Unit 3 Back to the past Welcome to the unit &Reading 随堂检测-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.doc

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1、Unit 3 Back to the past Welcome to the unit &Reading2021-2022学年高二英语牛津译林版(学年高二英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第三册随堂检测)选择性必修第三册随堂检测一、汉译英1.The family made an official complaint to a ships officer, which was recorded in the_(航海日志).2.The house was old. Its windows were broken and the roof_(漏) quite badly.3.Located in

2、the northwest of Beijing, the Summer Palace is by far the citys best-preserved_(皇家的) complex.4.She volunteered to attend to the worst injured soldier because there was a serious_(短缺) of nurses.5.Peking Opera is the most_ (有 影 响 力 的 )and representative of all operasin China.二、填空题6.The students_(panic

3、) when told that final exams were less than a week away.7.He insisted on_(play) rock music late at night, which annoyed his mother.8.So far there has been no_(prove) that spaceships from other planets do exist.9.They were in a hot room with a small fan_(spin) overhead slowly.10.It seems that water f

4、rom this tap_(leak) for some time. Well have to take itapart to put it right.三、阅读理解When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skies and landswere alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife. Native Americans had taken care of theseprecious natural resources wisely.

5、Unfortunately, it took the explorers and the settlers whofollowed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources. Millions of waterfowl(水禽) were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly ambitious sportsmen.Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and hous

6、e the ever-increasing populations,greatly reducing waterfowl habitat(栖息地).In 1934, with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Act), an increasinglyconcerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory (迁徙的) waterfowl andthe wetlands so vital to their survival. Under t

7、his Act, all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age andover must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp. The very first Federal Duck Stampwas designed by J. N. Ding Darling, a political cartoonist from Des Moines, Iowa, who at thattime was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as Director o

8、f the Bureau of Biological Survey.Hunters willingly pay the stamp price to ensure the survival of our natural resources.About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird ConservationFund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife

9、RefugeSystem a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.Since 1934, better than half a billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5million acres of habitat. Little wonder the Federal Duck Stamp Program has been called one ofthe most s

10、uccessful conservation programs ever initiated.1.What was a cause of the waterfowl population decline in North America?A.Loss of wetlands.B.Popularity of water sports.C.Pollution of rivers.D.Arrival of other wild animals.2.What does the underlined word decimate mean in the first paragraph?A.Acquire.

11、B.Export.C.Destroy.D.Distribute.3.What is a direct result of the Act passed in 1934?A.The stamp price has gone down.B.The migratory birds have flown away.C.The hunters have stopped hunting.D.The government has collected money.4.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.The Federal Du

12、ck Stamp StoryB.The National Wildlife Refuge SystemC.The Benefits of Saving WaterfowlD.The History of Migratory Bird Hunting四、阅读理解The night the Titanic sankFrom a high place on the ship, Fred Fleet, who worked on the Titanic, saw the iceberg just afew hundred metres away. He rang the bell to warn th

13、e people to stop the ship. _Soon after that, one passenger, Major Peuchen, noticed that the ship wasnt straight in the water.But nobody listened to him._ Another ship, the Californian, was about 30 kilometres north of the Titanic.When the Californian saw the iceberg, it stopped. It also sent a radio

14、 message to warn otherships in the area. At about 11:15 pm, the Californians radio operator turned off the radio, andwent to bed. The Titanic sent a message back, giving its position wrongly! _Soon after midnight, the crew of the Californian saw rockets going up into the sky from theTitanic. Their c

15、aptain said, Fireworks! _ The radio wasnt turned on again, and theCalifornian didnt move. At 12:25 am on the Titanic, people began to get into the lifeboats.At 2:20 am on April 15th the Titanic finally sank. Another ship, the Carpathia, heard theTitanics last call for help. _ At 4:10 am, the Carpath

16、ia saw the Titanics lifeboatsfloating on the dark water, and rescued the survivors. Later, the Californian turned the radio backon, and heard that the Titanic had sunk.A. The accident happened at about 11 :40 pm.B. Every one was very proud of the Titanic.C. The passengers of the Titanic are having a

17、 party.D. It was 58 miles away, but it raced to help the ship.E. But it was travelling too fast to stop, and it hit the iceberg.F. Before the accident, the Titanic had received an ice warning.G. A lot of people stayed on the ship instead of trying to escape.答案以及解析答案以及解析一、1.答案:log2.答案:leaked3.答案:roya

18、l4.答案:shortage5.答案:influential二、6.答案:panicked解析:考查时态。根据were可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填panicked。7.答案:playing解析:考查非谓语动词。insist on doing sth.表示执意继续做某事,为固定用法,故填 playing。8.答案:proof解析:考查词形转换。根据空前的 no 可知,空处应用名词,再根据空前的 has been 可知,此处应用名词的单数形式。9.答案:spinning解析:考查 with 复合结构。分析句子结构可知,此处为 with 复合结构,即with +宾语+宾补,且 a small fa

19、n 与 spin 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故空处用动词-ing 形式作宾补。10.答案:has been leaking三、答案:1-4.ACDA解析: 1.考查理解具体信息的能力。 根据第一段中的Millions of acres of wetlands were dried tofeed and house the ever-increasing populations, greatly reducing waterfowl habitat(栖息地)可知,湿地丧失是水禽数量减少的原因之一,故 A 项正确。2.考查理解词汇的能力。根据语境可知,画线词所在句与上文形成转折,上文讲到了探险者抵达

20、北美洲时,这片大陆上充满了各种各样的野生物种,整个大陆生机勃勃。美洲土著居民明智地照顾着这些宝贵的自然资源,因此画线词所在句应讲述这些资源受到的破坏探险者及随之而来的殖民者只用了几十年,就将大部分资源破坏,故画线词与 C 项的意义最为接近。acquire获得;export出口;distribute分配;散布。3.考查理解具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goesdirectly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund. Since 1934, better than ha

21、lf a billion dollarshas gone into that Fund可知,候鸟狩猎印花税法案带来的一个直接结果是政府筹到了钱,故 D 项正确。4.考查理解文章主旨要义的能力。 阅读文章内容可知,本文主要讲述了 候鸟狩猎印花税法案出台的背景、鸭票的设计和用途以及鸭票的作用和影响,故 A 项正确。四、答案:EFACD解析:本文是一篇记叙文。文章描述了“泰坦尼克”号沉没之夜发生的事。由上文的saw the iceberg just a few hundred metres away和下文的the ship wasnt straightin the water可知,冰山近在咫尺,虽已

22、被发现,但“泰坦尼克”号还是因速度过快撞上了冰山。 故选 E 项。由下文的It also sent a radio message to warn other ships in the area.可知,“泰坦尼克”号在撞击冰山前收到过警告。故选 F 项。由文中出现的时间节点可知,“泰坦尼克”号于当晚约 11 点 40 分撞上了冰山。故选 A 项。由下文的the Californian didnt move可知,“加利福尼亚”号没有去营救,因为该船船长看到“泰坦尼克”号上燃放的烟火,以为他们正在举办派对。故选 C 项。D 项中的it raced to help the ship与下文的the Carpathia saw the Titanics lifeboats. andrescued the survivors相呼应。故选 D 项。


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