the key points. 学习新单词。小组游戏。听录音,模仿语音语调。由单词向句子过渡,加深记忆。课文的句型学习和正音。(4)Have a think: What are they doing?(他们要做什么?)They are moving to a new home. What does their new home have?(他们的新家有什么?) There is a bedroom for everyone, a dining room, three bathrooms(5)Think and choose true or false. ( ) 1. They are at home. ( ) 2. There is a hall. ( ) 3. There are many bedrooms. ( ) 4. There is a dining room. ( ) 5. There isnt a zoo. 3. Add-activities (1)Look at the picture and answer whether there is a one in your home. (2)Act out the story with your partners. 4. PracticeLook and try to describe: There is a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, There isnt a garden. 5. Summary根据板书复述今天学习的内容:Home: a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a gardenThere isnt a .思考并完成练习。回答 Yes, there is a .或No, there isnt a .分角色扮演故事。回忆所学,总结知识。讲练结合,检验学生的掌握情况。小组活动让学生增强合作意识,同时可以取长补短,互相帮助,共同完成任务。系统化学习,加深掌握。2) -Is there a .? -Yes, there is. -No, there isnt.预习 Unit 2 的主要句型:(1)熟读本单元对话。(2)结合对话内容,总结关于 there is 的句型变换。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是激发学生学习家里房间布局名称的兴趣,通过实际对话情境的模拟练习加深对单词的掌握,并为下节课的句型讲解做好铺垫。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话,小组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务,达到预定的教学目标。板书Unit 2 Our new homea living room, a dining room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a gardenUnit 2 Our New Home英语广东开心版 四年级下Lets watchFree talkWhats in your home? Whats in your home? Lead inDo you know how to speak in English? Do you know how to speak in English? Lets learna dining room 餐厅a bedroom 卧室a living room 客厅a kitchen 厨房a bathroom 浴室 a garden 花园Listen Carefully! Listen Carefully! Lets learnThere is a living room.living room 客厅There is a dining room.dining room 餐厅Lets learnThere is my bedroom.bedroom 卧室There isnt a kitchen.kitchen 厨房Lets learnIs there a bathroom? bathroom 浴室Is there a garden? garden 花园新知讲解new 新的This is my kid. 孩子kidIts our new home. kid bedroom newkitchennewgardenbathroomnew卧室 客厅餐厅 厨房Lets learnListen and Repeat Listen and Repeat Dad has some good news Listen, kids. Were moving to a new home. Oh no! Lets learnListen and Repeat Listen and Repeat Be happy, Jenny. Its a nice new home. Is there a bedroom for me? Lets learnListen and Repeat Listen and Repeat Yes, there is. There is a bedroom for everyone. Is there a living room? Lets learnListen and Repeat Listen and Repeat Yes, there is. And there is a dining room, too. What about a garden? Lets learnListen and Repeat Listen and Repeat There isnt a garden, but there are three bathrooms. I like our new home. Lets learnListen and Repeat Listen and Repeat Is there a zoo in our new home? No, Gogo. There isnt a zoo. Lets learnHave a Think Have a Think What are they doing?他们要做什么?Lets learnAnswer the Question Answer the Question What are they doing?They are moving to a new home. Lets learnHave a Think Have a Think What does their new home have?他们的新家有什么? Lets learnAnswer the Question Answer the Question a bedroom for everyonea dining roomthree bathroomsWhat does their new home have?Lets talkNo, they dont. Do they have a zoo? ( ) 1. They are at home. ( ) 2. There is a hall. ( ) 3. There are many bedrooms. ( ) 4. There is a dining room. ( ) 5. There isnt a zoo. True or FalseT F T TTPlay a game看图大声回答,家里有说“yes,there is a .”;没有说“no, there isnt a .”。Look at the picture and answer whether there is a one in your home. 游戏时间游戏时间Play a gameIs there a bedroom in your house?Yes, there is. Play a gameIs there a garden in your house?No, there isnt. Play a gameIs there a kitchen in your house?Yes, there is. Play a gameIs there a bedroom in your house?Yes, there is. Play a gameIs there a bedroom in your house?Yes, there is. Play a gameIs there a bathroom in your house?Yes, there is. PairworkAct out the Story! Act out the Story! Showtime1.四人分别扮演故事中的角色。2.注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。3.一小组表演时,其他小组观看并评分。朗读基本流利基本流利,表情动作基本到位基本到位。朗读较为流利,表情动作比较到位。朗读能够脱稿,表情动作十分到位。21教育网Practice根据所学补全句子。1. is a cat. 2. _there a dining room? 3. There are three _(卧室). 4. There _(be not) a kitchen. 5. Is there _ garden? ThereIsbedroomsisnta21教育网a dining room 餐厅a bedroom 卧室a living room 客厅a kitchen 厨房a bathroom 浴室 a garden 花园SummarySummary1. There isnt a .2. -Is there a .? -Yes, there is. -No, there isnt.21教育网Practice请完成Unit 2 Period 1 随堂检测!21教育网Look and DecribeThere is/are .Whats in the home? Practicea living room, a kitchen, three bedrooms, a bathroom, a dining room. 21教育网Homework1. 背诵本课的生词。2. 在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。3.完成本课的课后作业。预习Unit 2的主要句型:1. 熟读本单元对话。2. 结合对话内容,总结关于there is的句型变换。21教育网21教育网
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