Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sites 全单元 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册.rar

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  • Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sites 全单元 ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语高二选择性必修第三册
    • 选择性必修三unit4 课件集
      • Extended reading 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Grammar and usage 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Integrated skills 1 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Integrated skills 2 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Project 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Reading 1 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Reading 2 课件.ppt--点击预览
      • Welcome to the unit 课件.ppt--点击预览


Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sitesExtended readingFollowing the Silk Road1. How long was the Silk Road? About 8,700 kilometres.2. Where was the starting point of the Silk Road? Changan (present-day Xian), in Shaanxi Province of north-west China.3. When was the Silk Road started? In the 2nd century BCE.4. Who was recorded in history when it comes to the Silk Road? Zhang Qian.Lead-inOn June 22, 2014, UNESCO designated a 5,000 km stretch of the Silk Road network from Central China to the Zhetsyu Region of Central Asia as a World Heritage site. Reading1. Could you analyse the structure and summarize the main idea of each part? Para. 1: The Changan-Tianshan Corridor made history as the first successful multinational World Heritage application.Para. 2: The Silk Road covered vast distances and an astonishing variety of landscapes.Para. 3: Zhang Qian helped the corridor take shape and strengthen their relationship with the West. Para. 4: The Silk Road was alive with the increase of trade exchange.Para. 5: The network also served as a bridge for cultural exchange.Para. 6: The Silk Road contributed to the expansion of trade and cultural exchanges. ReadingFollowing the Silk RoadPara. 1: The overall introductionPara. 2: The geographyPara. 3: The historyParas. 45: The trade and cultural exchangePara. 6: The significanceReading(1) Introduce the astonishing variety of landscapes based on Paragraph 2.(2) Find the reason why the emperor assigned Zhang Qian to the journey to Central Asia.(3) Work in pairs to draw a mind map to show the contributions of the Silk Road to the economy and culture. 2. Read the article again and finish the following tasks.1. Appreciate the title and answer the questions. (1) What is likely to be the main transportation along the Silk Road? The main means of transportation along the Silk Road is the camel.(2) How was journey along the Silk Road? It must be very hard because of poor transportation, long distances, various landforms like deserts, grasslands, high and snow-capped mountains and valleys.Appreciation2. Can you make a list of the words that appear many times between the lines in the whole passage?AppreciationAppreciation The Silk Road Economic Belt initiative.3. Whats the modern version of the Silk Road?Shared CulturesShared HeritageShared ResponsibilityThe Silk Road Economic Belt initiative has assisted many countries in developing transport infrastructure. For example, in Kenya, China helped build the countrys Standard Gauge Railway (SGR). This development is one of the most significant projects in Kenya since it became independent in 1963. The SGR facilitates local industries, as well as trade between Africa and China.Appreciation4. The Silk Road Economic Belt initiative was first brought up in 2013. What impact is the initiative having on the countries along the Silk Road?Energy is another way the initiative has impacted countries along its path. A hydropower station project in Pakistan was approved and operated by a Chinese company. After its completion, it will generate enough electric power to provide for the Pakistani peoples daily use and also assist in the nations economic development.AppreciationThe initiative also promotes trade between the countries on its routes. For example, Kazakhstan, a landlocked country, struggles to grow vegetables because of its very cold weather. The Belt helps enhance cooperation between Kazakhstan and the north-western Chinese Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. They are thus able to do more cross-border trade in vegetables than before. The trade between the two countries not only provides the Kazakhs with their basic needs, but also generates mutual economic benefits for both the countries.AppreciationRead and appreciate the passage on Page 80. HomeworkHomework1. Read this article aloud.2. Finish the workbook.谢 谢Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sitesGrammar and usageAppositive clausesDoyouknowwhatheritagesitethefollowingpicturesbelongto?Lead-inThe Abu Simbel temples1.WherearetheAbuSimbeltempleslocated? 2.Whenexactlywerethetemplesconstructed?Lead-inThere are divisions among historians over when exactly the construction of the twin temples started, but no one can deny the fact that they were constructed in the 13th century BCE. In Egypt.Lead-in 3.HowweretheAbuSimbeltemplessavedfromtherisingwaters? An international team worked together to take the temples apart, moved their parts to a new location and then put them back together. They eventually managed to relocate all the Abu Simbel temples without incident. 4.Whatcanwelearnfromthesuccessofthesaving? We learn that it is significant to strengthen international cooperation. Couldyoufindthesentenceswithappositiveclausesinthearticle?Exploring the rules ,butnoonecandenythefactthattheywereconstructedinthe13thcenturyBCE. they had no idea whether the temples could be saved from the rising waters. Some experts, however, had a feeling that it was possible. At first, they had no idea which way could work. There was no guarantee that it would work, Furthermore, the experts had no clue whether any parts of the temples would break during transport. , but we have the belief that we will need this kind of cooperation in heritage preservation.Exploring the rules ,butnoonecandenythefactthattheywereconstructedinthe13thcenturyBCE. they had no idea whether the temples could be saved from the rising waters. Some experts, however, had a feeling that it was possible. At first, they had no idea which way could work. There was no guarantee that it would work, Furthermore, the experts had no clue whether any parts of the temples would break during transport. , but we have the belief that we will need this kind of cooperation in heritage preservation.Couldyoufindthesentenceswithappositiveclausesinthearticle?Exploring the rules Working out the rules An appositive clause is usually placed after an abstract noun to explain its content. We often use (1) _, (2) _ or a question word to introduce an appositive clause. Nouns that can be followed by an appositive clause includefact,idea,news,opinion, etc. whetherthat CouldyoureadthefollowingsentencesinB1onPage49toticktheoneswithappositiveclauses? 1 We have no doubt that UNESCO is trying to protect the heritage sites. 2 This was the clue that helped the police find the man who had destroyed the ancient statues. 3 Many people do not know the reason why this heritage site is threatened. 4 There is no question that we should protect our shared heritagewe simply have to. 5 I want to plan my trip but I have no idea when the temples will open.Applying the rules B1Chris meets with Miss Ma to discuss UNESCOs work related to heritage preservation. Complete the conversation below with proper linking words to form appositive clauses.Applying the rulesChris: Sorry to interrupt you, Miss Ma. Im writing an article about UNESCOs work on heritage preservation. Can you tell me something about it?Miss Ma: Sure. In 1972, the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO.B2Applying the rulesChris: But Ive heard some people have serious doubts (1) _ the World Heritage Convention really helps.Miss Ma: Sure, it does. It links the concepts of nature conservation and the preservation of cultural properties together. Apart from the Convention, the World Heritage Committee was established in 1976 and passed the motion (2) _ we should protect our cultural and natural heritage sites.Chris: I see. Can you tell me what the World Heritage Committee does?Miss Ma: Of course. For example, it votes to determine which sites are to be listed as UNESCO heritage sites and monitors the state of conservation.whether that Applying the rulesChris: Thats amazing. Is China one of the UNESCO States Parties?Miss Ma: Yes. Do you have any idea (3) _ Chinese properties are on the World Heritage List?Chris: Yes, more than 50 now. For example, the Grand Canal, the worlds longest and oldest canal, was on the list in 2014. Ive heard the news (4) _ certain heritage sites in China are under threat.Miss Ma: Youre right. The proposal (5) _ we should raise public awareness of heritage protection is worth considering. how manythat that Applying the rules Chris is talking to her friend Jenny about a historic site in the city. In pairs, complete the conversation below using appositive clauses. Chris: I was upset that those ancient buildings were in such bad condition. Jenny: But didnt you hear the news (1) _? Chris: No, I didnt. Thats great news! I have a dream (2) _ _. Jenny: Ill join you. After all, we have no idea (3) _ _.that they are being restoredable to visit this site when the repair work is overanother chance to visitthat Ill be when well getB31. Go through the grammar notes on Page 96.2. Write a short paragraph to express your idea, suggestions or hope to protect a historic heritage site in your hometown with the help of appositive clauses. HomeworkUnit 4 Protecting our heritage sitesIntegrated skills 1Calling for the protection of our heritage sitesWhat are the possible values of our cultural heritage in your opinion? Lead-inIn every country, cultural heritage is both a record of life and history and also an irreplaceable source of creativity and inspiration. Our cultural heritage, like our DNA, determines who we are, giving us both identity and the values that will guide our lives in a changing world.Lead-inthe Great Pyramid of EgyptJiuzhaigou ValleyReadingThe value of our heritage Lead in The plains of the Serengeti and pyramids of Egypt are the great heritage sites we take (1) _ in and must be (2) _. The UNESCO thinks of heritages as “our (3) _ from the past, what we live with today, what we pass on to future generations” and “irreplaceable sources of life and (4) _”.Read the editorial on Page 50 and finish the table below.pride protected legacy inspiration ReadingSome examples of heritage sites The incredible (5) _ of heritage sites reminds us of the power of nature and the genius of man. Jiuzhaigou Valley, (6) _ to mighty snow-capped mountains, thick forests with wildlife, has a (7) _ scenery, (8) _ makes us realize that nature has truly created a masterpiece. Borobudur Temple (9) _ us with the effort, determination and intense belief of the people who built it with only primitive tools.Conclusion Heritage sites not only provide (10) _ to questions but also pose questions. Heritage sites provide us with opportunities to wonder, to be inspired and to think more deeply about our time on the Earth.splendour home dreamlike which impresses answers ReadingAnswer the following two questions based on Part A. 1. According to the editorial,why should we protect heritage sites?Because the incredible splendour of heritage sites is a reminder of the power of nature and the genius of man. Reading 2. How do you understand the quote from Cicero?From my point of view, Ciceros quote means that knowing about our past helps us understand the present and the future better. If we were ignorant of our past, our knowledge about cultural and natural environments would be lacking. We would lose vital information that could help us become better by not repeating past mistakes. We would also not appreciate all the efforts and struggles of the people that came before us.1. Mr Li is a professor in the field of history. T/F 2. The host thinks making laws is a good way to protect heritage sites. T/F 3. Mr Li wants more tourists coming to the heritage sites. T/F 4. The host thinks that limits can ensure the safety of these sites. T/F 5. Mr Lis main job is to raise funds for the local heritage projects. T/F 6. We can educate local officials about the importance of heritage sites. T/FListeningB1Listen to the interview and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).ListeningHow to protect heritage sitesMeasures to limit the number of tourists Ask tourists to (1) _ through an app or on the website in advance (2) _ how long tourists can spend visiting the heritage sites on a daily basisResources (3) _ Equipment (4) _ in many other fields Education Launch campaigns (5) _(6) _purchase tickets Set strict time limits on Money Scientists, engineers and expertsSet up websites Give out leaflets B21. What is the importance of protecting heritage sites?2. What kinds of practical methods can you give to protect them?3. How can we move on to another topic while having a dialogue with others?suggested expressions of voicing your opinion: I think weve talked enough about this point. Maybe we could move on to I think theres nothing more to talk about this aspect. Lets change the topic to SpeakingA: Lets discuss the importance of protecting heritage sites first. I think heritage sites are a reminder of the power of nature and the genius of man. B: Absolutely right. Natural heritage sites amaze us with their splendour and command our respect for nature, and cultural heritage sites can connect us with the past.A: Yes. I think weve talked enough about this point. Maybe we could move on to discussing some useful measures.B: OK. In my opinion, even if UNESCO does declare a place as a heritage site, it offers little protection especially if local communities do not take ownership to preserve their heritage. SpeakingA: I agree with you. Local communities should take some measures. For instance, limiting the number of visitors to these sites and regulating how often or how long theyre open to visitors are the first step in the right direction. Can you add anything?B: Yes, I can. Activities like fundraising events can help contribute towards resources required to carry out any restoration and preservation projects. SpeakingA: I definitely agree! Im also thinking how little is being done to educate the general public about their importance. The public might be unaware of the dangers that heritage sites are facing. We need to ensure everyone becomes a part of the solution rather than the problem.B: Yes, but lets change the topic to what effective methods can raise public awareness. I think one is to launch awareness campaigns about the dangers to these vulnerable sites and also how to prevent those dangers. Do you have any other ideas?SpeakingA: Yes, I do. Most people use the Internet nowadays, so itll be extremely helpful to set up easily accessible and informative websites about the topic. B: Thats a great idea. I know that if we all work together to take care of our heritage sites, future generations will get to enjoy them too.Speaking1. Preview Part D on Page 52.2. Find more supporting details to protect the heritage sites. HomeworkUnit 1Reading 1The evolution of video and sound devices高中英语 选择性必修(第三册)Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sitesIntegrated skills 2Calling for the protection of our heritage sites1. Can you pick out several sentences which show the value of our heritage in Part A?Every country can be proud of its cultural or natural heritage sites, which must be protected, so that we can e
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