新人教版七年级英语下册Unit 3 Section B 3a-3b&SelfCheck导学案(有答案)(名校系列).doc

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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = Unit 3 How do you get to school? 第 四 课时 Section B (3a 3c ) 脱离 =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = The train will leave at six tomorrow morning. 把 ? 留在 ; 留下 Leave the child at home. 把小孩留在家里。 遗忘 ; 丢下 I left my notebook in the dormitory. 我把笔记本落在宿舍里了。 使 ? 处于 (某种状态 ),后面常接宾语补足语 Leave the door open. leave fo

2、r+地点, “ 动身去某地 ” He left for the station a few minutes ago. ( 2) bus stop 与 bus station bus stop 意为“公共汽车站”,指城镇内外的停车点; bus station 意为“公共汽车站”,指能停转车辆的汽车站点。 3. drive a car 开小汽车 drive 是动 词。意为“ ”,后接交通工具。 driver 意为“司机”,是名词。 例如: The driver often drives his blue car to work.这个司机经常开着他的蓝色的小汽车去上班。 知识巩固 : .根据汉语意思

3、完成句子 ,每空一词。 1.你什么时候离开这里去广州? When are you going to _ here _ Guangzhou? 2. 这种电视机跟其他的电视机不同。 This kind of television _ _ _ others. 3. 她妈妈生病住院了。 Her mother is _ _ _ _. 4. 在这个城市的一些地方没有地铁。 There are no subways in some _ _ the city. 5. 你觉得北京奥林匹克公园怎么样? _ do you _ _ the Beijing Olympic Park? 6. 在我们班并不是所有的男孩都喜

4、欢踢足球。 _ _ the boys in our class like _ soccer. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 7. 这个城市公交车的数量为 500。 _ _ _ buses in this city _ five hundred. 8. 保罗还没有回家 ,所以他妈妈很担心他。 Paul isnt back home now, _ his mother _ _ _ him very much. . 单项选择。 1. -Do you go to school by bus? -No,1 always ride bike. A. a;/ B. a; an C. a; a D./;a

5、 2. The train the train station at 8. 30 every morning. A. gets B. runs C. leaves D. comes 3. -Does Mr. Smith in Beijing? -Yes, he .He likes Beijing very much. A. live ; doesnt B. lives ; doesnt C. live ; does D. lives ; does 4. There are many and much on the table. A. bread; hamburgers B. hamburger

6、s; bread C. hamburger; breads D. breads; hamburger 5. -Thanks helping me English, Tina. -Youre welcome. A. for ; about B. for; with C. about ; with D. to ; for 6.- is from here to the bus stop? -About five minutes walk. A. How long B. How much C. How old D. How far . 根据首字母提示写单词,完成下列小短文。 Dave lives f

7、ar from school. 1. E morning, he walks to the bus stop first. It is about one 2.k from his home. Then he takes a bus to school. The bus 3.r is about thirty minutes. He always gets to school at half past seven. He has 4.m friends at school. He likes to play with them after school. At 6-10 p.m. he 5.l school and goes home. 参考答案 导学设计 =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 1. 因为?谢谢? 2.(1) 离开,留下 3. 驾驶 知识巩固 . 1. leave, for 2. is different from 3. ill in the hospital 4. places in 5. What, think of 6.Not all, playing 7.The number of, is 8. so, worries about . 116.DCCBBD . 1.Every 2.kilometer 3.ride 4.many 5.leaves


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