Unit 1 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx

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Unit 1 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第1页
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Unit 1 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第2页
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Unit 1 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第3页
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Unit 1 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第4页
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Unit 1 词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.docx_第5页
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1、2021-2022学年高二第一学期选择性必修三单元一套题 (词汇、语法、七选五和完形一题两做及写作)一.词汇识记blooming adj. 开花的,盛开的,容光焕发的,风华正茂的,青春焕发的,充满活力的,妙龄的,bloom的现在分词a blooming flower 一朵盛开的花Pregnancy definitely suited Hannah because she lookedblooming.Blooming trees absorb the suns rays.Hundreds of flowers are blooming.The children are blooming!(孩子

2、们正在健康成长。)unfold vt. & vi. 展开,打开,张开,展现,展示,开花 (反义词:fold 折叠,裹)to unfold a map 展开地图fold belt 褶皱带fold line折线,折纹Thats how life unfolds before us.A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings.The facts started tounfoldbefore them.The outcome depends on conditions as well as how eventsunfold.Da

3、rk clouds folded the hills.I folded the handkerchief and put it in my pocket.He folded the paper carefully.Ithaswingsthat canfold.Youcanfoldalong theblack lines.ethnically adv. 种族地 (ethnical=ethnic adj. 种族的,种族上的,异族的,少数民族的)ethnicallydiversefriendships 不同种族的友谊 Society is now much moreethnicallydiverse

4、 than ever before.MostSaudisareethnicallyArabThisuserisethnicallyChinese.Themajorityof thepopulationareethnicallyCzechandspeakCzech.Thesetwocountriesaredifferentgeographically,ethnicallyandlinguistically.Israel is home to over one million Russian speakers, about one-third of whom are ethnically non-

5、Jewish.Ethnictensions in the republic were rising.Europeans make up the biggestethnicgroup in Australia.There are still several millionethnicGermans in Russia.Canada is a multicultural country. Regardless of your ethnic origin, you will feel at home in Canada.Thats why you can find almost every kind

6、 of ethnic food in America.Now all the 56 ethnic minorities have their own college students,and some even are masters and doctors degree holders.distinct adj. 不一样的,不同的,不同种类的,明显的,清楚的There are sixdistinctpyramidal forms.The artist had adistincttouch.Each party represents adistinctcurrent of thought.Th

7、ere is a distinct possibility that shell be your teacher next term.On the contrary, he was looking at Harry with distinct pride.Theres a distinct smell of cigarettes every time he comes into the room.Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.territory n. 领土,领地,版图,领域,范围,地区,区域the occupied ter

8、ritories 被占领地区Theterritoryhad been administered by South Africa.Having made the breakthrough, the column(纵队) was able to advance rapidly over lightly defendedterritory.The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.Each of the two countries claimed the territory.He seems to regard that end of t

9、he office as his territory.(他把办公室的那一头看成是他的地盘。)Our country is vast in territory.sphere,domain,field,territory,province这些名词均含“范围,领域”之意。sphere指有明显分界线的范围或领域,强调彼此不会干扰、跨越,各不相关。domain指知识艺术、兴趣或人类活动的领域。field主要指经选定在一段时间内作专题研究的方面或领域。territory指活动等的领域或范围。province即可指科学、艺术、学问的领域或范围,又可指个人或机关职权的管辖范围。valley n. 山谷,溪谷,

10、流域Steep rocks sided thevalleyThevalleywas soon embraced in an inky darkness.The river winds through the valley.The valley was hidden from view in the mist.He has a large farm in the Mississippi Valley.carve vt. 雕刻,刻,镌刻,刻成,雕饰,侵蚀,冲刷,切,切割This is a deep valley carved by ice and water.The statue was carv

11、ed out of marble.We will look for a pumpkin to carve a pumpkin lantern.He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken.Its your turn to carve the meat.Andrew began tocarvethe chicken.He begins tocarvehis initials on the tree.glacier n. 冰川The gorge was formed by a glacier.He showed me a drawing of the

12、glacier.mighty adj. 强大的,有威力的,强有力的,强劲的,响亮的 adv. 很,非常,极其The United Kingdom was a mighty empire before World War I.The mighty iceberg came into view.Its something youll bemightyproud of.He was mighty hungry.splendid adj. 极好的,绝妙的,华丽的,壮丽的,壮观的,宏伟的,辉煌的,灿烂夺目的,光芒四射的,杰出的It was verysplendidonce, but it is a ru

13、in now.We had asplendidtime.Our house has got asplendidview of the bay.Playing tabletennis is a splendid sport.We won another splendid victory.Youre all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work!apart from 除外,除外还,除去,此外Apart fromthat, everythings fine.Apart frommy host, I didnt know a single person

14、.Apart fromthe hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.Apart fromhis salary, he also has a private income.He had little contact with her,apart froman occasional visit at Christmas.Ilikeallsportsapartfromfootball.Shekeepsherselfapartfromother people.AllchildrenlikemusicapartfromBobby.urban adj. 城市的

15、,城镇的,城市里的,居住在城市的Public order is primarily anurbanproblem.The government is spending billions of dollars on newurbanrail projects.In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to urban areas.The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels.You can find out many

16、 advantages in urban life.ancestor n. 祖先,祖宗,原种,先驱The immediateancestorof rock n roll is rhythm-and-blues.Does your family have a record of yourancestors?(你们家有家谱吗?)During the festival the investor investigated his ancestor.People who share an ancestor are called relatives.The abacus is the ancestor o

17、f the modern computer.The three species evolved from a single ancestor.indigenous adj. 当地的,本地的,本土的,土生土长的to be indigenous to. .所固有的Indians were the indigenous inhabitants of America.Love and hate are emotions indigenous to all humanity.The potato is indigenous to South America.strait n. 海峡,水道,困境,危难th

18、eStraitof Gibraltar 直布罗陀海峡We passed through the Strait of Magellan.I hear you are in poor financial straits.1600 vessels pass through the strait annually.Theideaforabridgeacross thestraithad beenaround for many years.Thankgoodness,Ifinallywentthrough thestraitwithhisaidsIamwilling toonce againdeclar

19、e thatthedoorofcross-straitnegotiationiswide open.minority n. 少数,少数民族,少数群体,少数派,未成年These children are only a smallminority.most of the traditional festivals of theminoritynationalities are not official.A small minority voted against the motion.There are 56 minorities in our country.He is in his minor

20、ity. (他尚未成年。)cuisine n. 烹饪,烹饪术,烹调法,菜肴,饭菜,风味Establishing a new hotel and itscuisinetakes time.Chinese cuisine is very different from European.I studied Greek cuisine for one year.After that, they might end their day dining in a restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine.The hotel restaurant is noted for

21、its excellent cuisine.dynamic adj. 精力充沛的,富有创新思想的,活跃的,充满活力的,生机勃勃的,动力的,动态的,动力学的Shes young anddynamic.Political debate isdynamic.South Asia continues to be the mostdynamiceconomic region in the world.Thedynamicof the market demands constant change and adjustment.This chapter is on the transformation of

22、 heat energy into dynamic energy.We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen.A dynamic government is necessary to meet the demands of a changing society.sample vt. 品尝,试尝,体验,抽样检验 n. 样品,货样,取样,样本free sample 免费样品Samplethe colourful fruits at a farmers market.Heres oursampleroom.Youve got a large c

23、ollection ofsamplefoodstuffs here.We sampled the stuff and found it satisfactory.off the beaten track 人迹罕至,罕见,打破常规,不落俗套,远离闹市It is getting very hard to find places that are so far off the beaten track.We book our holidays with a tour-guide and stick to the main tourist regions. We dont like going off

24、 the beaten track.fiddle n.小提琴,诈骗,欺诈,无所事事,细活 vt. 伪造,篡改账目等,用小提琴演奏 vi. 演奏小提琴,无所事事,瞎混to play the fiddle 演奏小提琴fiddle with. 摆弄.to be as fit as a fiddle 非常健康,充满活力to fiddle while Rome burns 大难临头仍歌舞升平,见危难而若无其事to play second fiddle to sb 充当某人的副手,给某人唱配角Young people throughout the province are learning to fidd

25、le and drum.You shall not fiddle away your spare time.He learned to fiddle as a young boy.Beingamodestperson,hewas content to play secondfiddleto others.Ididhaveasurgerya few monthsago,butIm as fit asafiddlenow.Dontfiddlewiththe typewriter.Celtic adj. 凯尔特人的,凯尔特语的 n. 凯尔特语Celtictribes 凯尔特部落At thattime

26、the inhabitantsofBritainspokeaCelticlanguage.HalloweenisonOctober31st,thelastdayof theCe as no surprise 没什么好惊讶的,不足为奇,毫不奇怪Thismaycomeasnosurprise.Ifyouve beenthroughit, this willprobablycomeas no surprise.This should come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with Chinese culture, modern or ancien

27、t.depth n. 深度,深,深刻,深厚,最深处,深奥in depth 深入地,彻底地,全面地,深His music lacksdepth.He is a man of somedepth.Thedepthof his concern was obvious.The young man dived to a depth of 40 feet.Her latest poem has remarkable depth.A tread depth of less than 1/16 inch is unsafe.The child is being taught subjects that are

28、 beyond his depth.Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child.The well is 20 meters in depth.He interviewed the minister in great depth.suburb n. 郊区,城外,城郊Anna was born in asuburbof Manchester.I love breathing fresh air in thesuburbplaces, while sitting in the morning sunshine.botanical adj. 植物学的

29、,植物的botanical garden 植物园It is an important centre for botanical research.Proper exploitation of the botanical resources will benefit to the development of both the economyand environment of this area.Clovis adj. 克拉维斯的 n. 克拉维斯 The first Christian king was Clovis.Near the small town of Clovis in the w

30、estern state of New Mexico, experts found a new kind of stone weapon.blanket n. 毛毯,厚层,床毯,覆盖物,覆盖层 vt. 覆盖,笼罩If its cold, put on an extrablanket.The girl was wrapped in ablanketand rushed to hospital.He threw a blanket over the injured man.The nurse carried in a baby wrapped in a warm blanket.The groun

31、d was covered by a thick blanket of snow.Covering much of the earths surface is a blanket of water.Dark clouds blanketed the top of the hill.The countryside was blanketed with snow/fog.hockey n. 曲棍球,冰球运动,冰球,冰上曲棍球to playhockey 打曲棍球Speed, power and strike, this is icehockey!I broke my foot while playi

32、nghockey.Hockeyis faster, more fun than baseball.niece n. 侄女,外甥女He became hisnieces legal guardian.He looked affectionately at hisniece.Nancy is staying with her niece for the moment.welfare n. 福祉,安康,幸福,康乐,福利,福利事业I do not think he is considering Emmaswelfare.The government decided to promote public

33、welfare.My principal concern is my familys welfare.accommodation n. 住处,膳宿,顺应,调和,迁就,通融,乐于助人,友善to have accommodation for. 有.的空间,能容纳.人The price includes flights andaccommodation.Accommodationis available locally.Accommodationis in a 17th-century stone farmhouse.There travelling students found accommoda

34、tion at moderate terms.If labour and management dont reach an accommodation there will be a strike.Hotel accommodation was scarce during the Olympic Games.I will arrange the accommodation of my plans to yours.accommodate vt. & vi. 供给住宿,使适应,容纳,提供,顾及,调解,适应,调节This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests

35、.We must accommodate ourselves to circumstances.One flat can accommodate a family of five.The bank is accommodating its customers more than it used to.(这家银行现在给客户贷款比以前多了。)The government came up with a new economic proposal that accommodates the special needs and interests of the elderly.He tried to a

36、ccommodate the dispute between his two friends.surrounding adj. 围绕的,环绕的,周围的,附近的 n.(pl.)环境,周边的事物Ridley visually examined thesurroundingcountryside.Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential.The surrounding villages have been absorbed into the growing city.She is adaptable to new surroundin

37、gs.Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.harmony n. 和谐,协调,融洽,部分与整体之间或各部分之间的和谐有序,和谐一致in harmony with sth/sb 与某事/某人和睦融洽racial harmony 种族和谐The course teaches women ways to restore balance, calm, andharmony.He looked more relaxed, as if some of theharmonyfrom his surroundings had flowed

38、into him.He projected himself as the protector of national unity andharmony.(他把自己标榜为民族团结与和谐的捍卫者。)An enterprise should be full of fairness and harmony.Their life is a natural harmony.There was not much harmony in international affairs during those years.Almost unconsciously she dressed in harmony wit

39、h this note of simplicity.sustain vt. 支持,承受,维持,使保持,使稳定持续,认可His hope for future sustained him.The ice will not sustain your weight.Some species may not be able to sustain the pressure from such cruel hunting.They had sufficient food to sustain life.The judge sustained his objection.The trucking compa

40、ny was able to sustain the severe fuel shortage.manner n. 方式,做法,态度,举止,风格,样式,格调,(pl.)礼貌in the manner of . 体现.特有的风格 in a/the manner 以.的方式,按照.的样子goodmanners 有礼貌badmanners 没有礼貌She couldnt stand his gracelessmanner.Hismannerwas unfriendly.He is easy in conversation and graceful in manner.There is a notic

41、eable coolness in his manner.It is bad manners to interrupt.He finished the story in his usual manner.She has graceful manners. (她很有礼貌。)She has a graceful manner.(她待人接物的态度很优雅礼貌。)consumption n.消耗量,消费,消耗not fit for human consumption 不适合人类食用power consumption 耗电量fuel consumption 耗油量The government encour

42、ages individual consumption.Internet shopping is a new way of consumption.The meat was condemned as unfit for human consumption.The car scored well in fuel consumption.Consumption of cotton increased even after it rose in price.Theres too great a consumption of alcohol in China.The laws have led to

43、a reduction in fuel consumption in the U.S.Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.Whatlevelofconsumptioncanthe earthsupport?From1973to1976,totalUnited Statesconsumptionofcigarettesincreasedby 3.4 percent.consume vt. 消耗,吃喝,毁灭,使入迷,用尽,烧毁,吞噬His old car co

44、nsumed much gasoline.Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the worlds energy.Im sure that Chinese people consume the largest amount of rice in the world.I saw the flames consuming the whole building.In Britain theConsumerProtection Act makes it an offence to sell goods that are unsafe.We

45、should adopt the consumers suggestion.We need more feedback from the consumers in order to improve our goods.consume, devour, eat, ingest, swallow这几个词的共同意思是“吃”。其区别在于:eat最常用,指放入口中经过咀嚼再吞咽下去的过程,对人或物都适用,引申指缓慢地逐渐腐蚀或消磨过程;consume指吃完全部食物或喝光所有饮料,引申指消耗光所有的物质、金钱等;devour强调狼吞虎咽地吃,引申指吞灭或毁灭;ingest是生理学用语,指咽下或吸收的过程;

46、 swallow指不经过充分咀嚼就囫囵吞入肚中,强调匆忙。consume, dissipate, fritter, squander, waste这组词都有“浪费”的意思。其区别是:waste指任意地挥霍,通常是花费而不见成果;squander的语气比waste强,强调胡乱花费,含有花光而导致贫困的意思;dissipate指因奢侈而丧失东西,强调将存有的东西用光或几乎用光;fritter常和away连用,指一点一点地花费,或花费在不重要的东西上,含有逐渐用光的意思; consume强调吞食或毁坏,但也可指完全浪费或挥霍掉,用于金钱或财产时,指频繁地减少,偶尔用于时间或精力时,指无益地花费。church n. 教堂,礼拜,敬拜They worshipped at St JohnsChurch.Church begins at 9 oclock.Everyone in church knelt in prayer.Im just going to the church to see the e down to. 归结为.,可归纳为.


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