(2019)新外研版高中英语高三必修第三册大一轮复习Unit 1 词汇默写学案-(中文版+英文版).zip

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必修三 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.痛楚;苦难2.复杂性3.知心阿姨4.原谅5.帮一把6.批评7.使失望8.尴尬9.蒸汽10.拳击(运动)11.发泄怒火;宣泄情趣12.纠结的;复杂的13.控制不严的14.蜘蛛网;错综复杂的事情15.(嘴)唇16.编;织17.使(船)沉没18.欺骗19.过错;责任20.证明;为.辩护21. 解决22. 坦率的;直言不讳的23. 计谋;策略24. 眼泪25. 信号;暗号26. 后者27. 呼出的气28. 此外;而且29. 吸一口气30. 独立的31. 做好分内事;尽责32. 分离33. 担心;忧虑34. 栅栏;篱笆35. 恼怒的必修三 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.确保;保证2.适应3.核心的4.职责;义务5.偶然;意外地6. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修三 unit 1 课内知识点序号单词&词组中文1.2.网上论坛3.和同学的矛盾4.向谁求助5.我现在一团糟6.希望你能帮我一把7.我痴迷于篮球8.我感觉到团队因为一个成员而感到失望-我们的控球后卫9.对他的行为很失望,我把这件事告诉了我最好的朋友10.我只是在发泄情绪11.这真是十分的尴尬12.尴尬又羞愧,我不能集中精神于人物事情。13.有一个美国谚语,言多必失14.有一部分是你的错15.与彼此清晰的交流且解决矛盾16.和你的队友聊个天17.直接地且诚实地告诉他18.你的策略就是清晰的交流19.你想要继续前行20.被用这种方式处理,你们的友谊将很快被修复21. 充满了生气,你倾向于想到什么说什么22. 如果你感觉你的队友不能尽责,那么向你的教练用专业的方式提出你的担心23. 所有事情都进展顺利24. 领先25. 她很难适应新的环境26. 尽责27. 核心记忆28. 与.分离29. 处理成长路上情感的复杂30. 在新生活中安定下来31. 不要太快地评价一个人,了解一个人需要时间32. 能够礼貌地说不是情商地一个特点.33. 善意地谎言34. 当我们第一次练习去欺骗的时候,我们编织了一张多么复杂的网35. 撒谎36. 我们安慰自己说我们说的大多数谎言都是善意的37. 在何种程度上,我们才能为这样的善意谎言而辩护?38. 我们撒谎为了保护我们自己远离来自比人的失望和生气39. 坦率的评论40. 我们不能提前知道41. 向你隐瞒了真相42. 一篇文章由三部分组成43. 从一个作品中被改编过来必修三 unit 1序号单词&词组中文plexity3.agony aunt4.forgive5.help out6.criticize7.let down8.embarrassment9.stream10.boxing11.let off stream12.tangled13.loose14.web15.lip16.weave17.sink (sank sunk)18.deceive19.fault20.justify21. resolve22. frank23. strategy24. tear25. signal26. latter27. breath28. moreover29. take a breath30. independent31. pull ones weight32. apart33. concern34. fence35. annoyed必修三 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.ensure2.adjust oneself to3.core4.duty5.by accident6. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修三 unit 1 课内知识点序号单词&词组中文1.2.online forum3.conflicts with classmates4.turn to sb for help5.Im in a total mess 6.hope you can help me out7.Im crazy about basketball8.I felt the team were let down by one member, our point guard.9.Disappointed by his behavior, I said all this to my best friend.10.I was just letting off steam11.this is so totally awkward12.embarrassed and ashamed, I cant concentrate on anything.13.there is an old American saying, “Loose lips sink ships.”14.its partly your municate with each other clearly and resolve conflicts16.have a chat with your teammate17.tell him directly and honestly18.your strategy is clear communication19.you want to move on20.approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired21. filled with anger, you tend to say whatever comes to your mind.22. If you feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach23. everything works out24. take the lead25. she has a hard time adjusting to her new surroundings26. do her duty27. core memories28. separate from29. deal with the emotional complexity of growing up30. settle down in her new life31. dont judge someone too quickly. It takes time to understand a person32. being able to say no politely is one of the features of emotional intelligence33. white lies34. what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive35. tell a lie36. we comfort ourselves with the knowledge that most of the lies we tell are white lies.37. to what extent can we justify telling white lies like these?38. we are lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others39. frank comments40. we cant know in advance41. hide the truth from you42. an essay consists of three parts43. adapted from a work 必修三 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.agony痛楚;苦难plexity复杂性3.agony aunt知心阿姨4.forgive原谅5.help out帮一把6.criticize批评7.let down使失望8.embarrassment尴尬9.stream蒸汽10.boxing拳击(运动)11.let off stream发泄怒火;宣泄情趣12.tangled纠结的;复杂的13.loose控制不严的14.web蜘蛛网;错综复杂的事情15.lip(嘴)唇16.weave编;织17.sink (sank sunk)使(船)沉没18.deceive欺骗19.fault过错;责任20.justify证明;为.辩护21. resolve解决22. frank坦率的;直言不讳的23. strategy计谋;策略24. tear眼泪25. signal信号;暗号26. latter后者27. breath呼出的气28. moreover此外;而且29. take a breath吸一口气30. independent独立的31. pull ones weight做好分内事;尽责32. apart分离33. concern担心;忧虑34. fence栅栏;篱笆35. annoyed恼怒的必修三 unit 1序号单词&词组中文1.ensure确保;保证2.adjust oneself to适应3.core核心的4.duty职责;义务5.by accident偶然;意外地6. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 必修三 unit 1 课内知识点序号单词&词组中文1.2.online forum网上论坛3.conflicts with classmates和同学的矛盾4.turn to sb for help向谁求助5.Im in a total mess 我现在一团糟6.hope you can help me out希望你能帮我一把7.Im crazy about basketball我痴迷于篮球8.I felt the team were let down by one member, our point guard.我感觉到团队因为一个成员而感到失望-我们的控球后卫9.Disappointed by his behavior, I said all this to my best friend.对他的行为很失望,我把这件事告诉了我最好的朋友10.I was just letting off steam我只是在发泄情绪11.this is so totally awkward这真是十分的尴尬12.embarrassed and ashamed, I cant concentrate on anything.尴尬又羞愧,我不能集中精神于人物事情。13.there is an old American saying, “Loose lips sink ships.”有一个美国谚语,言多必失14.its partly your fault有一部分是你的错municate with each other clearly and resolve conflicts与彼此清晰的交流且解决矛盾16.have a chat with your teammate和你的队友聊个天17.tell him directly and honestly直接地且诚实地告诉他18.your strategy is clear communication你的策略就是清晰的交流19.you want to move on你想要继续前行20.approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired被用这种方式处理,你们的友谊将很快被修复21. filled with anger, you tend to say whatever comes to your mind.充满了生气,你倾向于想到什么说什么22. If you feel one of your teammates isnt pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach如果你感觉你的队友不能尽责,那么向你的教练用专业的方式提出你的担心23. everything works out所有事情都进展顺利24. take the lead领先25. she has a hard time adjusting to her new surroundings她很难适应新的环境26. do her duty尽责27. core memories核心记忆28. separate from与.分离29. deal with the emotional complexity of growing up处理成长路上情感的复杂30. settle down in her new life在新生活中安定下来31. dont judge someone too quickly. It takes time to understand a person不要太快地评价一个人,了解一个人需要时间32. being able to say no politely is one of the features of emotional intelligence能够礼貌地说不是情商地一个特点.33. white lies善意地谎言34. what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive当我们第一次练习去欺骗的时候,我们编织了一张多么复杂的网35. tell a lie撒谎36. we comfort ourselves with the knowledge that most of the lies we tell are white lies.我们安慰自己说我们说的大多数谎言都是善意的37. to what extent can we justify telling white lies like these?在何种程度上,我们才能为这样的善意谎言而辩护?38. we are lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others我们撒谎为了保护我们自己远离来自比人的失望和生气39. frank comments坦率的评论40. we cant know in advance我们不能提前知道41. hide the truth from you向你隐瞒了真相42. an essay consists of three parts一篇文章由三部分组成43. adapted from a work 从一个作品中被改编过来
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