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1、新外研版八年级上册英语-作文指导 Reading more English story books or novels .Watching more English cartoon TVs or movies. Listening English tapes and repeating after the speaker. we should remember more words and grammar. Second you are not afraid to make any mistakes you speak English as much as possible. We shoul

2、d practice them every day. 此处举例说明具体方法练练记记读读看看听听说说短语的使用使文章语言更丰富短语的使用使文章语言更丰富4.4.练习和使用练习和使用 Third you ask the teachers when you dont understand any knowledge .Its very good for you if you are interested in English . You will find studying English is interesting and helpful. One more thing remember “Pr

3、actice makes perfect”! I hope everyone makes progress. 5. 补充自己的观点补充自己的观点问问习语的使用使文章语言更丰富习语的使用使文章语言更丰富熟能生巧熟能生巧以我的家乡为题定一篇作文1. 地理位置:四川南部2. 繁华现代的城市;悠久的历史3. 著名的原因:名人;名山;名佛4. 生活特点:方便、舒适5. 补充自己的观点 My hometown Leshan Welcome to my hometown Leshan! Its in the north of Sichuan. Its a nice city with a long hist

4、ory. But it is also a modern and busy city. Gou Moro was a famous writer in modern China. He wrote many famous pomes, stories and plays.1.1.地理位置地理位置2.2.悠久的历史,悠久的历史,现代化的城市现代化的城市3.3.著名的原因著名的原因名人名人 There are many good places to visit in Leshan. The Leshan Giant Buddha is one of them . It is the largest

5、 Buddha in China . And it is about 1400 years old. Leshan is also famous for the Mountain EMei .You can see old temples, big trees and lovely monkeys. Millions of visitors come to visit it every year . 名佛名佛 名山名山 进行简要的说明进行简要的说明 There are many big supermarkets and shops. It is very easy to go shopping

6、. There are beautiful gardens and good schools here,too. Living here is easy and comfortable. Everyone lives their hometown. I like Leshan ,too. If you come to Leshan, Ill give you a warm welcome. 4.4.乐山的生活乐山的生活5. 补充自己的观点补充自己的观点 以我最喜欢的运动为题写一往篇文章以我最喜欢的运动为题写一往篇文章1. 你最喜欢的运动是什么你最喜欢的运动是什么2. 你喜欢这项运动的原因你喜欢

7、这项运动的原因3. 这项运动和其它运动的不同(比较)这项运动和其它运动的不同(比较)4. 你和这项运动的故事你和这项运动的故事5. 补充自己的观点补充自己的观点 My favourite sportOf all the sports, I like swimming best. I think nothing is more interesting than swimming. It makes me healthy and strong . And it brings me much fun. In summer, I usually go to swim with my classmate

8、s after school. Every time I feel tired but relaxed. 3.3.原因说明原因说明1.1.说明是什么运动说明是什么运动2.2.和其它运动比较和其它运动比较4.4.你怎样做的你怎样做的 I began to swim when I was 6. Now Im a member of our school team. Last week I took part in a swimming match and won the first prize. I enjoy swimming very much. And I hope to be a swim

9、mer in the Olympic Games .4.4.你的故事你的故事5. 补充自己的观点补充自己的观点 请根据提示内容,写一篇短文介绍一下Tom 和Dick的到校方式。姓名TomDick离学校距离最远最近交通方式公共汽车步行花费时间半小时10分钟观点到校最好的方式步行比乘公共汽车更有趣、更安全,也是最便宜的一种方式 Tom and Dick are good friends. They have Different ways to go to school. Tom lives farthest from school. He has the longest journey, so h

10、e usually takes a bus to school. It takes him half an hour to get to school. He thinks it is the best way to get to school for him. 1.1.说明有不同的交通方式说明有不同的交通方式2.2.说明说明TomTom的交通方式及原因的交通方式及原因最远最远时间时间方式方式观点:最好的方式观点:最好的方式 Dick lives nearest to school, so he walks to school every day. It takes him about ten

11、 minutes to school. In his opinion, walking is more interesting and safer than other ways. And it is also the cheapest way to go to school.3.3.说明说明DickDick的交通方式及原因的交通方式及原因观点:有趣、安全观点:有趣、安全观点:最便宜观点:最便宜原因原因时间时间方式方式最近你看过哪些电影、电视或者故事最近你看过哪些电影、电视或者故事(书)?选择你最喜欢的那一部(书)?选择你最喜欢的那一部(本、个)介绍给大家。写一篇短(本、个)介绍给大家。写一篇

12、短文。文。要点:要点:1.1.你最喜欢的是什么?你最喜欢的是什么?2.2.它主要讲的是什么(主要情节)?它主要讲的是什么(主要情节)?3.3.你为什么喜欢它?你为什么喜欢它?4.4.你有什么收获东带或者受到什么启你有什么收获东带或者受到什么启发?发? I saw a film called Kung Fu Panda last month. Its one of my favoruite films. It tells a story about a about a lazy, dull panda become a expert in Kung Fu. The Panda named Po,

13、 he is a big fan of Kung Fu . He works in a small store, one day he was chosen as the Dragon contender to a temple to learn Kung Fu by accident. 1.1.说明是什么电影说明是什么电影人物人物2.2.说明主要情节说明主要情节起因起因 First everybody doesnt like the panda, because he is very lazy. A few days later, the teacher found that the pan

14、das like one thing - eating. In order to eat he can do anything, the teacher trains him by this way, finally Po become a master of Kung Fu.经过经过经过经过经过经过结果结果 I like the film because it happens in China. And In the movie ,I like the funny conversations best ,it makes me laugh. I learned a lesson from P

15、o, when you had a goal, try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of you, and can succeed at last. Thats the part that I like the film the most.3.3.为什么喜欢这部电影为什么喜欢这部电影4. 4. 这部电影给你的启发这部电影给你的启发原因原因1 1原因原因2 2启发:有目标启发:有目标勇往直前勇往直前 目前,濒危的动物正在日益剧增。如何目前,濒危的动物正在日益剧增。如何保护濒危动物成了我们的当务之急。保护濒危动物成了我们的当务之急。

16、要点:要点: 1、为什么动物面临危险?(人、为什么动物面临危险?(人们捕杀动物,为了它们的肉、皮毛。)们捕杀动物,为了它们的肉、皮毛。) 2、表达你的看法?、表达你的看法? (这样做是不对的,(这样做是不对的,动物是我们的朋友,我们应该保护它动物是我们的朋友,我们应该保护它们。)们。) 3. 举例进行说明。(大熊猫是濒危动举例进行说明。(大熊猫是濒危动物的代表,仅仅只有物的代表,仅仅只有1000只野生熊猫)只野生熊猫) 4、你的观点,怎么做?(我们应该停、你的观点,怎么做?(我们应该停止对动物们的捕杀,更好地保护它们)止对动物们的捕杀,更好地保护它们) There are more and m

17、ore animals in danger at present/ now, so its important for us to think how to protect them now. People kill animals for their meat and feather. Its wrong for people to do this. Because they are our good friends. We should protect them instead of ( (而不是而不是) )killing them. 1.1.说明现状说明现状当务之急当务之急2.2.为什么

18、动物面临危险为什么动物面临危险原因原因3.3.表达看法:不对表达看法:不对措施措施 Panda is one of the symbol of animals in danger. They live in the forests in the southwest of China. They live on bamboo. There are only 1,600 pandas in the wild. They bamboo forests are getting smaller, they are losing their home. We should stop killing animals and protect them.4.4.举例说明举例说明介绍熊猫介绍熊猫生存现状生存现状5.5.观点:停止杀害;保护观点:停止杀害;保护此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢


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