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1、2019-2020 学年学年第二学期第二学期初一初一英语英语中期中期过关过关检测检测 - 宁宁海、海、50 中、中、29 中中致远、致远、12 中、中、39 中中联考联考 考试时间:100 分钟 满分:100 分 (将答案按序号填写在答题卡上) 选择题 (共 45 分) 一、听力(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 略 二、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ( ) 16. Lucy, _ eight-year-old girl, said she saw_

2、 unusual thing in _ sky. A. an, a, the B. a, a, / C. a, an; the D. an, an, the ( ) 17. This kind of drink tastes _ but theres _ in this bottle. I need to buy some. A. good; a little B. well; a little C. good; little D. well; little ( ) 18. Did you hear someone _ for help when you walk _ the river th

3、is afternoon? A. call; past B. calling; along C. to call; across D. calling; through ( ) 19. _ room is modern. But _is cleaner than _. A. Tom and Peters, my, their B. Toms and Peters, mine, theirs C. Toms and Peters, my, their D. Tom and Peters, mine, theirs ( ) 20. Can you show me_ pen? This one is

4、 too expensive. A. other B. another C. others D. the other ( ) 21. - Why are you in such a hurry, John? - There _ a basketball match between Class Three and our class in ten minutes. A. is going to be B. will have C. is going to have D. will hold ( ) 22. -Where do you live? - I live in Room _ on the

5、_ floor. A. Nine; ninth B. Nine; nine C. Ninth; ninth D. Ninth; nine ( ) 23. Which of the following ed has the different pronunciations(发音) from the other three? A. answered B. listened C. danced D. played ( ) 24. Every spring, people plant _ trees to make our city more beautiful. A. five thousands

6、of B. five thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of ( ) 25. - Excuse me, sir. Im afraid you cant smoke here. This is non-smoking area. - Oh, sorry. I _the sign. A. dont see B. didnt see C. didnt saw D. saw ( ) 26. _ you write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time? A. Could B. May C.

7、 Must D. Can ( ) 27. _, or we will be late for school. A. Put up B. Take up C. Look up D. Hurry up ( ) 28. - _ is it from the hotel to the coach station? - About 40 minutes on foot You can go there by No. 11 bus. A. When B. What time C. How long D. How far ( ) 29. Its good for your eyes to _ the gre

8、en trees for a minute or two. A. look out of B. look out at C. look up D. look for ( ) 30. - Would you like to see a film with me this evening, Daniel? - _. I have to finish a project. A. Sounds good., B. Youre welcome. C. Id like to D. Im afraid not. 三、完形填空三、完形填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 l 分,计 10 分) 请认真阅读下列短文,

9、从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将选项涂黑。 Everyone is talking _31_ bird flu (禽流感). Bird flu has killed some people. Many of us are afraid and worrying about our health. It is a very dangerous illness and could make people _32_very sick. It will be some months still before we have good medicine for

10、 bird flu. But that doesnt mean (意味着) you cant do _33_ to prevent (预防) it now. So far (目前为止), all the people who have caught (感染) bird flu have been those who touched chickens or their droppings (粪便). _34_ its a good idea for people to keep away from living chickens. “People _35_ went to the markets

11、 to buy living chickens to eat, but now they have to change that habit (习惯),” said Peter Cordingley, a WHO expert (世界卫生组织专家). Experts also say having good habits and a _36_ body will help you keep safe from bird flu. For example, eat more fresh vegetables and _37_ meat. Remember _38_ your hands care

12、fully with soap every day. Do not eat anything that has touched raw (生的) meat. Also, dont forget to keep your windows _39_ often and _40_ every day. Getting enough sleep is also very important. Maybe you are going to be ill, when you cant sleep well at night. If you really feel sick, see a doctor as

13、 soon as possible. ( ) 31. A. with B. about C. at D. to ( ) 32. A. feel B. to feel C. feels D. feeling ( ) 33. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything ( ) 34. A. Because B. Or C. So D. If ( ) 35. A. never B. often C. seldom D. no ( ) 36. A. bad B. happy C. healthy D. ill ( ) 37. A. less B.

14、 more C. many D. much ( ) 38. A. that B. washing C. washes D. to wash ( ) 39. A. close B. closed C. opened D. open ( ) 40. A. exercises B. take exercise C. do exercises D. exercising 四、阅读理解(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 请认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The Sunflower Summer Camp is

15、a wonderful, outdoor. fun summer experience for young children. It began in 1985. Each day, at Sunflower, we provide(提供) the simple joys of summer, like swimming, gardening, walks, outdoor projects and other activities with lots of time. At the same time, we provide Science lessons for children. Dur

16、ing the summer months, we study something interesting about insects(昆虫), sea animals and nature. Besides the usual classroom setting, we also have a science room as childrens museum for further study. We have very good teachers. They are always friendly and helpful. For more information about our su

17、mmer camp, please call at 303 - 4942. We are open from June 4th to August 28th. Item Time Monday-Friday (weekly/monthly) Monday, Wednesday,Friday (weekly/monthly) Sunday, Wednesday, Friday (weekly/monthly) 8:30-12:30 150/590 105/390 95/290 8:30-2:30 190/775 145/580 110/425 8:30-3:30 215/855 160/625

18、120/465 ( ) 41. Mary wants to go to the camp, but she is only free in the morning. How much should she pay if she goes there on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two weeks? A. 210 B. 780 C. 300 D. 190 ( ) 42. Where can you see this passage? A. A storybook B. A newspaper C. A science book D. A comic b

19、ook B When we buy a house, we all want to have nice neighbours, because most of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbours. But what kind of neighbour is good? The answers are different from people to people. Here are my answers. First, it is very important to respect(尊敬) each oth

20、er. If our neighbours try to know more about our life, what will we feel? He or she may also talk with others about our life. Do you want to live with him or her any more? The answer is “No”. We will feel very sad to have this kind of neighbour and move away quickly. Next, a good neighbour is always

21、 ready to give us a hand when we need him or her. For example, if we are not at home, our good neighbours will watch our house for us. Finally, a good neighbour should love the environment(环境). He or she never puts rubbish here and there. Good neighbours should keep the place clean, because the good

22、 environment can make us comfortable and happy. I think we all should learn to be good neighbours, and I also hope everyone will have good neighbours and live a happy life. ( ) 43. We want to have nice neighbours because _. A. they can share food with us B. they can tell interesting stories C. they

23、can make us feel happy D. it is helpful to live with good neighbours ( ) 44. What WONT your good neighbour do? A. He or she will keep the place clean. B. He or she will respect your life. C. He or she will try to know more about your life. D. He or she will watch your house when you are not at home

24、( ) 45. What is the best title(标题) for this passage? A. What kind of neighbour is good. B. I have some good neighbours C. How to have good neighbours D. My neighbours C Going outside is a great way to spend your winter days. What are you waiting for? Lets go outside! Hiking (徒步旅行) If you like hiking

25、, youll probably also like to hike in the winter. The landscape changes with seasons. Be sure to bring your camera with you. Skiing Skiing is a great activity. It is also a great way to see the winter landscape at the same time. If you are not a good skier, be sure to ask a teacher before trying it

26、yourself. If it is not a bad idea to get a few lessons so that youre sure you know what youre doing when skiing. Sledding(坐雪橇) Sledding is an amazing activity. You can get great fun from it. You need little effort to get down the hill, but you need to walk up the hill before you can sled. All that w

27、alking is really good for you. Just be sure youre safe. Watch out for other people, trees or rocks on the hill. Snowball fights Everyone remembers going outside . building a snowman, and having snowball fights when we were children. Snowball fights are so great fun that all people take part in it. G

28、o outside with your friends or your family, build a snowman and start the fight. ( ) 46. We know about four outdoor _ activities from the passage. A. winter B. summer C. autumn D. spring ( ) 47. If you are not good at _, youd better have a few lessons. A. hiking B. skiing C. sledding D. snowball fig

29、hts ( ) 48. Snowball fights are an activity for _. A. children B. adults C. the old D. people of different ages ( ) 49.When you are sledding, you need _ to get down the hill. A. little effort B. a teacher C. a camera D. great help ( ) 50. What does the underlined word “landscape” mean in Chinese? A.

30、 山坡 B. 陆地 C. 景色 D. 景点 非选择题(共 50 分) 五、填空(共 20 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 20 分) A)请根据括号中的中文提示、首字母写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答能填写在答 题卡标号为 51-55 的相应横线上。 51. He often s_ for some useful information on the Internet. 52. He was_ (弱的, 差的) in Chinese than Maths because of his poor memory. 53. Walk _ (穿过) the underground tunnel!

31、and you will see a bookshop on the other side of the road. 54. Drive_ (径直地) on, and the visitors are there at the comer of the street. 55. Please_ (检查) the answers over and over again after finishing your paper. B)请根据句子意思用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空, 并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 56-60 的相应横线上。 56. Our English teacher likes tell

32、ing funny stories in class. He often makes us_ (laugh). 57. He always runs_ (quick) to the dining hall when the bell rings. 58. Why not_ (invite) you friends to have a picnic with us this Saturday? 59. I often see lots of women_ (dance) at the square in the evening 60. Theres something wrong with my

33、 bicycle. Can I borrow_ (you)? C)请根据句意选择下面方框内词或词组填空,使句子内容完整正确,每个词或词组只能用一 次, 并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 61-65 的相应横线上。 prepare for do some shopping ready to help have fun lucky A: Hello, whos speaking? B: Hi, Neil. This is John. I am calling from my new home. A: New home? Thats really nice. What is it like? What a

34、bout your new neighbours? B: It is big and beautiful and my neighbours here are always _61_. A: Sounds great. You are _62_ to live in a neighbourhood like that, B: Yes. My family will have a house-warming party this Sunday. Would you like to come? A: Id love to. By the way, what should I _63_ the pa

35、rty? B: Nothing. Just come and _64_. A: OK. I know. B: Oh. Sorry, its time for me to go to the supermarket and _65_ for the party. A: Well, bye. See you this Sunday. D)请根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空词数不限,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 66-70 的相应横线上。 66. 现在我不再害怕动物了。 I _. 57. 红绿灯处右拐,你就可以看到超市了。 _, and you can see the supermarket. 68.

36、越来越多的大学生正担心将来做什么。 More and more _what to do in the future. 69. 上周六我在去超市的路上遇见了一位老朋友。 I met an old friend _last Saturday. 70. 如果你需要帮忙,请给我打电话。 Please call me_. 六、阅读短文(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分) A) 请认真阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中第71-80小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为71-80的相应横线上。 注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。 New York City is not very

37、 big, It is about 300 square miles in size, but it has a population(人口) of more than 8.5 million. With such high population, it becomes the most expensive city in the United Sates. New York City has a few nicknames, but the most famous one is The Big Apple. In the 1920s, horse racing (竞赛) was very p

38、opular. After wining a race winners would give an apple to the horse. A newspaper reporter often called the prize money (奖金) for hose winners the big apple when writing reporters. The horse races in New York City gave winners money more than any other city, so the horse keepers scared calling the ci

39、ty The Big Apple. New York City is popular among teachers. There are more than 40 theatres in Broadway. There are shows in most theatres between Tuesday and Saturday, But most theatres go dark on Monday so that performers (表演者) and other workers can have a rest. New York City is home to several word

40、-famous sites (景点). The Empire State Building once was the tallest building in the world. It is an office building, but the floor at the top of the building is a popular site. You can get a birds eye view (风景) of the city from the top floor. Or you can take a rest at the Central Park lakes and grass

41、 around. New York City is busy 12 months a year, 24 hours a day. It has something for everyone. Facts(事实)about New York City How big it is Size New York City has an _71_ of about 300 square miles. Populations There are _72_ 8.5 million people living there. How it got its _73_ In the 1920s, horse kee

42、pers called it “The Big Apple”, _74_ the winners had more money in New York than in any other city. What culture(文化)it has New York City is _75_ among people who love shows and most of the theatres are open _76_ Tuesday to Saturday. But most theatres will go “dark” on Money to let workers have a res

43、t. What places you can visit The Empire State Building It is _77_ an office building and a popular site. You can look _78_ from the _79_ floor of the building. The Central Park It has a beautiful view and its a good _80_ to take a rest. 71. _ 72. _ 73. _ 74. _ 75. _ 76. _ 77. _ 78. _ 79. _ 80. _ B)请

44、根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 81-90 的相应位置上。 A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards(胡须). They were sitting in her front garden. She didnt k_81_ them. She said,” I dont know you. But I think you are h_82_. Please come in and have something to eat.” One of the ol

45、d m_83_ said, “ His name is Wealth(财富), this is Success(成功) and I am Love. Which of us do you want to i_84_? The woman thought it over for a few m_85_. She hoped her house would be f_86_ of love, so she said, “ Love, please come in.” Love g_87_ up and walked to the house. The other two also got up a

46、nd followed him. The woman was surprised and asked, “ I o_88_ invited Love. Why are you coming in?” The old men answered together, “I _89_ you invite Wealth or Success, the other two of us will stay out, but if you invite Love, wherever (无论什么地方) he goes, we go w_90_ him. Wherever there is Love, ther

47、e is also Wealth and Success. 81. _ 82. _ 83. _ 84. _ 85. _ 86. _ 87. _ 88. _ 89. _ 90. _ 七、书面表达(满分 10 分) 假如 Celine 即将搬家到 Garden Community,可却对这个社区不甚了解。请极据下面这幅宣传海报中的内容。帮助社区中心的服务人员给她写一封值。要点如下: Welcome to Garden Community Come to Garden Community! Life here is comfortable and easy. fresh air and green

48、trees a beautiful park near here not far from the city centre, only 30 minutes by car 20 tall buildings Wanda Shopping Mall, SG Supermarket restaurants, a school, a theatre Kind and helpful neighbours: meet at the community centre share different skills help with all kinds of problems Its good to st

49、art your new life in a neighbourhood like this. 要求: 1. 条理清楚,语意连贯,句式规范,字迹工整。 2. 请全部使用海报中的信息完成介绍,可适当发挥。 3. 词数至少 80 左右。句首句末已给出,不计入总字数。 Dear Celine, Thank you for coming to our community _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We hope you can enjoy your future life here every day. Yours sincerely Garden Community 2019-2020 学年学年第

50、二学期第二学期初一初一英语英语中期中期过关过关检测检测答案答案 - 宁宁海、海、50 中、中、29 中中致远、致远、12 中、中、39 中中联考联考 一、听力(略) 二、单选 16-20 DCBDB 21-25 AACDB 26-30 DDDBD 三、完形填空 31-35 BADCB 36-40 CADDB 四、阅读理解 41-42 AB 43-45 DCA 46-50 ABDAC 五、填空 A) 51. searches 52. weaker 53. through 54. straight 55. check B) 56. laugh 57. quickly 58. invite 59.


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