Unit 3 Reading翻译及词汇 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、Back to the pastBonniesailiing the oceans阅读翻译【par t 1】Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically utilize, Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically1405年夏,中国一位最伟大的探险家郑和从太仓起锚,开启了他的首次远航。Zheng He其船队有船200余艘,载着近两万

2、八千人,在碧海上乘风破浪,场面极其壮观。规模更大的航海船队要到500年后才出现。据史料记载,郑和船队最大的船长逾140米,可知其造船技术之高超,工艺之独特。Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically utilize, Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, SynergisticallyZheng He1405至1433年间,郑和代表明朝总共进行了七次航行。

3、他的船满载瓷器、丝绸、茶叶和其他奇珍异宝作为馈赠异邦君王的礼品。船队先后对30多个国家和地区进行友好访问。他最远甚至抵达了非洲东海岸。海员们一路上记录罗盘刻度,书写航海日志,绘制海岸地图。这些详细的地图后来集为郑和航海图。Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically utilize, Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, SynergisticallyZhe

4、ng He郑和七次下西洋对中国及其邻国产生了深远影响。在郑和到访过的国家和地区,至今流传着有关这位伟大探险家的传说。郑和的努力有助于发展和巩固中国与这些国家和地区的和睦关系,促进中国文化的对外传播,也增进中国对海外诸邦的了解。Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically utilize, Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, SynergisticallyZ

5、heng He多年来,一些历史学家认为这些航海活动的记载只是传说而不予理会。后来,铁证出现了,在南京发现了一个巨大的造船厂,当年郑和的船便在此处建造。郑和的成就在今天获得广泛认可,他也作为中国最具影响力的探险家之一被世人铭记。Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically utilize, Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, SynergisticallyZ

6、heng HeChrsitopher Columbus凡取得伟大发现的人,往往必须战胜重重磨难,探险家克里斯托弗.哥伦布便是如此。1451 年,哥伦布生于意大利一个港口城市。少年时代他就喜爱航海,对地理表现出极大的兴趣。这些激励他开始了海员生涯。Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically utilize, Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synerg

7、isticallyZheng HeChrsitopher Columbus哥伦布决心横渡大西洋,开辟一条直通东印度群岛的航线。经过不懈的尝试,他终于获得了西班牙国王和王后的资助。1492年8月3日, 他和约90名船员分乘三艘船从西班牙出发。这次航行中他们饱经患难:航行时间超过预期,食物储备不足,还有一艘船严重漏水,船上所有人都命悬一线。人们都陷入了恐慌。哥伦布不顾所有的挑战,凭借自己的知识和勇气,确保大家都平安越过海洋。终于,10月12日那天,有船员看到远方的陆地。哥伦布深信来到了东印度群岛,便将生活在岛上的土著人称为印地安人。然而,他们所到达的海岸其实属于加勒比海地区,而不是东印度群岛。Sy

8、nergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, Synergistically utilize, Synergistically utilize technically sound portals with, Synergistically, SynergisticallyZheng HeChrsitopher Columbus1493至1504年间,哥伦布又先后三次出航,途中发现了更多陆地。这位伟大探险家最大的贡献是“发现”新大陆。他的发现激励了诸如詹姆斯.库克船长这样的探险家去探索和发现世界更广大

9、的区域。他的航海活动开启了大航海时的新篇章,那是一个见证许多重大地理发现的时期。同时,这个时期也实现了思想和文化的国际交流。单句语法填空【par t 2】1. The museum considers itself an important resource: the_( broad) and depth of its collection allows the public to explore the world cultures.2. Curious and_( astonish), I rushed out of my dormitory when I heard the noise

10、of explosion.3. Britain is a“second-rate power” which has been in decline for a century- yet London remains one of the most_( influence) cities in the world.4. The buildings have been designed to be_( harmony ) with their surroundings.5. You have donated so many books to the children in rural areas,

11、 and_behalf of them, we thank you for your kindness.单句语法填空breadthastonishedinfluencialharmoniouson6. Regardless_the weather or the distance, Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students arrive at their college classes on time.7. Since he was a child, he has shown interest_historical books.8. The o

12、ld man insisted that he 8_( give) the night shift instead of young people,saying he had no one to take care of.9._is the case with the original paining in the Louvre in Paris, the digtal Mona Lisa is the star attraction.单句语法填空ofinwas givenAs1.At last the young man had no choice but to acknowledge_(

13、steal) the computer from the office. 2.The play-well-with-others quality may_( strong ) schoolyard friendships, and promote interpersonal skills in life and work.3. Yet we remain _ ( convince) that the hard winter cannot stop the arrival of spring and darkness can never shroud the light of dawn.4.Th

14、e Chinese merchant ship loaded _porcelain (瓷器) left a southern port to sell its wares along the ancient trade route known as the Marine Silk Road.5.As we grow up, we get to know many things which we would be_( astonish) to see as kids.单句语法填空stealingstrengthenconvincedwithastonished词汇变形【par t 3】添加标题添

15、加题1._宽度;广泛 近_2._vt.使确信,使相信;说服 搭配使某人相信某事_说服某人做某事_派_ adj.令人信服的,有说服力的 _adj. 确信,坚信3. navigate 派_ n.导航;航行 _ n. (飞机、船舶等上的)领航员4._vt.& vi.装上,装入 n.负载;承载量;大量搭配_ . 用.装载某物_充满/装满了._大量,许多反_vt.& vi.(从车、船上)卸下,取下_vt.& vi.上传,上载_ vt. 下载breadthwidthconvinceconvince sb of sthconvince sb to do sthnavigationconvincingconv

16、incednavigatorloadload sth withbe loaded withloads of unload uploaddownload添加标题添加题5_加强,增强n.力;实力_adj.强壮的;坚强的;强烈的_6._adj. 友好和睦的:协调的.和谐的 n.和谐,和睦_7.vt_不于考虑.不屑提:去除,摒除;解散 搭配_以.为由不予考虑某事n._解雇;摒弃;不予考虑;驳回8._n.证据,证明 近. _证据,证明 _ vt.证明 linking v.证明是9._vt.承认(权威、地位):承认(属实);(公开)感谢 1._承认.为. 2.普遍认为. _ 3 ._n.承认;感谢stre

17、ngthenstrengthstrongdismiss sth asharmoniousharmonydismissdismissalproof evidence proveacknowledgeacknowledge. asit is widely acknowledged that acknowledgement添加标题添加题10. _adj. 有很大影响力的 n.影响 _ 对.有影响 _11 _vi.&vt.坚决要求,坚持;坚持说搭配: _坚决要求某事_n.坚决要求,坚持 _adj.坚持的,固执的,坚决要求的 _12. _adj.财政的,金融的,财务的 _adv.财政上,财务上联想 _n

18、. 资金;财政;财务;财力13. _vi.& vt.离开,起程 从.离开去. _. _ 反_vi.到达n. _启程,出发,离开14. _n.不足,短缺 adj. _短缺的;不足的;短的15. _adv.不顾,不加理会 不管,不顾_16. subsequent adj. 反adj.以前的,先前的 _adv.随后,后来,之后_influential influencehave an influence oninsistinsist on ( doing) sthinsist that sb ( should) doinsistence insistentfinancialfinanciallyfinancedepartdepart from; forshortagearriveshort regardless ofdeparture regardless previousshortThank you


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