八年级英语下册Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years.单元测试题2(有答案)-人教新目标版.doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 10 单元测试题 Written test part (共 95分 ) . 单项选择 (每小题 1分, 共 15分 ) 从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. I feel like Gina is _ honest girl, although I have never met her before. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )22. Miss Miller is nice and teaches well. She is very popular _ the students.

2、A. inside B. between C. among D. around ( )23. _ you grow older, you will become more understanding. A. As B. Whenever C. Before D. Since ( )24. It is a(n) _ for a young man like you not to study hard. A. feeling B. shame C. deal D. opinion ( )25. Are you quite _ with me? Of course. You know I never

3、 cheat you. A. truthful B. angry C. strict D. upset ( )26. The villagers _ the idea of a road through their village with satisfaction. A. question B. provide C. think D. regard ( )27. Dont talk about this to anyone, _ not to your mother, or she will be worried. A. actually B. especially =【 ;精品教育资源文库

4、 】 = C. suddenly D. simply ( )28. David doesnt have so much money, so he considers _ a used car. A. buying B. to buy C. not buying D. not to buy ( )29. If Mike doesnt go to watch the movie Journey to the West: Demon Chapter, his brother wont go _. A. both B. too C. neither D. either ( )30. Anna used

5、 to _ pop music, but now she likes rock music. A. listening to B. listen to C. listening D. listen ( )31. Every year _ people take the train to go back home before the Spring Festival. A. five millions of B. five million of C. million of D. millions of ( )32. Mr. Brown _ his hometown for a long time

6、. He really misses it. A. left B. has left C. went away from D. has been away from ( )33. I have been afraid of dogs since a dog _ me five years ago. A. hurts B. will hurt C. hurt D. has hurt ( )34. Could you please help _ the information about the passengers? Im busy now. A. bring out B. check out

7、C. work out D. give out ( )35. What about Cindys performance in the dancing competition? _. I liked it very much. A. Not much B. No problem C. Thats all D. It was perfect . 完形填空 (每小题 1分,共 10分 ) =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Dear Jo, Well, I arrived home safely tw

8、o weeks ago. The flight (航班 ) was fine, but a bit 36 . You know, I watched two films and ate two breakfasts on the plane! Thank you for everything. I had a really good time with you in London. I hope you 37 it too. The weather here is different from that in London. It has always been fine. Im writin

9、g this letter under a big umbrella 38 it is very hot today. I know we had some sunny days in London but I 39 there was also some rain! It was difficult 40 me to start work after my wonderful holiday, but its OK now. Ive been in a new department ( 部门 ) since I came home and its interesting. Ive got a

10、 new manager ( 经理 ) now, and thats 41 good because the old one was too strict. Do you like rock music? My brother is a drummer in a new group. He is 42 in his bedroom now, and its quite loud! I have just sent you 43 of his CDs. I hope you like them. By the way, did you 44 a black photo album (相册 )?

11、I think I left it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me sometime? No hurry. Jill is sitting with me and she 45 her love to you. Please write soon, and thank you again for the wonderful time! Yours, Chris ( )36. A. early B. late C. short D. long ( )37. A. enjoyed B. dreamed C. thanked D. celebrated

12、 ( )38. A. until B. because C. if D. although ( )39. A. hope B. wonder =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = C. question D. remember ( )40. A. for B. with C. from D. about ( )41. A. often B. almost C. quite D. never ( )42. A. sleeping B. practicing C. waiting D. watching ( )43. A. one B. few C. some D. any ( )44. A. see

13、 B. throw C. offer D. borrow ( )45. A. lends B. sends C. sells D. compares . 情景交际 (每小题 1分,共 5分 ) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Bob, have you been to Paris? B: (46)_ I visit my sister there every year. A: (47)_ B: For five years. A: Well, Im going to Paris. (48)_ B: Sure. There are many famous p

14、laces to see there, such as the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. A: OK, I will visit them. (49)_ B: French soups and sauces (酱 ) are really good. A: Oh, I see. Do Frenchmen like eating bread? B: (50)_ Croissants (牛角面包 ) are very delicious. A: Thank you for telling me so much, Bob. A. How about the food

15、there? B. How long will you stay in Paris? =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = C. Yes, they eat lots of bread. D. How long has your sister lived there? E. Do you like French food? F. Can you tell me something about it? G. Yes, I have. . 阅读理解 (每小题 2分,共 20分 ) A Lisa was a lovely girl. When Lisa was 9, her family decided

16、 to move across the country to California because Lisas fath er found a good job in California. Before they moved, Lisas parents had to take a trip to California to find a house where they would live. “We will be gone for two weeks,” Lisas mother said. “While we are gone, you will stay with Aunt Bet

17、sy.” Aunt Betsy lived several hours away, in a big city. Lisa had never stayed with Aunt Betsy, so she didnt know what to bring for her visit. The weather was warm, so she put some shorts and T-shirts in a bag. She put some books in another bag because she liked reading. Mostly she read books about

18、horses. When the day came, Aunt Betsy drove to Lisas house to pick her up. Lisa hugged (拥抱 ) her parents and said goodbye. Several hours later, they got to Aunt Betsys home. Lisa found Aunt Betsy lived in a beautiful apartment. Aunt Betsy led Lisa to her room. It was a small but clean room. Then Lis

19、a noticed something on the wall. She saw a picture of a tall, reddish-brown (红褐色的 ) horse. The horse was very beautiful. Aunt Betsy was in the picture, standing beside the horse. “Th ats Ruby,” Aunt Betsy said. Lisa asked, “Is that your horse?” Aunt Betsy said, “No, I ride her sometimes. She belongs

20、 to a stable ( 马房 ) not far away.” =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Lisa emptied her book bag onto the bed. She said, “I love horses. I read a lot of books about horses.” Sh e asked, “Can we visit Ruby?” Aunt Betsy smiled. She said, “Of course. We can even go out riding.” Lisa couldnt be happier. She and her aunt h

21、ad something in common. It was going to be a great adventure (冒险 )! 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )51. Lisas family decided to move to California _. A. when Lisa was 8 B. when Lisa was 10 C. because houses there were cheaper D. because Lisas father got a new job there ( )52. How did Lisa go to Aunt Betsys home? A. By bus. B. By car. C. By taxi. D. By bike. ( )53. Aunt Betsys home was _. A. small but clean B. in a small town C. far from a stable D. a beautiful apartment ( )54. How might Lisa feel at the end of the story? A. Sad because she missed her parents. B. Excited because she could go horse r


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