Module 2-Unit 1 It’ s very long.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:80d48)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module 2 Unit 1 Its very long River Thames Big BenLondon EyeHomework:Describe your school.Module 2 Unit 1 Its very long.教材分析:教材分析:本册教材是供小学三年级下学期使用的。全书分为十个 Module,每个模块分为两个Unit。一般情况下,分为词汇教学、对话教学、阅读理解部分的教学、语音训练、歌曲与歌谣教学、趣味教学。本课为 Module2 Unit1 词汇教学,主要围绕话题归类出现,以伦敦的描述的呈现出词汇教学。学情分析学情分析:上课班级为三年级学生,学生们从一年级开始学习英语,对英语有着良好的语感及浓厚的兴趣。学生们可以通过运用英语与教师进行熟练的交流和沟通,能够在教师的教学设计下,完成教学任务,达到充分理解重难点的效果。教学目标:教学目标:. 认知目标:能够听、说、读、写形容词 wide, long, high, new, round, old. 能力目标:能够使用形容词对物体进行描述,促进学生听、说、读能力的提高。. 情感目标:激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生热爱生活,发现美。教学重点及难点:教学重点及难点:. 单词:wide, long, high, new, round, old. 理解、巩固相关形容词的用法。. 描述物体及图片内容。教学方法:教学方法:. TPR 及听说法。. 任务型教学法。. 情境教学法。教学准备:教学准备:CAI 课件,词卡,实物等。 教学过程:教学过程:Warmup:1. Greetings.2. Say a chant.(学生活动:Greetings. Say a chant. 互相问候并唱一首英文歌曲。)(设计意图:让学生在歌谣中放松心情,进入学习状态。)Leading in:1. Listen and chant.2. Say the chant in groups.3. Show a map about London. Ask the students look at the map.4. Talk about London.(学生活动:Look at the map about London.观看有关伦敦的地图。)(设计意图:教师利用伦敦的地图,调动学生的积极性,使学生初步接触伦敦,为本课的学习奠定良好的基础。)New concepts: Step11. Let the students listen to the text. Then listen and repeat the sentences.(Activity 2)2. Lead the students learn the text.(Activity 2)3. Teacher explain the text. Teach the new words in the different ways.(学生活动:Listen to the text, then repeat the sentences one by one. Learn the text. 听录音,学习课文内容。)(设计意图:教师以多样的学习方式,充分吸引学生对课堂教学的注意力。学习本课重难点及课文。)Step 21. Give a summary of London. ( River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye)2. Read the text together.3. Ask the students look at the blackboard and try to retell the text.(学生活动:Say out the characters of the places of interest.Read the text and retell it. 总结名胜古迹特征,朗读并复述课文。)(设计意图:教师引导学生一起总结伦敦三处名胜古迹的特征。学生在齐读课文之后,通过板书尝试复述课文。)Step3 Show some pictures of Beijing.Get the students look at the pictures. Then lead them to say the characters of Beijing s places of interest. Write down the sentences.(学生活动:look at the pictures and describe the places of Beijing.仿照课文内容写作,使用形容词描述北京的名胜古迹。)(设计意图:呈现有关北京的视频,鼓励学生使用形容词形容北京的名胜古迹,并以写作的形式作以巩固训练。)Step4 Practice: Show some pictures and ask the students to describe them.(设计意图:检查学生对 This .is.句型的运用及形容词的使用情况。)Class closing:1. Look at your classroom and invite students to discuss their feelings.2. Tell them to discover the beauty.3. Homework: Describe the school.(学生活动:Look at the pictures.Discuss.Ponder the inspiration.看图片进行思考:这个世界不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。)(设计意图:教师通过出示图片,展示众多有关美的图片(心灵美、自然美等),培养学生们在生活中发现美。课后描述学校的美丽之处。)Blackboard design:Module 2 Unit 1 Its very long.River Thames: This river is very wide. And its very long.Big Ben: Its very old clock. And its very tall.London Eye: Its a big wheel. Its very high, round and new.
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