Unit 2 Reading知识点 默写练习-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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1、Unit2ReadingLife on a space station 语言点语言点1. My six-month stay on a space station has come to an end, and it has been a(challenge) but magical adventure. I bet you d love to know what daily life is like up in space andhow it differs from that on the Earththe low gravity(definite) makes ordinary thin

2、gsstrange!我确信你想知道在太空中的日常生活是什么样子的, 它和地球上的情况有什么不同。低重力肯定会让普通的事情变得奇怪!2. The(strange)of living in space is apparent from the moment we sleep. Dueto the near(absent)of gravity in space, we have to attach ourselves so that wedont float around. 我们必须固定着自己,这样我们就不能四处漂浮了。3. We usually sleep in private quarters,

3、 which are more like large(cupboard) , orin sleeping bags(attach) to the walls or the ceiling.The routine tasks that(occupation) most of the day are(demand) , butthey can also be extremely rewarding.4. Our main mission is(conduct) scientific research.We need to(evaluation)the effects of low gravity

4、on animals and plants.(creature) such as mice, fish and(mosquito) have also been sent to the station!5.As well as doing these(biology) experiments, we carry out experiments inother research fields. I have been working on one experiment which locates 确定的位置 andtracks lightning 跟踪闪电 over large regions

5、of the Earth.(hope) , it will cast newlight on the Earths climate and lead to better lightning protection. With so much(go)on, the space station needs a lot of(maintain) , so we(constant)check support systems and do some cleaning.6.In the circumstances 在这种情况下7.First,we put on our spacesuits,allow us

6、 to breathe in space and protectus from(expose) to the cold and radiation.8. head out 出发 perform tasks for hours at a time 一次执行数小时的任务9.Splendid(尽管,虽然) the view of the Earth is, spacewalking is not as excitingas you might think.Yong as he is ,he knows a lot about history of China.Child as he is,he kn

7、ows a lot about history of China.10. electric shocks 电击11. Inthe low-gravity environment, 由于, 鉴于;基于12. Its a(奢侈的事) to eat fresh food, because fresh produce such as fruit andvegetables can only(deliver) to the space station from the Earth every couple ofmonths.13. be only in liquid form 仅为液体形式14. blo

8、ck the air pipes 堵住空气管道15. .However, liquids cant be easily controlled in space.We must drink water or any other liquidsout of a bag through a thin tube of plastic. F(此外), to keep our body healthy, wemust ensure a(balance)supply of nutrients by taking pills.16.(spend) some time in the gym is of vita

9、l importance to astronautshealth.17.(consider) these negative effects low gravity has on the human body, wediscipline ourselves to do at least two hours of exercise every day. 我们每天约束自己至少做两个小时的锻炼 Exercise in space is not your average workout. We have to be tied onto speciallydesigned exercise equipme

10、nt(stop) ourselves from floating around.18. During our leisure time, theres nothing we like more than to sit back with the rest of thecrew and watch our remarkable planet go by, taking pictures for our family and friends backhome.没有什么比和其他船员坐在一起,看着我们非凡的星球经过,为我们的家人和朋友拍照更让我们更喜欢的了。19. As the space stati

11、on travelsa speed of about 17,500 miles per hour, we get to see thesunrise every 90 minutes. In these precious moments, all the challenges of life in space seemworth it.在这些珍贵的时刻,太空中生活的所有挑战似乎都值得的。B120. We are currently working on an experiment adv. 目前,当前21. allow us to set up permanent bases on other

12、 planets 让我们可以在其他行星上建立永久的基地22. One challenge is that the environment in space is altogether different from 完全不同于 thatback on the Earth.23. In normal circumstances , plants grow upwards.24. there is no such thing as “up” or “down”.25. a special kit26. The seeds in the bag are glued to 粘在 a special ma

13、terialwill guide them to grow inthe right direction.27. We need to do a scientific(analyse)after the space-grown vegetables are sentto the Earth.答案答案1.challengingdefinitely2. strangeness absence3.cupboardsattached4.to conduct5. Evaluate6. Biological7. which8. being exposed9. as10.view of11.luxury be

14、 delivered12.furthermorebalanced supply of nutrients by taking pills.13. Spending14.Considering15.to stop16.atReadingLife on a space station 默写版1. My six month stay on a space station has(结束),and it has been a challenging but magical adventure.2.I(打赌,保证) youd love to know what daily life is like up

15、in space and how itdiffers from that on the Earth!3. Due to the(几乎没有重力)in space,we have to attachourselves so that we dont(四处漂浮) . We usually sleep in private quarters,which are more like large cupboards, or in sleeping bags(固定在墙上)or the ceiling.4. The routine tasks(occupy) most of the day are deman

16、ding, but they can alsobe extremely(有回报的).5. I(work on)one experiment 我一直在做一个实验,whichlightning (定位和跟踪闪电) over large regions of the Earth.Hopefully, it will cast(进一步了解)the Earths climate and lead tobetter lightning protection.6. 在这种情况下7. First,we put on our spacesuits,allow us to breathe in space and

17、 protect usfrom(expose) the cold and radiation.保护我们免受寒冷和辐射的伤害8.perform tasks for hours at a time 一次执行数小时的任务9.Splendid(尽管,虽然) the view of the Earth is, spacewalking is not as exciting asyou might think.10.to eat fresh food 吃新鲜的食物是一种奢侈的事11.liquid form 以液体形式12.Spending some time in the gym is of至关重要 to

18、 astronautshealth.13.(consider) these negative effects low gravity has on the human body, wediscipline ourselves to do at least two hours of exercise every day. 我们每天约束自己至少做两个小时的锻炼.14.在我们的休闲时间15. In thesemoments, all the challenges of life in space.在这些珍贵的时刻,太空中生活的所有挑战似乎都值得的。16.on other planets 在其他行星上

19、建立永久的基地17.be(完全不同于) that back on the Earth.18. there isthing as “up” or “down” 根本就没有这样的东西19.be glued to20. do a(analyse) 做科学分析答案1. come to an end2. Bet3. near absence of gravity float aroundattachedto the walls4. Occupyingrewarding5. Have been working onlocates and tractsnew light on6. In the circumstances7. whichbeing exposed9.as10.It is a luxury11. in12.vital importance13.Considering14. at our leisure time15. precious seem worth it17.altogether different from18. no such19.粘到上,胶着在上20.scientificanalysis


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