Unit 4 Stage and screen Understanding ideas ppt课件-(2019)新外研版高中英语必修第二册 (1).pptx

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1、Unit 4Stage and screenLearning aims:Learning aims:Afer this class, you can1. get main idea of this passage and some detailed informatonthrough reading.2. understand the features of Peking Opera and the changes ofthe authors emoton, learn and master the language related to thePeking Opera.3. Correctl

2、y distnguish the cultural differences between east and westand express your own views.Think of Shakespeare, and you will thinkof .meetmeetrerePekingPekingOperaOperaThink of Peking Opera, and you will thinkof .StepStep 1 1 ReadRead & & GetGet the main ideathe main ideaA.A. Hamlet Hamlet is the is the

3、 mostmost important important playplay byby Shakespeare.Shakespeare.B.B. PekingPeking OperaOpera is is anan artart form form thatthat has a long has a long history.history.C. C. A briefA brief introducintroduct tonon toto the the contentcontent of Theof The Revenge Revenge of Prince of Prince Zidan.

4、Zidan.eking eking OperaOpera uses uses differentdifferent formsforms toto convey(convey( 传达 ) the same) the sametheme as theme as WesternWestern Opera.Opera.TheThe RevengeRevenge of Prince Zidanof Prince ZidanStep2Step2 WhatWhat areare featuresfeatures ofof PekingPeking OperaOpera(Para3&4)(Para3&4)m

5、ovementsmovementsstagestagevoicevoiceStepStep 3 3 ReadRead & & AnswerAnswerTaskTask 1 1 WhyWhy did the author did the author saysay “I “I knewknew a a lot aboutlot about Hamlet”?Hamlet”? (Para1)(Para1)TaskTask 2 2 WhyWhy did the author did the author gogo toto see Thesee The Revenge Revenge of Princ

6、e of Prince Zidan,Zidan,and and whywhy did himdid him think so? think so? (Para2)(Para2)TaskTask 3 3 WhatWhat did the did the authorauthor feelfeel a af fer seeing Theer seeing The RevengeRevenge of ofPrincePrince Zidan?Zidan? (Para5)(Para5)TaskTask 1 1HeHe thought he thought he knewknew a a lotlot

7、about Hamletabout HamletEnglishEnglish literatureliterature is oneis one of his main subjects.of his main subjects.thethe mostmost importantimportant playplay everybodyeverybody knowsknows “ “ToToReasonsReasons be or not be or not toto bebe” ”HavingHaving seenseen quitequite a a fewfew producproduct

8、 tonsons andand readreadthe the playplay manymany t tmes.mes.TaskTask 2 2He He wonderedwondered if if PekingPeking OperaOpera is is easiereasierthan athan a ShakespeareShakespeare playplay toto understandunderstandDaDat tng back ng back toto the 18ththe 18th century,century, PekingPekingOperaOpera h

9、as has overover twotwo hundred hundred yearsyears ofofhistory.history.ReasonReasonTaskTask 3 3He He feltfelt t t _ _h h _ _e e _st st_ _r r_ _ o o_ _ n n _ _ g g_ _e e _ _mm _o o _ _ t t _ _o o _ _n n _ _s s _ _ _ _o o_ _ f f_ _ l l o o_ _v v _ _ e e _ _ , ,_ _ a a _ _ n n _ _g g _ _ e e _ _ r r_ _

10、, , _ _ fefe_ _a a _ _r r_ _a a _ _n n _ _d d _g g_ _ r r_ _ ie ie_ _ f f_ _i i_ _ n n_ _t t_ _ h h_ _ e e _ _ p p_ _ e e_ _ rf rf_ _ o o _ _ r r_ _ mm _ _a a _ _n n _ _c c _ _e e _ _. ._Its aIts a show show _ _ t t_ _ h h_ _ a a_ _ t t_ _ c c_ _ o o_ _ mm _ _b b _ _i i_ _ n n_ _ e e_ _ s s_ _ mm _u

11、 u_ _ si si_ _ c c_ _ , ,_ _ si si_ _ n n _ _ g g _ _ in in_ _ _ _g g_ _ , , _ _ d d_ _ rara_ _mm _a a_ _ , ,_ _ p p _ _ o o _ _ e e _ _ t t_ _ ryry_ _ _ _a a_ _ n n_ _ d d _ _c c _ _o o _ _s s _ _t t_ _ u u_ _ mm _ _e e _d d _ _ e e _ _ s s_ _ i i g g_ _n n _ _ w w _ _i i_ _ t t_ _ h h_ _ e e _ _ x

12、 x _ _ p p _ _ l l_ _ o o_ _ s s i i_ _ v v_ _ e e_ _e e _ _ffff_ _e e _ _c c _ _t t _ _ . .t tck allck all thethe right right boxesboxessasat tsfysfy all theall the necessarynecessaryrequirementsrequirementsStepStep 4 4 PairPair workworkWorkWork in in pairs pairs toto makemake a a dialogue aboutdia

13、logue about thethe authorauthor s sunique experience of seeing unique experience of seeing PekingPeking Opera.Opera.One is a One is a reporterreporter and the other oneand the other one is the is the author,author, Jack.Jack.Journalist:Journalist: Hi, Jack,Hi, Jack, I I heardheard thatthat youyou ha

14、vehave seenseenPekingPeking Opera,Opera, cancan youyou talktalk about aboutyouryour feelings?feelings? And And whywhy diddid youyou wantwanttoto see see PekingPeking Opera?Opera?Jack:Jack: Yes,Yes, I I feelfeel .StepStep 5 5 GroupGroup work work -Thinking-Thinking cricrit tcallycallyIs Is it a it a

15、goodgood idea idea toto use use PekingPeking OperaOpera toto conveyconvey thethesame themes as same themes as westernwestern operas?operas?WhyWhy or or whywhy not?not?PekingPeking OperaOpera cancan breakbreak down down culturalcultural barriers(barriers( 隔阂 ) and ) and promotespromotes culturalcultu

16、ral exchanges.exchanges.What belongs toWhat belongs tothethe nationnationbelongs to thebelongs to theworld.world.Chinese Peking Opera goingChinese Peking Opera goingglobalglobalAssignmentsAssignments1. 1. WriteWrite a summarya summary about the authorabout the author s s experience ofexperience ofseeing a seeing a PekingPeking OperaOpera versionversion of Hamlet.of Hamlet.2. 2. GetGet moremore informainformat ton about on about PekingPeking OperaOpera throughthroughthe the Internet.Internet.


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