Unit 5 What an adventure 知识点总结(二)-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第三册.docx

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1、第五模块知识点总结(二)先复习一下短语:1. succeed in doing something 成功做某事,succeed 为动词,故其前不加be 动词,只有在用be successful in doing something时,才用be动词;2. figure out 弄清楚,弄明白 如:I cant figure out why he is so depressed.3. refer toas 把称为, 把称作4. account for 这个短语两个意思:1)占比,占比重 如:Minority grpups account for about 40% of the populatio

2、n in our town. 2) 解释了; 是的原因 如:Hiscarelessness accounted for the car accident.5. Broaden ones horizon 拓宽某人的视野 6. Keep the arm still让胳膊保持不动,此处的still 为形容词,表示“不动的”,“静止的”,“平静的,安静的”如: still water 平静的水面;Keep still while I brush your hair. 我给你梳头的时候你不要动; The kids found it hard to stay still. 孩子们觉得待着不动很难做到。Ca

3、nt you sit still? 你就不能老老实实坐一会儿吗?We stayed in a village where time has stood still(=Life has not changed for many years.)好的,继续:7. Although regarded as the most dangerous road in the country, it is also known as the “heavenly road” for its amazing views. (P55)Although是表示让步的连接词,意为“尽管”,其后接从句,而该句子中的altho

4、ugh regarded as其实是一种省略,完整的说法应该是although it is regarded as, 其实,当从句的主语和句子的主语是同一人或同一物时,同时从句中包含be动词时,这时可以将其一起省略,类似的用法常看到存在于while, unless, though, if, once等引导词之后。看一下句子,判断是如何省略的:1) Unless invited to the party, I wont go.2) Once bitten by a snake, please keep cool and go to the nearest hospital as quickly

5、as possible.3) While living in China, you should speak in Chinese.4) If taken in time, the medicine can work effectively.5) While listening and taking notes, you dont need to write down every word in full.6) While attacking from the ship, Aronnax and Conseil, along with the whale hunter Ned Land, fa

6、ll into the sea, and discover that the “creature” is actually a submarine.8. rewarding 形容词,“有意义的”“值得做的”如: a rewarding experience/job 有益的经历/工作;除此之外,还可以表示“报酬高的”如: Teaching is not very financially rewarding (=is not very well paid).9. The risks outweigh the benefits. (P52)outweigh 动词,意思为“to be greater

7、or more important than sth.”重于,大于,超过,如:The advantages of protecting the environment far outweigh the disadvantages.感觉这个词挺高大上,在利弊权衡类作文或书面表达中就可以用。再如:It seems that the disadvantages often outweigh the advantages of ecotourism.似乎生态旅游的弊大于利。Any design is a compromise, but the positives in the Nano-SIM des

8、ign outweigh the negatives.10. People eat and make money to be able to enjoy life, not the other way round. (P52)the other way round表示“颠倒过来;相反;反过来”如:We should always take care of the most important and urgent things first, not the other way round. 我们做事情应要有轻重缓急,重要的、紧急的事情先做,次要的、不急的事情后做。11. People who

9、are likely to take risks have “Type-T” personalities. Research also suggests that our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result. (P52)be likely to do something 很可能做某事 如:Tickets for the film are likely to be expensive.The Chinese population is likely to sh

10、rink over the next few years.seek 寻找;谋求;寻求;争取 如:to seek funding for a project 为项目寻求资金We are seeking new ways of helping the disabled people.seek ones fortune 外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡;闯世界be connected to 与联系Taste is closely connected to smell. 味觉和嗅觉有密切的联系。12. put up the tent 搭建帐篷13. hunt for food 寻求食物14. Our onl

11、y hope of survival was to swim to the nearest island.hope of survival 生存的希望15. make a difference to sb. 对有作用,关系或影响We had an adventure, raised some money and helped make a difference to some childrens lives.此外,还有短语make a/no/some/much difference to sb.如:The rain didnt make much difference to the game.

12、Your age shouldnt make any difference to whether you get the job or not.Changing schools made a big difference to my life.He really made a difference for these children.16. Jules Verne was a French writer best known for his adventure stories. (P56)这句话中的best known for his adventure stories做后置定语,相当于wh

13、o is best known for his adventure stories. Be known for因为而有名; be known as作为什么而有名;be known to sb. 对谁有名,be known in +地点 在地方有名。能想想期中考试试题中改错的那道题,As is known for us,这样表达对吗,错在哪里?Shanxi is known _ its coal and vinegar. Jia Zhangke is a film director known _ his film works.Jia Zhangke is known _ us all.This

14、 local food is known _ this area. 17. Biologist Professor Pierre Aronnax and his servant, Conseil, join a ship to find and kill the creature. (P57)join a ship,此处表示“上船”,英式英语中join a train/plane等,表示get on the train/plane;另外join sb/join the strike/ join the search for/ join sb in doing sth.表示“参与,加入到之中;与

15、一道去”。18. We had to cycle up mountains day after day. We had to face snowy weather and dangerous falling rocks. Five of us started from Chengdu, but three friends got injured. (P55)day after day 日复一日,强调不变;若强调一日日的变化,则用day by day。get injured受伤。如:She hates doing the same work day after day. 她讨厌日复一日做同样的工

16、作。Day after day, night after night, I studied life under my microscope.Running too much too soon is one of the easiest ways to get injured.A lot of runners train too hard, get injured, and never reach their potential.During sandstorms or typhoons, some roofs or trees will be blown away and people ma

17、y get injured.19. cope with sth. 成功地对付,处理,相当于manage to do something. 如:He wasnt able to cope with the stresses and strains of the job. 对付这项工作的紧张和压力,他无能为力。Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. 沙漠植物适应了应对酷热。It was amazing how my mother coped with bringing up three children on less than t

18、hirty dollars a week. 让人惊叹的是我妈妈怎样以每周不到30美元的开销养大了3个孩子。It will help you cope with your own anxieties and provide a good model for your kids.它将帮助你处理你自己的焦虑,并为你的孩子们提供一个良好的榜样。20. preserved meat 腊肉,咸肉,罐头肉 preserve “保护,维护,保留”,还有“保养;保存;维持的原状”如:Efforts to preserve the peace have failed. 维护和平的努力失败了。a perfectly

19、 preserved 14th century house 保存完好的14世纪宅第We need to preserve the forest.21. In order to keep this secret, Captain Nemo tells his three newest passengers that they are not permitted to leave the submarine. (P57)in order to do something “为了做某事”,该短语用来表示目的,后接动词原形;permit sb to do something 同意某人做某事。如:In o

20、rder to get that job, you should first apply.The boy practiced playing the piano day and night in order to be accepted by the university.He soon quit in order to write and for the next five years had little income.来看permit 的用法:We are not permitted to contact each other.Visitors are not permitted to

21、take photographs.Permit me to offer you some advice.We hope to visit the farm if time permits.Weather permitting(=If time permits), Id like to go for a picnic with my friends.permit 是正式用词,指根据正式决定、规章或法律准许某人做某事,含有权威之意。如:Smoking is not permitted in public.allow侧重表示听任、默许或不加阻止。在正式场合可以用来表示客气的请求。如:His moth

22、er allows him to swim in the morning. 22. And now, how can I look back upon the impression left upon me by that walk under the waters?该句子中的left upon me是过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰impression。源于短语leave an impression on/upon sb. 表示“给某人留下印象”。该句话的意思翻译为:现在,我怎么能够回忆那次海底行走给我留下的印象呢?look back on/upon 回想,回顾,回忆 如:The new yea

23、r is around the corner, so it is time for me to look back on the past days and make plans to improve myself. 新的一年即将来临,现在时我回顾过去的日子并制定计划、不断进步的时候了。leave an impression on sb/sth. 给留下印象His incredible performance has left a deep impression on the audience. The impression left upon me by the mountain is de

24、ep and lasting.23. While Ned Land can think only of escaping, Aronnax and Conseil are fascinated by their adventures in the new underwater world. (P57)while在句子中当连词用,表示“尽管”,这种用法比较常见。While he is not perfect, I like him a lot.be fascinated by 被迷住,此外,我们还经常说be fascinated about 对痴迷,如:I was fascinated by t

25、he idea that poetry had the power to make a persons world. 诗歌能够创造一个人的世界,这种说法让我着迷。They were fascinated to see that it was similar to one they had at home.他们发现这个和他们家中的那个相似,极感兴趣。Many scientists have been fascinated about the star for centuries because of its thick cloud cover-a so-called planet of myst

26、ery and all of that. 数世纪以来,许多科学家对这一星星着迷,因为它有厚厚的云层覆盖-一颗所谓的神秘星球什么的。24. Words are not enough to relate such wonders! (P57)这句话的意思是:The views underwater are so beautiful that I cant find enough and proper words to describe them. relate此处表示“叙述;讲述;讲(故事)”,是比较正式的用法。如:She relates her childhood experiences in

27、the first chapters. 她在开始的几章中,描述了她自己童年的经历。He related the facts of the case to the journalists. 他向记者们讲述了这件事的实际情况。此外:relate还表示“与联系起来”,如:I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind.Some parents will buy any high-tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles he

28、lp children with math related skills. 有些家长会购买任何高科技玩具, 如果他们认为这对孩子有帮助, 但是研究人员表示,拼图有助于孩子学习数学相关的技能。25. Nemo walked in front, one of his men following some steps behind. (P57)这句话的意思为:Nemo walked ahead, with one of his men following behind him, just some steps away. 注意分析原句,one of his men following some st

29、eps behind是非谓语动词短语带有自己的逻辑主语的结构,即:名词/代词+非谓语动词短语,这种结构相当于with的复合结构,with给省略了,或者把其称之为独立主格结构,这种结构主要解决非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语与句子的主语不是同一人或物。试分析一下句子,看表达对吗?Raining so hard, I cant go home at the moment. (这句话中的raining so hard的逻辑主语是句子的主语I吗,或者说,是句子主语I在下雨吗?若不是,该句话表达就为错句子) 然后试着理解一下正确的句子表达:Work completed, I decide to treat myself to a movie.Time permitting, Id like to go to the farm to do some picking.注意进一步了解和学习独立主格结构的用法。今天的努力必是明日成功的伏笔 第8页 第五模块学习笔记


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