Unit 3 Back to the past 02 Reading知识点 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、B6U3 ReadingLanguage PointsBY G.ZI.EXPRESSIONSII. LANGUAGE USAGEIII.INSTANT FEEDBACKEXPRESSIONS1.先进的科技先进的科技 _2.装载着装载着_3.至于,直到,远到;就至于,直到,远到;就而言而言_4.暴露于;使处于暴露于;使处于的影响之下的影响之下_5.普遍认为普遍认为,被广泛承认被广泛承认_6.作为作为而被铭记而被铭记/怀念怀念_7.沿途沿途_8.对对表现出兴趣表现出兴趣 _9.离开;开出;从离开;开出;从出发出发_10.短缺,缺少,缺乏短缺,缺少,缺乏_11.置于严重危险之中置于严重危险之中_12

2、.惊慌地惊慌地_E Expressionsxpressionsthe advanced technologiesbe loaded withas far asexpose tobe widely acknowledgedbe remembered asalong the wayshow great interest indepart froma shortage ofput in grave dangerin panic13.不顾,不管不顾,不管_14.设法完成某事设法完成某事_15.确信,信服;相信确信,信服;相信_16.激励某人做某事激励某人做某事_17.翻开新的篇章翻开新的篇章_18.考

3、虑到,虑及;使考虑到,虑及;使成为可能成为可能 _19.接管,负责接管,负责_20.代表;为了代表;为了_21.友好地访问友好地访问_22.惊讶不已惊讶不已_23.符合;与符合;与一致一致_24.证明,对证明,对做出证明,见证做出证明,见证 _E Expressionsxpressionsregardless ofmanage to dobe convinced thatinspire sb to doopen a new chapter ofallow fortake charge ofon behalf ofpay a friendly visit tobe astonished byin

4、 line withbear witness to According to some records, the largest ships were over140 meters in length, demonstrating the advanced technology and special skills used in constructing ships.demonstratingused根据一些记录,最大的船长度超过根据一些记录,最大的船长度超过140米,显示了在船舶制造方面使用的米,显示了在船舶制造方面使用的先进的技术和专业技能。先进的技术和专业技能。Zheng Hs eff

5、orts helped develop and strengthen harmonious relations with these countries and regions, exposing foreign people to Chinese culture, and allowing the Chinese to better understand overseas lands.exposingallowing郑和的努力有助于发展和加强与这些国家和地区的和谐关系,让外国人了郑和的努力有助于发展和加强与这些国家和地区的和谐关系,让外国人了解中国文化,让中国人更好地了解海外的国家。解中国文

6、化,让中国人更好地了解海外的国家。 The final proof came when an enormous shipyard was discovered in Nanjing, where the fleet had been built.whenwhere在南京发现了一个巨大的造船厂时,最后的证据出现了,舰队就是在那里在南京发现了一个巨大的造船厂时,最后的证据出现了,舰队就是在那里建造的。建造的。Those who make great discoveries must often overcome many challenges along the wayas was the cas

7、e with the explorer Christopher Columbus.who 那些做出伟大发现的人必须在途中经常克服许多挑战那些做出伟大发现的人必须在途中经常克服许多挑战就像探险家克里就像探险家克里斯托弗斯托弗哥伦布那样。哥伦布那样。as Columbus called the natives living on the islands Indians because he was convinced that he was in the East Indies.livingbecause哥伦布把住在这些岛上的土著人称为印第安人,因为他确信自己是在东印哥伦布把住在这些岛上的土著人称

8、为印第安人,因为他确信自己是在东印度群岛。度群岛。His voyages opened new chapter of the Age of Exploration, a period which witnessed many important geographical findings.a他的航行开创了探险时代的新篇章,一个见证了许多重要的地理发现的时他的航行开创了探险时代的新篇章,一个见证了许多重要的地理发现的时期。期。whichperiodLANGUAGE USAGE(1)convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某

9、事convince sb. that.使某人相信(2)convinced adj.确信的;深信的be convinced of确信;相信be convinced that.确信(3)convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的(4)convincible adj. 可使信服的;可说服的.there is only one way to convince you.vt.使确信,使相信;说服,劝说使确信,使相信;说服,劝说Their goal is to convince lawmakers _(extend) unemployment benefits. Scientists say t

10、here is no _(convince) evidence that power lines have anything to do with cancer. _ there was a dent in the hood which hadnt been there before.我确信车盖上有一个以前没有的凹痕。 .there is only one way to convince you.vt.使确信,使相信;说服,劝说使确信,使相信;说服,劝说to extendconvincingI was convinced that(1)load up装载/载满货物load.with.用装载;使

11、负担be loaded with装载着load.into/onto. 把装入(到);使负担(2)take a load off ones mind打消某人的顾虑,卸下心头的负担loads ofa load of大量的;许多的(3)upload v. 上载,上传 n. (上传的)内容(4)download v. 下载 n. 下载程序;下载行为 His ships were loaded with china,silk,tea and other treasures as gifts for foreign rulers,and the fleet paid friendly visits to

12、more than 30 countries and regions.vt.& vi.装上,装入,负担装上,装入,负担 n.负载;承载量;大量负载;承载量;大量A United Nations aid convoy _(load) with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town. If this is really true, itll _.果真如此,我就放心了。 loadedtake a load off our mindFor many years,some historians dismissed the r

13、ecords of these voyages as legends.(1)dismiss sb. /sth. as.把某人/某事当成不予考虑dismiss sth. from sth. 去除,消除,摒除(思想、感情等)dismiss sb. from sth. 解雇;免职;开除(2)dismissal n. 解雇;免职vt.不予考虑,对不予考虑,对不屑一提;去除,摒除;解雇;解散不屑一提;去除,摒除;解雇;解散Some parents would _ and force them to give up their dreams. 有些父母会认为自己孩子的梦想是没有价值的,并且强迫他们的孩子放

14、弃这些梦想。The worker claims he was unfairly dismissed _ his post. dismiss their childrens dreams as worthlessfromZheng Hes accomplishments are now widely acknowledged,and he is remembered as one of Chinas most influential explorers.(1)acknowledge.to be/as.承认是/为acknowledge doing/having done sth. 承认做了某事It

15、 is (widely) acknowledged that.人们(普遍)认为(2)acknowledgement n.承认;答谢(3)acknowledgeable adj. 能被接受的;能被承认的(4)unacknowledged adj. 不被承认的;未确认的vt.承认承认(权威、地位权威、地位);承认;承认(属实属实);(公开公开)感谢感谢The _(acknowledge) of jobs well done is an important one for both agencies and clients.She refuses _(acknowledge) the need fo

16、r reform. He is also acknowledged _ an excellent goalkeeper. acknowledgementto acknowledge to be/as(1)insist(坚持说/认为) that.(从句用陈述语气)insist(坚决要求/主张) that sb. (should) do.(从句用虚拟语气)insist on/upon doing sth. 坚持做某事But if you insist 如果你坚持话(2)insistence n. 坚持,强调;坚决主张(3)insistent adj. 坚持的;迫切的;显著的;引人注目的;紧急的Co

17、lumbus insisted on searching for a direct sea route to the East Indies by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean.vi.& vt.坚决要求,坚持;坚持说坚决要求,坚持;坚持说He insisted _ addressing me as Mr. Kennedy. Some believe that decent pay is a major concern in career choosing while others _.有些人认为优厚的薪酬是职业选择时主要考虑的问题,而另一些人则认为应该把兴

18、趣和才能放在首位。 oninsist that interest and talents should be put firstOn 3 August 1492,he departed from Spain with three ships carrying about 90 crewmen.(1)depart from 离开;开出;从出发depart for 开往;去往;动身去depart from sth 违反,背离(常规) (2)departure n. 离开,启程;出发;背离vi.& vt.离开,起程离开,起程Flight 45 will depart _ Harbin at 11:4

19、5 a.m. and arrive in Hongkong at 2:30 p.m. _, she took the bus to work. 她一反常态乘公共汽车上班了。_ how unreliable he was.他突然离去,这说明他是多么不可靠。 fromDeparting from her usual routineHis sudden departure had demonstrated (1)in panic惊慌失措地get into a panic陷入恐慌(2)panic sb. into doing sth. 使某人惊慌地做某事The men on board were in

20、 panic.n.惊恐,恐慌惊恐,恐慌 vi.& vt.(panicked,panicked)(使使)惊慌,惊慌,(使使)惊慌失措惊慌失措Office workers _ as the fire took hold.火势起来时,办公室人员惊慌逃出。 The polices arriving panicked the thief _ running awayfled in panic into(1)astonished adj.感到惊讶的be astonished at/by sth. 因/对某事感到惊讶be astonished to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶(2)astonishin

21、g adj.令人感到惊讶的(3)astonishment n.惊讶to ones astonishment令某人惊讶的是The records show that the visitors were astonished by how rich and technologically advanced the Ming Dynasty was.vt.使十分惊讶,使吃惊使十分惊讶,使吃惊Your friends will be properly astonished _(see) you laughing as you look up at the sky.I find it _(astonis

22、h) that he should be so rude to you.to see astonishingbefore作连词,引导时间状语从句的用法:(1)before表示“在之前;还未就;还没来得及就;趁着”,翻译方式比较灵活。(2)常用的句型:It will be时间段before从句要过多久才It wont be longbefore从句过不了多久就会It was/took时间段before从句过了多久才It wasnt long/didnt take long before从句没过多久就It would take 500 years before a larger fleet sai

23、led the seas.It would take 500 years before a larger fleet sailed the seas._ we get the results. 我们要等很长时间才能得到结果。 After the accident it took a long time before she _ get on a plane again.在那次事故之后,过了很久,她才有信心再次乘坐飞机。 I know _ in that small cafe in Hanover Square.我知道,在不久的将来,我们会再会于汉诺威广场的那间小咖啡馆。 It will be

24、months before had the confidence toit wont be long before we meet again INSTANT FEEDBACK1. He convinced us _ his fitness for the task.2. Some developers insist that attribute information _(be) metadata, namely information about the data, and not the data itself. 3. The government insisted that it wo

25、uld not _(panic) into interest rate cuts.4. You can imagine how _ I was to see this noble stag with a cherry tree growing between its antlers. 5. She is generally acknowledged _ one of the finest poets in the world.6. The settlement ends more than four years of litigation _ behalf of the residents. 7. Demands for his _(dismiss) have gathered momentum in recent weeks.8. These allow _ different kinds of interactions about our health needs without involving the medical team.of(should) bebe panicked astonishedasondismissalforTHEEND.


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