Unit 2 Out of this world Extended Reading知识点 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、BY ZYHBY ZYHB6U2 Extended ReadingLanguage UsageBY G.ZBY ZYHBY ZYH132EXPRESSIONSINSTAT FEEDBACKLAGUAGE USAGEBY ZYHBY ZYHExpressions1BY ZYHBY ZYH1. 太阳系(p1)_2. 敢于做某事 _3. 事实显然并非如此。_4. 花了一大笔钱_5. 太空探索_6. 拓展我们对的理解_7. 这是对的浪费_8. 提高我们的生活质量_9. 对未知的好奇(p2)_10.渴望做某事_ExpressionsBY ZYHBY ZYH11.希望/渴望做某事_12.搞清的意思 _13

2、.着迷于 _14.激励某人做某事_15.对作出重大贡献(p3)_16.解决根本问题_17.应用于;施加于(p4)_18.建立;装配;开业;竖立 _19.高频率的地震_20.为了_ExpressionsBY ZYHBY ZYH21.清洁的替代能源_22.很可能 _23.批量生产_24.强烈的动机_25.据计算(p5)_26.提供某物给某人_27.得到媒体的广泛报道_28.支持人员;后勤人员_29.到目前为止(p6)_30.像.这样的., 诸如.这类. _ExpressionsBY ZYHBY ZYH21.塑造某人的生活_22.对的渴望_23.取得进展 _ExpressionsBY ZYHBY Z

3、YH许多人认为,不久我们就会定期访问太阳系的其他行星,甚至敢去太阳系外旅行。, many people thought that soon we would be regularly visiting other planets in our solar system and would even dare to travel beyond it.thatwould bewoulddareThe reality is that space exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous, can take a very long time an

4、d costs a huge amount of money.thatiscan takecosts事实上,太空探索是非常困难和危险的,需要很长时间和大量的金钱。BY ZYHBY ZYH我们对天空的着迷在世界各地的古代传说中是显而易见的,比如嫦娥。That we are fascinated by the sky is evident in ancient tales from around the world, such as Change.ThatWith each mission comes greater insight, thus motivating us to continue

5、along the same path of es每一次任务都会带来更深刻的见解,从而激励我们继续沿着同样的冒险之路前行。BY ZYHBY ZYH正是通过我们对太空的研究,我们证实了地球是圆的,它绕着太阳转。It is through our research into space that we have confirmed the Earth is round and that it orbits the Sun.It is With technologies first researched and developed for space exploration, we can solv

6、e some of the big problems facing mankind, making our lives safer and easier.With通过研究和开发太空探索的技术,我们可以解决人类面临的一些大问题,使我们的生活更安全、更容易。thatthat(that)researcheddevelopedfacingmakingBY ZYHBY ZYH为了保护建筑物和生命,原本用于航天飞机发射的减震器也设置在了地震频繁的城市中。Shock absorbers originally applied to the space shuttle launch have also been

7、 set up in the cities with a high frequency of earthquakes in order to protect buildings and save lives.applied to For example, liquid hydrogen is a clean alternative energy source that is used widely as rocket fuel, and it is likely that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be mass produced and launche

8、d in the near future.that例如,液氢是一种广泛用于火箭燃料的清洁替代能源,氢燃料电池汽车很有可能在不久的将来大规模生产和上市。in order to it is likely that BY ZYHBY ZYH据估计,全球太空经济每年增长数十亿美元。It has been calculated that the global space economy is increasing by billions of dollars every year.thatSuch wonders as a space shuttle launch or astronauts walki

9、ng on the Moon are incredibly exciting and inspiring to witness, and it can be these moments that shape childrens lives forever and motivate them to become the scientists and engineers of the future. Such像航天飞机的发射和宇航员在月球上行走这样的奇迹是令人难以置信的激动和鼓舞的见证,它可以是它可以是这些时刻塑造孩子们的一生,激励他们成为未来的科学家和工程师。it can beItasthatB

10、Y ZYHBY ZYH正是这种灵感保持着我们对知识的渴望,并确保了太空探索和许多其他领域的进步将继续取得。It is this kind of inspiration that keeps our thirst for knowledge alive and ensures that advances in space exploration and many other fields will continue to be made. It is thatBY ZYHBY ZYHLanguage Usage2BY ZYHBY ZYHWhether they are able to grow

11、more vegetables in space depends on how much time it takes.(P21)依靠;依赖;指望depend on/upon sb. to do sth. 依靠某人做某事depend on/upon sb. s doing sth. 相信/指望某人做某事depend on/upon sb. for sth. 靠某人供给某物depend on/upon it that.相信/指望_(depend) on your circumstances, you can choose one method or the other. You can _ on

12、time.你可以信赖那些技术人员能按时结束工作。 Dependingdepend on it that those technicians can finish the jobBY ZYHBY ZYHthat space exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous,can take a very long time and costs a huge amount of money.n.数量 v.总计;共计;等于(1)“a large amount of不可数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。“large amounts of不可数名词”作主语

13、时,谓语动词用复数。(2)amount to总计为许多+CNs:many, many a(n), a great/good many, a good/large number of, large numbers of +UN: much, a good/great deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of +CNs/UN: a lot of, lots of, quantity of, quantities of, plenty ofBY ZYHBY ZYHThe amounts of cash involved _(be) too small

14、to require a restatement of earnings.Many a mother _(try) tries to act out her unrealized dreams through her daughter. There is _ music activities engage different parts of the brain.大量的研究表明音乐活动需要大脑的不同部分参与。 that space exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous,can take a very long time and cos

15、ts a huge amount of money.n.数量 v.总计;共计;等于aretriesa great deal of research indicating that BY ZYHBY ZYHWe desire to explore the furthest frontier of allspace.v.渴望;期望 n.渴望;欲望;渴求(1)desire to do sth. 渴望做某事desire sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事desire that.(should) do sth. 渴望(2)have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想要

16、做某事have a strong desire for sth. 急于想得到某物搭配名词性从句时,从句中谓语动词用搭配名词性从句时,从句中谓语动词用(should) doI desire him _(give)me some suggestions on improving my listening.Its our desire _ you should fund our program and offer us some practical suggestions.to givethatBY ZYHBY ZYHThe results of these space investigations

17、 have made major contributions to an understanding of the origin,evolution,and likely future of the universe,such as planets,stars,and all other forms of matter and energy.contribute vt.& vi.捐献;贡献;捐助 contribute to有助于;促使;导致contribute.to.向捐献/捐赠对做出贡献Everyone is willing to contribute food and clothes _

18、the homeless people.每个人都愿意为无家可归的人捐献食物和衣服。Participating in the contest will be a golden chance for me to show my dancing skills and make some _(contribute) to the class.tocontributionsBY ZYHBY ZYHTry to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. 理解;弄懂make no sense没道理;没

19、意义make sense讲得通;有意义in a sense从某种意义上来说in no sense决不;绝非(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序)_the issue be said to be resolved.无论如何这个问题都不能说已经解决了。 Provided you didnt try to _, it sounded beautiful.只要你不试图理解,它听起来是美的。 _ remarking on the dark clouds while ignoring the rainbow.忽视彩虹却只把重点放在乌云上,这是完全没有意义的。 In no sense can make sens

20、e of itIt makes no sense BY ZYHBY ZYHTry to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. 理解;弄懂make no sense没道理;没意义make sense讲得通;有意义in a sense从某种意义上来说in no sense决不;绝非(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序)_the issue be said to be resolved.无论如何这个问题都不能说已经解决了。 Provided you didnt try to _, it sou

21、nded beautiful.只要你不试图理解,它听起来是美的。 _ remarking on the dark clouds while ignoring the rainbow.忽视彩虹却只把重点放在乌云上,这是完全没有意义的。 In no sense can make sense of itIt makes no sense BY ZYHBY ZYHIt has been calculated that the global space economy is increasing by billions of dollars every year.(1)calculate on 指望;期

22、待(2)be calculated for 适合于;为适合而设计的(3)calculation n. 计算;估计;计算的结果;深思熟虑(4)calculated adj. 计算出的;适合的;有计划的(5)calculator n. 计算器;计算者 vt. 计算,核算;预测You should be able to calculate _ your family to support you._ at least 47000 jobs were lost last year.据计算,去年至少丧失了47000个工作。 onIt is calculated that BY ZYHBY ZYHWe s

23、hould find permanent shelter that offers long-term protection from radiation.n.居所,住处,庇护 vt.保护,掩蔽 vi.躲避(1)take shelter (from) 躲避()under the shelter of 在的庇护下(2)shelter from.躲避(风雨或危险);避难shelter .from.保护以免There was no shelter _ from the fury of the storm.The three poor men, too anxious to get any sleep,

24、 _ _.那三个可怜的人,焦虑着自己的处况,睡也睡不着,只好在一棵大树的荫凉底下呆呆地坐着。 sat down under theshelter of a great treefromBY ZYHBY ZYHSome people believe that while space exploration expands our understanding of the universe,it is a waste of the public purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives here on the Earth.

25、(1)该句为复合句,while作从属连词,引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”。(2)while的用法:whileN: “一段时间;一会儿”-for a while, after a while, all the while 从属连词:当.时While I was working for a wedding,a pearl necklace disappeared.虽然;尽管While those seeds are expensive,the company tells farmers that they will make good profits.并列连词:表对比,“而”Men tend to

26、 be violent while women act in the opposite way.BY ZYHBY ZYHSome people believe that while space exploration expands our understanding of the universe,it is a waste of the public purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives here on the Earth.Most digital camera owners are male, _.大部分数码

27、相机的主人都是男性,而女性偏爱用胶卷。_, there may be days ahead when it is bad.虽然到目前为止都是好消息,但是可能过几天就有坏消息了。_ the people at the next table watched me eat.邻桌的人一直在看着我吃东西。while women prefer filmWhile the news, so far, has been goodAll the while BY ZYHBY ZYHFor example,liquid hydrogen is a clean alternative energy source t

28、hat is used widely as rocket fuel,and it is likely that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be mass-produced and launched in the near future.(1)It is likely that.“是可能的”,此句型可转化为Sb. /Sth. be likely to do.“某人/物可能做”。(2)其他表示“可能”的句型:Its probable/possible that.Its possible for sb. to do sth.Studies show that

29、people who volunteer are less likely _ (develop) depression than people who dont.to developBY ZYHBY ZYHInstant Feedback3BY ZYHBY ZYH1. After realizing an email accident, you are likely _(feel) awful.2. Also, a large amount of public funds _(be) spent on roads. 3. Natures repair process is slow and s

30、teady, with cells being _ (constant) renewed.4. The first thing he did was to find shelter _ the freezing wind and snow. 5. _(incredible), in January 2001, this ancient structure survived a devastating earthquake that measured 7. 6. _(calculate) just how much mothers would earn from that labor, it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on. isconstantlyto feel Instant FeedbackfromIncrediblyTo calculate BY ZYHBY ZYHThe end.


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