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1、Writing a proposal for saving a buildingSay something about places of interest in China. The more, the better! You can cooperate with your partner.明十三陵是中国明朝皇帝的墓葬群,坐落在北京西北郊昌平区境内的燕山山麓的天寿山。这里自永乐七年(1409)五月始作长陵,到明朝最后一帝崇祯葬人思陵止,其间230多年,先后修建了十三座皇帝陵墓、七座妃子墓、一座太监墓。共埋葬了十三位皇帝,二十三位皇后、二位太子、三十余名妃嫔、一位太监。 东 陵位于河北省遵化境

2、内的清东陵是中国现存规模最为宏大,体系最为完整,布局最为得体的帝王陵墓建筑群。占地78平方公里的15座陵寝中,长眠着161位帝、后、妃及皇子公主们。清东陵以她无可辩驳的魅力,以她重要的历史、艺术和科学价值于2000年11月30日被正式列入世界文化遗产名录。2001年1月被国家旅游局评定为国级AAAA级旅游景区。 Read the article and answer the following questions.1. Why are the Ming Tombs called Shisanling?Shisanling means thirteen tombs in Chinese. Thi

3、rteen Ming emperors are buried there.2. Apart from Shisanling, which is the most famous Ming Tomb?Xiaoling.Nine.3. How many Qing emperors were buried in Hebei Province?Read the article again and fill in the blanks. 1. Most of the Ming Tombs are Located in _ _.2. The Sacred Way leads to_. Shisanling,

4、 north-west of Beijingthe thirteen tombsThe Ming Imperial Tombs:3. _ is the largest and best preserved.4. The Lingen Palace is known for its _ and _.5. Xiaoling is located in _ and contains the tomb of the _ Ming emperor.Changling simple designpainted ceilingNanjingfirstThe Qing Imperial Tombs:1. Th

5、e Qing Tombs are similar to the Ming Tombs in terms of _ and their choice of site.2. Dongling, located in _, contains the remains of five emperors.architectureZunhua3. Xiling, located in Yixian, is _ than Dongling.4. Xiling contains the tombs of _ Qing emperors.smallerfourTrue or False1. No attentio

6、n has been given to preservation of the Ming and Qing Tombs.2. All of the tombs have suffered some harm from rain, war, fire and theft.FTPreserving the tombs:3. International recognition isnt part and parcel of preserving and restoring historical sites.4. We need to take the responsibility to protec

7、t these monuments.FTFind out the adjectives from the passage according to the explanation.1. situated above sth. else: _2. easily broken or damaged: _3. having a pleasant smell: _upperfragilefragrant4. obvious; easy to see or understand: _5. connected with or belonging to the king or queen of a coun

8、try: _apparentroyal Do you think international recognition is helpful in protecting historic sites? Why or why not?Your group is going to research a local building that has a long history and discuss ways to preserve it. Write a proposal for saving and protecting the building. Consider these questio

9、ns:1. Why are the tombs included in the World Heritage list?2. Which local building will your group research? Why?3. How will you find out more about this building?4. What are the dangers that the building faces?5. How can the building be saved and protected?6. What kind of arguments will you to con

10、vince the local government to act to save and preserve the building?7. Who will collect information? 8. Who will write up the proposal?1. Do Parts D1 D2 D3 and D4 on Pages 110 and 111 in the Workbook. 2. Read the article in Part A on Page 115 in the Workbook, and then write an account of the Lugou Bridge.


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