Unit 10 Lesson 3 language points ppt课件-(2020)新北师大版高中英语选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、1. They apply to adopt a boy from an orphanage as they need help on their farm. 他们申请领养一个孤儿院的男孩,因为他们的农场需要帮 助。 adopt vi.& vt. 收养,领养 采取某种方法、政策、态度【归纳】adopt ones suggestion/advice 采纳某人的建议adopt sb. as. 选举某人为adopt an orphan 收养一个孤儿【拓展】adoption n. 采纳,采用,收养adopted adj. 被收养的;被采用的【语境猜词】1) The old couple had no

2、children of their own, so they adopted a girl. 2) The government adopted the new policy at yesterdays meeting. 3) We adopted several measures to deal with the disease. 收养正式通过 采纳 2. On the day she is due to arrive ,Matthew picks her up at the train station- 当天她如期到达,马修来火车站接她。1. be due to 按期做某事,迫不及待做某事

3、 due to :因为,由于,相当于 because of , thanks to, owing to等2. pick up:拾起,捡起 (无意中)学会 接某人;恢复(健康) 好转; 改善 接收信号【语境应用语境应用】一词多义。一词多义。1) I picked up the flu while I was in America. _2) Diana soon picked up French when she went to live in France. _3) Were waiting until the weather picks up a bit. _4) He picked up t

4、he pencil and gave it to me. _ 5) At the next corner the bus stopped and picked up three people. _6) Viewers can pick up the signal with a much smaller antenna._染上染上(疾病疾病)(无意中无意中)学会学会 好转好转, 改善改善拾起拾起 (用车辆等用车辆等)搭载搭载接收信号3. But when her eyes fell on the odd little figure in the stiff, ugly dress, with t

5、he long red hair and the eager, bright eyes, she froze in amazement. 但当她的目光落在那个衣服不合身又难看、长着红色长头 发、眼睛热切而明亮的古怪小人身上时,她惊呆了。 freeze vi. & vt. 过去式froze,过去分词frozen 呆住;突然停止 (使)结冰,(使)冻结【归纳】 freeze to death 冻死 【拓展】 freezing adj. 意为“极冷的”;n. 意为“冰点”。 freezing cold 极冷 frozen adj. 冷冻的,冷藏的;(人或身体部分) 冻僵;(地面)冻硬的【归纳】 fr

6、eezing water 冰冷的水 frozen water 结冰的水 4. She sprang forward a step and clasped her hands. 她冲上前一步,双手紧握sprang:v.spring-sprang-sprang 跳跃,突然移动 n. 春天;泉水;活力5. Burst into tears she did.Sitting down on a chair by the table ,throwing her arms on it. and burying her face in them, she proceeded to cry stormily.她

7、立刻哭了起来。一下坐到桌边的椅子上,扑倒桌上,脸埋在臂弯里,放声大哭。该句子连续使用了Sitting down on a chair ,throwing her arms on it,burying her face in them 三个现在分词做方式状语,修饰谓语proceeded to cry,用来说明动作发生的背景或者情况。1.burst into: 突然起来(尤指唱歌、哭、笑等)【归纳】burst into tears/laugher 突然大哭/大笑 eg She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.【拓展】burst out: 突然激动

8、地喊叫; 突然开始(做某事)(后常接动词-ing形式)。burst out crying/laughing 突然大哭/大笑 eg “I dont believe it!” she burst out angrily. Everyone was sleeping when the baby suddenly burst out crying.6.“Youre not eating anything”, said Marilla sharply, eying her as if it were a serious problem.“你什么都没有吃”,玛丽拉严厉的说,眼睛盯着她,好像这是一件很严重的

9、问题。eye:1)n 眼睛 2)v 盯着,注视7.I darent trust you to put it out yourself. 我可不放心让你自己吹灭蜡烛。 dare n. & vi. 胆敢,敢于 1) dare作实义动词时,有人称、数和时态的变化,其后多接带to的动词不定式(短语)。 eg Mary dares to drive a car alone. My friends dont dare to swim. Did he dare to tell her the news?2)dare作情态动词,后跟动词原形,此时它无人称和数的变化。eg If you dare tell it

10、 to anyone else, Ill be angry with you. I dare not go out in the dark.8.With a sob she quickly undressed,put on her nightclothes and jumped into bed where she pressed her face down into ther pillow and pulled the clothes over her head.她抽泣着,迅速脱下衣服,穿上睡衣,跳上床上,把脸埋在枕头里,拉过棉被,蒙住脑袋。本句在主语she后面使用了上并列谓语undress

11、ed,puton 和jumped。在bed后面是 where 引导的定语从句。该从句使用了并列谓语pressed和pulled。 9.She carefully picked up Annes clothes, placed them neatly on a yellow chair, and then, taking up the candle, went over to the bed. 她仔细地拾起衣服,整齐地放在黄色的椅子上,然后拿起蜡烛,走到床边。【归纳】take up:1) 开始从事, 开始对有兴趣2)占据 (时间、空间、注意力等)3) 着手处理, 着手进行4) 拿起、举起、接受

12、(建议或挑战)take away 拿走; 使离开, 消失take down 拿下, 取下; 记下来take in 接待; 欺骗; 掌握, 理解take off 脱下; 起飞; 打折; 请假take on 呈现; 露出; 接受take over 接手; 接管take for granted 认为是理所当然地take place 发生; 举行take turns 轮流take it easy 慢慢来, 别紧张 10.And to bed, when she had put her dishes away,went Marilla, frowning most resolutely.玛丽拉收拾完盘子,紧紧的皱着眉头,也回到房间休息了。 1.本句采用了完全倒装。正常的语序为:And when she had put her dishes away,Marilla went to bed,frowning most resolutely.2.frown:frown on 不赞成,反对 with a frown 皱着眉


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