Revision 2-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:2045c).zip

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小学英语绘本课 Ants 教学设计教学目标:1、 学生能在图片的帮助下读懂绘本。2、 学生能描述蚂蚁的食物、族群、分工和生命循环。3、 学生能表演蚂蚁族群的分工。4、 学生能观察思考,更加了解蚂蚁,热爱自然科学,热爱生命,在和乐中发展自我。教学重难点:1、 教学重点:关于蚂蚁的族群、分工和生命循环的句子和词语的学习。2、 教学难点:在理解绘本的基础上,能改编表演蚂蚁的分工,描述蚂蚁的食物、族群、分工和生命循环。教学方法和策略:听说法、小组合作学习法,PRT 策略(playing+reading+thinking)教学工具:PPT、平板、触角头饰、表演道具、昆虫观察盒、放大镜教学步骤:Step1 Pre-reading1.Greetings(通过介绍自己,引入读书这一话题)2.Guess :What are we going to talk about?3.Sing a song(设计意图:用轻松欢快的歌曲把学生带入英语学习的氛围,激发学习情趣,让六年级学生放开自己,为表演做铺垫)Step2 While-reading1.What can you see in the cover? (由封面人物观察蚂蚁过渡到让学生观察蚂蚁)2.What does the ant look like?They have got feelers. They use feelers to tell each other about food and danger.3.What food do they eat?New words: seed, bug4.How do ants live?New words: colony5.How many kinds of ants are there in a colony?(5-8:难点)What are they?They are worker ants, soldier ants and the queen ant.6.What do worker ants do?7.What do soldier ants do?Watch a video8.What do the queen ant do?9.Group work: Say and act out 10. How do the eggs become ants?(难点)Watch a video(设计意图:课中后段看视频帮助学生缓解疲劳振奋精神)Students use stickers to introduce.11. Enjoy the whole picture book.Step3 Post-reading1.What do you think ants?2.Group work: Say something about ants.(利用板书和思维导图复述绘本内容,进行完整的语言输出)3.There are still some mystery about ants, know more about them, and challenge the scientist.(探究精神和批判思维)板书设计:教学反思: 1、导入部分有点长,应当精简。2、本节课选择的是一个科普类绘本,作为教师应当查阅大量资料,了解背景知识,以具备科学的严谨性。我由于对动物的了解不够深入,在学生说老虎是群居动物时,没有对其进行纠正,这是在今后教学中需要避免的。3、本节课的内容有一定难度,第二个小组活动前,我应当运用黑板上的板书,帮学生把整节课的内容梳理、复述一次,这样他们在小组活动中可能会表现得更好。4、学生的表演需要教师的示范,教师必须是一个好演员。这是我需要多修炼的地方。Welcome to Demi class!nature scienceAct like an actor!Think like a scientist!Lets guess. I am a insect(昆虫). I am tiny. I am smaller than a beetle. . I am usually black or brown. Who am I ?antmagnifying glassSam What does the ant look like?feelersWhat do they use to do? They use feelers to tell each other about _ and _. seedsbugsThey eat almost anything.Where do they live?colonyDo they live in a group or not?How many kinds of ants are there in the colony?soldierWhat do worker ants do?An ant can carry things 100 times heavier than itself. What do you think of ants?If I was as strong as an ant, I could carry 100 people!What do soldier ants do?What does the queen ant do?Group Work(小组活动) Say and Act outWork like ants! More sentence (说说更多句子 )Emotionally (动动作、表情、情感)Creatively (有创创意)Hello! I am a work ant. I collect food forOh, seed! Yummy!I am a soldier ant. I I am the queen ant. I 2 students1 studentfight1 student(the ant from anther colony)1 studentHow do eggs become ants?queeneggslarvaecocoonslayshatch intomaketurn intoantssmalltinycleverfriendlygood at team worklook after each otherhelp each otherwarmhard-workingunited amazingWhat do you think of ants?Before the class, I thoughtNow I knowantslook likejobsliveeatbabyGroup Work(小组活动)Say something about antsAnts have got . It is mystery challenge(挑战) the scientistknow more Goodbye future scientist!
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