Unit 2Out of this world 课文翻译 英汉对照-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语选择性必修第三册 .docx

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1、2020 版新牛津译林版选择性必修三Unit 2 out of this world课本 英汉对照1.ReadingLife on a space station 空间站上的生活Living in space is every would-be astronaut s dream. My six-month stay ona space stationhas come to an end, and it has been a challenging but magical adventure. I bet youd love to know what daily life is like up

2、 in space and how it differs from that on theEarth-the low gravity definitely makes ordinary things strange!在太空生活是每个想成为宇航员的人的梦想。 我在空间站待了六个月已经走到了尽头,这是一次充满挑战但又充满魔力的冒险。我敢打赌,你一定很想知道太空中的日常生活是什么样子的, 以及它与地球上的生活有何不同低重力绝对会让平凡的事情变得奇怪!The strangeness of living in space is apparent from the moment we sleep. Due

3、to the near absence of gravity in space, we have to attach ourselves so that we dont float around. We usually sleep in private quarters, which are more like largecupboards, or in sleeping bags attached to the walls or the ceiling. It s strange thatwe try to sleep with no pressure against our back, b

4、ut the unusual beds don t botherus any more. After about eight hours of sleep, we start our day of work.从我们睡觉的那一刻起, 生活在太空中的陌生感就显而易见了。 由于太空中几乎没有重力,我们必须把自己固定起来,这样才不会到处飘。我们通常睡在私人房间里,更像一个大橱柜,或者睡在贴在墙上或天花板上的睡袋里。奇怪的是,我们试图在没有压力的情况下睡觉,但不寻常的床不再打扰我们了。大约八个小时的睡眠后,我们开始一天的工作。The routine tasks that occupy most of t

5、he day are demanding, but they canalso be extremely rewarding. Our main mission is to conduct scientific research.We need to evaluate the effects of low gravity on animals and plants. Creaturessuch as mice, fish and mosquitoes have also been sent to the station! In alow-gravity environment, we can l

6、earn more about changes in cells andmicroorganisms under the microscope. As well as doing these biologicalexperiments, we carry out experiments in other research fields. I have beenworking on one experiment which locates and tracks lightning over large regions ofthe Earth. Hopefully, it will cast ne

7、w light on the Earth s climate and lead to betterlightning protection. With so much going on, the space station needs a lot ofmaintenance, so we constantly check support systems and do some cleaning.日常工作占据了一天的大部分时间, 要求很高, 但它们也可以是非常有益的。我们的主要任务是进行科学研究。我们需要评估低重力对动植物的影响。老鼠、鱼和蚊子等生物也被送到了车站!在低重力环境下,我们可以在显微

8、镜下更多地了解细胞和微生物的变化。 在做这些生物实验的同时, 我们还进行其他研究领域的实验。 我一直在做一个实验, 在地球的大范围内定位和追踪闪电。希望它能给地球气候提供新的线索, 并带来更好的防雷技术。 有这么多的事情发生,空间站需要大量的维护,所以我们不断检查支持系统,做一些清洁。The most challenging work takes place when we need to perform tasks outsidethe space station, such as testing new equipment, monitoring scientific experiment

9、sor repairing the space station. In the circumstances, it s time for a spacewalk. First,we put on our spacesuits, which allow us to breathe in space and protect us fromexposure to the cold and radiation. Then we head out, and sometimes perform tasksfor hours at a time, with the beautiful Earth visib

10、le below. Splendid as the view ofthe Earth is, space-walking is not as exciting as you might think. Its probably themost dangerous work, with potential risks such as electric shocks. That s whyevery spacewalk is carefully planned.最具挑战性的工作发生在我们需要在空间站之外执行任务的时候, 比如测试新设备、监测科学实验或修复空间站。在这种情况下,是时候进行太空行走了。首

11、先,我们穿上宇航服,宇航服可以让我们在太空中呼吸,保护我们免受寒冷和辐射的伤害。然后我们出发,有时一次执行几个小时的任务,看到下面美丽的地球。 虽然地球上的景色很壮观, 但太空行走并不像你想象的那么令人兴奋。这可能是最危险的工作,有潜在的危险,比如触电。这就是为什么每次太空行走都是经过精心策划的。In view of the low-gravity environment, eating is also different in space. Mostfood is dried or freeze-dried. It s a luxury to eat fresh food, because

12、fresh producesuch as fruit and vegetables can only be delivered to the space station from theEarth every couple of months. Salt and pepper are only in liquid form, so that theywill not float away and block the air pipes. However, liquids can t be easilycontrolled in space. We must drink water or any

13、 other liquids out of a bag through athin tube of plastic. Furthermore, to keep our body healthy, we must ensure abalanced supply of nutrients by taking pills.考虑到低重力环境, 在太空中进食也有所不同。 大多数食物是干燥的或冷冻干燥的。 吃新鲜的食物是一件奢侈的事情, 因为像水果和蔬菜这样的新鲜农产品只能每隔几个月从地球送到空间站。 盐和胡椒只以液体的形式存在, 所以它们不会漂浮而堵塞空气管道。然而,液体在太空中不容易控制。我们必须通过

14、一根细塑料管从袋子里喝水或其他液体。此外,为了保持我们的身体健康,我们必须通过吃药来保证营养的均衡供应。Extended readingIn 1959,when Neil Armstrong first landed on the Moon, many peoplethought that soon we would he regularly visiting other planers in our solar systemand would even daze to travel beyond it. This is clearly not the case. The reality is

15、that space exploration is extremely difficult and dangerous, can take a very longtime and costs a huge amount of money.Some people believe that while spaceexploration expands our understanding of the universe, it is a waste of the public:purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives her

16、e on the Earth. Whydo we continue to explore space, then?1959 年,当尼尔阿姆斯特朗首次登上月球时,许多人认为不久我们就会 他会定期拜访太阳系的其他行星吗?他甚至会发呆去太阳系外旅行吗?事实显然并非如此。事实上,太空探索是非常困难和危险的,需要很长时间和大量的金钱。有些人认为,虽然太空探索扩大了我们对宇宙的了解,但这是一种浪费:对提高我们在地球上的生活质量毫无帮助。那么,我们为什么还要继续探索太空呢?It is in our nature to explore. From the very early days of human li

17、fe on theEarth,our curiosity about the unknown has kept us adventuring into new places. Welong to visit thick and wild forests, climb vast mountain ranges, and cross deepoceans. We desire to explore the furthest frontier of all space. As StephenHawking once said, “Remember to look up at the stars an

18、d not down at your feet.Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exit.Be curious.” That we are fascinated by the sky is evident in ancient tales fromaround the world, such as that of Change. While spare exploration is a reality, weremain curious about the mysteries

19、of the universe With each space mission comesgreater insight, thus motivating us to continue along the same path of adventure.探索是我们的天性。 从人类在地球上生活的早期开始, 我们对未知事物的好奇心一直促使我们去探索新的地方。 我们渴望参观茂密的森林, 攀登浩瀚的山脉,穿越深海。我们渴望探索最广阔的领域太空。正如史蒂芬霍金曾经说过的:“记住要仰望星空,而不是低头看脚下。”试着弄明白你所看到的,并想知道是什么让宇宙退出。要有好奇心。”我们对天空的着迷在世界各地的古老传说

20、中是显而易见的,比如嫦娥的故事。虽然空闲的探索是现实,但我们仍然对宇宙的奥秘感到好奇。 每一次太空任务都会带来更深刻的认识, 从而激励我们继续沿着同样的冒险之路前进。The results of these space investigations have made major contributions to anunderstanding of the origin, evolution. and likely future of the universe,such asplanets. stars,and all other forms of matter and energy. Ex

21、ploring space helpsaddress fundamental questions about our place in the universe and the history ofcur solar system. It is through our research into space that we have confirmed thatthe earth is round and that, it orbits the sun. As we learn more about the universe,we may one day answer the question

22、 whether there is life on other planets.这些太空调查的结果对理解宇宙的起源、演化和可能的未来,如行星,做出了重大贡献。恒星,以及所有其他形式的物质和能量。探索太空有助于解决关于我们在宇宙中所处位置和当前太阳系历史的基本问题。 正是通过我们对太空的研究,我们才证实了地球是圆的,而且它绕着太阳转。随着我们对宇宙了解的越来越多,也许有一天我们会回答其他行星上是否有生命的问题。With technologies first researched and developed for space exploration, wecan serve some of th

23、e big problems facing mankind, making our lives safer andeasier. One of these is earthquake shock absorbers. Shock absorbers originallyapplied to the space shuttle launch have also been set up in the cities with a highfrequency of earthquakes in order to protect buildings and save lives. Sometechnol

24、ogies need further research to better solve real-life problems. For example,liquid hydrogen is a clean alternative energy source that is used widely as rocketfuel, and it is likely that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be mass-produced andlaunched in the near future.These scientific and technologica

25、l advances can providebenefits to societies on the Earth in many areas including health, energy andinformation technology. This should be a strong motive for continuing to explorespace.有了为太空探索而研发的技术,我们可以为人类面临的一些大问题服务,使我们的生活更安全、更容易。其中之一是地震减震器。为了保护建筑物和生命, 原本用于航天飞机发射的减震器也在地震频繁的城市中设置。 有些技术需要进一步研究,以更好地解决

26、现实生活中的问题。例如,液氢是一种广泛用于火箭燃料的清洁替代能源, 氢燃料电池汽车很可能在不久的将来大规模生产并发射。 这些科技进步可以在卫生、 能源和信息技术等许多领域为地球上的社会带来好处。这应该是继续探索太空的强大动力。Although space exploration demands huge investment, the space industry canactually bring great economic value.It has been calculated that the global spaceeconomy is increasing by billions

27、 of dollars every year. At the same time, spaceexploration can provide a variety of career opportunities for young people. Jobs inthe space industry go far beyond the astronauts that receive widespread mediacoverage. There are many support staff on the ground, such as engineers,mechanicsand research

28、 assistants.虽然空间探索需要巨大的投资, 但航天工业实际上可以带来巨大的经济价值。据估计,全球太空经济每年增长数十亿美元。同时,太空探索可以为年轻人提供各种各样的职业机会。 航天行业的工作远不止是媒体广泛报道的宇航员。现场有许多支持人员,如工程师、机械师和研究助理。Moreover, the amazing work these people do can provide education andinspiration for the next generation. For me personally, this is by far the biggestreason for

29、humanity to explore space. Such wonders as a space shuttle launch orastronauts walking on the Moon are incredibly exciting and inspiring to witness,and it can be these moments that shape children s lives forever and motivate themto become the scientists and engineers of the future. It is this kind o

30、f inspirationthat keeps our thirst for knowledge alive and ensures that advances in spaceexploration and many other fields will continue to be made. When you have seen aman walk on the Moon, you grow up believing that anything is possible!此外, 这些人所做的惊人的工作可以为下一代提供教育和灵感。 对我个人来说, 这是迄今为止人类探索太空的最大原因。 目睹航天飞机的发射或宇航员在月球上行走这样的奇迹是非常令人兴奋和鼓舞的, 而这些时刻可以永远塑造孩子们的生活, 并激励他们成为未来的科学家和工程师。 正是这种灵感保持着我们对知识的渴望, 并确保了太空探索和许多其他领域的进步将继续取得。 当你看到一个人在月球上行走,你长大后相信一切皆有可能!


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