Unit 3 Fit for life Extended reading Language points ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第二册.ppt

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1、Book5 unit 3 Fit for life Extended reading Language points追溯到 _被用来做 _代替; 抵换 _用造成 _切换到,转到,转变成 _除以外(还) _访问 _按.所说,根据 _与.相连/联系 _到目前为止; 至今; 迄今 _EXPRESSIONSdate back tobe used totake the place ofbe made ofswitch toin addition topay a visit toaccording tobe connected withup to now与连接 _种种,多种多样的 _适用于; 应用于 _阻

2、止 _涉及,有关 _被认为是. ,被公认为. _推荐作为 _达成协议,达成共识 _开始广泛使用 _EXPRESSIONSbe linked toa wide variety ofbe applied toblock fromrelate tobe recognized asrecommend sth/sb asreach an agreementcome into widespread use1. There is evidence that acupuncture dates back to the Stone Age,when stone tools called bian were us

3、ed to press areas of the body. We cant prove that he was at the spot of the crime last night=Theres_ that he was at the spot of the crime last night solid/persuasive/convincing _/proof有力证据有力证据由于缺乏足够的证据,所以专家们无法解释这次飞机失事的原因。由于缺乏足够的证据,所以专家们无法解释这次飞机失事的原因。(lack,account for)_no evidence evidenceBecause of

4、lack of evidence, the experts cant account for the air crashevidence n证据;根据证据;根据_adj清楚的;明白清楚的;明白的;显然的的;显然的(1)evident adj. 明显的;清楚的明显的;清楚的It is evident that.很明显很明显(2)evidently adv. 明显地明显地evidentdate from date back totrace back to 追溯到,始于,自至今三星堆遗址据说可以追溯到三星堆遗址据说可以追溯到5000年前。年前。The Sanxingdui site is said

5、to _ 5000 years ago.完成句子(1)This is an old building _ the 16th century这是一栋追溯至16世纪的古老建筑物。(2)Ive _ Lucy tomorrow night明天晚上我与露西有个约会。(3)The model is the newest and most _这一款是最新的,也是最时尚的模型。date back to dating back togot a date withup to date1)date v.date back to和和date from一般无进行时态和被动语态;一般无进行时态和被动语态;作后置定语时,常

6、用现在分词形式。作后置定语时,常用现在分词形式。 2)date n. 日期日期 ;年代;约会年代;约会set/fix a date for确定确定的日期的日期have a date with sb. 与某人有个约会与某人有个约会out of date过时的;陈旧的过时的;陈旧的up to date直到最近的;现代的,时新的直到最近的;现代的,时新的go on a date 赴约赴约2. Some acupuncturists today still use gold and silver needles, but the majority have now switched to stainl

7、ess steel ones. 如果我是你,我现在会关掉电视,专心学习(如果我是你,我现在会关掉电视,专心学习(switch的短语)的短语)_ If I were you, I would switch off the television and concentrate on my studychange/exchange/ _ A _ B把把A换成换成B Please _ the light before you leave the room()()A. switch off B. switch on C. switch over D. switch up switch off 关掉关掉

8、switch on 打开;打开; switch over 交换位置;交换位置; switch up 扭转乾坤,转换扭转乾坤,转换switch forA3. acupuncturists have discovered that the treatment helps with mental problems like depression and anxiety too.Parents are naturally_ (anxiety) for their children与与anxious有关的短语有关的短语 (1) _ 为某事担忧为某事担忧 (2) _ 渴望做某事渴望做某事 (3) _ 渴望

9、(得到)某物渴望(得到)某物 anxiousbe anxious about sthbe anxious to do sthbe anxious for sth. with anxiety 焦虑地焦虑地ones anxiety about/over sth. 焦虑某事;忧虑某事焦虑某事;忧虑某事ones anxiety to do sth. /anxiety for doing sth. 渴望做某事渴望做某事4.Acupuncture has also been applied to treat people who abuse alcohol,tobacco or drugs.abuse n

10、. & vt. 滥用;虐待滥用;虐待Government officials shouldnt _(滥用他们的权力)(滥用他们的权力)真奇怪这位母亲竟然虐待自己的孩子。真奇怪这位母亲竟然虐待自己的孩子。_abuse their powerIts strange that the mother should abuse her own child.5. acupuncture is recognized as a symbol of traditional Chinese culture and has come into widespread use around the world. sym

11、bol _ (adj.); _ (v.)symbolicsymbolize用用sign,symbol或或 mark 的的适当适当形式形式填空填空(1)Suffering left its _ on his face(2)He only bought the yacht as a status _;in fact,he hates sailing(3)The economy has started to show _ recoverymarksymbolsigns众所周知众所周知,鸽子鸽子(the dove)是和平和自由的象征。是和平和自由的象征。(symbol)_长城像条巨龙, 这是中华民族精

12、神(Chinese Spirit)的象征。_As we all know/As is known to us all, the dove is the symbol of peace and freedom.The Great Wall is shaped liked a dragon, which is the symbol of Chinese Spirit.6. There is evidence that acupuncture dates back to the Stone Age,when stone tools called bian were used to press are

13、as of the body.这这是是一一个个复复合合句。句。that 连连接接的的是是同同位位语语从从句,句,说说明明evidence的的具具体体内内容;容;when引引导导的的是是定定语语从从句,句,修修饰饰the Stone Age。7. Up to now, more than 360 acupuncture points have been identified, each linked to a different part of the body. each linked to a different part of the body是是独独立立主主格格结结构,构,独独立立主主格

14、格结结构构的的逻逻辑辑主主语语与与主主句句的的主主语语不不一一致。致。独独立立主主格格结结构构主主要要作作状状语,语,可可表表示示方方式、式、时时间、间、原原因、因、条条件件等,等,其其构构成成方方式式有有以以下下几几种种:Weather permitting, well go camping tomorrow.So many people to help us, we are sure to succeed.Her glasses broken, she couldnt see the words on the blackboard.The students were listening t

15、o the teacher, eyes open.Many people joined in the work, some of them women and children.n/pron.+doingn/pron.+doingn./pron.+to don./pron.+to don./pron.+donen./pron.+donen./pron.+adj./adv.n./pron.+adj./adv.n./pron.+n.n./pron.+n.1.Throughout the book Liu speaks of the abuse _ Party power.2.Often a gen

16、ius _(recognize) only after he is dead.3.It has now become _(evidence) to u:that a mistake has been made.4.Press these two keys to _(切换切换) between documents on screen.5._(date) from 1933,the South Lake Park in Changchun was located in the southwestern part of the Changchun city.6.Although computer h

17、as many advantages, it cant _ (替代替代) human being._ (除除之外之外) the rugged road, the bad weather added to our difficulties of climbing the mountain.ofis recognizedevidentswitchDatingtake the place ofIn addition to7. Those old movies remain their_(魅力)(魅力)8. The _ looked like gold, but in fact it was valu

18、eless.9. He is in the library gathering _(材料材料) for what he is writing.10. Recently, even going upstairs makes me out of b_.11. Its reported that the o_ settlers there were the Indians.12. Coral is not a plant but a _ (vary) of animal life.13. You can change the c_ if you dont like the program.14. H

19、e can play nearly every musical i_.15. In front of the house stand two old trees, which m_(量)(量)30 meters high.magicmetal material(s)breathoriginalvariationchannelmeasuresinstrument16. The chances of a full recovery will depend on how s_ her injuries are.17. In some countries advertising _ (alcohol) drinks or tobacco is banned together.18. Westilldecidetocarryouttheplan_(尽管)(尽管) thevariousdisadvantages.19. Water and ice are the same s_ in different forms.20. Rain and snow are_ of the weather severe/seriousalcoholicdespitesubstancephenomenon


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