Unit 3 Back to the past 期末复习单元综合测试-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx

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Unit 3 Back to the past 期末复习单元综合测试-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx_第1页
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Unit 3 Back to the past 期末复习单元综合测试-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册.docx_第3页
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1、1译林 选择性必修三 Unit 3 Back to the past单词 语法填空翻译(有答案)一、语法填空1. The museum considers itself an important resource: the(broad)and depth of its collection allows the public to explore the world cultures.2. Curious and(astonish), I rushed out of my dormitory when Iheard the noise of explosion.3. Britain is a

2、“second rate power” which has been in decline for a century- yetLondon remains one of the most(influence) cities in the world.4. The buildings have been designed to be(harmony) with theirsurroundings.5. You have donated so many books to the children in rural areas, andbehalf of them, we thank you fo

3、r your kindness.6. Regardlessthe weather or the distance , Paul Wilson will makesure low-income students arrive at their college classes on time.7. Since he was a child, he has shown interesthistorical books.8. His(dismiss) from the factory forced him to leave his hometown andseek job opportunities

4、in other cities.9. The old man insisted that he(give) the night shift instead of youngpeople, saying he had no one to take care of.10.is the case with the original painting in the Louvre in Paris, thedigital Mona Lisa is the star attraction.2二、完成句子1. 以为自己忘记带票时,她很恐慌, 这也让她的丈夫惊慌起来。 (painc; 非限定性定语从句)whe

5、n she thought shed forgottenthe tickets,.2. 由于没有证据可以证明他的清白,他被公司解雇了。 (dismiss)in the absence of the proofof his innocence.3. 为了使警方相信他是无辜的,他提供了几个令人信服的事实。 (convince)hisinnocence,heofferedseveral.4. 人们普遍认为应该从综合素质的角度来评价学生。 (acknowledge)studentsshouldbeevaluated in terms of overall qualities.5. 看来这个水龙头里面的

6、水已经漏了一段时间了。我们得把它拆开了才能修好。(leak)It seems that water from this tap.We have to take it apart to put it right.6. 考虑到可能会发生的交通堵塞,到他们的办公大楼大概要花两个小时。 (allow)Itwilltakeabouttwohourstogettotheirofficebuilding,possible traffic delays.37. 他动身前往华盛顿,把他的宠物狗留给了邻居。 (depart)Washington, with the petdog left behind with

7、his neighbour.8. 学习历史的意义在于保护文明、文化和传统,并将他们传递给年轻一代。 (pass)The meaning of studying history lies in protecting civilization, culture and traditionsandthe younger generation.三、语法填空1. The two sides agreed that only in(exception)circumstances willthis deadline be extended.2.( compare) may make something ap

8、pear more beautiful thanit is when seen alone.3. Now I need lots of time to sortmy thoughts thoroughly because Iwant to give them a perfect report.4. Contraryexpectation, that top seed didnt win the championship.5. Many porcelain and silk products(pack) in boxes and shipped towestern countries at th

9、e time.6. The good news iswe have developed a vaccine against the newvirus.7. What puzzles Lilys friends isLily always has so many crazy ideas.8. If you are addicted to your mobile phone, thatsyou should lay it4down and be involved in meaningful activities.9. It is generally acknowledged that loving

10、 your life isthe key to happinesslies.10. As a member of society, I am aware that being responsible isit takes tomake a better society.四、语法填空1. I hate it when the weather becomes(freeze) old because there is noheater inside.2. Many of the only children are so accustomed to being praised that they re

11、act( violent) when they hear something different.3. The painting will be a lasting(memory) to a remarkable woman.4. She divedher bag and took out a couple of coins.5. It was reported that the victim bleddeath after being hit by a truck butthe driver had run away.6. In responsethe audiences great dem

12、and, the play will be put on in thetheatre twice a week.7. She just sat there quietly,(sink)8.in thought.9. At the Chinese arts festival, there are different standsartistsdemonstrate their skills.10. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldnt get a taxithe bus has dropped5her.11. A simple restaurant was

13、he usually had the same meal ofsausages, eggs and coffee.五、完成句子1. 人们希望正在进行的改革能够加快经济的发展。 (reform)It is hoped that2. 他突然辞职后,整个办公室陷入混乱,这表明他是多么不可靠。 (chaos)The whole officeafter his suddenresignation, which demonstrated how unreliable he was.3. 几个年轻人上了船,寻找他们被偷的价值 5000 美金的项链。 (aboard)A couple of young peo

14、pletheirstolen necklace worth $50,000.4. 战争期间,他无法与家人取得联系,从那之后,他与家人失散了 20 多年。 (touch)During the war, hehis family and since then,he has been separated from his family for more than twenty years.5. 在一场 100 千米地马拉松越野赛中,21 人遭遇意外,被确认死亡,这让我们非常震惊。to us that 21 peoplehad accidents and were confirmed dead dur

15、ing a 100-km cross-country mountainmarathon race.6. 学生们穿着校服,看起来精神饱满。,the students seem to be in good6spirits.7. 人们该如何举止得体,对此每一种文化都有自己的规矩。良好的礼仪能展现对他们的尊重。Every culture has set its own rules about how to behave appropriately. Goodmanners。8. 所有人的恐惧都消失了,我往后退,打开门,祈祷这不是我一生中最大的错误。All fear was gone, and I ba

16、cked up and unlocked my car door,in my life.答案答案一、语法填空1. Themuseumconsidersitselfanimportantresource:thebreadth(broad) and depth of its collection allows the public to explore the world cultures.2. Curious andastonished(astonish), I rushed out of mydormitory when I heard the noise of explosion.3. Br

17、itain is a “second rate power” which has been in decline for a century- yetLondon remains one of the mostinfluential(influence) cities in theworld.4. The buildings have been designed to beharmonious(harmony) withtheir surroundings.75. You have donated so many books to the children in rural areas, an

18、d onbehalf of them, we thank you for your kindness.6. Regardlessofthe weather or the distance, Paul Wilson will makesure low-income students arrive at their college classes on time.7. Since he was a child, he has shown interestinhistorical books.8. Hisbeing dismissed(dismiss) from the factory forced

19、 him to leave hishometown and seek job opportunities in other cities.9. The old man insisted that hebe given(give) the night shift instead ofyoung people, saying he had no one to take care of.10.Asis the case with the original painting in the Louvre in Paris, thedigital Mona Lisa is the star attract

20、ion.二、完成句子1. 以为自己忘记带票时,她很恐慌, 这也让她的丈夫惊慌起来。 (panic; 非限定性定语从句)She was in panicwhen she thought shed forgotten the tickets,which panicked her husband, too.2. 由于没有证据可以证明他的清白,他被公司解雇了。 (dismiss)He was dismissed from the companyin the absence of the proof of hisinnocence.3. 为了使警方相信他是无辜的,他提供了几个令人信服的事实。 (conv

21、ince)In order to convince the police ofhis innocence, he offered severalhe offered8several convincing facts.4. 人们普遍认为应该从综合素质的角度来评价学生。 (acknowledge)It is widely /generally acknowledged thatstudents should beevaluated in terms of overall qualities.5. 看来这个水龙头里面的水已经漏了一段时间了。我们得把它拆开了才能修好。(leak)It seems th

22、at water from this taphas been leaking for some time. We haveto take it apart to put it right.6. 考虑到可能会发生的交通堵塞,到他们的办公大楼大概要花两个小时。 (allow)It will take about two hours to get to their office building,allowing forpossible traffic delays.7. 他动身前往华盛顿,把他的宠物狗留给了邻居。 (depart)He departed forWashington, with th

23、e pet dog left behind withhis neighbour.8. 学习历史的意义在于保护文明、文化和传统,并将他们传递给年轻一代。 (pass)The meaning of studying history lies in protecting civilization, culture and traditionsandPassing them on tothe younger generation.三、语法填空1. The two sides agreed that only inexceptional (exception)circumstances willthis

24、 deadline be extended.2.Comparison( compare) may make something appear more beautiful9than it is when seen alone.3. Now I need lots of time to sortoutmy thoughts thoroughly because Iwant to give them a perfect report.4. Contrarytoexpectation, that top seed didnt win the championship.5. Many porcelai

25、n and silk productswere packed(pack) in boxes andshipped to western countries at the time.6. The good news isthatwe have developed a vaccine against thenew virus.7. What puzzles Lilys friends iswhyLily always has so many crazyideas.8. If you are addicted to your mobile phone, thatswhenyou should lay

26、it down and be involved in meaningful activities.9. It is generally acknowledged that loving your life iswherethe key tohappiness lies.10. As a member of society, I am aware that being responsible iswahtit takesto make a better society.四、语法填空1. I hate it when the weather becomesfreezing(freeze) old

27、becausethere is no heater inside.2. Many of the only children are so accustomed to being praised that they reactviolently( violent) when they hear something different.103. The painting will be a lastingmemorial(memory) to a remarkablewoman.4. She divedintoher bag and took out a couple of coins. 迅速将手

28、伸入5. It was reported that the victim bledtodeath after being hit by a truckbut the driver had run away.6. In responsetothe audiences great demand, the play will be put on in thetheatre twice a week.7. She just sat there quietly,( sink )in thought.8. At the Chinese arts festival, there are different

29、standswhereartistsdemonstrate their skills.9. Half an hour later, Lucy still couldnt get a taxiwherethe bus hasdropped her.10. A simple restaurant waswherehe usually had the same meal ofsausages, eggs and coffee.五、完成句子1. 人们希望正在进行的改革能够加快经济的发展。 (reform)It is hoped thatthe reform being carried out can

30、speed up the development ofeconomy.2. 他突然辞职后,整个办公室陷入混乱,这表明他是多么不可靠。 (chaos)The whole officewas in chaosafter his sudden resignation,which demonstrated how unreliable he was.3. 几个年轻人上了船,寻找他们被偷的价值 5000 美金的项链。 (aboard)11A couple of young peoplewent aboard the ship in search oftheir stolennecklace worth

31、$50,000.4. 战争期间,他无法与家人取得联系,从那之后,他与家人失散了 20 多年。 (touch)During the war, hecouldnt get in touch withhis family and since then,he has been separated from his family for more than twenty years.5. 在一场 100 千米地马拉松越野赛中,21 人遭遇意外,被确认死亡,这让我们非常震惊。It came as a great shockto us that 21 people had accidents and wer

32、econfirmed dead during a 100-km cross-country mountain marathon race.6. 学生们穿着校服,看起来精神饱满。Dressed in school uniform, the students seem to be in goodspirits.7. 人们该如何举止得体,对此每一种文化都有自己的规矩。良好的礼仪能展现对他们的尊重。Every culture has set its own rules about how to behave appropriately. Goodmannersshow respect for others。8. 所有人的恐惧都消失了,我往后退,打开门,祈祷这不是我一生中最大的错误。All fear was gone, and I backed up and unlocked my car door,praying that thiswasnt the biggest mistakein my life.12


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